kundalini experience

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Re: kundalini experience

Postby willie on Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:15 pm

windwalker wrote:
The short answer is that it is very physical, completely repeatable and entirely driven by methodology just like everything else in the real world

There are many here who would say the methodology is a way of conditioning.

This might be one of those cases when you (i.e. anyone), being actively a part of it, is probably not in the the best place to determine what it is objectively -- as hard as one might try (or genuinely think that they're trying). It's one of those "can't see forest for the trees" things. Much like those church-goers that fall over/pass out as the wave of the preacher's hand, convinced that it's the power of God (channeled through the priest) that compels them to behave that way, would be highly unlikely to even attempt to look for another explanation. Too much investment, and the existing explanation works just fine for them. Nothing wrong with that.

There is the sheep's master and there is the sheep. I like the third option. Damn it, Forgot. The third option doesn't come with "Beautiful documentation".

yep sheep and a sheeps master.


it's not really a visualization, it's more like being shown to you.

I don't have snake dreams. but yes i believe snakes are common visions

Snake dreams are common ...ok got it. "beautiful documentation" not good,
snake dreams good ;)

I'm glade you decided to say this. I really am and your welcome to come over.
Yes, I was told that snake visions are common when I spoke to some Buddhist friends in Thailand.
I'm not an expert on meditation, so I consulted people who know more then I do, that is what they said.

"beautiful documentation" was just a joke from the other thread where someone asked someone else who is from a completely different system to offer him his own sokeship. I see no reason to be constantly without humor, I am secure...

Some people have visions, Some don't. Most people have dreams and can remember them, some people don't.
I have a lifelong friend of mine who says he has never even had a dream is his whole life, that's sad.
I am very glad to hear about meeks personal vision, I think it's great and harmless.

Were you predicting a nasty response from me just because I don't think EF will stop an attacker?
thanks :)
Last edited by willie on Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: kundalini experience

Postby windwalker on Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:45 pm

no, only pointing out that
with out seeing something many feel either they know it,
experienced it, or understand it.
It helps with the dialog

Much of what the OP has said I totally agree with.

Not out to convince or change anyone's mind only to provide a first hand accounting
as some have done here concerning the topic with out the accompanying rancor that seems to
accompany the topic of EF/ kong jin/ what ever one wants to label it.
You and others have view points and experiences which I respect,
I have mine.

For me its part of an over all approach and result of the practice is just as what the
the OP had outlined with his...I totally agree..... ;)

For others it may not be thats cool

To the OP sorry if this detracted from your topic
I do find the reading interesting.
comments addressed to me I will take offline.
Last edited by windwalker on Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: kundalini experience

Postby meeks on Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:03 pm

Ron Panunto wrote:Meditation is simply a method to release endorphins and natural feel good drugs in the brain. It's nothing more than this, and it's a free, harmless high. The so-called Kundalini feelings come from a combination of intent, relaxation, focus and breathing. All the imagery is just mental masturbation. As I said, its harmless and feels good - if you want to invest the time doing it.

Argh....Seriously? Clearly you are not an accomplished lien qi gong ren - this is such a superficial description that I'd be more likely to read in a Men's Health magazine rather than on an internal martial arts forum. Posting this type of so-called breakdown is what I would call mental masturbation for justifying the lack of meditation results most likely based on lack of personal efforts. But like I said earlier, it's not for everyone. it takes effort to get over the inertia of not meditating.

If this were truly the case as you have presented why are there complete sets of qi gong specific to various martial arts? According to your theory, a kungfu master can simply get a blow job and develop extreme hitting power over time...
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Re: kundalini experience

Postby meeks on Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:04 pm

Let me re-iterate - please stop detracting from the thread. I'm interested in hearing people's experiences and having to scroll through a bunch of guys' posts that clearly don't even meditate is simply a waste of everyone's time, including the author.
Last edited by meeks on Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: kundalini experience

Postby willie on Tue Apr 19, 2016 11:35 pm

cloudz wrote:
willie wrote:The first was a glowing white hot energy source, looks like the sun but white. The white disk emanates energy with creates everything...I call it Dao.

Hi Willie,

thanks for sharing that, I have had pretty much the same "vision", background was black.. It was around a peak of an "energetic" experience that lasted months. "Dao", "God", "Brahman", "The Absolute".. It's all the same to me.

Is my life richer for the experience(s) regardless of any wider meaning beyond myself.. or not?
I can say yes :D

cool dude, your the first one I've met so far. I was scared after that. tried googling it. then I sent out
I.M. to some Buddhist friends in Thailand. They told me what it was and even them have never seen it.
They were only aware of it. people say to me you cannot see Dao, hmmm...
Yes the back round was so black that even the blackness was stunningly unimaginable. it was beyond to possible hue as commonly seen.
there is a place to slip between consciences and sub-consciences. I also think It is astral.
I was so surprised because I had done meditation a lot and never had anything happen.
After that, the minds eye opens.
Also after that I was recommended by a friend to read the Tibeten book Of the dead.
I am not very religious, but it's good reading.
Last edited by willie on Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:13 am, edited 2 times in total.


Re: kundalini experience

Postby Patrick on Wed Apr 20, 2016 1:16 am

Meditation has nothing to do with such stuff. If you are hearing/seeing things, think you have super powers
I would suggest visiting a doctor. Such stuff is caused by a misfiring of your neurons and an imbalance in the dopamine system.

Stating the obvious...
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Re: kundalini experience

Postby northern_mantis on Wed Apr 20, 2016 2:41 am

It is a bit of a fine line to walk between what is real and perceived, physical and other worldly, healthy and unhealthy. Thats part of the game and its not without risk.

That being said with a bit of work I can create experiences almost identical to when I was young and going out raving but without any physical/social/legal side effects. That to me is unbelievably cool.
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Re: kundalini experience

Postby Spncr on Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:47 am

Patrick wrote:Meditation has nothing to do with such stuff. If you are hearing/seeing things, think you have super powers
I would suggest visiting a doctor. Such stuff is caused by a misfiring of your neurons and an imbalance in the dopamine system.

Stating the obvious...

The difference between the types of experiences that people are describing on this thread and mental and physical illnesses are I believe, that illness is involuntary, whereas the experiences people have as a result of practice are not.
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Re: kundalini experience

Postby Spncr on Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:48 am

meeks wrote:Let me re-iterate - please stop detracting from the thread. I'm interested in hearing people's experiences and having to scroll through a bunch of guys' posts that clearly don't even meditate is simply a waste of everyone's time, including the author.
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Re: kundalini experience

Postby wiesiek on Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:41 am

Spncr wrote:
Patrick wrote:Meditation has nothing to do with such stuff. If you are hearing/seeing things, think you have super powers
I would suggest visiting a doctor. Such stuff is caused by a misfiring of your neurons and an imbalance in the dopamine system.

Stating the obvious...

The difference between the types of experiences that people are describing on this thread and mental and physical illnesses are I believe, that illness is involuntary, whereas the experiences people have as a result of practice are not.

Master Su was asked once about LSD trip in relation to enlightening :

..."You can see bottom of the spring clearly,- from time to time, due to water fast moves / LSD trip/
when you get there by meditation - nothing blurred the picture..."

nothing wrong if you are able to reach superpower level, if you ask me , Patrick, -joint-
anyway, meditation can stabilize imbalance in the neurons acid don`t.
Question is:
are the visions exact picture of the different dimension/s/,
or not :-*
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Re: kundalini experience

Postby amor on Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:49 am

Spncr wrote:
meeks wrote:Let me re-iterate - please stop detracting from the thread. I'm interested in hearing people's experiences and having to scroll through a bunch of guys' posts that clearly don't even meditate is simply a waste of everyone's time, including the author.

It's interesting what meeks has discovered while meditating, a snake and a flower. This is a common vision that people have when they do meditation (meeks - were you in full-lotus or other) but I'm just wondering is this the result of what you expected to find. On a subconscious level of the mind perhaps you went in expecting this vision due to prior knowledge from what other people have experienced that you have come to know of. On the other hand you might have had no expectations but just to observe and in that case the image was truly genuine.
I've not experienced anything like what you mentioned but I'm just wondering if you went in on the latter case of no expectations, to just observe then what you saw was probably real and not an illusion. if that's the case then the image of a flower and cobra snake is very very interesting . What could this mean and why a flower and a snake out of all the other possible images that one can potentially encounter. Have you talked about this with your teacher and did he provide any insight on what this may mean?
It'd be a good experiment to get people meditating like you did and see what they encounter.
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Re: kundalini experience

Postby chud on Wed Apr 20, 2016 6:49 am

First, I'm glad to see someone discussing meditation other than the few who usually do.
I'm not surprised by all the meditation-scoffers, they (along with the chi-scoffers) have always been the majority here; haters gonna hate.

In defense of the reality of the OP's experience, I will just say this: to those who think that mediation or chi kung results are simply caused by misfiring of neurons or chemical imbalances: how can an otherwise well adjusted person, using nothing but breathing (chi kung) and his mind (meditation) cause these things to happen?!? Sorry, but there is more here than that weak explanation implies.

As for my limited kundalini experience, it was physical - not visual - and was so intense (pulsing at base of spine) that it was undeniably real.
Last edited by chud on Thu Apr 21, 2016 8:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: kundalini experience

Postby willie on Wed Apr 20, 2016 6:50 am

Amor's post is correct. the goal is to have those visions. I was looking for the lotus flower when I finally had my first vision.
I was following a book on meditation from ninjutsu at the time. The book included, third eye, kundalini, remote viewing.
there was a lot of cool stuff in that book. unfortunately I lost that book when I moved and I don't remember who wrote it.
These things are not really important to me no more. I have learned that visions are just that and not to hold on to such things.


Re: kundalini experience

Postby chud on Wed Apr 20, 2016 7:16 am

willie wrote:Amor's post is correct. the goal is to have those visions. I was looking for the lotus flower when I finally had my first vision.
I was following a book on meditation from ninjutsu at the time. The book included, third eye, kundalini, remote viewing.
there was a lot of cool stuff in that book. unfortunately I lost that book when I moved and I don't remember who wrote it.
These things are not really important to me no more. I have learned that visions are just that and not to hold on to such things.

Was it "Path Notes of an American Ninja Master" by Glenn Morris?
PeaceDog has mentioned it before.
Last edited by chud on Wed Apr 20, 2016 7:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: kundalini experience

Postby cloudz on Wed Apr 20, 2016 7:49 am

Good post Chud.

I would tend to agree with you; there's more to the kundalini phenomenon than some sort of psychosis or what have you. That notion is wrong in my opinion.
Some of the symptoms I am reading about sound familiar and I am going to look more into it. My experience has been a positive one.

To me emotional and spiritual health are important as is physical health. This stuff can go wrong, and it's probably wise for people to be cautious as Northern Mantis notes. But otherwise, well yea. Follow your hearts content :)
Last edited by cloudz on Wed Apr 20, 2016 7:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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