99% of tai chi is fake

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Re: 99% of tai chi is fake

Postby marvin8 on Sun Jul 16, 2017 2:54 pm

windwalker wrote:
MaartenSFS wrote:More like 99.9%.. I've never met a [pure] Taijiquan master in China that I believe would fare well in a real fight except one, that invented his own hybrid of Taijiquan and Sanda (loved that bloke's form). All the rest were just good at Tuishou and seemed delusional about striking. I've met lots of masters that cross-trained in all of the internal styles that are badarse, though..


. . . The training methods and reasons for training changed. During the last 100yrs or so. In one sense everyone is correct in their own view points.
In another sense if one does not understand their view points, where they come from, how they developed over the yrs,
one can end up like this.,

This is not to say the teacher in the clip had no skill.
The question is what kind
Why would he feel his skill sets would work in a ring having never entered one

What ring? There is no ring. What gloves? There are no gloves. What rules? The rules were open.

The "teacher" in the video does not show martial skill/fighting ability, nonetheless Taiji fighting principles and qualities.

The "teacher" may display Taiji skills in forms, demonstrations, push hands and esoteric exercises. However per Chen Xiao Wang, the teacher has not reached a high level, which requires using Taiji principles (that can be measured objectively) in a fight against an opponent. In the following article Chen Xiao Wang explains there are five levels of skill in Chen Taiji, which requires progressing through levels of martial skills against an opponent.

Excerpts from The Five Levels of Skill in Chen Style Taijiquan, http://www.shou-yi.org/taijiquan/5-leve ... -taijiquan:
Chen Xiao Wang translated by Tan Lee-Peng, Ph.D wrote:Learning taijiquan is in principle similar to educating oneself; progressing from primary to university level, where one gradually gathers more and more knowledge. Without the foundation from primary and secondary education, one will not be able to follow the courses at university level. To learn taijiquan one has to begin from the elementary and gradually progress to the advanced stage, level by level in a systematic manner. If one goes against this principle thinking he could take a quick way out, he will not succeed. The whole progress of learning taijiquan, from the beginning to achieving success consists of five stages or five levels of martial/combat skill (kung fu). There are objective standards for each level of kung fu. The highest is achieved in the fifth level.

The standard and martial skill requirements for each level of kung fu will be described in the following sections. It is hoped that with these, the many taijiquan enthusiasts all over the world will be able to 'assess' on their own their current level of attainment. They will then know what they need to learn next and advance further step-by-step. . . .

The Fifth Level Kung Fu

. . . As regarding the martial skill, at this level the gang (hard) should complement the rou (soft), it (the form) should be relaxed, dynamic, springy and lively. Every move and every motionless instant is in accordance with taiji principle, as are the movements of the whole body. This means that every part of the body should be very sensitive and quick to react when the need arises. So much so that every part of the body can act as a fist to attack whenever is in contact with the opponent's body. There should also be constant interchange between expressing and conserving of force and the stance should be firm as though supported from all sides.

Therefore the description for this level of kung fu is that it is the 'only one that plays with 50% yin and 50% yang, without any bias towards yin or yang, and the person who can do this is termed a good master. A good master makes every move according to the taiji principles which demands that every move be invisible.'
Last edited by marvin8 on Sun Jul 16, 2017 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 99% of tai chi is fake

Postby Strange on Sun Jul 16, 2017 3:53 pm

the more i look at this vid the more i feel like the title should be
"MMA Fighter vs Con Job - The Fight Everyone Knows What Will Happen"
if you understand, i feel its a huge problem
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Re: 99% of tai chi is fake

Postby everything on Sun Jul 16, 2017 3:58 pm

johnwang wrote:
Niall Keane wrote:It can be passed down in a family....

Do you want to take the risk to lose in the ring or on the map if your father is a national champion? You may be afraid losing and hurt your father's reputation. So you stay away from competition. You may even be afraid of accepting challenge fight. All your life, your CMA ability has never been tested. When you teach to your own son, your son may repeat your pattern.

Yup, this. what if you are Michael Jordan's son? Messi's son? Etc. Jordan's kids did compete, but of course they aren't the same level. If you are Yang or Chen or Sun or whatever, this could be a problem.
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Re: 99% of tai chi is fake

Postby johnwang on Sun Jul 16, 2017 7:00 pm

When your opponent uses straight chain punches on you, if you don't know how to use circular punches (such as hay-maker) to deal with it, it's your problem no matter which CMA style that you may train.

Whenever you see a straight punch coming toward your face, a 45 degree downward hay-maker can always take care of your problem.

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Re: 99% of tai chi is fake

Postby Strange on Sun Jul 16, 2017 8:00 pm

yes, correct
LHBF "wind swaying lotus", first movement set in the 2nd form can also be used for straight punches
it look like a windscreen wiper motion :)
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Re: 99% of tai chi is fake

Postby Appledog on Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:29 pm

Hello! Originally I wanted to have a "cool post count" of 108, or something like that (something associated with Tai Chi) but that does not seem possible here. Therefore I am editing this post to point out that users here cannot delete their own posts. I do not understand why users have the ability to edit their posts but not to delete their posts.
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Re: 99% of tai chi is fake

Postby windwalker on Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:50 pm

Tai Chi is a tradition, attaching yourself to it is of primary importance when learning Tai Chi. If you are not in on the tradition, what do you have? What is it even called?

"wu ming" no name, thats what I call it.
works for me. Being taiji or not is not something I worry about, I leave it for others.
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Re: 99% of tai chi is fake

Postby charles on Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:58 pm

That should not be an interesting discussion by this point.

And it isn't.
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Re: 99% of tai chi is fake

Postby dspyrido on Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:16 pm

Do you (as in anyone here) think you're part of the 1% or part of the 99%? If so why? What is it you can do that works well and won't put you in the same boat of "MMA dude vs. Fake Tai Chi master"? How have you tested it?

I have tried reading these last few pages and I have only seen 2 examples of people describing what it is that they might do that could work. The rest are effectively rehashed stories and quotes from old texts which makes me think of this:


Also to note if anyone here has been training for 10 years and someone comes along with say 1 year of some other style (& assume no great weight disparity or other silly matter) and soundly beats your brains in - then you should assume the answer does not lie in going back to the texts and trying to find more hidden secrets or asking your instructor what you did wrong. They both are not going to help you.

As for lineage - if you think this is important then you are kidding yourself. It will not fight for you and is only relevant if you are trying to market yourself as something more than you are. In the end ability should be able to do all the talking. The irony is that lineage is almost next to irrelevant to the founders of a style - they had it and got famous because of their own skill.

So to reframe the question around the 1%/99% - would the outcome be different if you where the TC guy in this good old viral vid? If so why? What is it you can do that works well and won't put you in the same boat of "MMA dude vs. Fake Tai Chi master"? How have you tested it?

Answering this correctly should answer the question of what is the 1% of successful Tai Chi.
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Re: 99% of tai chi is fake

Postby Appledog on Mon Jul 17, 2017 12:47 am

Hello, I'd like to maintain a 'cool post count' of 108 posts. This particular post has gone beyond that number and has therefore expired.

I'm sorry if you were looking for some old information but I'll do my best to answer you if you send me a DM with a question in it.
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Re: 99% of tai chi is fake

Postby Niall Keane on Mon Jul 17, 2017 3:51 am

1.Is the practice a martial art, a system of training designed to enhance one's fighting ability?

No... then it is not Tai Chi Chuan.

2a.Is it and internal practice?


2b.Does it also train one how to fight effectively by itself without adding parts of other systems?

No... then it is not Tai Chi Chuan.
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Re: 99% of tai chi is fake

Postby MaartenSFS on Mon Jul 17, 2017 3:56 am

Some interesting replies here:

Pretty much agree with everything Niall said, but this applies to any martial art. I'd like to see some clear videos of you or your students using Taijiquan techniques besides throws against a resisting opponent. You mentioned some by English names that I don't recognise, but some sounded like they are strikes by your description. Even if you can't produce this kind of evidence, it's still better than 99.9% of other stuff out there, but I'd call it a Taiji-Sanda hybrid. That doesn't in any detract from its effectiveness, though, and shouldn't be taken as an insult.

Good points by Windwalker in his follow-up post.

John, I find that the same is true for me in that circular attacks stop linear attacks and vice-versa. I thought that haymakers were just swinging hooks (usually from overhead), like a big Baiquan in Sanda? The "haymaker" in the last video is very similar to a technique that I use called Kaimen Yingji, or Open the Door to Welcome the Attack, amongst others. I don't always use them to strike my opponent, but often to strike the arms. It doesn't take too many hits before they think twice about striking me, as my arms are more conditioned to pain than theirs.

I believe I'm a part of the 1% because I've been training harder than most and sparring for over fifteen years, using traditional techniques for the last several. Where do I rank within that 1% is another question, the answer to which isn't all that important to me..

Dspyrido, that picture gave me a good laugh, even though I'm Catholic.. :P
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Re: 99% of tai chi is fake

Postby Niall Keane on Mon Jul 17, 2017 4:48 am

Well we won't agree on everything Maarten, but where's the fun in that? I agree you're building a martial (fighting) ability out of the tools / drills of your style so of course its a real martial art.
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Re: 99% of tai chi is fake

Postby Niall Keane on Mon Jul 17, 2017 4:51 am

Seen as a bible was involved. .. jaysus feckin Christ!!! What's goin on?

The majority of the last couple of pages on this thread actually make sense???

Is there some hippy-fest going on down in tha bay area?
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Re: 99% of tai chi is fake

Postby MaartenSFS on Mon Jul 17, 2017 5:04 am

No, I suppose not...

I think they've been absorbed by an alien entity. We're the last two survivors.. *Door crashes in* You'll never take me alive!! Aaarghhh.. *Gurgle*
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