"Starting Over" in a new martial art

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Re: "Starting Over" in a new martial art

Postby D_Glenn on Wed Oct 11, 2023 8:31 pm

ThomasK wrote:

Sorry I can't let the stiff back allegations stain my name lol. It's me, Quigga, I'm just back under a different name hehe.

I have a cold rn. And I'm wearing a unflatteringly tight shirt, so maybe you can see more clearly what's going on :).

Looks good. Reminds me of this Chen TJQ text that I had translated, “Yong Dong Jin” Silk Worm Power :D

  折叠一词系借用其一往一复、一开一合的含义。胸腰折叠的实质就是指胸腰的开合、屈伸、鹦放、旋转。《太极拳表解》云:叠,有转换。”折叠者,无非是借 用折扇、叠被、折叠衣物之比喻,而表述胸腰运动中的一开一合、一屈一伸、一左一右、一收一放、顺逆螺旋之变化。故拳论有云:“往复须有折叠。”反映在技击 上,这种折叠劲则用于“声东击西,就左先右,造势借力”的战术之中。陈照奎老师把这种折叠劲称之谓“蛹动劲。”他常以蚕蛹,蛇、毛毛虫之类的虫蛇躯体节节 贯串进退之状,来形容太极拳运动中人体胸腰运化之貌,而谓之曰“犹尤似蛇”。
  陈照奎老师还常说:胸腰者,人体之“大本营”也。他又比喻:胸腰部位,如同棋盘上的老将、老帅,不能轻易随便移动。根据陈式太极拳宗师陈长兴公(号称 “牌位)真传拳架的规矩,胸腰这一躯干部位,必须保持端正,不允许左歪右斜,前俯后仰、摇头晃肩、来回摇晃,同时,另一方面又要求它松柔、灵活,屈伸自 由,旋转自如,有开有合,能吞能吐。一句话,既要中正,又要灵活。回忆我刚跟先师学拳之时,常常受到的批评是:虽然上身比较端正,胸腰却铁板一块;可是, 另一方面他又常批评他的一位侄子是“水蛇腰”、“扭屁股吊腰”,胸腰活得过火了。由此可见,如何无过而又无不及地把握太极拳的胸腰运化问题确是值得我们研 究的一个重要课题。
{Chen style taijiquan - the method of 'Folding the waist and chest' (xiong yao zhedie)
{'Folding the waist and chest' (xiong yao zhedie) is one of the most important points of Chen style TJQ's practice. The important thing is that everything depends upon the Dantian to be the hub of all movement of the body, and everything else around it is moved by/ because of it. Flexible yet strong, capable of determined movement or transforming to the situation. Old martial texts say: "To fight, it is critical that every movement is controlled by the center of the chest and waist, moving or transforming aka attacking or defending."

{Taijiquan practitioners of old say "Folding is linked with 'Turning-changing' (Zhuanhuan). Zhedie is compared to a folding chinese paper or silk fan (Zheshan). The fabric is folded into pleats, and the spine and front of the chest is likened to the perfect opening and closing of a fan. Bending and stretching. Being put away or whipped open. Moving with (shun) or moving against (Ni). Spiraling (Luoxuan). It changes. [Basically Zhedie movement has opening and closing but the Zhuanhuan movement also has it's own opening and closing. A movement within another movement.]
{Boxers of old say: "To go out and comeback there must be 'Zhedie'". So before one obtains skills of striking, this Zhedie Jin (Folding Power) must be understood and able to be used. "Threaten to the east, attack to the west, or attack the left, but strike with the right, or promote power borrow strength." is a common tactical concept [but...]. Teacher Chen Zhaokui said that 'Zhedie Jin' is another way to say "Yong Dong Jin" (Chrysalis/pupa Moving Power). He often said it's like a Silkworm Pupa (Canyong), snake, or caterpillar, and such, worm-like bodies that move an inch at a time, connected end to end simultaneously advancing and retreating. In TJQ the middle of the person's body can move in the same manner, and it's said that the person has the ability to move like a snake. Chen Zhaokui often said the chest and waist of the human body are the headquarters/ base camp [from which the martial military is directed.]
{He [Chen Zhaokui] also compares the chest and small of the back to being like the King moving on the chessboard and you can't just move it rashly or randomly, the movements have to be precise. According to Chen TJQ grandmaster Chen Changxing the traditional teachings say the chest and waist are together within the torso, and the torso should not crooked to the right or left, not rocking back and forth, not shaking the head or wiggling the shoulders, on the other hand it requires that the torso is relaxed and supple, nimble and agile, freely able to bend and stretch, smoothly rotate and turn, able to open and able to close, the ability to suck-in (Tun) and the ability to blow-out (Tu). The middle of the body must be both solid and strong and flexible and agile. I remember a time when teacher would criticize me for having a torso that was like a stiff iron plate, yet at the same time criticize another student for having a torso too supple and loose like a women waving and wiggling her ass. So the key is to have the chest and waist be lively but not too much. So what is important is that without practice and guidance it is hard to understand how the chest and waist are used to power movement and transform, so it's important to have experienced people work together to solve this major problem.
{1. Understanding the movement of the chest and waist as a physiological mechanism.
It is important to figure out how the movement functions according to strict rules. It demands that one knows how the chest and small of the back function structurally and the physiological mechanisms of their movement. The solar plexus, ribs, chest and small of the back must work together and coordinate as they're the backbone for the movement of the spinal column being connected end to end. The spinal column is the central axis. The adult spinal column has 26 palpable nodes/ ridges - the cervical spine has 7, thoracic spine has 12 ridges, and the lumbar has 7, then the sacrum and tailbone. It moves via discs between vertebrae and ligaments and joints. The top of the spine supports the head, the thoracic section is the 'Chest' (Xiong) and the rest (lumbar, sacrum, and tailbone) is the 'waist' (yao) section. The Chest is the whole thoracic cavity, while the Waist is the whole abdominal cavity and the pelvic cavity.}

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Re: "Starting Over" in a new martial art

Postby twocircles13 on Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:06 am

D_Glenn wrote:陈式太极拳之---胸腰折叠训练方法
  折叠一词系借用其一往一复、一开一合的含义。胸腰折叠的实质就是指胸腰的开合、屈伸、鹦放、旋转。《太极拳表解》云:叠,有转换。”折叠者,无非是借 用折扇、叠被、折叠衣物之比喻,而表述胸腰运动中的一开一合、一屈一伸、一左一右、一收一放、顺逆螺旋之变化。故拳论有云:“往复须有折叠。”反映在技击 上,这种折叠劲则用于“声东击西,就左先右,造势借力”的战术之中。陈照奎老师把这种折叠劲称之谓“蛹动劲。”他常以蚕蛹,蛇、毛毛虫之类的虫蛇躯体节节 贯串进退之状,来形容太极拳运动中人体胸腰运化之貌,而谓之曰“犹尤似蛇”。
  陈照奎老师还常说:胸腰者,人体之“大本营”也。他又比喻:胸腰部位,如同棋盘上的老将、老帅,不能轻易随便移动。根据陈式太极拳宗师陈长兴公(号称 “牌位)真传拳架的规矩,胸腰这一躯干部位,必须保持端正,不允许左歪右斜,前俯后仰、摇头晃肩、来回摇晃,同时,另一方面又要求它松柔、灵活,屈伸自 由,旋转自如,有开有合,能吞能吐。一句话,既要中正,又要灵活。回忆我刚跟先师学拳之时,常常受到的批评是:虽然上身比较端正,胸腰却铁板一块;可是, 另一方面他又常批评他的一位侄子是“水蛇腰”、“扭屁股吊腰”,胸腰活得过火了。由此可见,如何无过而又无不及地把握太极拳的胸腰运化问题确是值得我们研 究的一个重要课题。

What is the source of the text you translated?
Last edited by twocircles13 on Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "Starting Over" in a new martial art

Postby twocircles13 on Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:14 am

ThomasK wrote:

Sorry I can't let the stiff back allegations stain my name lol. It's me, Quigga, I'm just back under a different name hehe.

I have a cold rn. And I'm wearing a unflatteringly tight shirt, so maybe you can see more clearly what's going on :).

I used to move a lot like this. It is good for health and to get the body mobile.

After I got serious about application and martial use of taijiquan, moving like this became an obstacle. The requirements of taijiquan are very precise. I eventually decided I had to “start over” and learn as if I knew nothing, the proverbial emptying of one’s cup. This has really helped a lot, but I had to swallow a lot of pride, a bitter drink.
Last edited by twocircles13 on Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "Starting Over" in a new martial art

Postby D_Glenn on Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:59 am

I had found it online about 8 years ago, along with a bunch of other articles. I might have a text file of it on a hard drive. Actually I have a bunch of untranslated stuff, or hopefully I still do :-\

Last edited by D_Glenn on Thu Oct 12, 2023 8:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "Starting Over" in a new martial art

Postby twocircles13 on Thu Oct 12, 2023 8:01 am

D_Glenn wrote:I had found it online about 8 years ago, along with a bunch of other articles. I might have a text file of it on a hard drive. Actually I have a bunch of untranslated stuff, or hopefully I still do :-\


So, you don’t know who wrote it. Is that right?

I used some of the text and did not come up with it in a search.

It’s not really a big deal. I just like to know whose ideas I am putting into my mind.
Last edited by twocircles13 on Thu Oct 12, 2023 8:06 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: "Starting Over" in a new martial art

Postby D_Glenn on Thu Oct 12, 2023 8:16 am

It’s in the lineage of Chen Changxing (from Chen Changxing (via Chen Gengyun and Chen Yanxi) to Chen Fake and Chen Zhaokui. I think it is Chen Zhaokui. My Bagua teacher would know who it is. He memorizes CIMA articles and texts that he thinks are important. I actually heard him reciting this one around 2009. And then later I came across it online.

The part of about the teacher telling the author that he had a spine like an iron skillet, should actually be that the other student had a spine like prostitute trying to attract a customer, but I tried to clean it up. :D

Last edited by D_Glenn on Thu Oct 12, 2023 8:52 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: "Starting Over" in a new martial art

Postby robert on Thu Oct 12, 2023 9:22 am

twocircles13 wrote:What is the source of the text you translated?

I don't read or write Chinese, but the first few paragraphs start the same and it looks similar - Zhenglei Taiji Academy 2019-08-17 10:39.

The method of practicing this boxing art is nothing more than opening and closing, passive and active. The subtlety of the art is based entirely upon their alternations. Chen Xin
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Re: "Starting Over" in a new martial art

Postby twocircles13 on Thu Oct 12, 2023 10:30 am

D_Glenn wrote:It’s in the lineage of Chen Changxing (from Chen Changxing (via Chen Gengyun and Chen Yanxi) to Chen Fake and Chen Zhaokui. I think it is Chen Zhaokui. My Bagua teacher would know who it is. He memorizes CIMA articles and texts that he thinks are important. I actually heard him reciting this one around 2009. And then later I came across it online.

The part of about the teacher telling the author that he had a spine like an iron skillet, should actually be that the other student had a spine like prostitute trying to attract a customer, but I tried to clean it up. :D


Thanks. I got that someone is relaying what Chen Zhaokui said. I was wondering who.
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Re: "Starting Over" in a new martial art

Postby twocircles13 on Thu Oct 12, 2023 10:37 am

robert wrote:
twocircles13 wrote:What is the source of the text you translated?

I don't read or write Chinese, but the first few paragraphs start the same and it looks similar - Zhenglei Taiji Academy 2019-08-17 10:39.


Thanks, it is at least the same topic. This appears to be written by Chen Zhenglei or probably one of his students that he edited or corrected, since the by line is Zhenglei Taiji Academy.
Last edited by twocircles13 on Thu Oct 12, 2023 10:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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