Xinyi-Dao Seated Meditation Methods at Stanford University

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Xinyi-Dao Seated Meditation Methods at Stanford University

Postby jlbledsoe on Sat Mar 09, 2019 6:44 pm

Experience the Power of Xinyi-Dao system's Seated Meditation! April 11, 7-9pm!

Xinyi-Dao seated meditation methods, while related to Daoist and Buddhist meditation methods, strongly emphasize the 6 harmonies of the Internal Martial Arts. Beginning with ‘simply’ sitting in stillness, breathing methods are gradually introduced, and the practice eventually progresses to dantian movement within the seated posture. Come spend a fascinating evening learning the theory and methods of this powerful way of developing health, centeredness, and strength with Grandmaster Li Tailiang, the founder of the Xinyi-Dao martial arts system.

Location: Stanford University - East Asia Library, Room 338
For more information, please email [email protected]!
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