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Push hands workshops in Chicago 8/6-7, 8/13-14

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:16 pm
by AIY
On August 6 and 7, and August 13 and 14 Master Zeng Xiang Bo from Taiwan, who has taught in Italy, Croatia, Slovenia and has just given a workshop in San Francisco, will be offering push hands workshops at Ping Tom Park in Chinatown Chicago from 9-5 (with a lunch break). $50 a day. There's a free "meet the coach" push hands event the Friday night before each workshop from 7-8 at the same location. Private lessons are also offered, please reply to [email protected].

o learn more about coach Zeng Xiang Bo, please check his Facebook

Or, youtube channel, the key words: Zeng Xiang Bo

想對曾祥柏教練有更深入的了解,請參考他的facebook,以及youtube 網站,關鍵字Zeng Xiang Bo

Re: Push hands workshops in Chicago 8/6-7, 8/13-14

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:25 am
by taijidude
Hey everyone,

A group of us just enjoyed Coach Zeng's workshop here in San Francisco.

Taiji enthusiasts from many different lineage including traditional Yang, Wu, Cheng Man Ching, and others attended.

He treated us to alot of taiji. Plenty of hands-on exercises to understand the alignment and use of the body mechanism. These exercises were all postures from the form. Neutralization along with the attack. Coach Zeng's drills and exercises is a super presentation of postures and taiji. His workshop teachings certainly is a nice perspective that pairs with the standard single-hand and double hand pattern workshop.

My recommendation for those within driving distance of Chicago including Milwaukee and Indiana should take time to learn from Coach Zeng.

This opportunity doesn't come around often.