Kung Fu: The Hidden Art (EPS 1-6) — CGTN

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Kung Fu: The Hidden Art (EPS 1-6) — CGTN

Postby marvin8 on Fri Apr 07, 2023 3:53 am

Oct 12, 2022

To discover the true essence of Chinese martial arts, one has to return to its origins - military affairs. In the ancient battlefield, military martial arts were all about the use of cold weapons - spears, sabers, bows and arrows. Later these martial arts migrated from the military sphere to the civilian, evolving into training methods for use in unarmed combat with a special emphasis on the use of the fist - the "Quan" that features in the Chinese names of many martial arts.


Oct 19, 2022

In Chinese martial arts, equal emphasis is placed on offensive and defensive values. But nowadays, it seems as if martial arts have begun to emphasize patterns and sequences of moves rather than actual combat ability. What's changed and why? Appearances, however, can be deceptive. As we journey deeper into the world of martial arts, it becomes even clearer that the pursuit of combat skills remains the mission of the true martial artist!


Oct 24, 2022

To many, the image of a martial arts master is romantic or even mysterious - like that depicted in wuxia novels or kung fu films. But do such figures exist in the real world? The crew spent three years searching for them in China's martial arts circles only to discover that real-life martial arts practitioners for the most part lead very normal lives. What's extraordinary about them, however, is the unyielding martial spirit they have inherited from Chinese martial arts.


Nov 9, 2022

After the martial arts boom of the 1980s, Chinese martial arts faded from the mainstream. Nowadays youngsters seem more preoccupied with boxing and Taekwondo, making carrying on traditional Chinese martial arts a challenge. So to safeguard the martial arts tradition, many far-sighted folk martial artists have attempted to find new ways to pass down the legacy to future generations.


Oct 14, 2022

In the face of many difficulties, generation after generation of folk martial arts practitioners have devoted themselves to practicing and reviving Chinese martial arts. During the turbulent periods of Chinese history, the ambition of saving the nation through martial arts brought about the establishment of the Chinese Warrior Association. In times of peace, it was Bruce Lee’s martial philosophy that led to the birth of mixed martial arts. Both traditions embody the true value of Chinese martial arts!


Jan 8, 2023

Education is an important means of passing on martial arts inheritance. A case in point is a short-weapon sport which has been included in the curriculum of several colleges in China. Many experts in martial arts education believe that promoting short-weapon sport in higher education institutions will train young people to become inheritors of traditional Chinese martial arts combat skills. They are also working on creating a professional event for short-weapon sports as part of the ongoing effort to ensure a better future for Chinese martial arts!

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