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Re: Original Yang 2nd Tai Chi form

PostPosted: Sun Jul 16, 2023 7:38 am
by yeniseri
I am surprised ar those of us seeking the Dao cannot just see things as they are as opposed to how they want to dictate how things should be!
Even that is the Dao but.....let us seek our own direction whether despite of, or because of the Wisdom of Poo ;D

Re: Original Yang 2nd Tai Chi form

PostPosted: Sun Jul 16, 2023 7:38 am
by GrahamB
That's all I'm saying too, but because I'm British it came out with the usual sarcasm that falls flat to colonial ears.

Re: Original Yang 2nd Tai Chi form

PostPosted: Sun Jul 16, 2023 8:48 am
by origami_itto
My people are very sincere and earnest, colonizer.

Re: Original Yang 2nd Tai Chi form

PostPosted: Sun Jul 16, 2023 1:35 pm
by Kong Bao Long
origami_itto wrote:
Kong Bao Long wrote: I don't do Taijiquan, but

but you will speak on the subject as if you are an authority.

Words reveal the truth and depth of our own understanding, nothing more.

I speak with "some" authority on a "few" subjects.

Example: I can speak on Prowess, having experienced it and shown it. I can say with no exaggeration I have (over the 29 yrs of doing and teaching Hubei Xingyiquan) taken the art and subjected it to other styles for prolong periods. " that's 29 yrs of "show me the proof" and when in doubt "we fight the question out" Teaching Xingyiquan out of the same YMCA as a disciple of Yang Zhenduo, I observed over time, the Quan being practiced. I can think of a few disciples of Chen Fu that never lacked in the martial dept... practicing that very same quan.

I delved into the history of Yang Style with skeptical eyes. I came away with the opinion many claimed to practice Old Yang Style for the sake of machismo, believing YCF, HAO or Wu styles to be mere shells of there former selves do to their culture ambassadorship, That notion is something I think is nonsense... and I have to admit sometimes I grin pointing out the lack of evidence of any "OLD Yang Style, or Original Yang Lu Chan style to people who believe what they are practicing to be the real deal.

Just about every Martial art has some form of cultural ambassadorship going on. It's the Instructor and practioner that make the art what it is...

Re: Original Yang 2nd Tai Chi form

PostPosted: Sun Jul 16, 2023 6:03 pm
by BruceP
Interesting comments considering that some deviant stole a file from my laptop this morning

Re: Original Yang 2nd Tai Chi form

PostPosted: Sun Jul 16, 2023 6:53 pm
by origami_itto
BruceP wrote:Interesting comments considering that some deviant stole a file from my laptop this morning

Is the...

Is the deviant in the room with us now?

Re: Original Yang 2nd Tai Chi form

PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2023 6:26 pm
by greytowhite
I'm very curious about the Guang Ping Er Lu. Chin seemed to be the only one claiming to have learned this indoor set. I've seen portions of Henry Look's unpublished book and that clarified stuff on the Baguazhang at least. I'm kind of curious how this set came to be. Coming from a Chen background and the constant claim that Guang Ping is the "missing link" between Chen village and the Large Frame Yang this 2nd set doesn't resemble Pao Chui much at all.

Re: Original Yang 2nd Tai Chi form

PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 12:52 am
by yeniseri
Guangping only speaks to the town not far from Yongnian !!! where it was taught!
Anything else is basically hearsay combined with patriotic accolades (a good thing ;D ) and the intent to sweeten the pie of affiliation and status acquistion! Not unlike Supreme Taijiquan ;D
that is stated to be better than Anytome Taiji and never the twain shall meet. ??? Just a personal view.

There is no dount that the style has special characteristics........

Re: Original Yang 2nd Tai Chi form

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 5:19 pm
by origami_itto
GrahamB wrote:The goal of Tai Chi is quite clear it seems - you need to turn into a resentful individual, then post about it on forums, while mentally keeping score in a game that nobody else is playing.

Don't forget the paranoia. We're out to get you.

Re: Original Yang 2nd Tai Chi form

PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2023 8:32 pm
by greytowhite
yeniseri wrote:Guangping only speaks to the town not far from Yongnian !!! where it was taught!

There is no dount that the style has special characteristics........

That's what we call Kuo Lien-Ying's Yang style - Guang Ping Yang. Yang Banhou supposedly taught Wang Jiao-yu because they were both in Beijing but from Guang Ping. Does it only speak to the town? Doubtful - it's a snapshot of what Yang Banhou taught someone during the palace years that differs significantly from the Yang material preserved by others and seems to be closer to Wu Yuxiang style at times. There is a lot of influence from Cha Quan and Xingyiquan in it as well.

The lineage materials often claim our style retains vestiges of Chen and that I don't really agree with coming from the Chen style originally. David Chin claimed he learned an indoor version from Kuo and I was hoping to see something similar to Pao Chui in this demonstration. I may have to develop my own Guang Ping Pao Chui form or something just to be satisfied with my personal art and contribute.