Facebook group: Dumb ass martial arts

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Re: Facebook group: Dumb ass martial arts

Postby GrahamB on Fri Feb 02, 2018 1:01 pm

I'm pretty sure Netflix are also evil, like Facebook. You should probably go cold turkey on all these internet companies.
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Re: Facebook group: Dumb ass martial arts

Postby grzegorz on Fri Feb 02, 2018 2:11 pm


My wife designs AI. I get it. (In fact she was anti-fb long before I was.)

Sorry if I make you emotional for exposing FB for what it is.

Do you work for them or something?

Because, no offense mate, I like you but you are not presenting any type cohorerent argument of any kind in your defense of facebook. I live an hour from their HQ and I know employees who work there and they don't even use their accounts and I can tell you that most people working in Silicon Valley don't allow their kids very much screen time because they know it is designed to be addicting.

I don't mean to offened anyone, although talking trash is a guilty pleasure, I just see don't see myself at the end of this life ever regretting that I didn't spend more time on facebook. Although facebook makes people feel like they are doing something and accomplishing something in the end it is designed that way to sell your info and bombard you with advertising.

In fact out here I believe it has had the opposite effect. I believe people treat each other more like crap because FB has allowed people to disappear into a bubble where everyone is your "friend" and as result people are more withdrawn from the real world.

By the way out here, where we treat these companies like Gods, it was announced that FB usage was down 50% in this quarter so more likely I am not alone in my views and I don't have a tin foil hat.

As a fellow student of Stoicism perhaps this sums it up for me the best


Just as you object to religion I object to facebook and will always speak out against it. Facebook is the new religion.

But no worries, I am sure when people first started criticizing the food at McDonald's those people's friends thought they were crazy too.
Last edited by grzegorz on Fri Feb 02, 2018 2:45 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Facebook group: Dumb ass martial arts

Postby grzegorz on Fri Feb 02, 2018 2:13 pm

Btw, FBers your FB page may determine whether or not you get that job.

Recruiting platform Jobvite has released the 2014 edition of its annual Social Recruiting Survey, and the results might be disconcerting to those who tweet first and ask questions later. The data shows 93% of hiring managers will review a candidate’s social profile before making a hiring decision.

http://time.com/money/3510967/jobvite-s ... pplicants/
Last edited by grzegorz on Fri Feb 02, 2018 2:46 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Facebook group: Dumb ass martial arts

Postby everything on Fri Feb 02, 2018 2:48 pm

I don't fully agree, but I like your rant a lot!
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Re: Facebook group: Dumb ass martial arts

Postby grzegorz on Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:20 pm

Thanks, in the end it is just food for thought.
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Re: Facebook group: Dumb ass martial arts

Postby GrahamB on Fri Feb 02, 2018 4:25 pm

Greg - OK, since you missed my point completely I'll spell it out for you.

If I can summarise your argument, you seem to have 2 points that you keep conflating.

1) it's a waste of your life to keep checking Facebook.

2) Facebook is inherently, or especially, 'evil'.

My counter argument for your the first point was that it's also a waste of your life to post endlessly on Rum Soaked Fist, as you are so clearly doing, so how is that different?

At which point you switch to 2), that Facebook is especially evil, so wasting hours of your life on RSF isn't as bad. At which point, in my last post, I tried to point out that Facebook is just as 'evil' as any of these Internet companies. Google, Amazon, Netflix - take your pick. They're all in the same boat for me. However, you seem ok about using everything else.

None of this makes any logical sense, but hey, you carry on. In fact, by carrying on and spending more time arguing on social media (which I'd count RSF as) I think you just make my point stronger.

---rumour control ----
'Sorry if I make you emotional for exposing FB for what it is.'

I'm neither emotional, or in need of having Facebook exposed to me. It's a popular news story all over the Internet how evil Facebook is - it's really hard to not be constantly exposed to it - you're not saying anything new.

Stoicism - I saw you post on the Stoicism group on Facebook - every thing you posted ended up in a massive argument, then you left. You seemed to have the ability to argue with everyone. That's.... interesting....

'Just as you object to religion I object to facebook and will always speak out against it. Facebook is the new religion.'

I don't object to religion.

Last edited by GrahamB on Fri Feb 02, 2018 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Facebook group: Dumb ass martial arts

Postby grzegorz on Fri Feb 02, 2018 11:45 pm

I didn't leave because of an argument on the Stoic forum I left because it was boring to me. G, if you like facebook then stick with it. I think you missed my point. The average person or I should say American spends just less than 2 hours a day on FB. On RSF that is probably how much most of us are here a whole week. Also RSF is not classifying us into 28 different types of people with different ideas how to influence us under such classification. I think you completely missed my point because instead of watching the videos I post except for one you pick and chose a few of my lines as my premise. I never said all the internet is bad but facebook was designed to become an addiction, like cigarettes and casinos, and for some people I know it is sad.

Keep in mind that I live in the US and mediocrity abounds. Our news is crap, our food is crap, our lifestyles are crap and facebook is complete crap. No offense, FB is a magnifying glass but here with all the corporate news, fast food and crap politicians FB becomes apart of this toxic environment too. Remember I stated in summer before the election that Trump would win.

Also as to Stoicism, I don't believe a "true" Stioc would use facebook. Funny you saw it as an argument because for me it was just a discussion and I respectfully disagree and see that many have an emotional investment in FB. The forum was fun for a minute but it really had nothing to offer me outside of pushing products. But I got the list of 28 books and I am good. FWIW, that forum was one of the few places I visited towards the end and i admit I didn't read the replies because I had better things to do.

As to religion, interesting to hear. When many read Dawkins they become radical atheists but then usually grow out if it. I read God Delusion and understand Dawkin's views but don't align with them.

Yes, I love arguing with and busting people. But these days I try to mix it with humor and it isn't always easy but without FB I have become much better at it and a better person in general probably because I don't have to listen to all the things idiotic things both in my family and friends in my life (and I don't mean politically).
Last edited by grzegorz on Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:08 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Facebook group: Dumb ass martial arts

Postby grzegorz on Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:04 am

Steve James wrote:Skepticism is healthy. But the argument against Amazon should be that it hurts consumers. The question is whether its health care program benefits its workers and their families. It will either be better or worse for them.

Amazon isn't the only participant, though.

It is good to see a company making moves to provide healthcare without the middle man.

But Amazon is still suspect to me. Here is an article from today on their changes at Whole Foods, which used to be a good place to work for so I hear.

'Seeing someone cry at work is becoming normal': Employees say Whole Foods is using 'scorecards' to punish them

http://www.businessinsider.com/how-whol ... ees-2018-1
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Re: Facebook group: Dumb ass martial arts

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:16 am

Keep in mind that I live in the US and mediocrity abounds

Exactly. You are the king of mediocrity. But, you always try and present yourself as some sort of authority.

You claimed to have "traveled in the same circles as me." Funny, never saw you at any tournaments--local or otherwise. You never achieved a rank of any meaning in your arts. You wanted to become a cop but couldn't hack it. You apparently don't even work full time. You claim to be a history buff but have no credentials or training. Nevertheless, you come on here all the time and argue with your betters about how much you "know."

You know exactly when I started having a problem with you, and it was exactly when you started trying to pass yourself off as an expert when you were a beginner.

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Re: Facebook group: Dumb ass martial arts

Postby grzegorz on Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:43 am

(Anyway Graham, in case you wondering why I see social media in the U.S. to be complete waste of time...)

To think that we were once Facebook friends.

You still don't know jack about me but still always track me down.

As to tournaments, yes I don't compete because i would rather spend that time with my kids than on the mat.

Couldn't hack it as a cop? LOL! You wonder why i wonder about your obession with me? You remember things about me i dont even remember.

Even trying to dis me for being a part-timer at UPS waiting for my seniority to allow me a shot at full-time? LOL! Well guess what my part time gig pays more than when I worked in Napa full time as a driver but with complete medical, dental, and retirement and I get to see my kids everyday which I don't do on weeks i am driving full time.

My judo rank. LOL! I love it. In judo everything I said on here my coach told me. I tried to introduce you. Difference in opinions i suppose but what he says and you say are completely different.

Yeah, kicked around being a cop then realized UPS drivers make more per hour, have better benefits and people love us so I never looked back since I was doing it anyway.

Fun story (not really) did a ride along and we arrested a homeless elderly black man who was gay and hearing voices in his head for a tiny bit of residue in a crack pipe in Oakland. That is when I realized that being a cop isn't for me. I can't imagine anyone wanting that job if they had other options.

Whatever other anger issues you have towards me, I really couldn't care. I speak my mind, probably from my crazy Mexican side and always will. Don't like it? Don't talk to me because my posts and comments on RSF are from here on are never for you.

What is important to me and what is important to you is completely different. Trying to judge me on my rank, my degree and the number hours i work? Perhaps I am being the asshole but i don't think i am alone my friend.

I really have nothing against you I just think my coach knows his stuff which is why he is one of the most recognized judoka from the US.

Don't want to hear it? Fine, because of you i stopped talking about judo a long time ago but I am not going anywhere.

Btw, no packages for you.
Last edited by grzegorz on Sun Feb 11, 2018 1:48 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: Facebook group: Dumb ass martial arts

Postby grzegorz on Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:59 am

Ok then...

Back to Amazon taking over Whole Foods. Totally insane!

"Every item in our department has a designated spot that is labeled or marked," an employee of a Colorado Whole Foods store said. "If that item is even an inch outside of its designated spot ... we receive negative marks."

They need to go union.
Last edited by grzegorz on Sat Feb 03, 2018 8:53 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Facebook group: Dumb ass martial arts

Postby grzegorz on Sun Feb 11, 2018 1:52 pm

Screw google too.

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Re: Facebook group: Dumb ass martial arts

Postby Patrick on Mon Feb 12, 2018 2:04 am

The justification for everything today is:
They just want to make money.


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Re: Facebook group: Dumb ass martial arts

Postby wiesiek on Mon Feb 12, 2018 3:36 am

..." I just see don't see myself at the end of this life ever regretting that I didn't spend more time on facebook...."

haha, totally agree;
I use to think, that technology is as bad as the user, No more no less.
time changes, and right now part of the users try to enslaves another by using "free will", even more-"easy done" charm ;
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Re: Facebook group: Dumb ass martial arts

Postby Steve James on Mon Feb 12, 2018 10:09 am

It's not fb. It's the internet that is addictive. It's the fact that people can argue about fb any time they choose from anywhere they are at. It combines all the previously addictive activities people did before. Listening to music, watching videos, getting news, talking on the phone, and --most importantly-- shopping, can all be done without leaving a chair. And afterwards, a person can share his likes or dislikes about the music, videos, news, and anything else --anonymously. That's addictive. FB doesn't create the addiction, it profits from it.
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