Deep Thoughts

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Deep Thoughts

Postby origami_itto on Thu Feb 01, 2024 12:00 pm

I was reading a review of a balloon ride and they say the most disconcerting thing is the lack of a feeling of wind. Since you're floating as part of the current you aren't displacing any air as you move so the normal feedback that you barely even notice is made conspicuous by its absence.

Kind of like that "completely silent room" that they say people can't stand to stay in for longer than five minutes. It's not that it's a hostile environment, but we're so accustomed to subconsciously deriving meaning from these imperceptible (or perception suppressed) sensations that it is uncomfortable.

They say that once you get over it the sensation is quite relaxing. I imagine you might feel a great sense of connection to the wind and environment if you were to pursue that sort of perspective.


All the matter on this planet started in the heart of a star, and the energy of a star animates all life on it. Even oil is just long term solar storage.


The speed of light is the most absolute measure we can conceive of. The closer we get to it, the slower our local time passes. At the speed of light, time no longer appears to pass.

Light from distant stars can take up to 70,000 of our apparent years to reach us, but if it had a consciousness, it would perceive the trip as near instantaneous.

You're cold sunshine.
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Re: Deep Thoughts

Postby wiesiek on Fri Feb 02, 2024 7:53 am

Average homo habitants of this planet doesn`t practice meditation.
even short meeting with self could be astonish .

Remember a move "Alerted states" ?
There was something named "deprivation chamber", where your senses was turned off...
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Re: Deep Thoughts

Postby origami_itto on Fri Feb 02, 2024 12:06 pm

The five colors blind eyes.
The five tones deafen ears.
The five tastes blur tongues.
Fast horses and breathtaking hunts make minds wild and crazy.
Things rare and expensive make people lose their way.

That's why a sage tends to the belly, not the eye,
always ignores that and chooses this.
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