Taxes can be taxing

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Taxes can be taxing

Postby KEND on Sat Dec 02, 2017 9:32 am

So the bill passed, the republicans who have prostituted themselves with trump, going along with his pussy grabbing juvenile vendettas and ego runs wild style of presidency so that they and their friends can accumulate some more wealth and become the one percent that owns ninety percent. I am afraid that middle America is due for a shock when it sees its tax bill for 2018 but by then the republicans will have got rid of trump so they will have no one to blame. Even karl rove couldn't have dreamed this one up. In the long run it may mean the destruction of the republican party and the ruling junta of the democratic party
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Re: Taxes can be taxing

Postby Steve James on Sat Dec 02, 2017 10:06 am

Somebody will have to pay, and it won't be the poor. There's going to be a deficit, but the funds will come from cutting programs for the people who can't pay.

However, even with 4% unemployment, the middle class (really the "working" class) will have to blame someone. Watch.

Sure am glad that estate tax is gone, was really worried for a minute. ;) Can't complain about the whole plan, though. I have no idea what's really in it.
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Re: Taxes can be taxing

Postby Michael on Sun Dec 03, 2017 9:24 pm

Ken, you really think Trump will be gone in 2018? Been hearing that for a year.


Re: Taxes can be taxing

Postby Steve James on Mon Dec 04, 2017 6:36 am

What do you think of the tax plan?
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Re: Taxes can be taxing

Postby Michael on Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:15 am

Steve James wrote:What do you think of the tax plan?

Mike says, 'What he said.' wrote:Can't complain about the whole plan, though. I have no idea what's really in it.


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Re: Taxes can be taxing

Postby Steve James on Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:29 am

Well, one criticism would be that no one really knows what's in the bill. DT will take credit for the good parts --like I said last year, his tax plan will favor him anyway, even though he brags about not paying taxes and refuses to show all his tax records. (Fair enough. There's no law that says he has to).

Anyway, sites and writers who criticized Antifa were available, so I thought that they'd also have commentary about the tax plan. Even the places where the Russia probe is considered a nothing burger witch hunt would have the opportunity to talk about an issue that really affects Americans.

I say make churches pay taxes. It's their fair share for the ability to impose their political and religious will. Two things should happen. Every citizen should become a limited liability corporation; and Atheism should be established as a religion (just like Scientology).
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Re: Taxes can be taxing

Postby Michael on Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:45 am

I think churches should pay taxes, but if their tax exemption is fundamentally connected to freedom of ideology, I'd say their tax exemption is worth it overall for freedom of ideology and all that entails.


Re: Taxes can be taxing

Postby Steve James on Mon Dec 04, 2017 8:12 am

Shit, I've got an ideology, but I have to pay taxes. Well, then again, God is on the money. So, again, atheism needs a church and my donations should be charitable deductions that the church can use to fund politicians.
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Re: Taxes can be taxing

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Mon Dec 04, 2017 8:24 am

Most churches operate as for-profit organizations and should be taxed. I don't think ideology needs to be part of it.

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Re: Taxes can be taxing

Postby KEND on Mon Dec 04, 2017 10:36 am

I predicted a year for trump, maybe a little longer, the evidence is piling up, when the bill is finally passed even with modifications, the impeachment comes down, republicans will turn on trump like wild dogs. If pence is not too damaged he will take over, the heartland will blame it on the 'liberals' they will never admit they were conned
. Perhaps at this stage the democrats will throw off the miasma of the Clinton era and find a legitimate candidate who is not in the pockets of big pharma and monsanto
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Re: Taxes can be taxing

Postby Michael on Mon Dec 04, 2017 5:07 pm

I'll give you two to one it doesn't happen. ;)


Re: Taxes can be taxing

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:57 pm

I'm in agreement with Michael. I only see it happening if an opposition majority takes control of the House. That might happen, but I have little faith in Dem turn out in midterms despite having a great reason for it.

Besides, assuming we can avoid war with North Korea and Iran, I would rather have Trump in than Pence or Ryan. Trump seems to have really stymied the conservative agenda. His continued buffoonery could prove very beneficial in the long run. But, if the Republicans sense this outweighing having a scapegoat, they could turn on him, I suppose. They got the tax (and healthcare, Arctic drilling, anti-education, who knows what else) bill through, which is what they wanted. They didn't care about any of Trump's campaign promises (Wall, immigration, working class, etc).

Interesting times.

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Re: Taxes can be taxing

Postby Steve James on Tue Dec 05, 2017 7:14 am

The deciding factor will be the actual effect on the people. Trump is irrelevant.

However, as the saying goes, if you want to see a person's true character, just give him power. I am so thankful that Trump is Trump.
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Re: Taxes can be taxing

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Tue Dec 05, 2017 7:19 am

Steve James wrote:The deciding factor will be the actual effect on the people.

Huh, since when, Steve? I'm sure you have seen the Princeton (?) study that illustrated that what the people want in terms of policy had no significant effect on how legislators voted. Besides, it seems clear that the right does not vote based on self-interest, but along ideological lines that can be changed at the drop of a hat (see Roy M and Trump).

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Re: Taxes can be taxing

Postby Steve James on Tue Dec 05, 2017 7:53 am

OK, granted, I may be an idealist. It's healthier than being a pessimist. Though, I totally agree with your skepticism.

Of course the admitted pussy grabber will endorse the teen lover because God is on their side, no less. This is America.
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