The Hole: A Libertarian Fairy Tale

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The Hole: A Libertarian Fairy Tale

Postby origami_itto on Thu Mar 21, 2024 2:27 pm

The Hole: A Libertarian Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a brave and resourceful Libertarian who fell down a hole. It was deep and steep and just off the main path so it was not uncommon for travelers to find themselves in this predicament.

Luckily the clever Libertarian noticed a rope ladder someone had left behind tied to a tree at the top of the hole, and he used it to climb out.

"This is a really handy ladder," he thought. "I should keep it in case I need it again some time." So he untied the ladder and packed it away in his bag.

The next day he was passing the same spot and heard someone shouting "help, help, I've fallen in a hole!"

Since the Libertarian believed in helping others, he went to the edge of the hole to investigate.

"So, uh... you fell in a hole, huh?" the Libertarian asked.

"Yes, can you help?"

"Help... oh, yeah.. I can help, but listen. I've been in holes before. I've been in THIS hole, and let me tell you brother, there's nothing you can't get yourself out of if you're brave, resourceful, and clever enough. Just look around you, what can you use? What can help you?

"Why, just yesterday when I was in the hole I found this rope and used it to get out." The Libertarian pulled out his ladder and showed it to the man.

"A rope ladder! Throw it down to me and I can climb out!" the man in the hole said.

"I can't GIVE YOU my ladder. This is my ladder. I don't owe you a ladder."

"I just need to use it long enough to get out, I don't want to keep it." The man said.

"I'm sure if you keep looking, you'll find something too. But if I just let you use it, how are you ever going to learn the skills you need to get out of a hole when I'm not here to bail you out?" asked the Libertarian.

"Now I understand," said the man. "If you give me your ladder then I'm just going to learn to depend on the kindness of passing strangers with ladders every time I fall in a hole instead of BECOMING a passing stranger with a ladder that I can help myself with. By not helping me, you're helping me become a better person."

"Exactly, friend, you're welcome. I wish you luck on your journey," said the Libertarian.

And the man in the hole was so overcome with emotion and admiration for this inspirational human being he couldn't help but cry, and clap, as the Libertarian swaggered off into the sunset.

"Thank you, Libertarian! Also do you know the local age of consent?"

"You're welcome, comrade, and it's 14 here, the high school is THAT WAY!"
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