The Yin-Yang Secrets Invention (YYSI).

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Re: The Yin-Yang Secrets Invention (YYSI).

Postby GOLDEN DRAGON Y-Y on Fri Apr 14, 2017 8:42 am


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Re: The Yin-Yang Secrets Invention (YYSI).

Postby Bao on Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:50 am

YY, It's a tough crowd. It's advisable for joining any forum to first get to know the community before posting something. But here on the RSF, it's much better nowadays. There has been some real dickheads around. The people that are around here nowadays are mostly kind, but sceptical to most things, even to the most basic IMA principles. My advice would be to stick hang around, read from earlier posts and try to participate in discussions to get to know people. For your story about your master, it's interesting, but I have no idea what you want to say or what you want to accomplish with sharing your story. Maybe you have something valuable to say or maybe you are a troll. Honestly, it's hard to tell. But if you are serious, it would be nice if you found your voice on the forum. I've been around since 2004 and have got some very nice, interesting friends here. We don't always agree with each other, but I think we all respect each other views on the board. So it's well worth making an effort trying to get comfortable around these guys. But if not, other forums might suite you better, there are more places out there. Good luck whatever you do.
Last edited by Bao on Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Yin-Yang Secrets Invention (YYSI).

Postby vadaga on Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:59 am

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Re: The Yin-Yang Secrets Invention (YYSI).

Postby greytowhite on Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:09 pm

Dude there are all kindsa things that one can use the philosophy of Chinese symbolism to describe. One could say the taijitu without the dots, just the spiral of yin and yang arising/passing into/from wuji could be akin to the double slit experiment pre-observation effect - Schrodinger's cat yin/yang possibility of binary code if you will. Then let's specify post-observation and splitting into polarity as the double fishes with two dots and call it liangyi if I recall correctly. Sixiang splits into two more manifested polarities and then bagua splits into eight. Pre-heaven bagua aligns to taijitu without dots perfectly except that the bagua is then split into heaven-man-earth. So an 8-bit 3 register computer. Then add the post-heaven - post-manifestation-observation on and it's now a 64-bit 6 register computer. Wuji is the possibility of 0/1 previous to observation. Then Yin is 0 and Yang is 1. Ach, goddamn - no wonder Newton and Leibniz damned near lost their minds working on Yi Jing theory. Then I learned some shit from a Yucatec Mayan that has to do with 20-base counting and doing calculus on an X/Y axis grid of 20x20 with a 0 - 19 range with 0 in the middle of the grid. How else do you properly rectify a 0/1 on/off pattern with decimal counting - multiply 2x10 = 20 the same number as all your fingers and toes. Surprisingly - the game of Go also works on a 20x20 grid. Oh and did I mention that the Yucatec were Naga from Northeast India and their counting systems still share similarities? Then there's all the mnemonics and human abacus synesthetic visualization assignments of different fingers and toes. One can use the wuxing models as mnemonic devices - you already have a classification system for the "phases" of transformation, four different patterns that they move upon, and then the interstitial spaces that the Earth element takes up as the lines of the grid's axes. The very interaction of the four phases producing the fifth phase and its properties.

Augh no thanks - I've twisted my mind around enough using real numeric and physical applications and possible uses to use these symbols to do mind work with.
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Re: The Yin-Yang Secrets Invention (YYSI).

Postby Ian on Fri Apr 14, 2017 9:20 pm

So no patent number for the YYSI?

What a surprise.


Re: The Yin-Yang Secrets Invention (YYSI).

Postby jimmy on Sat Apr 15, 2017 8:08 am

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Re: The Yin-Yang Secrets Invention (YYSI).

Postby RobP3 on Sun Apr 16, 2017 5:51 am

GOLDEN DRAGON Y-Y wrote:Greetings RSF members.

I would like to say that it is difficult for me to feel welcome here after the way some of you treated me and my tale of Master Chan. I respect skepticism, granted that, but to be maligned and subject to rude posts is unacceptable.

Claims to trained with a master with supernatural powers
Claims to have invented a new form of tai chi
Claims to have amazing insight into mathematics, physics and martial arts
Gets upset by what someone say on an internet forum
Writes in red.

Another one to add to the Charlie Zelenoff thread. Isn't it funny that when it comes to fist meets face, the delusional are so clearly seen and pitied or ridiculed. When it comes to theory, anything goes
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Re: The Yin-Yang Secrets Invention (YYSI).

Postby GOLDEN DRAGON Y-Y on Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:04 am

Okay, howdy I won't give up.
Appreciate the comments made. Although I would like to correct some misconceptions.

"Claims to trained with a master with supernatural powers."

Actually, I never claimed to have studied with him...............which I did not. I only observed what I saw and attempted to recount that to you all. Everything I said about Master Chan is true. If there were some Bostonian's who may have seen him I would appreciate there input.

"Claims to have invented a new form of tai chi."
I still make this claim...............and I realize there is no way to prove it. Sorry for that. With this claim I am not claiming to be a Master but am Master of my YYSI Tai CHi Kung.

Which I call:
Supreme Ultimate Pole
'Whirlwind Palms'

"Claims to have amazing insight into mathematics, physics and martial arts."

This is true and I feel I do not need to prove this at this time.
I am not ready to release my patent # as of yet. Do to some problems with the draftsman who did drawings on the patent. To have you all look into it would not reveal the true clarity of my discoveries.
And since I have not put the images of the YYSI online, until the correct strategy comes to me, in which manner to present these discoveries to the world at large.

"Gets upset by what someone say on an internet forum."
I am not upset but felt the way I did after the bitter reactions to my Master Chan story. So I expressed myself as best as I could.

Writes in red.
I am free to write in any color I choose. Red, White and Blue I say!

"Another one to add to the Charlie Zelenoff thread. Isn't it funny that when it comes to fist meets face, the delusional are so clearly seen and pitied or ridiculed. When it comes to theory, anything goes."

Thanks, but no cigar, I am not in that category and a I am most certainly not delusional in any of my statements. Believe me or not.

"Augh no thanks - I've twisted my mind around enough using real numeric and physical applications and possible uses to use these symbols to do mind work with."

You most certainly are a deep thinker on these topics. I appreciate your insights.

Now let me ask you all what would you do with what I claim to have?

Throw it to the wind, AKA, the world wide web. I am sorry its to precious a thing for these tactics.

I would request an end to hostilities as I have no rancor towards anyone on this forum.

As to further discussions on the YYSI allow me to consider my options upon suggestions.

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Re: The Yin-Yang Secrets Invention (YYSI).

Postby GOLDEN DRAGON Y-Y on Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:18 am

Bao wrote:YY, It's a tough crowd. It's advisable for joining any forum to first get to know the community before posting something. But here on the RSF, it's much better nowadays. There has been some real dickheads around. The people that are around here nowadays are mostly kind, but skeptical to most things, even to the most basic IMA principles. My advice would be to stick hang around, read from earlier posts and try to participate in discussions to get to know people. For your story about your master, it's interesting, but I have no idea what you want to say or what you want to accomplish with sharing your story. Maybe you have something valuable to say or maybe you are a troll. Honestly, it's hard to tell. But if you are serious, it would be nice if you found your voice on the forum. I've been around since 2004 and have got some very nice, interesting friends here. We don't always agree with each other, but I think we all respect each other views on the board. So it's well worth making an effort trying to get comfortable around these guys. But if not, other forums might suite you better, there are more places out there. Good luck whatever you do.

Thanks Bao,
The story of Master Chan happened as said, every iota is true. The reason for my recounting these events with Master Chan was for only one purpose, for those who study the internal arts, to gain insights, into a master of the highest caliber and to know how high the goals are in front of us. There is no doubt Master Chan and his style is mysterious.

Now let me ask you, how many kung fu teachers have you heard of who had to do the horse stance at 10 years of age, or whatever age, for one year? This happens to very few in the modern period. How many times in the kung fu movies have we seen the horse stance used as the rooting posture before any form was to be taught.

When Master Chan told me how he had no childhood after that you could still feel the anguish in his words after 50 years.

Last edited by GOLDEN DRAGON Y-Y on Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Yin-Yang Secrets Invention (YYSI).

Postby Bao on Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:33 am

GOLDEN DRAGON Y-Y wrote:Now let me ask you, how many kung fu teachers have you heard of who had to do the horse stance at 10 years of age, or whatever age, for one year? This happens to very few in the modern period. How many times in the kung fu movies have we seen the horse stance used as the rooting posture before any form was to be taught.

My wife started practicing Gongfu when she was 8 years old. She basically had to stand in horse stance. Then she noticed how every student walked really ugly with their toes pointing out to the sides. So she quitted because she didn't want to have that ugly walk. :P
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Re: The Yin-Yang Secrets Invention (YYSI).

Postby GOLDEN DRAGON Y-Y on Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:41 am

Bao wrote:
GOLDEN DRAGON Y-Y wrote:Now let me ask you, how many kung fu teachers have you heard of who had to do the horse stance at 10 years of age, or whatever age, for one year? This happens to very few in the modern period. How many times in the kung fu movies have we seen the horse stance used as the rooting posture before any form was to be taught.

My wife started practicing Gongfu when she was 8 years old. She basically had to stand in horse stance. Then she noticed how every student walked really ugly with their toes pointing out to the sides. So she quitted because she didn't want to have that ugly walk. :P

That's funny Bao. ;D

Master Chan's master really had the grip on him, He had go through the whole ordeal..

I have often speculated on where Master Chan was originally from and who his kung fu master may have been and how long it took him to go beyond form.

In Tai Chi and the other Chinese internal arts how many people have reached such a status. Do you have any thoughts on this Bao or anyone here?

I am sure there are many. Have any of you met a master with Master Chan's skills?

Last edited by GOLDEN DRAGON Y-Y on Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Yin-Yang Secrets Invention (YYSI).

Postby shawnsegler on Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:21 am

I am not in that category and a I am most certainly not delusional in any of my statements. Believe me or not.

Well, here's the can say that, but when you make extraordinary claims with nothing to back it up but your word...the word of someone on an internet forum who doesn't use their real name and hasn't, through time and discussion, shown that their opinion is worth anything at all....well, then the onus of proof is on you, and the necessity of successfully proving it in the face of quite reasonable skepticism and disdain as well.

So far the only thing you've done that demands anything less than disdain is the good sense not to put it on the main board, and OTT seems like a strange place to put it unless, of course, it's a sort of freudian slip.

So, don't expect any respect unless you can either convince people by actually explaining what it is you're talking about (IME if someone actually, REALLY knows something they can pretty much always explain it simply), or move clouds with your mind or old RSF staple.


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Re: The Yin-Yang Secrets Invention (YYSI).

Postby shawnsegler on Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:25 am

Oh, and if you don't know it, RSF is very much like a bar. If you have a problem with people being rude to you that's YOUR problem. The onus of responsibility is also on you to interact in such a way as to earn respect/make friends etc, or also, if the circumstances demand it, HTFU enough to take responsibility for the sort of response your posts insight. If you can't then maybe you're in the wrong place. No one is here to give you respect. Here on the Wall a man gets what he earns.

Last edited by shawnsegler on Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Yin-Yang Secrets Invention (YYSI).

Postby vadaga on Thu Apr 20, 2017 12:12 pm

shawnsegler wrote:HTFU

Well put mayte!
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Re: The Yin-Yang Secrets Invention (YYSI).

Postby Trick on Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:19 am

Bao wrote:
GOLDEN DRAGON Y-Y wrote:Now let me ask you, how many kung fu teachers have you heard of who had to do the horse stance at 10 years of age, or whatever age, for one year? This happens to very few in the modern period. How many times in the kung fu movies have we seen the horse stance used as the rooting posture before any form was to be taught.

My wife started practicing Gongfu when she was 8 years old. She basically had to stand in horse stance. Then she noticed how every student walked really ugly with their toes pointing out to the sides. So she quitted because she didn't want to have that ugly walk. :P

After many years of Karate practice especially focus on stance and kata practice i had developed a walk where my feets slightly pointed inward, i didn't notice this until i met a Chinese lady that pointed out that i walked like a farmer or countryside folks, in other words i walked as poor people :-[ Now after years of Tjq & Xyq practice no one has asked if i'm a "farmer"......GD i like your stories whether they are true or not...but i guess i'm in the minority



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