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Re: Georgia guidestones

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:37 am
by Dmitri
Michael wrote:About 2000 people (last summer included Bush, Jr., Obama, and McCain) in red robes watch across a small lake as the priests of this religion dressed in black robes perform a mock human sacrifice.


Oh yeah, now I see the light.

Sometimes I'm not sure if you're kidding or not... Leaning towards "not"...?

I mean... what was the point of posting these last 3 images?

Anyway, so, just for grins and giggles, what about the second part of that summary I quoted earlier, about "elites living forever with the aid of advanced technology?"

Re: Georgia guidestones

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:59 am
by Michael

Re: Georgia guidestones

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:24 am
by Dmitri
Thanks for detailed response...

Michael wrote:What was the point of me posting the pictures? I was attempting to answer your question...

My question though was specifically about the last three pictures, which are very obvious and rough "photoshop" jobs... Why did you include them? Are they supposed to somehow help me visualize what might have been happening there, because nobody took any actual pictures of the event? :-/

As for 'life eternal'... My sort'a-Daoist-like view of the world doesn't allow for ideas where something, anything, can last forever. That implies lack of change, that implies that entropy stops to work, neither of which is possible IMO.

YMMV of course.

Re: Georgia guidestones

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:55 am
by Michael
I totally agree with your daoist view!

Re: Georgia guidestones

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:43 am
by I-mon
damn that's some heavy shit.

Re: Georgia guidestones

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:56 am
by cerebus
Michael said: "What do you think about Pres. Bush and Pres. Obama worshiping a 40 foot stone owl and pretending to burn a human alive?"

I'm just going to take this one statement as an example here. Michael, is that really what you honestly believe? That they are "worshiping" and "pretending to burn a human alive" in a literal sense? Do you really not understand that it's merely symbolic? You actually don't realize that none of them are seriously "worshiping" the owl? It's all a gag, just pseudo-occult trappings with no real meaning behind it other than to get everyone to lay aside their normally overly-serious mindsets. It's to allow them to relax and not feel so tightly wound as they usually have to be.

If you really believe otherwise, then by the same token you can decry every Catholic in the world as "wannabe cannibals" 'cause the bread and wine they take during mass represents the body & blood of Christ. Do you think they are actually wanting to eat human flesh and drink human blood?

Re: Georgia guidestones

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:12 am
by Darthwing Teorist
cerebus wrote:
If you really believe otherwise, then by the same token you can decry every Catholic in the world as "wannabe cannibals" 'cause the bread and wine they take during mass represents the body & blood of Christ. Do you think they are actually wanting to eat human flesh and drink human blood?

They don't? Oh man! :-\

Re: Georgia guidestones

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:25 am
by Dmitri
cerebus wrote:it's merely symbolic

I bet that's exactly what they want you to believe...

Did you see Mike mentioned earlier that they have some sort of a "moral code" that requires they expose some of their activities to public?

It's all part of the plan... It all makes sense...

(Well, at least to some people. :-/ :-X)

Re: Georgia guidestones

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:37 am
by Darth Rock&Roll
I see pictures of people. I see pictures of a big stone owl. I see robes and I see fire.

I don't see any Bushes or Obamas in those pics and I don't see anything that is indicative that there is evil being carried out.

I do see a bunch of supposition and postulating that this is what's happening, but this is certainly not what I would call damning evidence of anything.

Mike, you really need to stop with the rense shit man, that site is almost 100% total bullshit when you really take a good look at it.

edumicational =

Re: Georgia guidestones

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:37 pm
by klonk
Michael wrote:I appreciate what you're saying, but you are in a very small minority of people of your generation who believe Oswald even shot Kennedy once, much less did the whole thing alone. Did you know there's a big friggin' tree between the window on the sixth floor and the position of Kennedy's car when he was shot? Did you know that two years ago long-time CIA plumber E. Howard Hunt made a death bed video confession to running the plan on the ground on orders from London CIA section chief Cord Meyer, who took his orders from LBJ?

Anyway, there is a LOT to what you're saying that generally what may appear as a conspiracy is a convergence of hatred, but on the other hand, there are plenty of conspiracies as well. I could be wrong, but I get the feeling that you like to be dismissive to a lot of material without examining the information first because you came to a certain conclusion about the facts of life a long time ago. That's fine, but what say you to Obama recently revealing the CIA torture memos and defending it/them? Wasn't too long ago that you denied there was any govt policy approving the use of torture, and despite all the public proof I showed you before, now there is irrefutable proof right in front of you. You think the UCMJ applies to spooks? Tell me you're not that naive!

Meh. The memos say people got waterboarded, we knew that all along. It's torture? That may be debated...but let's not. :D

Re: Georgia guidestones

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:03 pm
by cerebus
Mmmmm... well, I don't know how "debatable" it is that waterboarding is torture. Are you familiar with what exactly waterboarding is? Would you wanna have it done to you? I don't think there's any real debate. It definitely is a form of torture...

Re: Georgia guidestones

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:27 pm
by qiphlow
if the cia does it, it's interrogation. if our enemy du jour does it, it's torture.

Re: Georgia guidestones

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:46 pm
by Darth Rock&Roll
As Tracey Jordan would say; I love em so much, Ima gonna take em out back and make em pregnant!

Re: Georgia guidestones

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:23 pm
by Steve James
I think most of the military is against water-boarding, whether it's considered torture or not. The simple reason is that, if they know we do it to them, they will certainly do it to us. So, although there may often be "extreme" questioning, no one wants to make it public. If you don't admit publicly that you do it, then expect what you do to be considered a crime. If you want to claim that it's legal, admit publicly that you do it --and accept the consequences. But, don't say, "we don't do it", then lie when everyone knows it's a lie.

I think that deciding what is or isn't torture is just a game of semantics until you're the one being tortured.

Re: Georgia guidestones

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:28 pm
by klonk
To turn back toward the thread topic:

I scent evil when someone says there are too may people in the lifeboat. People who say that never mean themselves.

Eugenicists wants more people just like them!

And I never met an Esperanto enthusianst who was not out of his mind. Or her mind. WhatEvah!