Extrasensory Situational Awareness

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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Peacedog on Thu Jun 24, 2021 1:32 pm

More and more the cognitive ability issue seems to creep up. People do not need to be educated to do this stuff, but if they are not fairly bright it just does not seem to happen. Ultimately, people must have the ability to maintain a high level of concentration while performing multiple tasks at the same time to pull this off. And that ability highly correlates with being very intelligent.

So if you go back a few hundred years in time where small population sizes, environmental conditions (spending your life inhaling wood smoke from around a camp fire), nutrition (being in starvation mode during formative years and/or borderline malnourished the whole time) and social behavior (eating off of lead plates and cutting a man's balls off to make him a more docile slave) all conspired to reduce base cognitive ability it is easy to see how barring any other factors this would have been the territory of a very small group of people.

In the modern era people with an IQ of 115, and higher, can pretty much do whatever the hell they want. Modern free market societies effectively cater in an unlimited manner to this part of the population. So, if you can avoid drug induced brain damage the demand signal for your talents is pretty much unlimited. And in that scenario most people choose to do other things with their time than stare at rocks or work on their clairvoyance.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Taste of Death on Thu Jun 24, 2021 4:44 pm

Peacedog wrote:More and more the cognitive ability issue seems to creep up. People do not need to be educated to do this stuff, but if they are not fairly bright it just does not seem to happen. Ultimately, people must have the ability to maintain a high level of concentration while performing multiple tasks at the same time to pull this off. And that ability highly correlates with being very intelligent.

So if you go back a few hundred years in time where small population sizes, environmental conditions (spending your life inhaling wood smoke from around a camp fire), nutrition (being in starvation mode during formative years and/or borderline malnourished the whole time) and social behavior (eating off of lead plates and cutting a man's balls off to make him a more docile slave) all conspired to reduce base cognitive ability it is easy to see how barring any other factors this would have been the territory of a very small group of people.

In the modern era people with an IQ of 115, and higher, can pretty much do whatever the hell they want. Modern free market societies effectively cater in an unlimited manner to this part of the population. So, if you can avoid drug induced brain damage the demand signal for your talents is pretty much unlimited. And in that scenario most people choose to do other things with their time than stare at rocks or work on their clairvoyance.

One aspect of highly intelligent people that you are missing is the paralysis by over-analysis group. I've done CIMA with engineers and what not and they do have a problem of getting out of their head. Even training with them you could see their mind moving, that they're not ready to just relax and let it go and not overthink it so there's that problem with highly intelligent people who need to analyze it. This isn't a thinking art, this is a doing art. We can think about it later when we're eating ramen.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Doc Stier on Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:17 pm

Quite so. Real kungfu is learned experientially in the body through consistent daily training, not learned intellectually through any amount of mental analysis or hypothetical conjecture. ::)
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby wiesiek on Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:06 am

Doc Stier wrote:Thank you, sir. Great reply with excellent observations. 8-)

You welcome, Doc.
Two years passed from time of my "sensitivity peak", and
Suddendly, I realized, that my post was incorrect in two points:
1. signs of warning -
there was,- even on this very thread, I posted (coupe years ago), info about accident with old tree and my new car...
This is clear example of incerasing "specjal" ability.

I was able to perform only one :) exercise during my course of the >alerted state<
- bows , well known, basic practise in Zen Buddism .
Now, if I would diggin` , why I was unable to perform anything more...
still don`t know for sure why, but fac is , that even couple simplest qigong moves waorked as energetic knnock out,.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Peacedog on Fri Jun 25, 2021 5:57 am

The cognitive ability issue acts as, yet another, filter that further decreases the pool of people with the capability to succeed. While there are certainly very bright people who cannot succeed at this kind of training, no cognitively mediocre, let alone deficient, people ever succeed. And if they want to do anything at the energetic/physical level they also need to be physically well put together too. It just reduces the pool of successful candidates even more.

Truth be told, I've never met, even once, someone succeed in the training who was anything/had anything below an MD's level of intelligence. Again, this has nothing to do with education. But in terms of raw intellect the people who develop their clairvoyance/clairaudience, learn to control the power of the Void, can function Kabbalistically, perform ritual magic and engage with spirits as anything other than a meat puppet are all razor sharp in terms of their mind. It is not an activity idiots succeed at no matter how physically gifted.

In short, while being able to do this stuff does not make someone special, the ability to do this stuff is not universal. And the people who can check all of the boxes usually have better things to do with their time in a modern society. Hence there never being many who actually do this kind of thing.

It compares very favorably with what I've seen in the special operations community. None of the individual traits and abilities these people have are uncommon. What is uncommon is finding someone who has all of the necessary traits and is interested in doing the work.
Last edited by Peacedog on Fri Jun 25, 2021 5:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Giles on Fri Jun 25, 2021 6:56 am

Maybe off-topic, are maybe not:

Props to all who cultivate abilities/skills in this area. Maybe even big abililties. In itself admirable, but in my view, the most important cultivation question is what kind of person, what kind of human being you are - or progress towards - in terms of kindness, benevolence, preparedness to give and support? Maybe you can travel astrally round the world or the universe, talk to angels and spirits, read other people's minds, "control the power of the Void", maybe even levitate for real, and whatever. But if at the end of the day you don't do something beneficial with it, if you're still an egotist, a manipulator or an asshole then in my view it isn't worth squat. Well, at one level it is, like being able to make money or get all the fine women you want or really kicking ass is really worth something. But on another level it isn't. If this self-cultivation doesn't include the heart. (There, I said it).

This is just my subjective view, and also I'm not casting aspersions on anyone posting here. It's my general observation based on my own experience and encounters over the years.
Last edited by Giles on Fri Jun 25, 2021 6:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Peacedog on Fri Jun 25, 2021 8:16 am

Being a good person and having esoteric ability are different issues. Likewise being enlightened and being "nice" are two different issues as well.

AFA a path of service is concerned that is another issue altogether.

I would say those can be important issues regarding who someone chooses to learn from and how they want to live their lives.

I've known enlightened people who were killers, thieves, and worse. I have never met anyone with an ongoing drug problem or significant brain damage.

And it's not off topic.

I've learned from cult leaders and other criminals over the years. It was never a pleasant experience even if it was valuable. I'm reminded of a Chinese proverb that goes something like "to kill an evil man is the same as saving a thousand lives". Some people prefer to save a thousand lives one at a time by being a doctor. Others prefer to hunt Bin Laden. Either way, I think it comes down to how people choose to live.

We are all born and we are all going to die at some point. A thousand years from now the greatest of us will be vaguely be remember in a history book somewhere and most will be forgotten in three generation's time. If you view life as a leadership laboratory it is all about what you as an individual experience and learn along the way. Karma sorts out the good and the bad of it.

If you are one of those rare people who trains the next generation or makes some legitimate contribution to society that is lasting, good for you. Not being a dick along the way is generally beneficial to your personal karma, but I'm not sure it matter much beyond that. And making progress is awfully hard if you are drugging, murdering and thieving all day as that tends to attract the wrong kind of spiritual attention, eats up a lot of internal energy and is generally very distracting. You cannot save others from themselves, but you can point out the way. But ultimately this is all about your individual trip.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Giles on Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:18 pm

Peacedog wrote:Being a good person and having esoteric ability are different issues. Likewise being enlightened and being "nice" are two different issues as well.

Agreed. Apart from that, I'm not talking about being 'nice' in the sense of everyone liking you. And even less in the sense of wanting everyone to like you. 'Nice' is a very tricky, slippery term and certainly one to be treated with caution. Not quite as bad as 'charming', on which Gavin de Becker makes a few interesting comments, but maybe a little in that direction

AFA a path of service is concerned that is another issue altogether.

Also agreed.

I've known enlightened people who were killers, thieves, and worse. I have never met anyone with an ongoing drug problem or significant brain damage.

Would you like to give your (short) definition of enlighted? I've heard a few definitions over the years. For me, ever since I got my act together a bit more, enlightenment has no longer been of interest to me personally but I'm open to and curious about approaches to this aspect.

I've learned from cult leaders and other criminals over the years. It was never a pleasant experience even if it was valuable.
I can imagine, although I don't think I've ever learned from a criminal. In my experience - but this too is certainly limited - if one enters into a deeper and longer learning process with someone (master/disciple or similar), then apart from the explicit area of work/material where one learns, the whole energy field (for want of a better term and to save space here) of the teacher will start to osmose to some extent to the student. Or maybe not, if one as student has other strong resources and awareness for that not to happen. But I have seen and felt this happen often.

We are all born and we are all going to die at some point. A thousand years from now the greatest of us will be vaguely remembered in a history book somewhere and most will be forgotten in three generation's time.

Ah, say hello to Ozymandius if you see him. And ask him how he's doing, if he still thinks it was worth it...? And at some point later, the memory/story of everyone here will be (cosmic) dust, and maybe even the whole human race. And the 'greatest' from a thousand years ago or in the future, meaning those whose names are remembered, will mostly not be those who were able, or managed, or learned, to give some love, to make things a little better around them even if they never grew famous. 'Great' is another term that raises many implicit questions, or will tend to reflect one's own worldview and ideologies.
So since all we do and are/were will be 'erased' in a few moments, seen from the longer perspective, it boils down to the feeling, quality and (debatable) worth of what we do now. Drawing on the beach as the tide rises.

If you view life as a leadership laboratory it is all about what you as an individual experience and learn along the way. Karma sorts out the good and the bad of it.

Maybe. Certainly so that life is often not just, not fair, often doesn't reward the 'good' or the upright. I think 'leadership' is a good thing, can be a great thing, but also see the previous remark about 'great'.

You cannot save others from themselves, but you can point out the way. But ultimately this is all about your individual trip.

Agree again. Indeed I'm not aiming to contradict you on any points here. More kicking a ball around. And interested in perspectives on what 'inner cultivation' can really be about.

Aside from that, I've always like Bao's signature Thoreau quote: To affect the quality of the day, is the highest of all arts!

Sorry, Doc, if this is derailing your thread.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Doc Stier on Sat Jun 26, 2021 7:06 pm

No worries! It's all good. :)

These are all interesting comments making valid observations regarding the types of personal attributes needed to excel in the training and practical application of any authentic internal martial art. I agree on the whole.

However, insofar as the thread topic is concerned, I don't believe that a specific minimum level of intelligence, education, or natural talent is necessary to develop and manifest paranormal or psychic abilities. Instead, it seems to merely require an open mind which accepts the probability that such phenomenon actually do occur, and an equally open minded receptivity to allowing psychic phenomenon to be expressed through your subconscious mind and your physical body.

This idea of allowing it to occur spontaneously is key. We may not be able to consciousnessly make it happen at will, but we can probably allow it to happen much more easily. Just let it go and let it flow! ;)
Last edited by Doc Stier on Sat Jun 26, 2021 7:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby TrainingDummy on Sun Jun 27, 2021 11:54 pm

Giles wrote: Would you like to give your (short) definition of enlightened? I've heard a few definitions over the years. For me, ever since I got my act together a bit more, enlightenment has no longer been of interest to me personally but I'm open to and curious about approaches to this aspect.

My teacher, who was trained in India, disliked the term "enlightenment" since it is incredibly vague, means different things to different people and did not represent the Indian idea of moksha anyway. He preferred the translation as "liberation" from the cycle of death and rebirth (samsara). He felt a better goal for students who were not looking to be full-time ascetics was "awakening". Awakening is more measurable, more about structure and being able to do things. It's also a tangible experience. When looking at the ordinary mind from high states of consciousness, the predictable patterns and conditioning of society look like living a life through a dream. Being able to stabilise these high states and express them off the meditation cushion leads to a very tangible feeling of "awakening" over time.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Peacedog on Mon Jun 28, 2021 5:21 am

The term enlightenment is loaded for any number of reasons. Between the useless New Agers, Western Buddhists who are almost entirely lapsed Christians mad at their fathers and organizational infighting it is kind of like calling something ice cream. Ice cream is great and generally made up of milk, cream and sugar. But you really need to ask what kind of ice cream someone is eating to decide what kind you want to eat as the base term is too generic. And that's assuming you aren't dealing with some asshole who is really eating sorbet and calling it ice cream.

With the Buddhist monks this understandable. These are big organizations and you need some way of determining hierarchy so you can figure out who is in charge. Hence all of their angels on the head of a pin style arguments regarding who is most enlightened.

Functionally speaking, if the guy can generate Akasha and access non-dual light it seems to be a pretty egalitarian standard for enlightenment. It's the ghetto pass equivalent for this kind of thing as you cannot access non-dual light without first going through the Void and it does not really matter if you learned to how to do this as part of a big monastic organization, from sitting at the foot of a teacher for ten years or just plain figured it out on your own. And people who need drugs, or require another person to take them there, to do this don't count, they have to be able to do this on their own.

Lots of ways exist that can do this. But that is the closest thing to a standard that I've found as once you can control Akasha you can do all of the other stuff like Kabbalah and spirit magic as well.
Last edited by Peacedog on Mon Jun 28, 2021 5:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Doc Stier on Tue Jun 29, 2021 12:04 pm

And there's that word 'control'. So-called 'spiritual powers' of any kind will usually be fully manifested best in those who have embraced the conditions of mind and body which allow such phenomenon to be expressed within them, through them, and around them. 8-)

This state of allowing is significantly different from, and feels much different than all attempts to 'control' these energies through force of will, or through mystical mantras, magical incantations, secretive rituals, and so forth. Just saying. :P
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Peacedog on Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:16 pm

I've largely found it depends on what someone is working on.

Technique favors repeatability.

Flow states are good for specific things and when someone has a very high level of skill things appear formless in many cases. But in most cases they worked their asses off using a very specific methodology to do that.

That said, a specific mantra for back pain works better than a general medicine buddha invocation if someone is looking to deal with that issue. Likewise, if someone is trying to invoke an entity to answer a particular question then finding the right guy to call is generally helpful. Registers of spirits exist for this particular reason in most of the evocation specific schools.

Kabbalah, for example, is all about working with a particular force for a specific reason.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Doc Stier on Wed Jun 30, 2021 7:01 am

Ritual magick is a fascinating topic to be sure, but is not the focus of this thread and, thus, not relevant to this discussion without presenting a viable connection to Extrasensory Awareness in daily activities. Thank you. :)
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Steve James on Fri Jul 09, 2021 7:28 am

There's was an experiment where a totally blind person was told to simply walkdown a hallway. The researchers then put baskets and chairs, etc., randomly in the way. Without a cane, the blind man avoided the obstacles perfectly. Thing is, when the researchers told him that there were obstacles, he didn't believe them. He swore he was walking straight.

So, the discovery was that the brain could make decisions without using the eyes --actually, bypassing the eyes. The only reason I'm mentioning it is because this ability is specifically not-conscious. The blind man didn't know he had the ability.
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