The Big "R" word

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The Big "R" word

Postby Darth Rock&Roll on Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:56 am

It's official, watch the news today.

The economies of the developed world, including us here in North America are officially in a recession.
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Re: The Big "R" word

Postby Dmitri on Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:17 am

No, no, wait, -- we haven't heard from Teazer yet! ;D
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Re: The Big "R" word

Postby Michael on Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:18 am

LOL! We've been in a recession for at least two years anyway.


Re: The Big "R" word

Postby Darth Rock&Roll on Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:25 am

No. In actuality and by definition, Your GDP has to show loss for 2 consecutive quarters in order to officially be termed a recession.

we would've spiraled in last quarter, but the Bush regime jammed the bail out on the american citizens in order to stick it out for one more month. a useless measure equal to putting up a deck of cards in an attempt to stop a tsunami.
Last edited by Darth Rock&Roll on Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Big "R" word

Postby Michael on Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:31 am

The GDP is rigged so that inflation is not accurately reflected, bad CPI, etc. The govt stats are massively rigged. Every administration has been screwing with them since Reagan to make themselves look better.* But yeah, good analogy. Anyway, a reliable predictor of various world trends says the USA will be having massive food, tax, and job riots by 2012.

*according to former Reagan Asst. Treasury Secretary, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.


Re: The Big "R" word

Postby Darth Rock&Roll on Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:54 am

I don't think food will be so much an issue unless it is purposefully denied, in which case, yeah, people get fucked up when they are hungry.

I am surprised that in general American, Canadian and now Mexican citizens haven't strung up by the balls those companies that are outsourcing their jobs to India and China. Fuck india and china, give us our fucking jobs back and go fuck yourselves. We'll buy your shit, but we want our good paying jobs back. Which means we gotta tell our governments in no uncertain terms that we will not tolerate for one minute the outsourcing of work or short term immigration visas to lower paid workers.

wtf is this shit!!? It's fucking socialist nonsense. Seriously, those businesses need to be legislated back into the right fucking country. Too many idiots running the show and it must be stopped and stopped now. boycotting is stupid and doesn't work, Laws are what is required and our governments better fucking get with the people, by the people and for the people or they will have a revolution on their hands that will bring a whole lot more shit than their idiotic attempts at police state tactics can handle.

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Re: The Big "R" word

Postby Darth Rock&Roll on Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:00 am

also, imports on big ticket items need to stop pronto. If those outside companies don't want to set up shop here and create jobs and consumer good here, then fuck em, they can keep their shit.

For instance, Honda and Toyota have plants all over the usa and canada. They build most of what they sell here, right here! Not all of it though and it should be all of it. NO imports on big ticket items we can manufacture here.

Our manufacturing sectors are down the shitter and corrupt fucking companies in India and china are producing sub-standard goods and selling them to us. Sure it's cheaper, but look at the shit it causes in their own countries where there is rampant corruption, child labour, indentured slavery and all sorts of other practices that are out of the question in rule of law countries. We wouldn't tolerate it here, why do we tolerate it from them? Fuck em, take our shit back I say. If they can't come up to a standard of law and human rights in their countries then we should not by any measure be supporting them with our money. Fuck em and let them fail and die if they can't measure up. That is the natural way we are currently in conflict with as a society and it is wrong wrong wrong.
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Re: The Big "R" word

Postby Wuyizidi on Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:10 am

"Fuck em and let them fail and die if they can't measure up. That is the natural way we are currently in conflict with as a society and it is wrong wrong wrong."

Are you saying we should let our banking, insurance, housing, and big auto (and its related industries: steel, glass, plastic, etc) die because it's their own incompetence and greed that brought them to their current state of collapse?
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Re: The Big "R" word

Postby Darth Rock&Roll on Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:23 am

I'm saying that you, like us should legislate in order to keep the greedy incompetent fucks from having any chance of doing again what they have already done.

as for the auto sector, they are a business, they need to change their model or they will die. They are dying now because the way they think is stupid and they resist the inevitable change that is coming. Businesses can't be knee jerk reactionary, there has to be a rock solid plan.

all banking, insurance etc has to be structured under rule of law so that idiocy such as we have witnessed this year is not possible.
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Re: The Big "R" word

Postby meeks on Thu Nov 13, 2008 11:13 am

wtf is this shit!!? It's fucking socialist nonsense.

actually it's capitalism at its finest. socialism would be all about keeping it local. capitalism is about leveraging as much workers for as little pay as possible. So by allowing our governments to enact the 'free trade act' (making us think we can do cross border shopping and not pay duty) they enabled large corporations to outsource manufacturing to 3rd world countries where the average monthly wage is about the cost of 2 hours of a local factory worker, yet still keep their retail prices the same as always.
yes, i think we should do away with the WTO agreements to help our local citizens get jobs back.
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Re: The Big "R" word

Postby qiphlow on Thu Nov 13, 2008 11:14 am

but don't you see? the economic model that has allowed this to happen is the same one that will say that all these problems are being caused by too much government interference with the "free market" and therefore there need to be LESS restrictions so that the market can be free to correct itself.

apparently the free-market cheerleaders fail to see the impact it has on actual humans.
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Re: The Big "R" word

Postby TaoJoannes on Thu Nov 13, 2008 11:18 am

I don't think they care, qiphlow, it's all about looking out for number one, without stopping to realize that it's a closed system, and unless every worker in your plant can afford to buy the cars they produce, you're setting yourself up for failure.
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Re: The Big "R" word

Postby Chris McKinley on Thu Nov 13, 2008 11:25 am

Times are tough, guys.....time to take the balls out of mothballs and man up. Our forebears from the Great Depression would call this a hiccup.
Chris McKinley


Re: The Big "R" word

Postby Darth Rock&Roll on Thu Nov 13, 2008 11:51 am

My reference to socialism pertains to using tax dollars to bail out business. Or, any form of corporate welfare for that matter. the free market can still occur where we have free trade that doesn't include the trafficking of people or the loss of jobs for the sake of profits.

the whole living in debt mentality has to end as well and financial illiteracy needs to be stemmed.
There are far too many people living way beyond their means in north america and it is a poor example to the world and our young generation who will without a doubt under the current model become a gimme gimme generation who feel entitled and expect all teh things now that it takes their parents years of hard work to attain. that is bullshit.
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Re: The Big "R" word

Postby qiphlow on Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:10 pm

our tax dollars have been used to the benefit of large multinationals for some time now.
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