The Carnivore Diet?

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The Carnivore Diet?

Postby grzegorz on Thu Mar 15, 2018 6:14 pm

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Re: The Carnivore Diet?

Postby Steve James on Thu Mar 15, 2018 7:21 pm

That's not Doctor Who. However, afa a carnivore diet, I think it's shown that people have survived without having equal amounts of the recommended food groups. I agree with the doctor that what's best is what makes you feel the best.

When the doc talks about the Inuit, and the excuses people give about why they can survive without greens, he seems to pooh pooh the idea that they get other nutrients by eating the organs, etc. However, there's something called "rabbit starvation" that occurs if a person only eats muscle meat. I.e., the body needs the fats and other parts of the animal that all carnivores eat.

So, agreeing with the carnivore diet means eating like a carnivore, down to chewing bones to get to the marrow. Otoh, most gorillas are herbivores --(and insectivores, deliberately or not).
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Re: The Carnivore Diet?

Postby grzegorz on Thu Mar 15, 2018 11:24 pm

I have a lot of interests in what we eat and how it impacts us. I once spent a week eating like the Chinese working class. Basically every meal was rice with veggies and a small amount of meat to give it some flavor. No sugar and no caffeine and I never felt better. Since then I have tried vegan and vegetarian diets and naturally try to make nutritious choices. Now I eat a 50/50 diet where I have some meat in every other meal usually in small amounts.

Like the guy in the video I have problems when I try to go full vegan and after a few days I don't feel good and besides it makes it almost impossible to eat with people unless you bring your own food. So I am always trying to learn more but I have a hard time imagining that all meat is for me. I also think that benefit of a 50/50 diet is that I est a wide variety of fruits ans veggies which I probably would not do if I just had meat with every meal.

I agree about organs. Here is another and to me a better discussion on different diets. I also like how the man doesn't try to sell one diet. The main problem with this subject is that like martial arts everyone usually claims their stuff is the best and only way. According to him organs and shell fish are the most nutrient rich foods in the world.
Last edited by grzegorz on Thu Mar 15, 2018 11:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Carnivore Diet?

Postby yeniseri on Fri Mar 16, 2018 2:30 am

I believe that it is not the specific diet that is the problem but the additives (added) in the food/drink that are the culprits in most cases
The brain disease found in cows that are masked by colouring and antibiotics will reach a level where meat become the carrying/transmission (route) that enough will die to make eating meat an evil deed. Same with CocaCola, where actual coca was used (a good thing ;D ) to make an appeal (for public acceptance) but it has progressed to aspartame and other manufactured sugars and the watering down of the cola that are the disease enhancing effects that vilify said drink.

According to nutritionists, a varied diet (salad, with a little meat, beans of varying types, etc fruits, all eaten in various colour(s) has always been the better choice.
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Re: The Carnivore Diet?

Postby Trick on Fri Mar 16, 2018 3:44 am

I loved CC when I was a kid, it tasted so much better in glass bottles....or was it because something else


Re: The Carnivore Diet?

Postby grzegorz on Fri Mar 16, 2018 6:05 pm

Trick wrote:I loved CC when I was a kid, it tasted so much better in glass bottles....or was it because something else

When I was in Mexico I was shocked how mucb better Pepsi/Coke were and remembered that this was how they tasted as a kid. Turns out that US production switched to fructose and Mexico did not. You find the bottles in Mexican food stores.
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Re: The Carnivore Diet?

Postby grzegorz on Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:18 pm

Does anyone know what kind of diet the legends of kungfu stuck too?
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Re: The Carnivore Diet?

Postby Trick on Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:59 pm

grzegorz wrote:Does anyone know what kind of diet the legends of kungfu stuck too?

Tofu - "Chinese war hero Guan Yu used to be a tofu maker before he enlisted in the army. Chinese martial arts expert and hero Yim Wing-chun was a celebrated tofu maker in her village"


Re: The Carnivore Diet?

Postby taiwandeutscher on Sat Mar 17, 2018 1:02 am

No, Doufu is mostly a bad choice, like soy milk or other soy products.
90% of soy beans are gen-manipulated from North /South America, where farmers have fallen sick, eating Monsato beans.
And it carries Estrogen-like substances, bad for boys (growing breasts), good only for women in menopause!
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Re: The Carnivore Diet?

Postby Trick on Sat Mar 17, 2018 8:16 am

taiwandeutscher wrote:No, Doufu is mostly a bad choice, like soy milk or other soy products.
90% of soy beans are gen-manipulated from North /South America, where farmers have fallen sick, eating Monsato beans.
And it carries Estrogen-like substances, bad for boys (growing breasts), good only for women in menopause!
Organic beans, organic products, once in a while!

Consumed in moderation(about in one meal every other day) for about 15 years now I'm far far away from needing a bra ;D Tofu is usually cooked together with meat, fish or seafood, I think the protein of the soybean(or any legume)together with animal protein is highly potent, Tofu is also high in calcium and iron..Yes maybe it's bad with GM food but as I understand there are no study that show it would have negative health effects on us, a teoretical risk with GM crops would be we lose the genetic diversity which is its natural defence for survival..that would be somewhat ironical......Soybeans are a widespread livestock fodder so if we consume meat and poultry we get the GM estrogens into our bodies anyway........And Guys cut down on your Whiskey and Beer drinking, them beverages contains a considerate amount of estrogen too 8-) ........


Re: The Carnivore Diet?

Postby Trick on Sat Mar 17, 2018 8:17 am

Found this article that is interesting.... ... yan_132388


Re: The Carnivore Diet?

Postby marvin8 on Sat Mar 17, 2018 9:58 am

grzegorz wrote:I have a lot of interests in what we eat and how it impacts us. I once spent a week eating like the Chinese working class. Basically every meal was rice with veggies and a small amount of meat to give it some flavor. No sugar and no caffeine and I never felt better. Since then I have tried vegan and vegetarian diets and naturally try to make nutritious choices. Now I eat a 50/50 diet where I have some meat in every other meal usually in small amounts.

Like the guy in the video I have problems when I try to go full vegan and after a few days I don't feel good and besides it makes it almost impossible to eat with people unless you bring your own food. So I am always trying to learn more but I have a hard time imagining that all meat is for me. I also think that benefit of a 50/50 diet is that I est a wide variety of fruits ans veggies which I probably would not do if I just had meat with every meal.

I agree about organs. Here is another and to me a better discussion on different diets. I also like how the man doesn't try to sell one diet. The main problem with this subject is that like martial arts everyone usually claims their stuff is the best and only way. According to him organs and shell fish are the most nutrient rich foods in the world.

One can combine the best of all those diets in a flexible food plan or rotate the various diets, while avoiding excess mercury, iron, etc. Restricting foods in a diet (e.g., carnivore diet, vegan, etc.) may be harder to sustain.

The goals of a diet should include maintaining a healthy bodyfat level and good blood tests by limiting calories and eating quality foods. Eat clean (e.g., whole, natural foods) and eliminate or lessen processed foods, sugar, excess alcohol, etc.

Based on studies, average macronutrient, micronutrient, fiber and water minimum requirement numbers should be met for optimal health. Excerpt from Calculating Calories and Macros - How To, ... 001&page=1:
Mrpb on Feb 2, 2017 wrote:. . . Macronutrient Intake

Make sure that your diet meets the minimum protein and fat intake.

Protein minimum: 0.7 gram per pound of bodyweight (or target/ideal weight in the obese).
(for optimal body building purposes and during energy deficit higher intakes may provide additional benefits.)

Fat minimum: 0.4 gram per pound of bodyweight (or target/ideal weight in the obese).

Remaining caloric budget: whatever mix of macronutrients you prefer and/or allows you to perform and feel well. Some people do better on a higher carb intakes while other people do better on moderate or lower carb intakes. It is not necessary to set a specific numbers for each macro, what matters is that the total calories, minimum fat and protein are achieved.

. . . Food quality and health

Your diet should contain enough macronutrients, micronutrients and fiber.

General recommendation for fiber:
Average male: 38 gram per day
Average female: 25 gram per day

As a general guideline for sugars try to keep added sugars limited to 10% of total calories or less. The sugars that are naturally present in whole fruits, vegetables and dairy do not fall under this rule, you can be much more liberal with those. Reducing added sugar intake to 5% or less may provide additional benefits.

Eating predominantly whole and minimally processed foods is generally a good idea. This doesn't mean that processed foods always have to be avoided. Processed foods can be part of a healthy diet. Focus on getting enough macronutrients, micronutrients and fiber.

A simple guideline for good health is to eat at least 500 grams of vegetables and fruit combined per day. Higher intakes likely provide additional benefits.

In order to get an idea of your micronutrient intake you can occasionally use the website Keep in mind that it's not absolutely necessary to reach 100% of each micronutrient every day. I do not recommend checking your micronutrient intake daily, it’s not necessary.
Last edited by marvin8 on Sat Mar 17, 2018 10:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Carnivore Diet?

Postby middleway on Sat Mar 17, 2018 1:40 pm

Rob Wolff just went through this chaps bloods on his latest episode of the paleo solution podcast

They were all extremely good in general. Iron and testosterone were both surprisingly on the low end.

It's an interesting diet however, I think there is no such thing as a 'perfect diet' and what works for one person might not work for another. Wired to eat is a good book that discusses the variability problem in nutrition.

Unfortunately, the nutrition qual i did last year was still preaching a standardised approach. I think things will catch up though.

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Re: The Carnivore Diet?

Postby warriorprincess on Sat Mar 17, 2018 3:23 pm

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Re: The Carnivore Diet?

Postby grzegorz on Sat Mar 17, 2018 3:58 pm

I appreciate all the feedback. I have wanted to start a thread on what we eat for years.

warriorprincess wrote:

Mediterranean and Asian offer great vegetarian (and vegan) options. The same with Mexican food where meat isn't even necessary when you have great avocados/guacamole and salsa around.

I find when I eat more of plant based diet that I can function longer without eating whereas when I eat more meat I need to eat as soon as I am hungry or I will get a headache.
Last edited by grzegorz on Sat Mar 17, 2018 4:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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