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DNA- 64 trigrams of I-Ching and emotions

PostPosted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 9:11 am
by neijia_boxer
in this video called "Esoteric Agenda" checkout at around 1:51:00 the scientist talks about DNA, the 64 trigrams and amino acids and what love and fear to to you. it pretty awesome. the whole video is mind-blowing as well. ... 7963555139

Re: DNA- 64 trigrams of I-Ching and emotions

PostPosted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 9:20 pm
by zenshiite
The entire beginning of this video was completely nonsensical. Weird dots being connected that don't even make any sense to be connected. Such as essentially saying the ultimately the high mucky mucks in government want us to worship Gaia... even GWB who says that global warming isn't real. So for over an hour I was like "what the hell?" then I fast forwarded to about an hour and 45 min in and suddenly it all started making sense... because the entire end was about how all the nonsense that came before in the first hour and a half was nonsense and ultimately doesn't matter.

Re: DNA- 64 trigrams of I-Ching and emotions

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 3:34 am
by David Boxen
Conquer your fears...well yeah. At least I could follow that much.

Re: DNA- 64 trigrams of I-Ching and emotions

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:04 am
by Darth Rock&Roll
seriously, new age fruitcakes must be summarily executed. :D

Re: DNA- 64 trigrams of I-Ching and emotions

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:11 am
by mixjourneyman
Without watching it I'm going to guess that it is associated with David Icke and that some people drank too much yaweh..... :D

Re: DNA- 64 trigrams of I-Ching and emotions

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:30 am
by zenshiite
Nah, no David Icke. Just a bunch of stuff about old time pagan religion suffusing everything in life.

It's just weird. Global warming is a hoax by the powers that be so they can cut the world pop down to 500 million for some pagan agenda and a bunch of other stuff that isn't connected in any convincing way. But I think that's the point, because the conclusions about conquering your fears and all of us being part of one Divine Consciousness etc sort of goes along with much of the stuff that the video was apparently "against" in the first hour and a half. The whole beginning nonsense and the conclusion is... that's the point, it's nonsense and doesn't matter because you still have to do what you have to do.

Re: DNA- 64 trigrams of I-Ching and emotions

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:28 pm
by Bhassler
Interesting. If I'm going to watch 2 hours of video about essentially nothing, then I'd rather watch Seinfeld, I think. And I don't even like Seinfeld....

Re: DNA- 64 trigrams of I-Ching and emotions

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:33 am
by Darth Rock&Roll
it was the grape flavoured yaweh that fucked them all up.

Re: DNA- 64 trigrams of I-Ching and emotions

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:42 am
by GrahamB
You expect me to watch 1 hour 51 minutes of that to get to the bit where they talk about the I-Ching? Shhhesh. I don't even like Bagua!

Re: DNA- 64 trigrams of I-Ching and emotions

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 5:26 pm
by neijia_boxer
My computer loaded it after a few minutes. did anyone forward to the section i mentioned? yes there may be a ton of different info in the film but forward to the i-ching 64 part i mentioned and lets get an intellectual dialogue on what i was wanting you to see so you can make commentary on.

i thought it was cool how he showed a theory on how emotions of love and fear was affecting the DNA strands.

Re: DNA- 64 trigrams of I-Ching and emotions

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:25 am
by zenshiite
That was interesting, but because I was frustrated with the general lack of focus for everything before it I had a tough time absorbing that stuff. Plus, I was marvelling at the dude's mullet. I didn't know scientists were allowed to have mullets like that.

Re: DNA- 64 trigrams of I-Ching and emotions

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:30 am
by Darthwing Teorist
It was probably an experiment.

Re: DNA- 64 trigrams of I-Ching and emotions

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 12:54 pm
by qiphlow
it was the LGDHFC that gave him that mullet.