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why haven't americans been protesting?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 6:46 pm
by I-mon
on the streets?

at the very beginning of the iraq war i remember mass protests around the world, we had some huge ones in australia - of course the government sent troops anyway - and there was tv footage of huge numbers of people in london, new york and other cities in the US, and various other parts of the world. that was what, 6 years ago?

what's happened since then? why haven't there been enormous demonstrations of millions of americans calling for the removal of Bush and Cheney from office?

have you guys in america heard about or been invited to protests and not bothered to go? why not? has it just become too cheesy? too much of a cliche?

Re: why haven't americans been protesting?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:02 pm
by Ian
hell, why haven't americans been protesting over their lack of universal health care? don't they know they're getting shafted?

Re: why haven't americans been protesting?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:07 pm
by cerebus
Americans HAVE been protesting. Sometimes in the streets, sometimes on the internet. I have a cousin who is a political activist who has been in large protests in New York, Chicago and Colorado in recent months. Hopefully it'll even do some good.... :-\

Re: why haven't americans been protesting?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:12 pm
by C-Hopkins
I think Cerebus is right- I also think that there's alot of status quo, acceptance /not wanting to rock the boat ,just want my car house boat and money type thing going on as well.

Re: why haven't americans been protesting?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:13 pm
by CaliG

Summed it up, it's because it's not going to do anything.

Basically most Americans have lost complete faith in their government, no thanks to Bush's "Bring it on attitude."

Re: why haven't americans been protesting?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:14 pm
by klonk
The war in Iraq is won, unless the incoming politicians lose it. (Still a possibility! The Vietnam war was lost in Congress.)

Canadians and Brits come to our hospitals if they can. Why would we want their system? The biggest fault we have is it is against the policy of our private hospitals, mainly Christian founded, and the finest in the world, to deny care to anyone. We make up for it by screwing the people who can pay.

Re: why haven't americans been protesting?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:16 pm
by jasonf
I heard an interview with a British member of Parliment a while back on this and he said something along the lines of: Society is at it's most dangerous not when peole are protesting and fighting back, but when people no longer believe that they can create change. Although they believe that something is wrong they believe more strongly that they are fighting a losing battle, sinking further into complacency. Basically giving in. Media has the war way out of the spotlight with all the economic/election crap.
There have been some small protests here in Boston one with maybe a few thousand back when the war started, that I went to and the vibe was more of this is run by college kids who want to feel like they're back in the 60's and less about a real passion for what they were doing. Here and there you'll drive by a bunch of people with signs, maybe on the anniversary of the wars start. Personally, at this point and after everything that's been put into this by the US we need to get something out of it: military installations, an implemented government or at least steal the fucking oil. :-\

Re: why haven't americans been protesting?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:02 pm
by Kurt Robbins
Toby Keith told us not to. :P

Re: why haven't americans been protesting?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:13 pm
by D_Glenn
Two words: Patriot Act


Re: why haven't americans been protesting?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:14 pm
by gretel
bush and cheney are being voted out of office. if they fail to go, then you will really see protests.


Re: why haven't americans been protesting?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:27 pm
by Jake
The majority of us Americans don't protest because they keep us dumb.

Between life in general and the work and bills that just dealing with it entails.... Topped off by the biggest, most ABUSED drug ever created in the diabolical history of mankind... The fucking idiot box tv (same with computers for some)...

We're retarded, drugged out, narrow minded masses who would rather have someone else make the change (or even mention it) other than ourselves.

Our grand parents would love to kick the shit out of us... If only they could.

(I have to go now and balance my checkbook to pay for all the debt that I owe including my fucked up mortgage for a house that's worth less than what I owe on it because I was one greedy stupid fuck. Plus on top of all that, the baby's sick, I might lose my job to a mexican or some other douchebag who lives in India, my wife is pregnant again, and I have to be online tonight at 10 so I can meet up and play world of warcraft with a bunch of other retarded fucksticks that I don't, and never even will, know in real life.

Fuckin-A though! Life is good!... On line I'm a God and my wizards a twenty-seventh level bad-ass mutha fucka!!!

Sa-wing!) ::)

Protest??... Yeah right..........

And even though I can't put one and one together, I DO know one thing by Gawd,

If it doesn't affect me directly... Who cares? ::)

(that's why we don't protest)

Re: why haven't americans been protesting?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:15 pm
by klonk
gretel wrote:bush and cheney are being voted out of office. if they fail to go, then you will really see protests.


I would think they are sick of their thankless jobs. U-Haul has been phoned already.

Re: why haven't americans been protesting?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:56 pm
by CaliG
Too be honest I-mon, although I can understand why Americans don't I wish we would.

I think for some reason Americans can't separate being anti-injustice from being anti-American. If you protest people's attitude seems to be "love or leave it."

Sad but true.

Re: why haven't americans been protesting?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:34 am
by Chris McKinley
Because early twenties females grew up. Because early twenties males were only protesting to impress the early twenties females to have sex with them. Because gas getting there is too damned expensive. Because Americans are so "busy" that they can't be bothered to pay attention to anything more than what they are marketed to by both sides anymore.

Re: why haven't americans been protesting?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:02 am
by meeks
hell, why haven't americans been protesting over their lack of universal health care

because if the government suddenly said "you guys are a 1st world country and should have free healthcare like the other developed nations" then republican voters would riot, thinking the US had been taken over by communists....and jews... and aliens.... and la chupacabra....and <insert enemy-of-the-state catch phrase du jour here>