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Re: Special Skills / Abilities Of Kung Fu

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:30 am
by Ian
Joe L. wrote:I think you'd be more than hard pressed to find ''true'' light body skill as you often hear about, even so much as being able to jump up onto a second story (not even looking for half flying type stuff).

But hell if its out there you let me know, I'd gladly retract my thoughts. ... php?t=3128
Michael’s friend has the same build as Michael with a bulletproof vest, a AK, helmet, ammo, it must be approx 90 lbs. It was in the ….where there were terrorists that took some hostages and the terrorists places machine guns on the roof of the maternity home. The bullets are large and many can blow. By such a machine gun you can cut a man in two. His friend Jena jumped over a 6’ fence without touching at all. When they started to fire they said Jena where are you. He had already jumped the fence. I am here.

So it may happen. The names of the group just lie on the pavement. Everybody could hide himself. The need inspires really unique things.

Another case, in Piromaysk, when some hostages were taken and one guy had an AK in one hand and a box of ammo in the other, and a bulletproof vest and helmet. He jumped from the house and then the machine gun started to fire at him. There was a fence approx 1.5 meters. He jumped over it like a kangaroo and disappeared.
Then they asked him to do the same thing without ammo or gun and he failed.

Mikhail can tell lots of such cases.

It is necessary to have skills but when you have a real goal it is possible to do some fantastic things.

Re: Special Skills / Abilities Of Kung Fu

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:41 am
by neijia_boxer
blacksheep wrote:
neijia_boxer wrote:the first palm strike technique "shaking palm" that Park Bok nam teaches in his Pakuachang is pretty devastating. Lu shuai tien taught a farmer the technique. years later when they met again- the farmer showed Lu how much he practiced it. the farmer struck one of his sheep with the palm strike in the ribs and the animal was dead the next day.

interesting story.

but it is against buddhism ,bad karma

Who says they were buddhist? I am sure they had a nice leg of lamb/sheep dinner and prayed before eating. Yes its a true story. They also used to practice hitting watermelon and not to break the watermelon rine but make the insides all mushy with the 'slapping palm' technique.

Re: Special Skills / Abilities Of Kung Fu

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 9:59 am
by ParryPerson
I just find the idea of "Wanna see how bad my palm tech is? *WHAM* now lets check this sheep out tomorrow!" hilarious.

Re: Special Skills / Abilities Of Kung Fu

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:01 am
by Chris McKinley
I hope he had the decency to eat that sheep, otherwise he's just a punkass.

Re: Special Skills / Abilities Of Kung Fu

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:19 am
by blacksheep
neijia_boxer wrote:
blacksheep wrote:
neijia_boxer wrote:the first palm strike technique "shaking palm" that Park Bok nam teaches in his Pakuachang is pretty devastating. Lu shuai tien taught a farmer the technique. years later when they met again- the farmer showed Lu how much he practiced it. the farmer struck one of his sheep with the palm strike in the ribs and the animal was dead the next day.

interesting story.

but it is against buddhism ,bad karma

Who says they were buddhist? I am sure they had a nice leg of lamb/sheep dinner and prayed before eating. Yes its a true story. They also used to practice hitting watermelon and not to break the watermelon rine but make the insides all mushy with the 'slapping palm' technique.

oh sorry you must be thinking mechanicly then,sorry i thought it was the buddhist palm.

Re: Special Skills / Abilities Of Kung Fu

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:38 am
by ParryPerson
blacksheep wrote:oh sorry you must be thinking mechanicly then,sorry i thought it was the buddhist palm.


He referenced "shaking palm" used in a system of bagua, which uses palms...

I'm not sure how many are "buddhist".

Re: Special Skills / Abilities Of Kung Fu

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:50 am
by blacksheep
ParryPerson wrote:
blacksheep wrote:oh sorry you must be thinking mechanicly then,sorry i thought it was the buddhist palm.


He referenced "shaking palm" used in a system of bagua, which uses palms...

I'm not sure how many are "buddhist".

mercy,mercy. i thought it was a buddhist system,gaining power from buddhism itself.hum?sorry

Re: Special Skills / Abilities Of Kung Fu

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:59 am
by mixjourneyman
This thread has officially gone down the rabbit hole

Re: Special Skills / Abilities Of Kung Fu

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:15 am
by Bär
I tried and tried to find a pic of Buddha's palm technique from Kung Fu Hustle but there's just nothing out there.

Re: Special Skills / Abilities Of Kung Fu

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:18 am
by ParryPerson
Bär wrote:I tried and tried to find a pic of Buddha's palm technique from Kung Fu Hustle but there's just nothing out there.


Daoist Palms for sheep, Buddhist Palms for action movies.

Can you dig it?

Re: Special Skills / Abilities Of Kung Fu

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:26 am
by blacksheep
ParryPerson wrote:
Bär wrote:I tried and tried to find a pic of Buddha's palm technique from Kung Fu Hustle but there's just nothing out there.


Daoist Palms for sheep, Buddhist Palms for action movies.

Can you dig it?


Re: Special Skills / Abilities Of Kung Fu

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:31 am
by ParryPerson
blacksheep wrote:
ParryPerson wrote:
Bär wrote:I tried and tried to find a pic of Buddha's palm technique from Kung Fu Hustle but there's just nothing out there.


Daoist Palms for sheep, Buddhist Palms for action movies.

Can you dig it?


*pokes blacksheep* just a bit of fun! ;D

Re: Special Skills / Abilities Of Kung Fu

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:42 pm
by Bär

Re: Special Skills / Abilities Of Kung Fu

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:59 pm
by Pat
Doc Stier wrote:I love this thread! LOL ;D

I just can't help but wonder why it is that so many of these guys with supposedly 'special skills' and 'magical powers' aren't able to get rid of their big bellies or grow hair on their heads? ??? Go figure. -shrug-

But what do I know? Appearances are oftentimes very deceiving. ;)



Doc, that was simply outstanding! i almost spit my beer through my nose when i read this!

my "Celebration Beer" that is...

guys, if you ever have the chance to hang with Doc, take it! the guy is a comedian!

Re: Special Skills / Abilities Of Kung Fu

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:07 pm
by ashe
this topic smells of troll.