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Re: Suggestion

Postby grzegorz on Sun Jul 16, 2017 12:58 am

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Re: Suggestion

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Sun Jul 16, 2017 2:36 am

klonk wrote:When the followers of the leftist fist understand how they are being played, it may become known as the chump soaked fist. ... mmigration


Couldn't agree more, commrade. 8-)

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Re: Suggestion

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Sun Jul 16, 2017 2:39 am

phil b wrote: RSF has gone to shit. It's being used as a political ranting forum and a tacky advertising board for people's books and YouTube channels.

This used to be an interesting place. The Trump nonsense is another nail in the coffin.

Cue random fortune cookie dribble...

Sounds like you need to take a break. Yes, there has been an obnoxious surge of right-wing, undereducated, bigots over the last ten years who would have been kicked out by the old Mods like Bido and Fong, but it is what it is.

Take a rest, buttercup.

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Re: Suggestion

Postby shawnsegler on Sun Jul 16, 2017 7:48 am

Ian C. Kuzushi wrote:
phil b wrote: RSF has gone to shit. It's being used as a political ranting forum and a tacky advertising board for people's books and YouTube channels.

This used to be an interesting place. The Trump nonsense is another nail in the coffin.

Cue random fortune cookie dribble...

Sounds like you need to take a break. Yes, there has been an obnoxious surge of right-wing, undereducated, bigots over the last ten years who would have been kicked out by the old Mods like Bido and Fong, but it is what it is.

Take a rest, buttercup.

Yeah, it's amusing how often folks from the right seem to think how they're treated has something to do with their politics when, in actuality, it turns out that being a certain kind of asshole is just a crack indicator as to a particular political mindset.

Funny how that works.

Last edited by shawnsegler on Sun Jul 16, 2017 7:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Suggestion

Postby phil b on Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:16 am

Ian C. Kuzushi wrote:
phil b wrote: RSF has gone to shit. It's being used as a political ranting forum and a tacky advertising board for people's books and YouTube channels.

This used to be an interesting place. The Trump nonsense is another nail in the coffin.

Cue random fortune cookie dribble...

Sounds like you need to take a break. Yes, there has been an obnoxious surge of right-wing, undereducated, bigots over the last ten years who would have been kicked out by the old Mods like Bido and Fong, but it is what it is.

Take a rest, buttercup.

Ian, this is not your first post suggesting that those with ideas different to yours must be uneducated and a right wing supporter. I'll do this slowly as you are clearly not that smart; you know nothing about my education or politics. Do feel free to ask if you need to know. Stop assuming that those in disagreement are by default, uneducated and a bigot. That view point suggests you are what you despise, an uneducated bigot.
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Re: Suggestion

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Sun Jul 16, 2017 4:35 pm

phil b wrote: I'll do this slowly as you are clearly not that smart; you know nothing about my education or politics. Do feel free to ask if you need to know. Stop assuming that those in disagreement are by default, uneducated and a bigot. That view point suggests you are what you despise, an uneducated bigot.

I'm not sure if you are saying you are not right wing or better educated than I. Of course, there are a few (or at least one) person on this board with better academic credentials than me. As far as smarts, there are many. You seem to be offering a contest of measuring sticks, so I gladly accept. What are your credentials, mr. office worker?

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Re: Suggestion

Postby grzegorz on Tue Jul 18, 2017 10:52 pm

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Re: Suggestion

Postby phil b on Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:20 am

Ian C. Kuzushi wrote:
phil b wrote: I'll do this slowly as you are clearly not that smart; you know nothing about my education or politics. Do feel free to ask if you need to know. Stop assuming that those in disagreement are by default, uneducated and a bigot. That view point suggests you are what you despise, an uneducated bigot.

I'm not sure if you are saying you are not right wing or better educated than I. Of course, there are a few (or at least one) person on this board with better academic credentials than me. As far as smarts, there are many. You seem to be offering a contest of measuring sticks, so I gladly accept. What are your credentials, mr. office worker?

I genuinely don't understand how you can misinterpret such a simple message, and I teach English. I have never claimed to be more academically qualified than anyone, nor have I stated my politics. The stick measuring contest is in your confused little mind.

FWIW I am a Ph.D candidate, with a GPA of 4.0, hoping to finish in a year or so. Therefore cupcake, I am not lacking in education. As for politics, I believe everyone should get the same chances. I do not believe in many of the recent nonsensical politically correct constructs and find the push to enforce them on society to be a form of intolerance, ironic given they are meant to counter intolerance.

I think Trump was elected because his message to help was a better message than Clinton's wanting to make history as the first female president. Her ego and arrogance are offensive to the average joe. You got the president you deserve as a result of the hubris of the political elite. I dont support or like Trump, but neither do I believe he is to blame for many of the recent problems. Antifa and others of their ilk dont need a reason to poison society with their own brand of facism, nor do racists need Trump to legitimize what they do. The problems in the US are not Trumps fault and insisting that those who disagree are bigots and uneducated is a high form of stupidity.
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Re: Suggestion

Postby Steve James on Fri Jul 21, 2017 7:14 am

I believe everyone should get the same chances. I do not believe in many of the recent nonsensical politically correct constructs

"Everyone should get the same chances" seems like a "politically correct construct."

Anyway, since we now have the president we deserve, we should certainly be able to criticize, ridicule and complain about him. And, we are entitled to treat him with the same respect, decorum, and integrity that he treats us. He has earned and deserves that entirely on his own.

Afa his "supporters," my only opinion is that they should get the same chance. I don't criticize those who supported him because of his promises to lower the cost of health care, insurance, and increase coverage and availability. If it turns out that that won't happen, it won't be good for anyone.

They think he cares for them. They've been conned. They don't want to hear about it. The fact that he's exploring ways that he can pardon himself, his friends and family, while in office doesn't disturb them. After all, everybody should have the same chances. Sure, everyone should be exempt from ethical rules. You're right.

Trump is not the problem; but, he is the problem's best role model. He exemplifies everything that's been wrong. He's just honest, er, I mean open, um, well, he just doesn't give a flying fruit fritter about you. He'll let it all burn down --either through pure ignorance (oh, inexperience), incompetence, or pure spite. These are all character and personality traits that he has demonstrated.

Naw, that he demonstrates almost every day. It's a shame that they can't be discussed because it hurts some peoples' feelings.
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Re: Suggestion

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Fri Jul 21, 2017 6:00 pm

phil b wrote:
Ian C. Kuzushi wrote:
phil b wrote: I'll do this slowly as you are clearly not that smart; you know nothing about my education or politics. Do feel free to ask if you need to know. Stop assuming that those in disagreement are by default, uneducated and a bigot. That view point suggests you are what you despise, an uneducated bigot.

I'm not sure if you are saying you are not right wing or better educated than I. Of course, there are a few (or at least one) person on this board with better academic credentials than me. As far as smarts, there are many. You seem to be offering a contest of measuring sticks, so I gladly accept. What are your credentials, mr. office worker?

I genuinely don't understand how you can misinterpret such a simple message, and I teach English. I have never claimed to be more academically qualified than anyone, nor have I stated my politics. The stick measuring contest is in your confused little mind.

FWIW I am a Ph.D candidate, with a GPA of 4.0, hoping to finish in a year or so. Therefore cupcake, I am not lacking in education. As for politics, I believe everyone should get the same chances. I do not believe in many of the recent nonsensical politically correct constructs and find the push to enforce them on society to be a form of intolerance, ironic given they are meant to counter intolerance.

I think Trump was elected because his message to help was a better message than Clinton's wanting to make history as the first female president. Her ego and arrogance are offensive to the average joe. You got the president you deserve as a result of the hubris of the political elite. I dont support or like Trump, but neither do I believe he is to blame for many of the recent problems. Antifa and others of their ilk dont need a reason to poison society with their own brand of facism, nor do racists need Trump to legitimize what they do. The problems in the US are not Trumps fault and insisting that those who disagree are bigots and uneducated is a high form of stupidity.

Maybe because you seem to be sending mixed messages. But, since you continue to try and flout your superiority in the face of the obvious, I'd ask: if you are a Ph.D. candidate (I'd guess there are a few of us on the board, but not all PhDs are created equal) why are you teaching ESL? Or, are you getting a Ph.D. in literature and teaching at a university? You didn't phrase it that way, so I'm guessing not. You certainly seem to have some issues with reasoning and punctuation for a "Ph.D. candidate, with a 4.0."

You pretended to create a thread lamenting politics on the board, but really just seem to want to talk about politics--so long as they are your politics. That's not how things work.

Anyway, I'm now quite curious about your program. Did you run out of funding or are you simply getting your 4.0 at a pay your way online program? Wait a minute! Could it be...Trump University? ;D

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Re: Suggestion

Postby phil b on Sat Jul 22, 2017 6:25 am

Steve: I think you know what I mean when I say equal chances. I don't think there's any need for me to clarify further. As for bitching out Trump, I haven't said people shouldn't. My argument has always been that if someone doesnt automatically make them an uneducated bigot. I accept that many of the most vocal of his supporters are, but there's a lot of deliberate misrepresentation too. I don't support Trump in any way whatsoever, but I can see why people do. Trump gave them hope, albeit false hope, and that's more appealing than being asked to fulfill one woman's dreams.

Ian: I think you are trolling. My message has not changed, nor do I demand people agree with me. I rarely comment on any threads, and don't move from thread to thread accusing people of being dumb bigots.

As for my Ph.D. It's in TESOL, although most of it is linguistics, and fwiw it isnt an online uni. Taiwan doesnt accept online uni qualifications, nor unregistered private uni qualifications. I don't flout anything. If asking to not be called dumb by someone I have never met is flouting superiority, guilty as charged.

You don't like Trump and expect everyone to agree with your comments about him, your support for antifa etc. That's not how it works. I think Trump is a joke, but using him as an excuse for violence is wrong, regardless of your political position.

I'm done repeating myself.
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Re: Suggestion

Postby Steve James on Sat Jul 22, 2017 8:27 am

I think you know what I mean when I say equal chances. I don't think there's any need for me to clarify further.

It's better to clarify than to let others guess or infer. No one can read minds.

As for bitching out Trump, I haven't said people shouldn't. My argument has always been that if someone doesnt automatically make them an uneducated bigot.

This thread began with a complaint about the "mass hysteria" here after Trump's election leading to the "suggestion" that it be called the "trump soaked fist." The next posts identified the "leftists" and others who would find out that they'd been played. My only complaint was that the thread was posted in the martial arts section, and it was paradoxical to complain that the subject of Trump was coming up too often. If the thread was intended to reduce the Trump effect, it was doing the opposite.

Afa the point about Trump supporters, that's completely different from talking about Trump or his ideas. Support for Trump and being bigoted or uneducated are separate issues. However, I call em likes I see them. All the things I wrote about Trump stand.

This thread was resurrected only because of the original claim that it was the "leftists" who were being fooled. Iow, that they would see the light or something. Of course, the leftists are those who didn't support Trump, or criticized his politics. Needless to say that not all Trump opponents are leftists, or support Antifa, or oppose "free speech," or call all Trump supporters uneducated racists. Yet, the presumption of this thread was based on that, and will probably end with that.

Imo, that's essentially the problem. It started years ago, but Trump exemplifies it. Everything is someone else's fault, and is blamed on someone else. And, if any other act or character quality he has is suggested to be a vice (unethical, sinful, criminal), his response is that "everybody does it." Then, a group of pastors will lay hands on him and he'll be forgiven. The guy who said he's bring back torture and bomb babies because "they care for their families too."

You're right. He's a joke, but he's not funny. He's got people fighting each other, even in "his" own party. I said before that people like him are cannibals who consume those closest to them first. See what happens to the people who've been loyal to him. He's the diametric opposite of the Japanese leader. (I.e., he'll make sure that he's the last man standing and take everyone with him). He makes Nixon look like a saint. There's actually too much to talk about. That's why personal attacks or complaints are just diversions.
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Re: Suggestion

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:35 am

phil b wrote:Ian: I think you are trolling. My message has not changed, nor do I demand people agree with me. I rarely comment on any threads, and don't move from thread to thread accusing people of being dumb bigots.

I have never demanded that anyone agrees with me. Nor have I said that all conservatives are uneducated or bigots. Boy, you sure don't seem very savvy for a supposed Ph.D. candidate. But, as I said: not all programs are created equal.

As for my Ph.D. It's in TESOL, although most of it is linguistics, and fwiw it isnt an online uni. Taiwan doesnt accept online uni qualifications, nor unregistered private uni qualifications. I don't flout anything. If asking to not be called dumb by someone I have never met is flouting superiority, guilty as charged.

Yeah, so, a-pay-your-way program. Hey, good for you for bettering yourself, but don't think your educational history stacks up in any way, shape, or form to mine. And yes, you took it there first.

You don't like Trump and expect everyone to agree with your comments about him, your support for antifa etc. That's not how it works. I think Trump is a joke, but using him as an excuse for violence is wrong, regardless of your political position.

I don't expect anyone to agree with what I say. What an absurd comment. I also don't support antifa. As for, "That's not how this works:" I have no idea what you are referring to. But, you're right that you making up things will not make for any sort of an argument. Again, I have never supported violence against Trump or his supporters. It should be noted that his supporters did and do use violence against their detractors, though.

I'm done repeating myself.

Unlikely, but that would make you sound more reasonalbe.

Finally, I'd like to point out that I never called you an idiot on this thread, whereas you did just that to me in each of your posts. That's the pot calling the kettle black if ever I've seen it. I was merely pointing out that if you don't like what people post here and think "RSF has gone to shit," you are free to leave--don't let the door hit you on the way out. :-*

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Re: Suggestion

Postby Steve James on Thu Jul 27, 2017 3:58 pm

This is almost embarrassing. Sorry, you give a speech in front of Boy Scouts that talks about "loyalty." The next day you throw the first guy who backed you under the bus for following the law. Yeah, loyalty. Anyway, great job, everything's running smoothly. Nothing to talk about.
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Re: Suggestion

Postby Steve James on Wed Aug 02, 2017 5:16 am

Wow, people should really be paying attention. Watch. These are the most interesting times since the 60s.
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