The Cult of Saturn

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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:02 am

All technology is primarily for the development of weapons. If you think science is for peace, I ask you to please reference who actually pays for these peaceful projects. Do you do peaceful projects on your own time to benefit mankind? If you do, great. But if you're like me, it's not something you're in the habit of doing, even though we'd like totally be down for it.

All science is paid for, a hired job, which is how research institutions work, and that research goes to the military. I've interacted with enough engineers at national labs via a past tech support job to think differently. The NSA would even call in, I mean, I dreamt many times that the NSA called in. Anyway, it's all about money, and business is war. All war is deception. Are you starting to see the big picture a little bit?

So here the EU has passed a resolution because they want to know more about HAARP, they understand the potential destruction this weapon could wreak upon the planet, if it is not already doing so already.:

The EU, resolution No. 24 of Jan 28, 1999, states: “considers HAARP by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body before any further research and testing; regrets the repeated refusal of the United States administration to send anyone in person to give evidence to the public hearing”.
Last edited by kreese on Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:49 am

I've been a biology fan for years, which just means fascinated by animals and plants, and they only just discovered that Elephants and Hippos use ELF sounds to communicate over long distances. They don't really know exactly the purpose and effects of these waves, but they can detect them, and they affect other elephants or hippos.

Just think about that. Our brain waves are also low frequency. There is intense research into how to use these methods for torture, interrogation, and mind control. It's not as sci-fi as you think, and sci-fi is used to both give hints and as disinformation, if something is in a movie it can't also be true. That is poor logic, isn't it.

ELF waves are used to find oil, as you know if you watched the documentary, it is not an independent Youtube documentary, it is professionally produced.

Now who has ties to oil? The Bushes at least, if not so many others. One engineer who was hired for such work claims he caused an earthquake, which was replicated by using ELF waves over a known, unstable area off the Pacific, infamous for making two of our states, HI and CA, notorious earthquake states.

They have been prodicting "the big one" in Cali for years. That's called pre-programming, making a message become defacto fact in the minds of the public. It is so ingrained that it'd be like denying gravity when someone challenges it.

When it happens, we'll all say, "it's finally happened!" because we've been nervously anticipating it in the back of our minds. That's how real-life programming works, it looks like a lamb, but it hides a wolf.

Be wise as serpents, innocent as lambs.

Look, the greatest aim of Satan is to convince the world he is God, worthy of worship and fear, mostly fear. If you can manipulate the weather and trigger earthquakes, as earthquakes are potential energy just waiting to be released, like an avalanche...well then you'd look like God, and you'd be so freaked out that you'd do anything the government said, because they'd claim it was for public safety.

Now even if Satan is not real, we know that secret societies, witches, Satanists, and all the million disguises of these organizations believe in the antichrist and the NWO. Hitler is no different from Obama, as both were puppets to stir up and distract the peoples, offering false hope, but always delivering shit.

And these people have money and power, and they do intend to take all your money and possessions, your rights, and apparently even mother nature, so that you will have no choice but to submit to their Will. That is magic, affecting changes in reality by force of Will, and anyone that stands in your way will be destroyed with no prejudice.

This is the mentality of the mystery religions of Babylon, and God has always fought to prevent us from turning into depraved slaves with no free will. Remember who gave you that free will, and that includes the right to give it away. That's what our country was founded on, remember? A higher authority giving us inalienable rights.

This is all New World Order 101. It's happening. I'm starting to think it is too late for most people, the programming is difficult to break, trust me. It will drive you insane before you can open your eyes and see clearly, like you are reborn.

Just see without prejudice, and think holistically, always. Reality is holistic, mind-theory is the opposite, it reduces and cuts things into artificial mental constructs, which is why we have no grip on human problems like hunger, disease, poverty, marriage, bullying, sexual abus, incest, murder, theft, extortion, blackmail, corruption, greed, etc.
Last edited by kreese on Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:18 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:16 am

Angels Don't Play This Haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology
by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning

Google it, I imagine one of the first few hits allows you to read their research. Make up your own mind, but don't ignore evidence and pre-judge, that's willful stupidity.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:56 am

If this isn't enough of a smoking gun for everyone, then there is not much more one could say to convince you that you are being lied to.

And this is just one project out of how many...paid for without your sweat and tears, even the inventor quit the project and felt bad how his technology was appropriated by the military and now without any oversight they are fucking with our planet's electromagnetic properties which affect us all, there is science behind that, perhaps the ancients knew what they were talking about with talk of Tian, Di, Ren...Feng Shui, invisible forms of energy no more mysterious than your TV or WiFi that you use every day.

As early as 1977, 35 years ago, the potential devastation this kind of weapon would unleash upon the planet was recognized in the form of an international treaty banning such things as weather modification.

They obviously felt the threat was real enough, and this was way before modern computers and nanotechnology.

Of course we break international warfare treaties all the time with our torture, hidden prisons, and God knows what goes on in the Top Secret and above Top Secret realms of intelligence and military.

China and Russia are of course working on this weapon as well, if they don't always have it. There are recorded instances of the Soviets directing various ELF waves at the US Embassy and other targets during the Cold War.

The Environmental Modification Convention (ENMOD), formally the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques is an international treaty prohibiting the military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques. It opened for signature on 18 May 1977 in Geneva and entered into force on 5 October 1978. The Convention bans weather warfare, which is the use of weather modification techniques for the purposes of inducing damage or destruction. The Convention on Biological Diversity of 2010 would also ban some forms of weather modification or geoengineering.[2]
Last edited by kreese on Mon Oct 29, 2012 4:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Dmitri on Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:46 am

I think I know the solution to ALL of these problems.

We should, like, stare at the center of this for about 14 hours straight, and our minds will be, like, rebooted, man...

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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:53 am

Watch these firsthand witnesses and experts voice the truth. There is no reason not to believe these people, the rescue worker who saw at least one black box recovered (the US Govt says none were found) was at ground zero for over 200 days straight. If you doubt this man, you are insane. Former military officials testify because they know how things work. Ventura was a Navy SEAL. No matter what else he is or has done, he was a SEAL. He knows how Murder, Inc. works.

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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:45 am

Both of my parents collaborate on nanotechnology research, and my dad has worked at every major national lab, including one whose description is 90% military applications, so a) I have some firsthand experience with this level of academia and industry, I've studied at some of the nation's top engineering schools and I worked at a company run by someone who got their phd at around 20.

So I can talk enough tech with anyone in general and b) I know a bit about the research scientist crowd, I know what it takes to be in academia, I've watched countless people go through the process over many years. I went through an educational system that produced some of the most significant advances in electronics and computer technologies, including the birth of the web browser as we know it. I saw research browsers in 1994-5 that preceded anything that went commercial, before everyone even had email.

So when I see evidence of things I can really put myself in that world, and I know exactly how it could all go wrong. It's mostly about money, these people study so hard and then they have to fight to get funding. It's all about funding, my 70+ year old dad still travels the world working overtime at research, in a way at this point I feel sad that he feels the need to keep proving himself to himself. 70 is time to smoke weed and play guitar, to do tai chi and to raise dogs, not think that the world needs more technology to get us out of the problems caused by technology in the first place.

So I know the programming, I would have made a very talented engineer, maybe one day excited to work on some hush-hush project, which gives me a little high in my otherwise pointless pursuit of status and insider status.

But for some reason I got disillusioned a bit early, even though I was carrying the flag of elitism and the system hard core, being a high achiever at one of the most academically talented high schools in the nation, with several Nobel laureates and nationally if not internationally recognized scientists, engineers, basically the top 1%... amongst our alumni.

This is not brag, because I realize I have nothing to be proud of. This is context for what may seem like crazy, unfounded accusations.

If you can speak from experiences like this, your opinions carry weight. If you can't really say you know what any of these worlds are like, intimately, than by logic anything you say will be much farther from the truth, so there's nothing to speculate about but what you know.

Back up your talk with some real life experiences and research, otherwise you are just uncomfortable at some of the ideas that I am merely putting before you in a controversial way, because that is literally the only thing people will pay any attention to anymore, that's the result of studying marketing and advertising as seriously as any other subject, and personally knowing two top marketing directors at top US companies, one of which everyone knows and probably uses daily in some form or another, they are innovators and they decide how certain aspects of your life will go, this is all fact.

They are the magic makers, the ones who study human behavior and desire and use illusion to turn it into profits.
Last edited by kreese on Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:54 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Dmitri on Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:33 am

What do you do for a living, may I ask?
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby meeks on Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:06 pm

how did this morph to "people that worship other deities than jahweh eat babies" then to "9/11 was a conspiracy"...?
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Darth Rock&Roll on Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:46 pm

hmmmn...where to begin.

Ok, Saturn, Saturnalia, etc. Saturn represent authority in ancient Rome and prior.
Saturn, as a planet has been observable for all time by the naked eye. As is Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury and even Neptune and Uranus.
All the planets were given god attributes up until the great anthropomorphizing of god(s) where god and gods were given human attributes to replace their celestial ones and therefore make the passing of allegory and metaphor much more relatable.

As for the Magen of David (Star of David). First, it is NOT a hexagram. It is a six pointed 12 sided star representing duality in it's myriad manifestations and how that relates to humanity.

Here's a cursory article about it: ... -David.htm

As for Saturn, well, he was definitely an Roman deity. Here's a write up at wiki about it:

As for lizards, conspiracy, and the Illuminati? Yeah, that's all the bullshit that a paranoid and fertile mind can cook in my viewpoint.
Takes about 3 minutes of reading books with valid historicity to pretty much destroy that nonsense with even medium level rationale.

Just sayin. :)
Last edited by Darth Rock&Roll on Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:13 pm

Ben Fulford was Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazines from 1998-2005, among positions at other well-known new media companies.

If you can ignore what this man says, you are denying the truth of those who make the news, who filter it and bring it to you. But this guy is now affiliated with an Asian secret society/gang, so he no longer fears for his life. That's what I'd do if I was going to create a lot of enemies with my writing. Seriously, if you know the fixers, you are always above the regular rules and limitations.

Many of the things he says at he beginning about the transparent connections between Asian organized crime and government is stuff I've already read about, and can see around me in taiwan, although it is much more subtle, at least in taipei.

He also confirms other things I've connected myself without proof. AndyS is a journalist, I figure he must know Fulford or at least the world Fulford works within, although I doubt Andy has underworld connections like that, his Korean is probably not good enough. Fulford has best-selling novels in Japanese and is the son of a diplomat, so you can imagine his ability to penetrate into the Japanese underworld is very possible. ... my-murder/

Ben Fulford (July 10 2012) ~ Japanese Power Broker Ichiro Ozawa Ordered My Murder
Posted on July 9, 2012 by Gillian
Benjamin Fulford

The order to stab this writer with a poisoned needle was given by Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa and his North Korean faction, according to North Korean, South Korean and Japanese military intelligence and underworld sources. Ozawa is upset by repeated assertions by this writer that he was involved in, and profited from, the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attacks against Japan. My question to Ozawa is, why not sue me for slander instead of trying to kill me? Is it because you are guilty of participating in, and profiting from, the murder of 20,000 of your fellow Japanese citizens?

[continued, follow link for full article]

Profile Benjamin Fulford

Nationality: Canada

Qualifications: 20-years experience as a professional writer and journalist. Have sold over 500,000 non-fiction books written in Japanese. Have produced a comprehensive catalogue of scoops in field ranging from business to yakuza gangsters to high-finance to government corruption. Now focused on exposing U.S. manipulation of Japanese politics, media and education through a combination of bribes, murder, brainwashing etc. My goal is to counter U.S. propaganda and expose the Japanese people to the truth so that they may free themselves from the colonial yoke and use their $5 trillion in overseas holdings to end world poverty and save the environment.

Native or near native, spoken and written: Japanese, French, Spanish and English. Conversational, reading ability in Mandarin, Portuguese and Italian.


2005-present: Have published 15 books written in Japanese with cumulative sales running at over 500,000 copies. Have weekly 2-hour TV show and appear frequently on numerous other nationally broadcast shows. Have regular columns in a variety of best-selling Japanese magazines.

1998-2005: Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine. Quit in profound disgust over extensive corporate censorship and mingling of advertising and editorial at the magazine. If they dispute this, I invite them to sue me, any place, any time.

1997-1998: Tokyo correspondent for the South China Morning Post.

1995-7: Staff writer for the Nikkei Weekly and the Nihon Keizai Shimbun Newspaper.

1993-1995 Took a sabbatical in Canada. Did research on the link between evolutionary forces and modern world society.

1989-1992 Senior Tokyo correspondent for the International Financing Revue. Created and managed Japan Watch, a news and analysis service available on the Reuters and Telerate news-wires. Created Katana, a Japanese language news service available on the Nikkei Quick news-wire. Triggered several Finance Ministry investigations with articles that uncovered financial industry irregularities.

1986-1989 Correspondent for Knight-Ridder Financial News; covered a broad range of market related news. One particularly market moving story was used by Knight-Ridder in an advertising campaign.

1982-1985 Part time jobs during student years included: work as an editor of Hitachi Review, a science and technology magazine; translation in the fields of business and finance and assorted television, radio and movie appearances.

1978-1982: Sowed my wild oats. Spent the time traveling and avoiding civilization. Spent 1-year studying with a witch doctor along the upper reaches of the Uquyali river in the Peruvian Amazon. Lived with former cannibals. Total time spent sleeping outdoors was 1 year. Lived as wild animal in the Canadian wilderness, catching food with my own hands, etc.

Education: Sophia University, Tokyo Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. BA Asian studies, China area specialty.


For enquires please send an e-mail to [email protected]: Or call 81-90-3439-5558.
Last edited by kreese on Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:52 pm

Part I of a 3 part series. He discusses the secret financial history of America, Europe and Japan, organized crime and government, the Japanese earthquake used as a threat by the US, who can use HAARP to generate ELF waves that can penetrate the earth and alter atmospheric conditions (change the weather). They already use the technology to find oil wells and mineral deposits, and at least one engineer who worked for the oil companies claimed he started an earthquake because the ELF resonated with an already unstable fault line. Earthquakes are like a bucket of water on top of a door, they just need to be triggered for all that techtonic potential energy to be released.

See, I think about the science as well as the rumors, as I have the technical background to understand. I was raised old school, to understand how things work and to see how things relate.

Wow, he even uses one of my favorite terms, which I thought I made, "brown people", to describe poor 3rd world asians and latinos. That's because I love racist humor, but really in Asia the brown people are treated just like black people back home, although back home people hide their racism more.

OK, when the former Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief of Forbes is just confirming a lot of my own hunches, I know I am on the right track.

I guess there are those that really know what's going on, and the rest of the people. I shan't argue anymore with the rest of the people, as they are willingly choosing to bury their heads in the sand, waiting for a savior to come save them.

Don't worry, your messiah is coming, and will give you the false hope you need to keep on dreaming.
Last edited by kreese on Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:11 pm

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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby swelte on Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:51 am

Wow, this thread is just slathered with crazy. :o
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Michael on Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:01 am

Did Fulford ever release the 2007 interview with the former Japanese finance minister where Fulford claimed he was told that the US threatened to use HAARP to cause an earthquake near a nuclear power plant? Fulford came out with that after his interview of David Rockefeller the same year, but he never followed through as far as I know, so I wrote him off as unreliable for that and other reasons.



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