Critique of Push Hands in the West.

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Re: Critique of Push Hands in the West.

Postby bruce on Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:42 am

Ba-men wrote:
Does anyone have any videos of some violent push hands? Maybe since I haven't trained taichi in a while i am more militant and would like to see the more realistic version of push hands. :)

My youtube fu kinda sucks these days.


Without sounding like a quack....I think this is practical tui shou and draw from this type of stuff heavily[/quote]ya know what? i think that is awesome! one of my teachers played as a linebacker for the atlanta falcons for about 6 years. he is a large, powerful and well trained athlete. a few times when we did push hands practice he charged me i guess like a lineman would (he said he thought it would help me since very few people i come in contact with are that big and strong) i learned a lot about getting out of the way! it is a bit scary having a linebacker try to plow you down.

he told me that he does not think he would have made it that many years in the nfl without his ma training ...
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Re: Critique of Push Hands in the West.

Postby Waterway on Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:41 am

Wow wonder where this thread went!

Apologies for repeating a topic. I had a search for similar topics, but could find any. That said, I wouldn't describe my search as thorough! I'll know for next time!
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