The Cult of Saturn

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The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:19 am

Last edited by kreese on Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:21 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:21 am

Prepare to get creeped out, because once again one can easily connect the different expressions of the worship of Saturn throughout world history.

The Star of David has nothing to do with Judaism. It is a hexagram, and is a core symbol of Satanism, along with the pentagram. You can look that up yourself, it's fact.

The hexagram is the symbol for Saturn. That is clear. It is way older than Judaism, or at least since they adopted it. I don't even know if they chose it, or if Hitler did, Hitler was versed in the occult, that's for sure.


And...if that's not creepy enough, NASA has in the recent past discovered a distinct hexagon on one of Saturn's poles:

The Puzzling Hexagon ... 11682.html

It is stable, and they don't know why it remains there.


And here is an ancient image with a reference to Saturn. The hexagon/hexagram is clearly visible. How did these ancient people come to use this symbol to represent Saturn? We only just discovered the hexagon. We don't know "what forces maintain" it. NASA's words, not mine.


It's not about whether you believe in this stuff. They do. They really believe. And they've kept on believing for millenia. And they act on those beliefs.

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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Patrick on Mon Sep 24, 2012 1:30 am

Open your eyes, the world is not as it seems

Really? So what you are saying is, that one needs not to be depressed of most human actions, but rather be happy and celebrate life. ;D The philosophy and practice of a healthy life
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:21 am

Well it sometimes help to know why human actions are depressing.

I'm all for being happy and celebrating life! These guys are simply a cult of death. But the human sacrifices and slavery is a very real issue that goes on to this day, perpetrated by some of the world's most powerful people.

And that is creepy and depressing.

Last edited by kreese on Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:35 am

It means those that are the most sure about "reality" are the most asleep. But everyone is starting to feel in their gut that something is wrong. What's needed is a thesis for how everything is connected, and most people have found that the mystery religions of Babylon are the source of the New World Order.

Their movements and plans have been in motion for centuries, and there are hundreds of secret societies doing secret shit behind closed doors.

If something is secret, by definition we have no idea what it is. Luckily humans are dumb, and make mistakes, or change their minds and decide to not worship satan and do weird occult shit behind closed doors.

So we have been able to peer inside these secret occult worlds, and what we've found out is disturbing. Child porn, child rape, abuse of children starting from infancy, these are cold technologies developed by the CIA (MKULTRA), that is a known program of researching mind control.

Child sacrifices, other children have testified to this because watching it and participating is part of their indoctrination into the Craft.

There are family lines of witches and Satanists going back generations. Some children are just born into it, not knowing anything else.

Satanists don't give a F about their children, mind you. They will offer them up for abuse, torture, whatever. They're satanists, remember!

So that is the main reason in my mind this stuff should not be ignored. To do so is to turn your back on a children being tortured in numbers that would make your jaw drop.

Just google number of missing children in the US every year. After you weed out other reasons, there are a large number that just disappear. Where do you think they go?

That's the choice we make every day: toi walk away, or start giving a shit by trying to learn the Truth.

paranoidandroid wrote:
Open your eyes, the world is not as it seems

Really? So what you are saying is, that one needs not to be depressed of most human actions, but rather be happy and celebrate life. ;D
Last edited by kreese on Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:42 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby GrahamB on Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:46 am

Can I get an L for LIZARDS?!?!?!

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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:51 am

The seminal work on Mystery Babylon, from William Cooper's Hour of the Time shortwave radio broadcast.

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Stage one is opening up to the possibility of stuff you don't know. Stage two is finding it. Stage three is integrating this new knowledge with your previous concept of reality.

At this point you will either make some excuse to deny the information and decide to forget about it, or your life will be changed forever, and nothing will look the same again, but everything will make sense.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:41 am

This guy is far out there with his grand theory, but he sticks to historically verifiable stuff, then from there it's anyone's guess how it fits together, and it will be an equally far-out theory, because this is stuff we don't learn.

His analysis of language is uncanny, and that alone is pretty chilling, we don't think about the words we use, the way we define our reality.

I do know that In the bible, the book of Acts 7:43, God references the star of the god Remphan, and Wikipedia confirms that is another name for Saturn = Satan. I got that from another documentary and checked it. Of course it checked out, you make everything transparent so that it can survive real criticism, but of course it will still be ridiculed, even if it can't be refuted.

This is how sick and deluded society is. And my answer to those who disagree is Paris Hilton. Things aren't that bad. Oh really? Paris Hilton exists. Come on, life is good. Really? Not when Paris Hilton is on TV. See? :D

Last edited by kreese on Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Dmitri on Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:52 am

the book of Acts 7:43, God references the star of the god Remphan

So, like, why is one three-letter word capitalized, but the other one isn't? :P :)
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby I-mon on Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:56 am

Dave you tripper!

From wikipedia's entry under "hexagram":

Usage by Hinduism and Eastern Religions
Diagram showing the two mystic syllables Om and Hrim

Six pointed stars have also been found in cosmological diagrams in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. The reasons behind this symbol's common appearance in Indic religions and the West are unknown. One possibility is that they have a common origin. The other possibility is that artists and religious people from several cultures independently created the hexagram shape, which is a relatively simple geometric design.

Within Indic lore, the shape is generally understood to consist of two triangles—one pointed up and the other down—locked in harmonious embrace. The two components are called "Om" and the "Hrim" in Sanskrit, and symbolize man's position between earth and sky. The downward triangle symbolizes Shakti, the sacred embodiment of femininity, and the upward triangle symbolizes Shiva, or Agni Tattva, representing the focused aspects of masculinity. The mystical union of the two triangles represents Creation, occurring through the divine union of male and female. The two locked triangles are also known as 'Shanmukha'—the six-faced, representing the six faces of Shiva & Shakti's progeny Kartikeya. This symbol is also a part of several yantras and has deep significance in Hindu ritual worship and history.

In Buddhism, some old versions of the Bardo Thodol, also known as The "Tibetan Book of the Dead", contain a hexagram with a Swastika inside. It was made up by the publishers for this particular publication. In Tibetan, it is called the "origin of phenomenon" (chos-kyi 'byung-gnas). It is especially connected with Vajrayogini, and forms the center part of Her mandala. In reality, it is in three dimensions, not two, although it may be portrayed either way.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:38 am

Right, the point is the Star of David thing is bogus. Just that is suspect. So then why is it the symbol of Judaism? Well it's not a symbol of judaism, it is more a symbol of zionism, which seems to be an agenda plotted by men who who are deeply embedded within the highest levels of the US Government, especially departments dealing with war.

So knowing the true origin of the symbol is important. Symbology is everywhere, but we are blind unless we learn just what the symbols mean.

Again, it's not what you believe. It's what the people with the money and the power believe, and they are unanimously united in all their power pyramids ending in what they call Lucifer.

You have to study history, the secret societies, the church itself and what it really is, has done, and does today. Churches, religions are all filled with symbols and mysteries.

Yet there isn't a spiritual person in a church, is there? Spirituality is not taught in churches or temples or whatever. Maybe it is, but if it were, the majority of people would not be slaves to the international banking cartel.

I am not mincing words, when I say cartel, imagine gangsters, mafia, and how they do their business.

These guys don't give a damn about you or me, and they are so into symbology and the hidden messages of the ages, that they embed it into rap, music, movies, clothing, anything, you name it. Children's cartoons.

There are literally hundreds if not thousands of instances of this you can call up, and it is the sum of these recurring themes in our media, which is our new virtual reality.

Words, symbols, gestures, everything matters. It is a lie to take away the inherent miracle in everything you do, because you were created in the image of God, or gods, all religions keep telling us the same basic messages.

The goal is to turn you into a machine, a new evolution, with enhancements, tracking, even control. The technology is there, and it is coming faster than ever.

They have already hijacked history and the truth, so that we believe whatever is in the media. Just think of the kids today who were born texting. The more dependent we are on these technologies, the more they have us. They already have us. We believe in a false history, even though you can poke holes in what we are taught...we continue to live in darkness and ignorance, and look at the world, is it getting better?

Question your education. Find out what the real goals of the system are, and if they teach you the whole Truth, or bits and pieces of truth peppered into a huge lie.
Last edited by kreese on Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Dmitri on Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:49 am

It is a lie to take away the inherent miracle in everything you do, because you were created in the image of God, or gods, all religions keep telling us the same basic messages.

...and we should listen to what all the religions keep telling us why, exactly?
Last edited by Dmitri on Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Patrick on Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:23 am

The goal is to turn you into a machine, a new evolution, with enhancements, tracking, even control. The technology is there, and it is coming faster than ever.

So why then should we use our IMA skills for developing robots? ::)
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby meeks on Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:13 am

I think the cotter pin for believing this is to first fully immerse yourself in the progaganda that anything that is not about worshipping christ or the christian god is instead 'pure, vile evil' and that if it's not of a christian belief that it must then be "all about killing your own babies"... then this dribble being posted becomes less laughable. Many christians think various deities throughout the ages that have been protectors of past civilizations are all 'satan' (baal, belzebuth, horus, lucifer etc...) when in fact these are all various deities that were loved by their people they protected until christians came along and slaughtered their armies and forced them to worship THEIR god.

You think St. Paddy's day is about "st paddy drove the snakes out of Ireland and that's whey there's no snakes on the island..." ? It was a reference to tribes that worshipped a different group of deities, and wiping them out and forcing them to worship the christian beliefs. Oh wait... literature says he fought the pagans and convinced them to convert... (ye, I'll tell you a story about the bible that's so beautiful you'll just HAVE to wana drop your beliefs that date back thousands of years and worship ours...)... so when Irish people celebrate St. Paddy's day they're essentially celebrating getting their asses handed to them and forced to worship someone else's beliefs.

What next... Ganesh, the elephant headed deity of India will be a cult and these people will feed him their babies too...? haha
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby GrahamB on Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:17 am

meeks wrote:I think the cotter pin for believing this is to first fully immerse yourself in the progaganda that anything that is not about worshipping christ or the christian god is instead 'pure, vile evil' and that if it's not of a christian belief that it must then be "all about killing your own babies"... then this dribble being posted becomes less laughable. Many christians think various deities throughout the ages that have been protectors of past civilizations are all 'satan' (baal, belzebuth, horus, lucifer etc...) when in fact these are all various deities that were loved by their people they protected until christians came along and slaughtered their armies and forced them to worship THEIR god.

You think St. Paddy's day is about "st paddy drove the snakes out of Ireland and that's whey there's no snakes on the island..." ? It was a reference to tribes that worshipped a different group of deities, and wiping them out and forcing them to worship the christian beliefs. Oh wait... literature says he fought the pagans and convinced them to convert... (ye, I'll tell you a story about the bible that's so beautiful you'll just HAVE to wana drop your beliefs that date back thousands of years and worship ours...)... so when Irish people celebrate St. Paddy's day they're essentially celebrating getting their asses handed to them and forced to worship someone else's beliefs.

What next... Ganesh, the elephant headed deity of India will be a cult and these people will feed him their babies too...? haha

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