Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby GrahamB on Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:01 am

Bring it Poynton!

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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby wiesiek on Mon Apr 23, 2018 5:24 am

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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby RobP3 on Mon Apr 23, 2018 6:31 am

I'll answer my own question

So, the photon itself is a very interesting particle. It is massless, yet: the temperature of a photon can be heated or cooled and; it can be stopped or paused while in motion. This is to say that the very properties of the photon can be manipulated – acted upon and changed. For the most part, this awareness has been achieved through traditional scientific discovery: laboratories, clean rooms and sensitive machinery and sensors designed to receive specific types of data. The differences between the traditional photon, think externally generated, and human generated biophoton are minimal. In fact, the similarities between the two types of photons are of critical interest and importance: both sets of photons, traditional and bio, are mass-less particles of energy; both sets of photons can be manipulated / acted upon to modify temperature and speed; both sets of photons can store and release information.Many people of diverse cultures have discussed, written about, and on some level engaged in the pursuit of a Universal life force of energy. The personal and physical experiences of such a large amount of people varying in age, race, religion, gender, across continents and throughout time itself cannot be overlooked nor dismissed. To the contrary, these overarching similarities, akin to a meta-analysis, point to the very foundational building block discussed at the beginning of this article: the photon.

So, As Amit Goswami explains in his book The Self-Aware Universe (1995), part of this black wall is that mechanistic science can’t explain subjective phenomena, while we humans are, after all, subjects, and not objects in our science. We are the observers of nature, not the observed, hence we are the subjects of our scientific scrutiny or voyage. And as such we are entangled with our observation, which means that we cannot honestly claim that we can achieve one hundred percent of objectiveness in any kind of scientific research endeavor. That means that a part of the field will always remain black, and if we complain about that, it won’t change the fact.

So, in 2010 I met a man called John who can smell via email. He told me what I had from lunch purely from my burp. He cured my cat's dandruff by emitting photonic particles in a capsulate wave form via the etheric network accessible only to those who have fasted for 66 days while sitting in lotus position on a pin. This is verified by Gene Rodenberry
"We have vibration sensors, sonar, radar, laser ranging, various kinds of light wavelength detectors and energetic particle detectors, and gravimeters. We also do a little three-dimensional imaging of the interiors of solid objects, like the human body, with magnetic fields and radioactivity detectors. The sensors and tricorders on Star Trek are quite different and more revealing as plot devices than anything we have. But with a stretch of the imagination, the tricorder scan could have today's magnetic resonance imager as its ancestor. The Enterprise's sensors must use the more advanced (and imaginary) "subspace fields," when it detects far-away objects in space, because the crew never has to wait for signals to travel to a target at the speed of light and return. Not all of the sensors on the show are possible. Here on Earth, the LIGO observatory has detected gravitational waves, enabling scientists to study direct observations of faraway colliding stars that had become black holes long ago. The patterns of waves confirm Albert Einstein’s gravity theory (the “general” theory of relativity). This is currently the most awesome kind of sensor in modern technology."

So still think its woo hahaha.
So all creatures have senses that take advantage of light, chemistry, sound, heat and gravity. (others?) They also have abilities that work with or against the same principals; gravity vs muscles and skeletons, light vs skin tone, sound vs feathers, heat vs sweat-glands. The list is just about endless, but the source of all this adaption is a very small set of physical laws.
A) Why then, with these adaptions so evident, are psychic abilities not equally present? Where are they? Why have the advantages of these powers not been selected-for? (Just pit a mean psychic hamster against a tiger and watch the tiger being tamed!)
[For that matter, why are we (all animals and plants and insects and bacteria) all not armed with a bristling pack of psychic powers, probing and defending-against those around us for sheer survival? Why has there been no psychic arms-race?]
B) If it is argued that the abilities are just now emerging and are very rare, then how do you explain the evolution/biology of that?
Where could a totally new ability come from when it has not been around for the billions of years since year dot?
In the case of point 2:
If we accept the irrational concept of the powers being 'piped' into our brains (or the select brains of psychics) then we still bring the powers down to a material/biological viewpoint. Those powers would still influence who lives and who dies; evolution. Today we should all be packed with powers and wearing capes with our underwear on the outside.

Consider also an example makes this clearer. Suppose I'm on a rowboat in the ocean pretending to be a radio transmitter and you're on the shore pretending to be a radio receiver. Let's say I want to send a distress signal to you. I could rock the boat up and down quickly in the water to send big waves to you. If there are already waves traveling past my boat, from the distant ocean to the shore, my movements are going to make those existing waves much bigger. In other words, I will be using the waves passing by as a carrier to send my signal and, because I'll be changing the height of the waves, I'll be transmitting my signal by amplitude modulation. Alternatively, instead of moving my boat up and down, I could put my hand in the water and move it quickly back and forth. Now I'll make the waves travel more often—increasing their frequency. So, in this case, my signal will travel to you by frequency modulation.Sending information by changing the shapes of waves is an example of an analog process. This means the information you are trying to send is represented by a direct physical change (the water moving up and down or back and forth more quickly).

If you think that isn't fair, then check this out In ethnological terms the exotic word pirie or peerie “…consequently Peri becomes in the mouth of an Arab Feti” (Edwards, 1974), which migrated to England via France to become ‘fairy’. In ancient Egyptian myth fairies paralleled the Seven Hathors or patronesses of childbirth, those regarded as ‘fairy godmothers’ (MacCulloch, 1911). The word feerie or fay-erie in modern French means land, realm, enchantment, or where the enchantment took place. The land of enchantment or fairyland is where dwell the fays or fee of medieval France. The faie or fee found in Old French originate with the fata of Late Latin meaning one of the fates or tutelary and guardian spirits.

So tutelary sounds a but like pituitary, so The hormones of the pituitary gland send signals to other endocrine glands to stimulate or inhibit their own hormone production. For example, the anterior pituitary lobe will release adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) to stimulate cortisol production in the adrenal glands when you’re stressed. The anterior lobe releases hormones upon receiving releasing or inhibiting hormones from the hypothalamus. These hypothalamic hormones tell the anterior lobe whether to release more of a specific hormone or stop production of the hormone.

I hope that's cleared things up
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby Michael on Mon Apr 23, 2018 8:20 am

That definitely tops my grand unifying neutrino theory.


Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby voidisyinyang on Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:58 am

RobP3 wrote:I'll answer my own question

So, As Amit Goswami explains in his book The Self-Aware Universe (1995), part of this black wall is that mechanistic science can’t explain subjective phenomena, while we humans are, after all, subjects, and not objects in our science. We are the observers of nature, not the observed, hence we are the subjects of our scientific scrutiny or voyage. And as such we are entangled with our observation, which means that we cannot honestly claim that we can achieve one hundred percent of objectiveness in any kind of scientific research endeavor. That means that a part of the field will always remain black, and if we complain about that, it won’t change the fact.

I think I mentioned already that Eddie Oshins was pissed that Goswami hijacked Oshins research into "quantum psychology" and turned it into New Age woo-woo. The different being noncommutative phase math - and Oshins taught wing chun.

The LIGO woo-woo parody - is a whole other discussion. Quantum relativity has a lot to debate about it. Professor HM Collins devoted half his career to the LIGO experiments in terms of philosophy of science, and as I pointed out HM Collins also studied paranormal experiments - stating the two were equivalent in terms of scientific validity. The fact that LIGO require quantum coherence of phonons to measure the gravity waves says oodles in itself. haha. quantum physics is primary to relativity - and Einstein was indeed disproven. But Einstein has gotten renewed with the EPR=ER model as the foundation of reality.

Why then, with these adaptions so evident, are psychic abilities not equally present? Where are they? Why have the advantages of these powers not been selected-for? (Just pit a mean psychic hamster against a tiger and watch the tiger being tamed!)
[For that matter, why are we (all animals and plants and insects and bacteria) all not armed with a bristling pack of psychic powers, probing and defending-against those around us for sheer survival? Why has there been no psychic arms-race?]
B) If it is argued that the abilities are just now emerging and are very rare, then how do you explain the evolution/biology of that?

So you have a whole lot of baggage here about what constitutes "evolution" - first of all in the last 40 years we, modern civilization, have destroyed 50% of vertebrate based wildlife. Conservation biologist Michael Soule pointed out that evolution STOPPED for large mammals (that includes us) in the 1970s. So to speak of "evolution" is a bit ironic consider modern civilization has created the fastest destruction of life on earth - with a trajectory to be more devastating than the Permian extinction - when Gorgons were the dominant animal on the planet.

O.K. so all your questions - about psychic powers and where are they? Again you are projecting your mind. In fact quantum biology has proven that life is based on spiritual powers - that's the difference between the psychic (siddhis) and the spiritual (shakti). For example I corresponded with math professor Ian Stewart - who cowrote a book with biologist Jack Cohen - called "Evolving the Alien". Stewart specializes in "quasi telepathy" - the term applying to the Ampullae of Lorenzi of sharks - say - or electric fish. So Stewart said that if aliens are real they must be hermits. To which I replied yes Taoist Masters can travel into outerspace - or Buddhists masters - and yet to do so they must be hermits. So we are the "aliens" so to speak and I described to him how telepathy is real. Then he got a parody article published in the journal Nature around that time - in 2006 - stating that he did not believe telepathy was real but that with quantum computing we can develop real telepathy using qubits as mind control implants. And then he joked - yes but how would we know that the Matrix is not controlling us and not vice versa? haha. He called this article - a spoof on Casablanca - "Play it again Psam?" https://www.nature.com/articles/433556a

So qigong master John Chang stated he is just like an electric eel. So I took him at his word and researched how an electric eel can take down a man standing up in water. The electric eel stores the charge in the lecithin and it is activated via potassium ratio built up via serotonin of the ACTH. So yes qigong masters have been shown also to increase serotonin levels and store up charge via the vagus nerve which increases potassium levels - and the lecithin is ionized - via celibacy. I go over this research in my article published - http://www.viewzone.com/spiritualhealing.html

So quantum biology was considered woo-woo just ten years ago. But you should read the 2016 science award winning book, "Life on the Edge" - and one of the authors - did a BBC doc on quantum biology. So quantum nonlocality is not "psychic" but rather spiritual - in the sense it is not controlled by the left brain as some human would do - but rather it is the 5th dimension that secretly guides evolution. This is what Schroedinger had proposed as well. I was promoting qigong and quantum biology back in 2006 on the "top science" blog of professor PZ Myers - and so he banned me as promoting woo-woo. haha. But that was back when JohnJoe McFadden was the main professor publishing on the topic. He also coauthored the 2016 book. So his research has been corroborated.

The playlist I have on quantum spooky action at a distance through telepathic means (to quote Einstein) - has that quantum biology doc.

The Secrets Of Quantum Physics - Quantum Biology Theory Documentary

If we accept the irrational concept of the powers being 'piped' into our brains (or the select brains of psychics) then we still bring the powers down to a material/biological viewpoint. Those powers would still influence who lives and who dies; evolution. Today we should all be packed with powers and wearing capes with our underwear on the outside.

Consider also an example makes this clearer. Suppose I'm on a rowboat in the ocean pretending to be a radio transmitter and you're on the shore pretending to be a radio receiver. Let's say I want to send a distress signal to you. I could rock the boat up and down quickly in the water to send big waves to you. If there are already waves traveling past my boat, from the distant ocean to the shore, my movements are going to make those existing waves much bigger. In other words, I will be using the waves passing by as a carrier to send my signal and, because I'll be changing the height of the waves, I'll be transmitting my signal by amplitude modulation. Alternatively, instead of moving my boat up and down, I could put my hand in the water and move it quickly back and forth. Now I'll make the waves travel more often—increasing their frequency. So, in this case, my signal will travel to you by frequency modulation.Sending information by changing the shapes of waves is an example of an analog process. This means the information you are trying to send is represented by a direct physical change (the water moving up and down or back and forth more quickly).

Again this is not how noncommutative phase works. I'll give you the counter-example of quantum telepathy from my quantum physics professor Herbert J. Berstein:

On the other hand one does not see a priori whether the theory [worm holes] contains the quantum phenomena. Nevertheless, one should not exclude a priori the possibility that the theory may contain them.
...Einstein-Rosen "bridges" aka wormholes proposed as possible for the quantum level!! . - quote from their original infamous 1935 paper.

cited and discussed in 1999 by the quantum physics professor I had for my first year of college - Herbert J. Bernstein.

"It sounds very jazzy, but quantum teleportation is actually about making connections for information," said Bernstein. "What it does is send the complete quantum state from a single particle that comes specially prepared in that state to a different remote particle which has never interacted with it."

Testing Quantum Teleportation from Satellites using secret noncommutative phase fiber-bundle model of reality.

Fiber Bundle and quantum theory - Scientific American pdf - Herbert Bernstein 1981

The analog would be, instead of using a sphere, we are going to use a torus, or donut shape. A sphere can only rotate on an axis, and there is no way to get an opposite point for every point on a sphere by rotating it—because the axis points, the north and the south, don’t move. With a donut, if you rotate it 180 degrees, every point becomes its opposite.

She then sends a key to Bob over traditional communication channels, indicating what operation he must perform on his photon to prepare the same quantum state, thus teleporting the information. Hyperentangled Quantum Teleportation Signals

So we can do this through biology using phonons that are spin 1/2 noncommutative phase.

If you think that isn't fair, then check this out In ethnological terms the exotic word pirie or peerie “…consequently Peri becomes in the mouth of an Arab Feti” (Edwards, 1974), which migrated to England via France to become ‘fairy’. In ancient Egyptian myth fairies paralleled the Seven Hathors or patronesses of childbirth, those regarded as ‘fairy godmothers’ (MacCulloch, 1911). The word feerie or fay-erie in modern French means land, realm, enchantment, or where the enchantment took place. The land of enchantment or fairyland is where dwell the fays or fee of medieval France. The faie or fee found in Old French originate with the fata of Late Latin meaning one of the fates or tutelary and guardian spirits.

Actually "fey" as in fairie means "light" - so yes coherent biophotons as spirits indeed. I have seen ghosts so I know they are real. We each have coherent biophotons inside us as "ghosts."

irst of all -- how is it connected to quantum consciousness? Ian Stewart explains:

"The researchers found that the presence of random noise in the fish's sensory nerve cells improved its ability to detect plankton. What happens is that the noise can push the plankton's weak electrical signals over the threshold at which the paddlefish can detect them. In effect, the noise interacts with the signal and amplifies it."

Is this "random noise" what Taoists call the Emptiness -- the mystical nothingness described by spiritual healers worldwide? Quantum physics calls it the time-frequency uncertainty principle and according to chaos science it may not be random at all!"
("... is randomness anything more than an invention of our superstitious minds?" Ian Stewart, New Scientist, 2004.)

So the electrosensitive fish and sharks using quasi telepathy work through quasi-crystal or liquid crystal phonon superconducting quantum chaos of the ampullae of Lorenzini. I know I just threw out a bunch of meaningless terms that can be dismissed as -- umm -- psychobabble. Haha. Seriously though, this quasi telepathy has been researched in quantum chaos -- a "secret" science.

Electric fish convert serotonin in the pituitary gland to ACTH and this is used to dramatically change the potassium to sodium ratio for the synapses which then creates an electromagnetic field that is transmitted.
Last edited by voidisyinyang on Mon Apr 23, 2018 11:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby Bill on Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:11 pm

Dear voidisyinyang

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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby voidisyinyang on Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:35 pm

Bill wrote:Dear voidisyinyang


This is one of the implications of the well known but highly non-intuitive principle that looking at something changes it in the quantum realm.

Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2017-05-counterfa ... m.html#jCp

https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists ... first-time
It works based on the fact that, in the quantum world, all light particles can be fully described by wave functions, rather than as particles. So by embedding messages in light the researchers were able to transmit this message without ever directly sending a particle.

The team explains that the basic idea for this set up came from holography technology.

"In the 1940s, a new imaging technique - holography - was developed to record not only light intensity but also the phase of light," the researchers write in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

"One may then pose the question: Can the phase of light itself be used for imaging? The answer is yes."

The basic idea is this - someone wants to send an image to Alice using only light (which acts as a wave, not a particle, in the quantum realm).

Alice transfers a single photon to the nested interferometer, where it can be detected by three single-photon detectors: D0, D1, and Df.

If D0 or D1 'click', Alice can conclude a logic result of one or zero. If Df clicks, the result is considered inconclusive.

As Christopher Packham explains for Phys.org:

"After the communication of all bits, the researchers were able to reassemble the image - a monochrome bitmap of a Chinese knot. Black pixels were defined as logic 0, while white pixels were defined as logic 1 ...

In the experiment, the phase of light itself became the carrier of information, and the intensity of the light was irrelevant to the experiment."
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby I-mon on Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:19 pm

See now that we're talking about actual quantum physics, it's actually quite interesting!

As has been pointed out, however, the connections between these ideas and people taking axe blows to the sternum, or holding the right hand higher than the left (or is it the other way round?) while not ejaculating in order to develop psychic powers, are not getting any clearer after 8 pages.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby voidisyinyang on Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:52 pm

I-mon wrote:See now that we're talking about actual quantum physics, it's actually quite interesting!

As has been pointed out, however, the connections between these ideas and people taking axe blows to the sternum, or holding the right hand higher than the left (or is it the other way round?) while not ejaculating in order to develop psychic powers, are not getting any clearer after 8 pages.

yes - I have given links - there might be some "background reading" involved to further get details. But some people are not interested in learning - or I mean "learning how to learn." Instead what to be spoonfed information. haha. O.K.

So that last link I gave is on the quantum zeno effect. I will quote Jim Nance to give you an understanding of how this works:

It’s easier to accept things in their natural flow

….I didn’t listen and so the Universe will say, “o.k. if you didn’t listen I’ll really show you why you should be doing this.”….The key is being open to listening, that’s the hardest thing. If you get five seconds of focus you’re doing something. You slow yourself down, to maintain your focus, breathing is an important part, if you can pull the visualization without losing the connection, then it’s much easier to shift the energy. If I inhale and exhale and be more objective, not so subjectively pulled into the experience, it would be like taking a snap-shot, looking at the snap-shot, keeping it steady while I was breathing. I could then keep my focus on something for an extended period of time. All I had to do was wait and the energy would shift on its own.

So as quantum physics professor Basil J. Hiley points out - at time zero there is nonlocality as a novel force.

I'll quote another professor:

Kent A. Peacock, Professor of philosophy of physics:

There is a subtle fact about relative velocities that is not always explicitly mentioned in books on relativity, and a failure to grasp this subtle fact may be a cause of some of the confusion about superluminal motion. In special relativity all velocities (except for the velocity of light itself) are relative, including zero and infinite velocity....Dainton, et. al., possibly have confused the invariant fact that any superluminal propagation has infinite velocity relative to one frame (which one depends on the spacetime trajectory of the superluminal effect) with the notion (not correct) that any superluminal propagation would be invariantly infinite for all frames....Thus, there certainly is a theory that allows for influences which are instantaneous in one frame and finite (though superluminal) in all others; it is called 'special relativity.'...instantaneous in their mutual rest frame....Whether or not the local clock readings are equal at A and B is therefore independent of whether or not A and B are at the same global time coordinate in some inertial frame or other....Einstein's way of defining time-coordinate simultaneity neither assumes nor requires that light signals be either the fastest or the only way of communicating between distant events; it's only about what can be accomplished with light signals....an obvious candidate is phase: it is far more natural to think of wave functions as reducing over hypersurfaces of constant phase, and this automatically gives a covariant picture; ...While relativity is far more amenable to superluminal influences than has been generally supposed, ultimately it is classical relativity that must adapt itself to the quantum....Bohm and Hiley themselves were not comfortable with theories like de Broglie's later approach because such theories imply that any particle interacts via a four-dimensional wave field with other particles both past and future throughout spacetime....Thus, Bohm and Hiley rejected covariant pictures of nonlocality (such as de Broglie's) not because they are technically out of the question, but because they tend to violate classical expectations or intuitions about causality....while such a theory would do violence to classical intuitions (prejudices?) about the proper order of cause and effect it is quite likely that it would not allow for outright logical paradoxes of the kind that worried Bohm and Hiley....what is not speculative is that (as the example of de Broglie's theory shows) it is not necessarily the case that any account of quantum mechanics in terms of more general physical principles would demand the return to Galilean covariance and a preferred frame;

2013, emphasis in original, "Would superluminal influences violate the principle of relativity"

So de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony is explained as frequency is to time as momentum is to wavelength. I convert this as Shen is to Emptiness as Qi is to Jing.

O.K. I have gone into my analysis - in my "Idiot's Guide" article - so as with bird migration - you have the quantum zeno effect by turning the shen around into the emptiness - so that the light has a non-zero rest mass but also has relativistic mass that is superluminal. This is the momentum that is superluminal.

I describe this more in my article - http://ecoechoinvasives.blogspot.com/20 ... e-law.html 77 Different Sources on de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony and Spiritual Force

Essentially - when qigong first was analyzed scientifically, it was discovered the qigong masters emit a strong ELF wave of qi energy. And this has been corroborated through other studies that I cite in my "idiot's guide" article....

So then - we can see how this is a standing wave with the Schumann resonance - as with strong T'ai Chi masters....

But with bird migration there is more to it - the Schumann resonance enables the Quantum Zeno Effect - so that the bird brain (or should I say electric eel brain?) I mean - qigong master brain - yes it creates a "dielectric medium" that enables this subwavelength of light - sub-angstrom - as hearing does.

So the bird (and qigong master) is listening to light - that is superluminal or quantum tunneling.

Quantum Zeno Effect Underpinning the Radical-Ion-Pair Mechanism of Avian Magnetoreception
I. K. Kominis
(Submitted on 16 Apr 2008)

The intricate biochemical processes underlying avian magnetoreception, the sensory ability of migratory birds to navigate using earths magnetic field, have been narrowed down to spin-dependent recombination of radical-ion pairs to be found in avian species retinal proteins. The avian magnetic field detection is governed by the interplay between magnetic interactions of the radicals unpaired electrons and the radicals recombination dynamics. Critical to this mechanism is the long lifetime of the radical-pair spin coherence, so that the weak geomagnetic field will have a chance to signal its presence. It is here shown that a fundamental quantum phenomenon, the quantum Zeno effect, is at the basis of the radical-ion-pair magnetoreception mechanism. The quantum Zeno effect naturally leads to long spin coherence lifetimes,

O.K. so what I am stating is that just as a bird takes in blue light and uses the Schumann Resonance to delay the collapse of the wavefunction of the light (so to speak - the lingo changes depending on the quantum model used) - then there is quantum nonlocal signaling that is superluminal - just as with photosynthesis. The bird is relying on spin 1/2 quantum phonons - in essence listening to light - using the Schumann resonance as a dielectic medium. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl ... 07359/#B21

David Lee, PhD in Oriental Medicine on April 3, 2015
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

Functional medicine practitioners will love this book. Connecting serotonin to an Asian spleen is where East meets West. The serotonin absorption into the brain due to a physical spleen organ dysfunction leading to an obsessive compulsive behavior is a spleen qi deficiency in Asian medicine and Lesser Yins. He weaved both disparate views (Eastern and Western medicine) relevant to each other. Warming digestives such as bai zhu, bai shao, ginger, ginseng, and sha ren may be selected for their effect based on certain serotonin pathways, such as 5-HT1 to 5-HT7 receptors.

He makes the reading easy by using our common conversational English language as his vehicle of the book, making Asian medical terminologies common household, lay words.

So the spleen, via the pancreas, is supposed to activate the governing channel - as the sympathetic nervous system of the spine - but instead the front channel can go "up" via the vagus nerve - pulling serotonin into the brain directly.

There needs to be a conversion of the serotonin from the blood into the cerebrospinal fluid. Or is it vice versa? I have to double check the Idiot's Guide article.

But this has to do with the yang qi and yin qi - and so gets back to the Tiger and Dragon harmonizing and resonating.

So Professor Michael Persinger cites Hu and Wu - corroborating Dr. Andrija Puharich on how the superluminal phase spin of the magnetic moment of hydrogen-based bonds - are in the ELF subharmonic frequency. So you get delocalized proton couplings - room temperature superconducting proton charge. This is what Dr. Mae Wan HO called "quantum jazz" - she was a Daoist quantum biologist researcher. https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio ... sciousness

Congruence of energies for cerebral photon emissions, quantitative EEG activities and ~5nT changes in proximal geomagnetic field support spin-based hypothesis of consciousness

So I corresponded with PRofessor Michael Persinger around 2006 - about Dr. Andrija Puharich (the CIA mind control scientist). Persinger stated that Puharich was "greatly underappreciated" and since our correspondence Persinger has corroborated many of Puharich's claims.
https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio ... procedures
Non-Locality changes in intercerebral theta band coherence between practitioners and subjects during distant Reiki procedures
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby voidisyinyang on Mon Apr 23, 2018 8:58 pm

I-mon wrote:See now that we're talking about actual quantum physics, it's actually quite interesting!

As has been pointed out, however, the connections between these ideas and people taking axe blows to the sternum, or holding the right hand higher than the left (or is it the other way round?) while not ejaculating in order to develop psychic powers, are not getting any clearer after 8 pages.

In plants, tryptophan conversion of light to exciton energy can participate in the directional orientation of leaves toward sunlight. Since serotonin is structurally similar to tryptophan, in the human brain, neurons could use tryptophan to capture photons and also use serotonin to initiate movement toward the source of light. Hence, we postulate two possible new roles for serotonin: (1) as an antioxidant, in order to counter-balance the oxidative effect of FAs, and (2) to participate in quantum interactions with MTs, in the same way as anesthetics and psychoactive compounds have been recently shown to act.

On the possible quantum role of serotonin... (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio ... sciousness [accessed Apr 23 2018].

So ejaculation triggers cortisol spiking whereas female orgasm stays in the parasympathetic nervous system - so the female builds up from dopamine lust into serotonin and then with more orgasms into oxytocin of the heart - via the right side vagus nerve - dorsal, below the diaphragm - to the cervix - and for males to the testes - and then up to the right side of the brain and to the right side of the heart.

So the right eye is the Po Soul - as the Tiger yang qi - and the right hand is the tiger - with the center palm point as the yuan qi energy from the heart - and so it is yin on the lower body (for males) since males are yin internally (the loss of the lecithin).

So the above research is on fatty acids (lecithin) - and serotonin - that should give you some more hints.

I know you research biology - so thought you might be interested. haha.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby I-mon on Mon Apr 23, 2018 11:25 pm

I actually am very interested, but so far in my own research I have found the systems/complexity approach to interactions between systems (environmental, socio-cultural, behavioural, cognitive, neurological, endocrine, immunological, histological, genetic and epigenetic, molecular, etc) to be the most accessible and simplest to understand when it comes to all mind-body practices including qigong, without needing to involve quantum mechanics to explain the process or the effects. My very basic understanding of quantum physics (from 1st year physics at university 20 years ago + my own reading on the topic since then) is that it is basically a given that quantum effects are involved in physiological processes (and therefore their psychological/experiential correlates) at the finest levels, but that these effects are important only at those extremely small spatial and temporal scales, and most likely not perceptible to a human nervous system.

The topics are interesting, but I find your posting style impossible to follow - literally, it is not possible for me to follow your arguments, you jump all over the place and it's not at all coherent to me! So I'd suggest that if you do enjoy discussing this stuff with other people, you might try to simplify what you are trying to say, because there's a good chance that no one has a damn clue what you're actually talking about, and it's not necessarily because they are ignorant but because you're not doing a very good job of communicating! No offence meant.
Last edited by I-mon on Mon Apr 23, 2018 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby RobP3 on Tue Apr 24, 2018 1:35 am

voidisyinyang wrote:
yes - I have given links - there might be some "background reading" involved to further get details. But some people are not interested in learning - or I mean "learning how to learn." Instead what to be spoonfed information. haha. O.K.

So that last link I gave is on the quantum zeno effect. I will quote Jim Nance to give you an understanding of how this works:

That's very presumptuous of you. I said in one of my first posts in this thread, there are people here who have been working / researching in these areas for decades. You come in, cut and paste chunks from various books and think you are "teaching us" something?

Understanding is not reading a book and believing everything you read in it. It is not trying to tie together everything you read in order to support your particular world view. People have asked to see what you can do, in terms of taiji, for example. You quoted some more books. People asked simple yes/no questions. You quoted some more books or gave us some anecdotal "evidence". Maybe you have some issues, many of us do. If so, I suggest leaving all the books behind for a while, go out and enjoy yourself in the "normal"! world, form some relationships, take up fishing or something.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby Giles on Tue Apr 24, 2018 5:43 am

[ Now I’m posting again on this thread, despite promising not too… ]

Void: I think that’s very good advice from Rob. See my signature quotation at the bottom? Taken from one of the Taiji Classics. That’s (also) a constant reminder for myself. Your IQ may be much greater than mine, but at my own level in my earlier years I used to spend time “flying high” intellectually in philosophy, arts etc. The problem was: not infrequently “my feet left the ground” in the process. And in retrospect that was usually bad for me and also for those around me. It certainly didn’t make me happy in the long run -- although at the time I thought I was outstanding. ::)

One good thing about Taijiquan and (mostly) Qigong is that, simultaneously to any possible energy-related stuff that may happen, you stand on the ground, you have a strong physical connection to the earth. That doesn’t automatically solve problems relating to “lifting off”, but it can help. It helped me, anyway.

No need to reply to this, but if you do, it would be nice if you use your own words instead of quoting other people’s.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby voidisyinyang on Tue Apr 24, 2018 3:14 pm

I-mon wrote:I actually am very interested, but so far in my own research I have found the systems/complexity approach to interactions between systems (environmental, socio-cultural, behavioural, cognitive, neurological, endocrine, immunological, histological, genetic and epigenetic, molecular, etc) to be the most accessible and simplest to understand when it comes to all mind-body practices including qigong, without needing to involve quantum mechanics to explain the process or the effects. My very basic understanding of quantum physics (from 1st year physics at university 20 years ago + my own reading on the topic since then) is that it is basically a given that quantum effects are involved in physiological processes (and therefore their psychological/experiential correlates) at the finest levels, but that these effects are important only at those extremely small spatial and temporal scales, and most likely not perceptible to a human nervous system.

The topics are interesting, but I find your posting style impossible to follow - literally, it is not possible for me to follow your arguments, you jump all over the place and it's not at all coherent to me! So I'd suggest that if you do enjoy discussing this stuff with other people, you might try to simplify what you are trying to say, because there's a good chance that no one has a damn clue what you're actually talking about, and it's not necessarily because they are ignorant but because you're not doing a very good job of communicating! No offence meant.

I looked over your book list on your website. I highly recommend you read "Life on the Edge" - by JOhnJoe McFadden and the dude who does those BBC docs. That's a good start. The basic concept here is that quantum biology is not quantum physics - or at least "mainstream" - quantum biology is more like quantum relativity as per Louis de Broglie. So the big point here is Self-Amplifying Harmony.

So you are saying that you don't think quantum coherence would be perceptible to the human nervous system. Let me give you a basic example.

You have heard of Earthing, I'm sure - or as people like to say "grounding" - but if a person is bare foot on the Earth then they take in negative ions from the Schumann resonance of lightning strikes (that happen 40 times per second and create a standing wave with strongest fundamental frequency of 7.8 hertz or so)....O.K. so people report this Earthing practice as creating an "internal tingling" sensation. So what that internal tingling is - it is the negative ions neutralizing the free radicals in the body.

Now each cell has at least 1000 mitochondria and so the microtubules charge up the mitochondria and the mitochondria emit biophotons that are absorbed by the serotonin.
But as I'm sure you know the mitochondria operates as a proton wheel system - and so releases free radicals.

http://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2018/04 ... antum.html

I just did a blog post on this - so it turns out that the free radicals are actually from the quantum spin getting changed - as the energy is increased by the mitochondria. And so the negative ions are changing the spin - by neutralizing the free radicals.

O.K. you might have noticed from increasing your qi enegy - that if you have fructose you will get an immediate strong internal tingling sensation. Why? Because the qi - as the yin qi stage - it is negative ions and so it naturally, like Earthing, is neutralizing the free radicals created from the sugar. But why fructose more so? Because fructose is actually a toxin to the body - why? Because it is the wrong chirality - it polarizes light in the wrong direction. So normally if we eat fruit - then the fructose is still digested in the small intestines since it is surrounded by fiber - but it still gets released even with fruit. For example Gabriel Cousins who trained at Muktanananda's ashram - said his key secret was to not eat fruit while he was doing serious yoga meditation to build up the prana energy. So he know has his fasting and raw food yoga center in Arizona - and authored the Rainbow diet book.

O.k. - so the point being that free radicals are based on quantum spin and quantum coherence - and so the qigong training is actually "accumulating phase" as noncommutative phase spin energy.

So - this is now being done for quantum computing - but also the reason DNA has a double helix is because it is held together by quantum phonons as quantum entanglement.

So this was the point made with smell being quantum nonlocality consciousness - the quantum biology doc I linked points out the research that actually smell is based on quantum frequency as resonance tunneling. So every time we smell - this is direct resonance with quantum nonlocal consciousness. So for example the difference between lemon and orange is that they have different frequencies - whereas two different molecules like cyanide and almonds can smell very similar since they have the same quantum frequency.http://felixonline.co.uk/articles/2018- ... e-quantum/ The way it is explained - chirality - is how Jimi Hendrix is left handed and yet he can't just flip his guitar over since it would be upside down. So this is actually from music theory - because you have have the same frequency but a different geometric form or vice versa - the different frequencies and same geometric form. This is why you can have a Perfect Fifth but it is C to F as subharmonic and C to G as overtone and one way is 2/3 frequency and the other way is 3/2 frequency. That is the secret of the T'ai Chi. Each zero point in space is actually a noncommutative phase as quantum tunneling.

So it's been proven we also hear at the sub-angstrom wavelength - smaller than light. But this is considered to be "thermal noise" - when in fact it is quantum coherence that self amplifies up to the hair cells of the inner ear being vibrated. So it was previously thought we can not hear ultrasound. Younger people can hear it. But now it is known that actually the whole brain resonates as ultrasound when we listen to the highest pitch we hear externally. Ultrasound is actually proprioception as the 6th sense that activates all the other "feelings" and "sensations" - and then it is only because of the self-amplifying of the quantum coherence that the smaller tubulins are able to resonate with the highest energy as a larger structure of microtubules, 3000 times stronger than as tubulins - through ultrasound.


So just as water has now been proven to be a "macroquantum molecule" - what is happening is that with standing active exercise there is a piezoelectric field of the collagen - that resonates with the Schumann field with the bare foot on the ground as Earthing - and the legs vibrating 7 to 9 times per second with the "shaking medicine" as it's called around the world - as Dr. Bradford Keeney documents - and so the water being denser then with the hydrophilic proteins of the collagen - captures the electromagnetic field at the same frequency but with a sub-wavelength of light. And so then virtual photons are created which then splits the water into a delocalized proton-proton room temperature superconducting energy. This is the secret of the qi meridian energy as Dr. Mae-Wan Ho explains. In effect it is an acoustic cavitation with the surface area of the water collapsing faster - due to the ultrasound piezoelectric energy - and the cavitation creates a subharmonic as a proton-proton coupling that is a spin, or reverse time superluminal phase wave - a momentum from the subwavelength collapse of the shock wave.

This is called the 4th state of Water or "EZ water" - it is found near the freezing temperature of water but also created from the increased pressure. This is also why cold water immersion can, ironically, increase the heat - as long as the mitochondria are fed the microtubule energy through increased strong reverse breathing. So then the adrenaline doubles - just as the same as bungee jumping for the first time - as Wim Hof experiments have demonstrated in the lab - and then you get a parasympathetic rebound from holding the breath after exhale. As the breathing and heart synchronize through increase vagus nerve activation the energy is stored in the microtubules of the cells and neurons. And then the qi energy is activated again via the sympathetic nervous system.

So when the "yuan qi" is activated - this means the body has filled up with yin qi, from the generative force restored - with enough lecithin to insulate the charge - as yang qi - and so the bones become supple - and even the top of the skull pulsates with qi and gets soft - the fontanelle opens up. And the centers of the hands and feet pulsate with qi. At this stage only increased purification then continues to build more yuan qi which then opens up the third eye more as increased yuan shen. I just got a "taste" of the yuan qi - but since I had not studied the alchemy books well enough I had no idea what I had gotten into. haha. But at that stage - then they do the horse stance for 2 hours nonstop with the thighs parallel to the ground - at Shaolin - for 3 months. At the end of that training the third eye is fully open and then long distance healing is practiced.

So it is very much a Macroquantum training based on noncommutative phase or the T'ai chi as the origin of the energy (undivided yin-yang) to activate and build up the yuan qi. It is not understood by Western science. Quantum biology is just starting to give hints. For example it is shown that we can emit biophotons out of our eyes - and we do so - each cell emits 100,000 biophotons per second. But since biophotons are coherent laser energy then by keeping the eyes closed and visualizing the light - this increases the energy.

O.K. - you should be able to just activate your vagus nerve "at well " - from your pineal gland. I used to call it "flexing" in the pineal gland. But again that is a left brain siddhi - as the intention. Whereas the qi really does originate as noncommutative phase that is nonlocal - and so by turning the light around - the healing will happen on its own - through internal listening into silence of the mind.

But if I "flex" my pineal gland to activate my vagus nerve then suddenly my throat pulsates as the vagus nerve pulls up energy from the lower tan t'ien. I used to do this a lot so I used up my "yang qi" energy by doing free psychic healing in fast food restaurants, etc. haha. I had strangers thank me - which was kind of cool.

Ok so one time I was reading while in full lotus in Burger King and then I happened to make eye contact with this big Native indigenous man as he held he tray, looking for a place to sit down - across the restaurant. As we just barely made eye contact suddenly my liver burned real hot - so I knew I was, in full lotus, suddenly taking in his anger energy. So I knew I was in danger and I didn't dare look at him again. I kept reading in full lotus and my liver got more hot and more hot. Then he walked past me, on the other side of the restaurant and he sat down in a booth behind me - but to my right. So I had not looked at him but since my liver was so hot - then I "flexed' my pineal gland and sent qi energy out of the back of my skull - into him. By doing so - then the extra anger energy in my liver got transduced via my heart into qi in the pineal gland - and so my liver cooled down. So I knew his anger as a liver blockage was going away and in turn I was sending qi energy via the heart - as bliss energy. So I just kept reading and I was happy that my liver heat had gone down - the burning was gone - so I knew I was not in as much danger from his anger and so I still didn't dare look - obviously I was facing the opposite direction. Then suddenly I noticed he had walked up behind me and he was standing next to me and he said: Thank you. That was it! I was shocked he would thank me when we had barely made eye contact! Also I didn't dare say a word to him since I am not supposed to send psychic qi energy like that - it is not purified as yang and yin through the small universe - into yuan qi - it is just psychic energy as yin and yang qi separated. So it pulls up anaerobic bacteria from the lower body - into the skull and leaches out of my gums - via the vagus nerve pumping up energy to the pineal gland - the right side vagus nerve. So I just smiled at him - and I had antioxidants I use - essential oils - tree tree oil.

You should know tea tree oil obviously - but in fact the San Bushmen used a similar terpene antioxidant for their purifications when they were doing healings.
Last edited by voidisyinyang on Tue Apr 24, 2018 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby wiesiek on Wed Apr 25, 2018 12:29 am

My daughter is very new agey,
this early spring she took her child for the bare foot negative ions neutralization of the free radicals in the body.
Something went deadly wrong
`cause they got pneumonia....

I know,inventors always have wind in the eyes and Greeks on their back,
don`t care to answer, v.
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