trainings in the foggy days

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

trainings in the foggy days

Postby wiesiek on Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:53 pm

Today is really foggy day in my city,
attum is caming
what are you guys do in really foggy mornings?

Follow the classic breathing training is no good,
i`ve trayed 16 nei dan and it doesn`t work either
i think, that
Qigong where you become one with the fog will be most proper :)
is such gong was ever invented?

what is you training approche to "not so nice" wheather conditions?
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Re: trainings in the foggy days

Postby Strange on Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:21 am


first you start with moving the fog, very soon you can move clouds in the sky ;D
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Re: trainings in the foggy days

Postby wiesiek on Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:52 am

it was 1st level
now i try to become one with it :P
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Re: trainings in the foggy days

Postby taiwandeutscher on Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:42 am

Seriously, train indoors, man, it won't do you any good, in the fog.
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Re: trainings in the foggy days

Postby wiesiek on Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:01 am

this is well known and shure thing

i ask on forum because i wonder IF kinda of special gong for foggy occasion was invented
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Re: trainings in the foggy days

Postby Iron Apprentice on Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:02 pm

I love training in the fog. Makes me think Im Pak Mei on Wudan Mountain. Lol
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Re: trainings in the foggy days

Postby Strange on Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:31 pm

where ima is concerned, one is advised not to trained in high wind, fog, etc condition.
tcm concept is that wind and dampness are evils that will get into your joints and tendons and make them ache.
in sichuan and chongqing, ppl there eat hot and spicy food to dispel dampness as the region is surrounded by mountains
and this the humidity is very high. in sichuan, in is not uncommon to talk to a friend on the street and only hear his voice - cos thick fog.

fog is not good.
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Re: trainings in the foggy days

Postby bailewen on Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:19 pm

Even if the fog is bad it's not that bad. Jeez.

Just train. Training in fog is better than not training. No training in fog...or when your belly is full...or in the wind...or when it's too hot...or too cold...or near automobile traffic...or....or....or......

Before you know it you have a reason not to train for every day of the year. Their just guidelines. Given the choice between a foggy local and a not foggy local, no fog is better. That's all.

I think the food thing like in Sichuan is a good idea. Eat a nice extra-spicy breakfast after training. Maybe some Sichuan ma-la rice noodles or something. If you have more active vs. more still type training I might do more active stuff that day like for me that might mean a little more Baji and a little less Taiji. Work up a good sweat...but then there's the danger of all those open poors with all that evil fog so make sure you don't dry off in the fog.

For the most part though, I think these things are just guidelines. Fog is not the only weather bummer for training. How about pouring rain? How about when it's 6am and it's already 35 degrees out? Can't wait to see how hot it is when the sun actually comes up. How about sleet!?! Now THAT'S some bad training weather. Snow is kind of neat to train in but sleet...that just sucks any way you look at it.
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Re: trainings in the foggy days

Postby fuga on Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:15 pm

You guys wouldn't last long in San Francisco in the summer.
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Re: trainings in the foggy days

Postby Strange on Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:35 pm

fog, smog, drizzle, rain, pouring rain, snow, hail, sleet; north, south, east, westerly wind, storm,hurricane, cyclone, tornadoes.
front kick, side kick, back kick, back hook, spin kick, turning kick, inner and outer crescent kick, mandarin duck kick, low shin kick.
straight punch, high punch, low punch, upper cut, hook, jab, spin punch, superman punch (single/double), sucker punch

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