why we box when we spar/mit/heavy bag

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

why we box when we spar/mit/heavy bag

Postby jaskey on Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:34 pm

Just was looking at few pad work vids that have come up and realized something. we look like we are boxing when we spar/mit/heavy bag because we step that way during the spar/mit/heavy bag. I see ppl who post their mit work and it seems a bit awkward and boxing like compared to the forms and I think stepping's the difference. in forms we step through the hits, turn our legs with the circular strike or throw, because, unlike the mit, bag, lightly struck sparring partner, the forms assumes that the person struck will have moved in the same direction as your strike/throw. (which happens if they tried dodging a good solid blow) but when we work with mits and bags our legs works like a boxer, stand in one area and focus on our hands. why not strike through and step to the left or right and quickly follow with a circular strike/throw or even strike straight through and into the mit person's legs? okay, don't damage the toys. ;D but you get the idea.

I thought I throw my thoughts into the collective bag, not exactly one cent... maybe 1/100th of a cent.
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Re: why we box when we spar/mit/heavy bag

Postby Ian on Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:04 pm

well seeing vlad work the pads he moves nothing like a boxer.


Re: why we box when we spar/mit/heavy bag

Postby Walk the Torque on Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:09 pm

I don't think I do either. My jabs and crosses are pathetic.
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Re: why we box when we spar/mit/heavy bag

Postby cloudz on Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:05 am

Ian wrote:well seeing vlad work the pads he moves nothing like a boxer.

is there a clip available of vlad working the pads Ian ?

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Re: why we box when we spar/mit/heavy bag

Postby neijia_boxer on Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:15 am

cloudz just beat me to my vlad on mitts question.

jaskey- i can comment on my bag and mitt clips I have posted. first I see your point with stepping through. In my focus mitt work I am working with a beginner and teaching him good structure and power before moving on to stepping. i work with pro boxers and mma people who are champions in the combat arena. stepping work is very detailed and alot of times people step through throwing over extended punches and lose balance that will put them in a bad position.

i tend to keep my boxers 'structure' to avoid this and to assure i have a good connection from the feet/legs and body to help deliver that power to the hands.


Re: why we box when we spar/mit/heavy bag

Postby Ian on Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:28 am

George and Matt,

Unfortunately not. You can find clips of him showing single palm strikes on focus mits in the usual places, but those are more power generation and not combos. If you can get your hands on the old mass attack tape, I think it really shows Vlad in his element. Lots of continuous striking on multiple pads and people. Similar to the Su dongchen mass attack clip but faster, sharper, and more aggressive.


Re: why we box when we spar/mit/heavy bag

Postby Dmitri on Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:45 am

"faster and sharper" than this, you say?
I'd like to see that; please post!
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Re: why we box when we spar/mit/heavy bag

Postby Ian on Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:51 am

Yes. And against more people. No disrespect to Su, who is clearly a jedi.

I would post but it would involve splicing a section of the tape, and I have no idea how to do that. It seems the tape isn't in print anymore either, which is a real pity.


Re: why we box when we spar/mit/heavy bag

Postby mrtoes on Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:27 am

Do you have the ability to get the tape onto your PC, i.e. a graphics card with a video input? If so, doing the edit is a doddle. I've love to see this as well. If not then no worries.

Sorry for contributing to derailment jaskey.

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Re: why we box when we spar/mit/heavy bag

Postby Ian on Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:48 am

Alright I'll try to do it when I have some time. I'm quite busy with work at the moment so it won't be tomorrow :)

Apologies for the derailment.
Last edited by Ian on Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.


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