James McNeil's psychic healing

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James McNeil's psychic healing

Postby Riv on Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:33 am

Anyone know about this psychic healing? Is it real?

Here is an advert for a seminar I found online. I think $3000 for a seminar is rather steep!


New Psychic Healing Class Offered at Little Nine Heaven Internal Kung-fu
The Little Nine Heaven "live in" internal Kung-fu School will be offering its new Psychic Healing Course March 28th – April 1st.

RAINBOW, CALIFORNIA, Feb. 22 -/E-Wire/-- "I have never taught a Psychic Healing class before, and thought it was time to offer one for those who were interested in participating. Because this class filled up so quickly and was such a success, I have decided to offer another Psychic Healing class for those people who missed this first opportunity to still attend." - Master James McNeil

The duration of the new course will be for 3 weeks (sections one, two, and three). The first week of the Psychic Healing course will be March 28th through April 1st. The second and third weeks will be decided upon by the students, according to what dates are best suited for the whole group. In the first week of the Psychic Healing class you will learn various internal Taoist exercises, chi-kung, different types of meditation, how to circulate your energy within your body, and much more.

The training will consist of 4 hours a day in class, plus individual practice time. There is only room for six students again, so the first six to put down their deposit of $500.00 will be chosen. The price is $1,000.00 per week. After each week's class is over, you must go home and practice what you have learned. Then you may come back for the second and third class. The total price is $3,000.00. There is a special 15% discount to those who pay for all three weeks in advance. What you will learn is how to heal yourself and make yourself stronger internally. You will also be able to heal other people as well. This system was taught to James McNeil by his teachers in Taiwan: Master Chiao Chang-Hung and Master Hsu Ting-Ming. Remember, there is only room for 6 people in each class, so don't get left out from this wonderful opportunity. To reserve your place, please call (760) 731-1416 or email [email protected] also you may visit http://www.littlenineheaven.com/ for more information.

There are many factors concerning health these days. Medical care costs on the rise, uncertain futures, health risks in regards to the foods you eat, and various diseases and sickness seem to be popping up all over. The simple fact is prevention is the best medicine. The Psychic Healing course will enable you to physically strengthen every internal organ, help reverse the aging process, to use the power of your mind to heal, to prevent disease and sickness, to help the ones you love, and make you feel and look more youthful then ever thought possible. You do not want to miss this extraordinary class!

"After finishing the first Psychic Healing course in February, I am astounded by how much more energy I have and am able to feel. Since the class is small, the detail and attention you get is absolutely incredible." - Cor Bader (student)

About Little Nine Heaven Internal Kung-fu Retreat: Little Nine Heaven (www.littlenineheaven.com/) is a retreat style training center, where students live on campus while engaged in full time martial art training. The school is located on 3 acres in lush Southern California allowing for indoor and outdoor training throughout the year. It is the only training center of its kind in the Western world. In a mere two months it is possible to gain the equivalent of 4 years of training at most other martial art schools. All training is conducted in an intensive format, in the spirit of the Taoist Temple of days gone by. A combination of disciplines from fighting arts to the healing arts of chi-kung, nei-kung and acupressure along with meditation is used so that each student will gain maximum benefit in the shortest period of time. Master James McNeil, and occasionally his senior students personally teach all classes.

Does psychic healing actually exist?


Re: James McNeil's psychic healing

Postby DeusTrismegistus on Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:46 am

Everyones opinion and experience differs, mine is...


More specifically it is possible through visualization and other devices to help the body with the healing process.
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Re: James McNeil's psychic healing

Postby Josealb on Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:54 am

It doesnt matter if its Pure, made up or a mix of personal styles, right? as long as it works? :)
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Re: James McNeil's psychic healing

Postby gasmaster on Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:32 am

Anyone know about this psychic healing? Is it real?

What's real?
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Re: James McNeil's psychic healing

Postby Darth Rock&Roll on Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:18 am

psychic healing? I don't know, but psychosomatic aspect alleviation through various esoteric practice? Yep. It works.

About 1/2 of every malady is the psychological aspect. When you are in a negative psychological state, you are said to be experiencing the psychosomatic aspects of a given malady. By relieving that through various methods including meditation practices, visualization practices and sundry other practices, you will in fact feel better and will help to impede the progression of an ailment by doing so.

This doesn't dismiss medical treatment either through drug therapy or surgical means but it will help you to cope with disease or ailments of a chronic or acute nature.

MIndset, state of mind et al is everything, everyday of your life. You have a negative view? then it is likely that you live in a negative world mostly. You nourish a positive attitude and world view, then your perception of yourself and the world around you is vastly improved.

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Re: James McNeil's psychic healing

Postby Franklin on Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:45 am

Little Nine Heaven Internal Kung-Fu

i think you missed it by at least a couple of years....
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Re: James McNeil's psychic healing

Postby qiphlow on Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:51 am

esoteric voodoo wizard
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Re: James McNeil's psychic healing

Postby JAB on Thu Jul 17, 2008 2:44 pm

For $3000 you can convince yourself that anything works!
The one thing that for sure works is his mad marketing skills!
Jake 8-)


Re: James McNeil's psychic healing

Postby chrislomas on Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:05 am

you have a toatl of two posts both questioning my teacher. Care to introduce yourself? I have my suspicons who you are and it wouldn't be the first time you have been caught creating an alias for this purpose.

I believe this system comes from a gentleman Sifu McNeil studied with for several years in Taiwan (brain fart; forgotten the name) and also Gwon Gao (Sic?) who introduced a sect of Tibetian Buddism to Taiwan and died aged about 110(ish). I know very little else about this other then it certainly isn't a hairy fairy reiki sort of deal.
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