wikileaks - he he he

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wikileaks - he he he

Postby yusuf on Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:36 am


Sorry for the rambling post but have been up most of the night. Wikileaks yay...

I have to say the release of all these diplomatic cables is good in one way , and really bad in another.

Bad: operatives lives will be put at risk. Number unquantifiable. Assange / wikileaks should have approached the US months ago to start vetting the cabes before release. A lot of the wikileaks volunteers have been pushing him to do just that, but with the false rape charges and various weird goings on it is understandable how this unfolded.

Good: The cables confirm what most of us knew about the duplicitous nature of the world. What we are told is radically difference to to actualite. The US supports and supplies terrorists when they deem it useful, The Saudi and other Gulf states are paranoid scared over Iran, CHina behaves like a spoiled brat, etc etc etc

The best thing about this leak, for me, is the outrage of establishment figures and newspapers. Rep Peter King says wikileaks should be designated a terrorist organisation. lol, after the cables reveal the US supplied weapons to the PKK to carry out bombings in Turkey. Some briish newspapers ae calling wikileaks 'imnternet punks', neglecting that as journalism this pisses on anything the mainstream press is coming up with...

anyway..flame on..

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Re: wikileaks - he he he

Postby GrahamB on Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:55 am

Couple of choice, contrasting tweets

RT @maikgruppen: RT @TheoHakkert: "Dear government: as you keep telling us, if you've done nothing wrong, you've got nothing to worry about

#WikiLeaks is what happens when the entire US government is forced to go through a full-body scanner
txt • 29/11/2010 11:50

Really not convinced that world leaders knowing what they already thought about eachother is that big a deal #wikileaks
Twitter for iPhone • 29/11/2010 11:46
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Re: wikileaks - he he he

Postby BillyK on Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:26 am

I'm disappointed with wikileaks, actually. The only thing that was (mildly) surprising to me was finding out that Berlusconi is Putin's BFF. The rest was more like "Duh."... Russia's government having links to organized crime, everyone spying on everyone and Turkey becoming Islamist is hardly news.
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Re: wikileaks - he he he

Postby shawnsegler on Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:32 am

The only thing that worries me is that they might just finally say..."well, you guys already kind of knew we did this and we've been spending all this trouble trying to hide it from you and now it's out in the open so....we're kind of just going to start being an openly fascist state and not only not try and hide stuff like this from you anymore....oh no. Now we'll just do whatever we want whenever we want and tell you to fuck off like we've always wanted to."

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Re: wikileaks - he he he

Postby Darth Rock&Roll on Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:59 am

I think the big bender that people are missing is that a great deal of Sunni Muslim states are all for bombing the shit out of predominantly Shiite Iran.

So, these are the Sunni countries actually backing up Israels allegations regarding Iran.

Iran is predominantly Shiite Muslim and as is known through the actions carried out in the region, there is no love lost between the two big sects of Islam.

As for politicians being confirmed corrupt bastards and scumbags, well, at least there is confirmation now. lol. It was a given before.
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Re: wikileaks - he he he

Postby vadaga on Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:01 pm

Darth Rock&Roll wrote:I think the big bender that people are missing is that a great deal of Sunni Muslim states are all for bombing the shit out of predominantly Shiite Iran.
Iran is predominantly Shiite Muslim and as is known through the actions carried out in the region, there is no love lost between the two big sects of Islam.

It is also not news that Saudi Arabia doesn't like Iranian regional ascendency, or that Sunni and Shia don't get along at times (for its part, Saudi Arabia also has its own issue with a Shia minority who happen to live in oil-rich areas of the country), or that Persians and Arabs don't get along at times.

There are so many good books pertaining these subjects as well which are all in the public domain. 'The Looming Tower', 'Ghost Wars' and 'All the Shah's Men' come to mind but I'm guessing you probably have read them.
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Re: wikileaks - he he he

Postby KEND on Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:30 pm

I dont agree with releasing information that can endanger agents but the information apart from this is embarassing but not earth shattering. In a society in which we are spied on with cameras, searched without warrants, scanned, eavesdropped on the telephone without any reason or release by a judge all in the name of security, it is difficult to get worked up when the powers that be caught with their pants down. Incidentally the last time an agent got flamed or pflamed it was by a right wing journalist who never got punished.
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Re: wikileaks - he he he

Postby chud on Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:38 pm

yusuf wrote: Rep Peter King says wikileaks should be designated a terrorist organisation.

The implication being that if you go to and click on "Support us", you are funding terrorism. Not sure if I buy that one.

yusuf wrote:Some british newspapers are calling wikileaks 'internet punks', neglecting that as journalism this pisses on anything the mainstream press is coming up with...

Agreed. Right or wrong, they just "scooped" everyone.
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Re: wikileaks - he he he

Postby fuga on Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:39 pm

chud wrote:
yusuf wrote: Rep Peter King says wikileaks should be designated a terrorist organisation.

The implication being that if you go to and click on "Support us", you are funding terrorism. Not sure if I buy that one.

Hell, even Hollywood actors are making the terrorist list these days for promoting documentaries.

Does that mean if I see one of his movies, I am supporting terrorism? ;D

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Re: wikileaks - he he he

Postby mixjourneyman on Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:45 pm

did I just hear the name McCarthy somewhere in the wind??
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Re: wikileaks - he he he

Postby Daniel on Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:49 am

I don´t know...what was your name again? Right. Let me write that down. Are you now or have you ever been a subscriber to the New Yorker magazine?


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Re: wikileaks - he he he

Postby mixjourneyman on Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:51 am

Daniel wrote:I don´t know...what was your name again? Right. Let me write that down. Are you now or have you ever been a subscriber to the New Yorker magazine?


Sarcasm. Oh yeah, like that´ll work.

no, but I did once watch the Colbert report :D
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Re: wikileaks - he he he

Postby Daniel on Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:55 am

*Cue background noise of black choppers flying in*

So you´re saying liberal means freedom-loving? Hmm. That´s an extraordinary rendition of a word.


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Re: wikileaks - he he he

Postby RobP2 on Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:07 am

chud wrote:
yusuf wrote: Rep Peter King says wikileaks should be designated a terrorist organisation.

The implication being that if you go to and click on "Support us", you are funding terrorism. Not sure if I buy that one.

yusuf wrote:Some british newspapers are calling wikileaks 'internet punks', neglecting that as journalism this pisses on anything the mainstream press is coming up with...

Agreed. Right or wrong, they just "scooped" everyone.

That's a scarier thing than what is revealed in the leaks. There was an American lady on the radio yesterday screaming that the guy was commiting treason.
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Re: wikileaks - he he he

Postby yusuf on Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:33 am

Fox news would be te ultimate purveyor of treason, given they have repeatedly joked about killing Obama...

mopst of us knew this stuff already, but to see it in diplomatic cables pretty much puts paid to all the bullshit spouted publically and echoed by ra ra merchants...
although, you have to admire the sheer brass balls of politicians, venting fury at wikileaks whilst denying the importance of what was leaked.... 226 cables out there (reduced from the intiial 246 i think) and many more to come.. i know that a pretty big bank is going to get a new one ripped ...
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