Can't find wikileaks?

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Can't find wikileaks?

Postby Sprint on Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:09 am

It seems the State Department is doing all it can to shut down wikileaks. From distributed denial of service attacks to forcing web hosts to cancel wikileaks contracts they are obviously very keen for the information not to leak out. Julian Assange is clearly making them look like fools by continually shifting his web address. If you want to know where he's at now then, will get you there for the time being, but it is likely to change soon. Unfortunately for the US Govt a backlash is building on the net where people are lining up to offer web hosting. I think the only people that give a shit are the fascist bastards that are trying to close him down. It's hilarious.
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Re: Can't find wikileaks?

Postby yusuf on Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:47 am

mass mirror site... if wikileaks goes down they will be able to update all the mirrors....
Last edited by yusuf on Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can't find wikileaks?

Postby Interloper on Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:52 am

This just came up:

Wikileaks Server Down, Swiss SayBy JOHN HEILPRIN, Associated Press John Heilprin, Associated Press – 2 hrs 20 mins ago
GENEVA – WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange turned increasingly to Switzerland on Sunday, dodging a barrage of threats online and in the real world to keep access to a trove of U.S. State Department cables under a Swiss Web address.

The elusive founder of the website WikiLeaks said he faced "hundreds of death threats." The site hinged on the Swiss Pirate Party's Web address, though the main server in France went offline, leaving the site reachable through a Swedish server.

That site showed Assange had begun seeking donations to an account under his name through the Swiss postal system in Berne, the Swiss capital. He lost a major source of revenue when the online payment service provider PayPal cut off the WikiLeaks account over the weekend.

PayPal, a subsidiary of U.S.-based online marketplace operator EBay Inc., said the WikiLeaks website, which specializes in disclosing confidential documents, was engaged in illegal activity.

A spokesman for the financial services arm of Swiss Post told the respected Swiss weekly NZZ am Sonntag that it was reviewing its "relationship" with Assange, whose stated reason for opening the account was to have a residence in Geneva.

French web hosting company OVH, which owns the server, didn't immediately respond to calls Sunday.

France's Industry Minister Eric Besson had warned Friday that it was unacceptable to host a site that "violates the secret of diplomatic relations."

The company said earlier that it had been hosting WikiLeaks since early Thursday, after a client asked for a "dedicated server with ... protection against attacks."

The president of the Swiss Pirate Party, which controls the Web address, said he was in the process of pointing that domain name to a different server, apparently based in Sweden. The site also was still reachable through the numerical address of its Swedish server.

And the party said it noticed an increasing number of supporters creating "mirrors" of the WikiLeaks site on their own servers, meaning that copies of the site would remain up and running even if WikiLeaks were somehow to lose its own site.

"Even if you take down the server in Sweden, it's too late," Swiss Pirate Party Vice President Pascal Gloor told The Associated Press on Sunday.

"There are hundreds of mirrors of WikiLeaks now," he said. "It's a test for Internet censorship. Can governments take something off the net? I think not. There are copies of the website everywhere."

In a high-tech media building in Bienne, Switzerland, the party convened an impromptu news conference late Friday to say it had no special knowledge of Assange's whereabouts or ability to contact him, but had spoken with him weeks ago to help seek asylum in Switzerland. That was during Assange's visit to Geneva last month when he spoke to reporters at the United Nations.

Starting Friday, the Swiss Web address became the site's main access point after EveryDNS, a company based in Manchester, New Hampshire, stopped accepting traffic to the site's principal address — — saying cyber attacks threatened the rest of its network.

Amazon stopped hosting WikiLeaks' Web site and governments and hackers were continuing to go after the organization.

News media reports were filled with stories about the hundreds of thousands of U.S. diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks, which is coming under intense legal pressure in several countries, including the United States.

In an online chat with El Pais in Spain, Assange said the hunt for him was tough. He remains free while his website spews daily embarrassment and potential diplomatic damage to the U.S.

"We have hundreds of specific death threats from U.S. military militants. That is not unusual, and we have become practiced from past experiences at ignoring such threats from Islamic extremists, African kleptocrats and so on," he said.

"Recently the situation has changed with these threats now extending out to our lawyers and my children," he added. "However, it is the specific calls from the elites of U.S. society for our assassination, kidnapping and execution that is more concerning."

Assange, who is now in Britain, according to his British lawyer, is wanted in Sweden to face allegations of sexual offenses against two women, charges he denies, but the United States has not lodged any charges against him. Nor has Britain.

In the Swedish case, Assange is the target of a European extradition process which normally takes months to produce an arrest.


Frank Jordans contributed from Geneva.
Last edited by Interloper on Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can't find wikileaks?

Postby Sprint on Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:34 pm

I thought it was funny when Hilary Clinton was found to be ordering US diplomats to commit identity theft on UN officials. Last time I looked that was a federal crime punishable with up to 30 years in prison. What's not funny though is no-one is proceeding with a criminal action against her. No-one is even calling for her to resign. One law for the rich...
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Re: Can't find wikileaks?

Postby yusuf on Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:56 am

I think primarily we should be telling politicians that they do not decide on which websites remain up, only the courts can do that. Lieberman, Palin, Sarkpzy, Cameron etc are behaving liek a bunch of fucking dictator wanna be's.

They should be reminded that politicians start deciding what we cannot read then we might as well tear up all the rules of our society and then see what happens.
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Re: Can't find wikileaks?

Postby affa on Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:05 am

16, 76, 81, 88, 93
21, 28, 38, 52, 78
7, 40, 56, 73, 87
23, 65, 82, 91, 95
2, 6, 10, 46, 95
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Re: Can't find wikileaks?

Postby lineofintent on Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:26 pm

(originally posted on DI Website)

by Jonathan Azaziah

Where are the leaks on the 55 Zionist companies profiting from Iraqi blood being spilled (23)? Where are the leaks on Iraq’s artifacts being stolen by Zionist agents (24)? Where are the leaks on hundreds of Mossad agents operating in Mosul (25)? Where are the leaks on the Mossad bomb-making facility in Kirkuk (26)? Where are the leaks on the Mossad murderers stationed in several villages around the devastated area of Fallujah (27)? Where are the leaks on the depleted-uranium-tipped IEDs of Zionist-owned Zapata Engineering that have massacred thousands in Najaf, Karbala and Tal Afar, just to name a few (28)? Where are the leaks on the Israeli arms dealers supplying weapons to CIA-trained death squads (29)? Where are the leaks on Zionist war criminal Paul Wolfowitz importing Shin Bet torture experts to train the US military (30)? Where are the leaks on Mossad conducting interrogations and torture in Iraq jails, including Abu Ghraib (31)? Where are the leaks that will actually tie the illegal war, which was exclusively designed by Zionists, to Israel? They don’t exist because Wikileaks isn’t concerned with uncovering the truth regarding the real criminals; they’re concerned with leading the public away from the truth to keep them under control. It’s COINTELPRO all over again.

The target of Wikileaks’ first release was the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The objectives of the operation were to give credibility to war criminal Obama’s illegal drone strikes that have murdered over 1,000 civilians (32), raise the possibility of a future overt occupation, and cover up the meddling of Israel in occupied Afghanistan. It is vital to note that the de-stablization of Pakistan has been a Zionist objective since the declaration of al-Nakbah architect, David Ben-Gurion (33). The target of Wikileaks’ second release was the Islamic Republic of Iran. The objective of this operation was to slander two of the very few entities on earth resisting Israel, Hezbollah and Iran; as well as cover up the Zionist fingerprints all over the mutilation of Iraq. The IAEA has already inadvertently foiled the Zionist plan to attack Iran based on the nuclear premise, confirming that the Iranian nuclear program is peaceful in nature and has nothing to do with weaponization (34). The Zionist hasbara experts needed to try something new; through Wikileaks, the accusations of the Zionist Bush administration against Iran have resurfaced under the guise of ‘whistle-blowing.’ What a sham.


Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison

by Jonathan Azaziah

Disinformation is defined as ‘misinformation that is deliberately disseminated in order to influence or confuse rivals.’ It is used by governments to mislead and brainwash their citizen populations, instigate wars, and blackmail foreign regimes. It is the ultimate instrument of the media. The most effective disinformation is that which is comprised of falsehood as well as facts. Wikileaks, founded by Julian Assange, fits this description perfectly, right down to the letter. Seemingly overnight, it has become one of the biggest ‘whistle-blowing’ agencies in modern history. In reality though, it is one of the biggest disinformation projects in modern history, and it may be the most dangerous because it is masquerading as an organization of truth. The information released by Wikileaks isn’t new; it isn’t groundbreaking; it doesn’t hurt the US as much as people think, it’s fractional really; and it is overloaded with as much as propaganda as the day-to-day Zionist media is. This propaganda is benefitting someone. And that someone is the illegal usurping entity of Israel. Even the Israeli government itself thinks so (1).

Afghanistan Drivel

The first major ‘leak’ released earlier this year by Assange was about occupied Afghanistan in the form of more than 92,000 documents. These docs included ‘secret files’ about civilian killings by the US and NATO along with boogeyman stories about the long-dead Osama Bin Laden, garbage regarding the Taliban acquiring ground-to-air missiles, and plenty of lies about Pakistan’s intelligence agency, the ISI (2). There wasn’t a single document about the Israeli training of the Taliban (3), the massive drug profiteering by the Mossad (4), the CIA (5) and the US-puppet Hamid Karzai and his brother (6), Karzai’s connections to Unocal and Zionist war criminal Henry Kissinger (7), the clandestine Israeli business operations set up to take control of the oil fields in neighboring Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan (8), or the Russian-Jewish mafia, fully protected by the Zionist entity, selling guns to US-backed Afghan warlords (9). Why weren’t any of these massively important, critically ****ing events and operations mentioned? Because by doing so, it would incriminate the already internationally condemned Zionist regime. Journalists, bloggers and activists, from occupied Afghanistan and abroad, have been reporting on the vast civilian casualties in Afghanistan since US intervention began more than 30 years ago. Wikileaks revealed nothing that wasn’t already known; however, it did reinforce Zionist propaganda regarding the illegal ‘war on terror.’

Iraq Malarkey

The next major ‘leak’ by Assange’s organization, which has gained more notoriety than the previous ‘leak,’ was about occupied Iraq in the form of nearly 400,000 documents. Like the occupied Afghanistan disinformation, it included ‘secret files’ about mass civilian killings by US forces, torture by war criminal Nouri al-Maliki and his forces (which according to Wikileaks, US military officials attempted to halt) (10), US government failings in reprimanding Blackwater (XE) for committing murder (11), and brutal executions by the American and British occupiers mixed with more tripe about fictitious Al-Qaeda, nonsense about Iran training militant Iraqi militias and Iranian drones flying over Iraq (12), Iran smuggling guns, munitions, and explosives into Iraq (13), ridiculous accusations of the Lebanese Resistance movement Hezbollah training Iraqis in the art of kidnaping (14), slanderous attacks on Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, and other absurd assertions about the Islamic Republic involved in the murder of innocent Iraqis. The Wikileaks Iraq war logs also ‘reveal’ civilian casualties numbered at 66,081 (15). The logs also ‘reveal’ that Iraqi WMDs actually did exist, as US soldiers found chemical weapons labs, terrorist toxin specialists, and chemical weapons caches (16).

There was nothing ‘secret’ about American and British forces murdering, torturing and raping innocents in occupied Iraq. Like Afghanistan, Iraqi and international journalists, bloggers, and activists have been reporting the murder of civilians in Iraq since the beginning of the illegal occupation, with much more effectiveness than Wikileaks. The US military didn’t attempt to halt the puppet al-Maliki’s torture of unlawfully imprisoned Iraqis, they partook in it. They led the way after they signed off on it. They were the primary perpetrators (17). Secret prisons are still operating at this very moment where US forces barbarously torture innocent Iraqis (18). The US hired Blackwater’s contractors to instill fear and execute terrorism against the people of Iraq, of course it didn’t reprimand them. Erik Prince’s private army of terror was only doing what it was told to by the US government.

The concept of Hezbollah training foreign militias to meddle in state affairs is absolute lunacy; Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah himself has stated on numerous occasions that if Hezbollah wanted to overthrow the Lebanese government, they would’ve done so already (19). Their objectives (as evidenced by their actions), are to protect the Lebanese people, provide them with security and uphold their dignity. Hezbollah hasn’t undermined its own government, it is asinine to think it would undermine the government of another nation. The propaganda targeting Iran is pathetic; there are enough guns in Iraq thanks to American support of Saddam Hussein to last lifetimes (20), there was no need for Iran to provide weapons to Iraqi militias through ‘smuggling.’ The only drones that were flying in Iraq’s skies belonged to the repulsive Zionist entity, not Iran (21). The other accusations sound like concoctions dug up from the dungeons of Zionist think tanks and lobby organizations salivating for the destruction of the Islamic Republic, not the work of whistle-blowers attempting to expose corruption and disseminate truth. These accusations further the Zionist case for striking Iran militarily. These accusations are promoting more war, not peace.

Wikileaks must not have gotten the memo about civilian casualties in occupied Iraq. They are nowhere near 66,081. They have eclipsed the 1.5 million mark. Anything less than this, especially a number as low as the one presented by Wikileaks, is classic misreporting aimed at protecting the United States government and its collaborators. That is an insult to the 5 million Iraqi orphans and the 5 million Iraqi refugees. It is a slap in the face to the dead Iraqis whose names will never be known because they were incinerated by US and Israeli weaponry. And the notion that US soldiers found WMDs in Iraq, after the ‘Iraq has WMDs’ myth has been debunked as Zionist-designed propaganda over and over again, is frankly, infuriating. The only WMDs that exist in Iraq are the mark-77, white phosphorus, and thousands of tons of depleted uranium used in Basra, Baghdad, and Fallujah by the terrorist army of the US and strategically placed Mossad agents of Israel (22).

Targeted On Behalf Of Israel

Where are the leaks on the 55 Zionist companies profiting from Iraqi blood being spilled (23)? Where are the leaks on Iraq’s artifacts being stolen by Zionist agents (24)? Where are the leaks on hundreds of Mossad agents operating in Mosul (25)? Where are the leaks on the Mossad bomb-making facility in Kirkuk (26)? Where are the leaks on the Mossad murderers stationed in several villages around the devastated area of Fallujah (27)? Where are the leaks on the depleted-uranium-tipped IEDs of Zionist-owned Zapata Engineering that have massacred thousands in Najaf, Karbala and Tal Afar, just to name a few (28)? Where are the leaks on the Israeli arms dealers supplying weapons to CIA-trained death squads (29)? Where are the leaks on Zionist war criminal Paul Wolfowitz importing Shin Bet torture experts to train the US military (30)? Where are the leaks on Mossad conducting interrogations and torture in Iraq jails, including Abu Ghraib (31)? Where are the leaks that will actually tie the illegal war, which was exclusively designed by Zionists, to Israel? They don’t exist because Wikileaks isn’t concerned with uncovering the truth regarding the real criminals; they’re concerned with leading the public away from the truth to keep them under control. It’s COINTELPRO all over again.

The target of Wikileaks’ first release was the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The objectives of the operation were to give credibility to war criminal Obama’s illegal drone strikes that have murdered over 1,000 civilians (32), raise the possibility of a future overt occupation, and cover up the meddling of Israel in occupied Afghanistan. It is vital to note that the de-stablization of Pakistan has been a Zionist objective since the declaration of al-Nakbah architect, David Ben-Gurion (33). The target of Wikileaks’ second release was the Islamic Republic of Iran. The objective of this operation was to slander two of the very few entities on earth resisting Israel, Hezbollah and Iran; as well as cover up the Zionist fingerprints all over the mutilation of Iraq. The IAEA has already inadvertently foiled the Zionist plan to attack Iran based on the nuclear premise, confirming that the Iranian nuclear program is peaceful in nature and has nothing to do with weaponization (34). The Zionist hasbara experts needed to try something new; through Wikileaks, the accusations of the Zionist Bush administration against Iran have resurfaced under the guise of ‘whistle-blowing.’ What a sham.


A final note needs to be made about Julian Assange, the man who has been praised as a freedom fighter, a revolutionary and a friend of the oppressed people. In a recent interview, he stated, "I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud (35)." It’s shameful that Assange is annoyed by those seeking truth regarding the reason 1.5 million innocents are dead in occupied Iraq, 1.2 million innocents are dead in occupied Afghanistan, and thousands of more innocent men, women and children are dead in occupied Palestine, Lebanon, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. 9/11 is anything but a false conspiracy; there is overwhelming evidence that American and Israeli officials didn’t just have foreknowledge of the event, but planned the attack and carried it out. It was a Mossad-CIA false flag used to protect the Zionist entity from any future military threat and expand the parasitic hegemony of the US and the illegitimate Tel Aviv regime throughout the world via the Zionist-inspired ‘war on terror (36).’ Someone insulting the seekers of 9/11 truth, slandering the righteous movement of Hezbollah, spreading propaganda about Iran which adds to the demonization campaign levied against the Islamic Republic by the Zionist lobby and the Zionist media, and deliberately leaving out Israeli crimes in occupied Afghanistan and Iraq is no freedom fighter; such a person is a liar and a propagandist.

Wikileaks’ most recent ‘leak’ about occupied Iraq was delivered to several mainstream news outlets including Al-Jazeerah, the Zionist New York Times, Der Spiegel of Germany, which has smeared Hezbollah in the past by despicably accusing the Resistance of selling narcotics (37), Zionist-controlled Le Monde of France which has also smeared Hezbollah recently (38) and The Guardian of the UK, in packages, as if it was some sort of gift for a holiday. This isn’t a leak. This isn’t an expose. This is a press release. This is a media spectacle. This is a circus to cover up real crimes. Those interested in seeing a real leak, in addition to real courage, should read the story of Mordechai Vanunu, who blew the whistle on Israel’s nuclear program and has spent the last 26 years in and out of Israel’s inhumane prisons, including 18 years consecutively with 11 of those years in solitary confinement (39).

Iraq was annihilated for the Zionist regime, as was Afghanistan. When discussing the destruction of these nations, and the murder of millions of their people, it is integral to the understanding of the crimes committed to discuss the Israeli role in these crimes. Any person or institution failing to do so is ignorant, a coward or a collaborationist. None of these persons have any place in the movement to restore the occupied lands to the indigenous people and bring their tormentors to justice. By supporting Wikileaks, you are not fighting the occupier. You are not honoring the martyrs. You are not combating imperialism. And you are not striking back at the oppressor. You are supporting Israel and the cover-up of the activities of its criminal network. Wikileaks is Zionist poison. Wake up.

~ The End ~


(1) Wikileaks Reports Could Halt Iran’s Nuclear Drive by Yaakov Katz, Jerusalem Post

(2) Wikileaks, Afghanistan and Pakistan by Muhammad Abdullah Gul

(3) Framing Pakistan: How The Pro-Israel Media Enables India’s Surrogate Warfare by Maidhc O Cathhail

(4) Intel Expert Says 9/11 Looks Like A Hollywood Show by Christopher Bollyn

(5) The Spoils Of War: Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade by Michel Chossudovsky

(6) Wikileaks Is Israel, Like We All Didn’t Know by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today

(7) Profile: Unocal by History Commons

(8) The Great Game: The War For Caspian Oil And Gas by Christopher Bollyn

(9) Drugs For Guns: How The Afghan Heroin Trade Is Fueling The Taliban Insurgency by Jerome Starkey, The Independent; Red Mafiya: How The Russian Mob Has Invaded America by Robert Friedman (rip)

(10) Iraq War Documents Shed Light On Civilian Deaths, Prisoner Abuse by David Wood

(11) Iraq War Logs: Private Militarization Run Amok by Pratap Chatterjee, The Guardian

(12) US Shot Down Iranian Drone In Iraq, Wikileaks Confirms by Adam Weinstein

(13) Iraq War Logs Detail Iran’s Aid For Militias by Michael R. Gordon and Andrew W. Lehren, The New York Times

(14) Wikileaks Tip Iran’s Hand In Iraq by Samuel Segev, Winnipeg Free Press

(15) Iraq War Leaks: No US Investigation Of Many Abuses by Al-Masry Al-Youm

(16) Wikileaks Show WMD Hunt Continued In Iraq – With Surprising Results by Noah Shachtman

(17) Iraq Today: Afflicted By Violence, Devastation, Corruption And Desperation by Stephen Lendman

(18) Lawless Arrests, Detentions And Torture In Iraq by Stephen Lendman

(19) Sayyed Nasrallah: Bellemare, UN Protecting False Witnesses by Al-Manar

(20) Ho Hum, More Wikileaks Chickenfeed by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today

(21) Israeli Drones Said Operating Over Iraq And Afghanistan by Yossi Melman, Haaretz

(22) The Zionist Murderers Of Iraq by Jonathan Azaziah

(23) 55 Zionist Companies Working In Iraq Under Assumed Names by Yaqen News Agency, translated by Muhammad Abu Nasr

(24) Israel Hopes To Colonize Parts of Iraq as ‘Greater Israel’ by Wayne Madsen

(25) Facts Vs. Beliefs –Today’s Ancient Warfare by Jeff Gates

(26) Resistance Kills Mossad Agents In Iraq by The Egyptian Gazette

(27) Israel’s Battle In Fallujah by Rashid Khashana, Al-Hayat

(28) Iraq IEDs: Mossad/Zapata Engineering Conspiracy? by Cloak and Dagger; Israeli Made IEDs and US Zapata Engineering made IED Triggers Are Killing US, Canadian And NATO Soldiers by NB Gazette

(29) Israeli Officer Sells Weapons To Terrorists In Iraq by Press TV; CIA Death Squads Operating In Iraq by Henry Michaels

(30) Seymour Hersh And The Missing Zionist-Israeli Connection by James Petras

(31) Mossad Does Interrogations in Iraqi Jails: Human Rights Group by China Radio International English; What Were Mossad Agents With Fraudulent New Zealand Passports Doing In Iraq? by Jerry Mazza

(32) US Drone Strikes Kill 18 In Pakistan by Press TV

(33) Mossad And India Spy Agency Team Up, Target Pakistan by Tariq Saeedi

(34) IAEA Report: Zero Evidence Of Iran Nukes. US Orwellian Corporate Media: Iran Building Nukes? by Carl Herman, The Los Angeles Examiner

(35) Wanted By The CIA: The Man Who Keeps No Secrets by Matthew Bell, The Independent

(36) 9/11: Israel’s Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah

(37) Hezbollah Denies Der Spiegel’s ‘Cheap Fabrications’ by Al-Manar

(38) Le Monde: A Group Affiliated With Hezbollah Takes Photos Of The Hague by NOW Lebanon

(39) The Woman From Mossad: The Story Of Mordechai Vanunu And The Israeli Nuclear Program by Peter Hounam.
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Re: Can't find wikileaks?

Postby yusuf on Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:42 pm

it is completely untrue in relation to Wikileaks being some zionist front.. thats the sort of misinformation that turns the potential start of real accountability of our political leaders into a meaningless farce... and it is exactly a mirror of the discrediting tactic governments use, albeit it from a more lizard type of posiiton

the information is true, we re seeing panic at senior levels over whats to come.. the question is how do ordinary people use this wikileaks info to kick our politicans back into some kind of humanity...
Last edited by yusuf on Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can't find wikileaks?

Postby AllanF on Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:15 am

I think the people don't care beyond the 30 sec MTV bite of the gossip. In truth they/we are sheep who happily follow the Shepard least the sheep dog turns on us.

Prove me wrong people!!


Re: Can't find wikileaks?

Postby lineofintent on Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:43 am

Yusuf point taken, maybe the writer got carried away with his own inner lizzard.......but what about the points he made?

Are the facts written true or made up, and if true why indeed have they not been released or leaked? (except of course amongst like minded fellows...)

Would be interesting to see a point by point refutation of his claims by anyone who understands these claims.

If they prove to be true, it would seem another piece of theatre has been staged, no?
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Re: Can't find wikileaks?

Postby yusuf on Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:24 am


what difference would it make to the information coming out if it were true or not. The information coming out is shocking enough that, as AllanF says, if we weren't sheep there would be politicians currently pleading for people not to analise them with rolled up copies of the guardian. Instead we have Assange due in court (Westminister magistrates at 1.30 today in case anyone else is turning up), and politicans crowing about it.

Lets fuck them with the information we know is true, rather than fish around for some white whale..

Last edited by yusuf on Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can't find wikileaks?

Postby lineofintent on Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:30 am

Good point, and who knows what other leaks are about to leak.

One suspects though that because of this all internet freedom will rapidly vanish down the drain.
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Re: Can't find wikileaks?

Postby Darthwing Teorist on Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:40 am

The thing is that the system is set up in such a way that if you follow the rules you will elect another bunch of corrupt politicians in the office. You try to get rid of the current ones and you put in just a different version. At least in Quebec it was made clear that ALL the parties have their hands in the honey pot or are even in bed with the Mafia.

What is needed is something beyond the current rules. But the problem will come back: corruption and greed will eventually mess up any system. That's why a recurrent reset is needed: just like any big piece of software, let it run long enough and you will have to do some sort of maintenance.
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Re: Can't find wikileaks?

Postby Dmitri on Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:11 am

[disclaimer -- didn't follow the guy or his site much, so the rant below is based on some news info and little overall knowledge (and no deep research into the matter), so it may be misinformed]

That guy is just a glorified hacker, for whom this is the way to get chicks.

Seriously, he's an idiot IMO. Nothing good ever could come out of this. Trying to make the world an honest place where all information is shared freely and everyone does their job with integrity and responsibility, nobody lies or talks behind others' backs? REALLY?!?!

Nothing is going to change; in fact, BAD things will happen (and have already happened) as a result of his activities. Not the least one of them is that he is in fact desensitizing the public even MORE to what the politicians were, are and will be doing. I.e. the exact opposite of what he's "trying" to accomplish. I really hope that the "internet freedom will rapidly vanish down the drain" thing is not going to happen, at least not 'just like that', but some new anti-whatever laws probably will result from this...

What a moron.
Last edited by Dmitri on Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Can't find wikileaks?

Postby thisisnotreal on Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:02 am

Dmitri- I agree.
Personally, I can't help getting over this feeling that this is all some illuminati-like trick.
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