Shanghai in retrospect

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Shanghai in retrospect

Postby mixjourneyman on Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:44 am

well folks, in less than 48 hours I'll be in Tokyo eating non poisonous food and partying my booty off. After four months in Shanghai I am so happy to be leaving. Back to my parents' house for Christmas and I'll get to see all my friends and lovely sister and stuff. Good times.

So, Shanghai, I can sum it up in three words: dirty but fun.
I didn't train nearly as much fu as I would have liked to, but I had a lot of cool life experiences. The nightlife in Shanghai is awesome and I got to brush up on my pop and lock skills and go from getting beaten in dance battles nightly to actually winning a bunch. Learned how to carry on a fairly simple conversation in Chinese, even though everybody here speaks the local dialect, which I didn't learn, aside from ala budong.....
The martial arts scene here is certainly healthy, and certainly good in comparison to North America in terms of sheer quantity and diversity, but I've come away liking my teacher's method more than ever. The taiji guys I trained with were really quite good, and I hope to keep practicing what I learned from them, but my first love is still xingyi and bagua from YH.
I think I'll miss the food here the most. I wish Canadian Chinese restaurants could get their shit right. Let alone get stuff like Shizitou or any other number of totally awesome zuofan that you can get in this city. Another food related thing I'll miss is being able to buy a steak and shrimp for like the equivilent of ten bucks Canadian at a super classy restaurant.
Also, I somehow lost like thirty pounds and I look damn handsome right now. Gotta keep that up in Canada when I get back.

Big shouts out to Ian and Antony, who are not only awesome martial artists, but really fun to hang out with.

Just thought I'd give you guys an update.

Next year its off to Japan to teach English, so I'll hopefully be seeing some of you over there!! :D
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Re: Shanghai in retrospect

Postby edededed on Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:03 am

Words of warning regarding Japan:

1. Cleanliness: It is comparatively clean, but the air is chock-full of germs and pollen...
2. Food: Everything is flavored with soysauce and sugar (basically teriyaki sauce), unless you are rich and can eat sushi every day... (It's not poisonous here, though.)
3. Money: You'll need money, everything is expensive here...
Last edited by edededed on Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shanghai in retrospect

Postby mixjourneyman on Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:16 am

gotcher!!! Of course, no place is perfect. But I had a blast in SH and I'm sure I'll have a blast in Nihon. :D that is the good thing about visiting a place for only a shortish amount of time, you can go back home afterward :D
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Re: Shanghai in retrospect

Postby jasonf on Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:14 pm

I'll be flying into Shanghai January 6th...looking forward to see whats new.
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Re: Shanghai in retrospect

Postby GrahamB on Mon Dec 13, 2010 5:12 am

Popping and locking? Video or it didn't happen!
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Re: Shanghai in retrospect

Postby gzregorz on Mon Dec 13, 2010 11:17 am

I agree about the food. Back in the West I have no desire for Chinese. With the exception of a couple of places mostly what you get here is watered down Cantonese. On the other hand frying everything cannot be good for you either.

As far as losing weight I think that happens to most North Americans when they start walking everywhere. I always lose 10 pounds when I leave the United Snakes.
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