your political views are religious aren't they?

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your political views are religious aren't they?

Postby ShortFormMike on Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:06 am

I'm surprised to see such republican cheerleading by people I assume are not multimillionaires. why?
why do you speak in favor of trickle down economics when history shows it does not to work even half the time? or you don't own a business. (just an example)

and democrat supporters are no better. why be satisfied by the peanuts the dems throw the working class? "yay, my tax rebate was 500 more than when bush was pres." obama is little more than a creature of the financial institutions. look at his cabinet for god's sake. people still seem to support candidate/brand obama and ignore president obama.

I think I may know the answer to these questions. your political views are faith based, not fact based. your political thinkings use the same neurons you pray with--or would pray with if you were religious.

the fact that I've never seen anyone change their mind in any significant way even when presented with overwhelmingly compelling information tells me I'm on the right track at least.

so why even bother having political discussion here? if you are like most people and enjoy arguing online, then I can dig that. but let's call a spade a spade and acknowledge there is no real dialogue taking place. something to consider while you're typing you're 500 word apologetic for Elephant dung or Donkey shit.

full disclosure: i believe ralph nader is right 100% of the time.
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Re: your political views are religious aren't they?

Postby Doc Stier on Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:12 am

ShortFormMike wrote "your political views are religious aren't they?"

No way, Mike, but your religious views are political, aren't they? ;)
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Re: your political views are religious aren't they?

Postby Chris Fleming on Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:14 am

^^Win. /thread

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Re: your political views are religious aren't they?

Postby Interloper on Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:19 am

I just love InterWeb downloadable graphix!
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Re: your political views are religious aren't they?

Postby Michael on Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:43 am

People's minds are captured between diametrically opposed ideas that are provided just for that purpose. Instead of nuanced, independent choice, we are given candidates, political parties, and economic theories that are completely bought and paid for by various interests who represent the actual owners of the society, and they don't allow new ideas (or currencies) to flourish or fail through fair competition.

Considering this is an IMA board, look at it like the Taiji method of social control where people are kept in a reactionary paradigm of opposing viewpoints that becomes the tiny little box of political and social ideas framing every discussion of how to get things done. Is life really so simple that you must always choose either black or white? No, but from a management perspective, limiting choice is the easiest way to predict outcome. Do I really care if you choose Coke or Pepsi? Doesn't matter since I own the high fructose corn syrup manufacturing plant that provides the contents of both.

More importantly, diametrically opposed viewpoints tend to induce people to choose sides when neither viewpoint is actually beneficial to them, but only perceived to be less harmful than the other. When people get sucked into this con, they gradually become invested in the 2 choice system, both choices having been pre-determined by house rules.

So if people's economic or political opinions appear to be faith-based, it may be due to the fact that they never perceived a broad spectrum of possibilities and were instead guided into thinking that they had to pick from one of two extreme possibilities, both of which were known to have serious problems. Once invested in the con financially and/or mentally, it's tough to see the bigger picture.


Re: your political views are religious aren't they?

Postby Darth Rock&Roll on Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:59 am

wow, that's some circle walking right there!

anyway, my political views are based on secular humanistic ethics and applied morals free of religious dogma or doctrine.
There is no room for personal belief systems when it comes to building roads, funding schools, keeping the lights on, etc etc.

Religion should be stripped completely out of the equation, especially in America where there is no single religion.

That religious/political model is what is falling apart in the middle east right now.

why in god's name would you want that shit to happen here in north america?

(see what i did there? :D )
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Re: your political views are religious aren't they?

Postby yieldingxxx on Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:47 am

ShortFormMike wrote:why be satisfied by the peanuts the dems throw the working class? "yay, my tax rebate was 500 more than when bush was pres."

Hey I'm not so rich that $500.00 EXTRA means nothing to me. Certainly in the greater scheme of things it may be peanuts to some, but some people work 2 weeks to take home $500 bucks! To them, I'm sure it's not peanuts. Regardless, my main point was to show that under Obama taxes have actually gone DOWN, not up like the conservatives always prattles on about.
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Re: your political views are religious aren't they?

Postby ShortFormMike on Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:35 pm

didn't mean to pick on you. fyi, I voted for obama. thought his promises were decent but mainly I wanted a black president whose name sounded like osama cuz I knew that would help america's reputation which REALLY got hurt by bush.

I agree with you religion has nothing to do with paving the roads but that wasn't my point.

I'm saying people are following political parties like a religion and the talking points are the scripture.

nobody changes their mind on the issues unless their priest (i.e. talking head) does it for them. just listen to that youtube clip if bush in the 1999 debate. all republicans were like, Amen! they gave him another amen in 2004 except it was mostly the opposite of what he said previously.

see how excited people were in their town halls re obamacare? such vehemence over what is basically a financial issue. why don't these working class folks have 1% the vigor about.subsidies for petroleum companies or wall street?

answer: their religion and politics share the same cranial zipcode.
Last edited by ShortFormMike on Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: your political views are religious aren't they?

Postby ShortFormMike on Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:04 pm

how interesting of the moderator to move this thread to btdt.

silly of me to try to examine the underlying reasons why political "discussion" in off topic and elsewhere never seems to go beyond the "I'm right, you're wrong"/I'm-writing-my-reply-after-I the-first-sentence-of-your-5-page-argument.

I should've thought of a more original topic like "obama's accomplishments" or "reiki masters". you know, something that hasn't ever been brought up before.

EDIT: I think it's also telling how un-btdt my idea is when despite me spelling out my point pretty clearly, most of the repliers seem to think I'm saying people's personal religion is affecting their political views. that's not my point at all. IMO, even an atheist can have political views which are not changeable no matter what--just like it was a faith based belief.

remember how stephen colbert said a man of true principle will believe the same thing on wednesday as he did on monday, regardless of what happened on tuesday.
Last edited by ShortFormMike on Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: your political views are religious aren't they?

Postby shock and awe on Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:03 pm

I agree with you mr shortformmike. Somehow a lot of adult people stop wanting to base their ideas and beliefs on what is tested out and logical. Instead they just pull from other sources that appeal to them, even if as a whole the beliefs are pretty flawed. From there it's a shit storm. I think the "why does this work and happen" thing you had as a kid goes away. It's easy to believe anything thats slightly appealing when you don't know what you're talking about.
Last edited by shock and awe on Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
shock and awe


Re: your political views are religious aren't they?

Postby qiphlow on Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:56 pm

ShortFormMike wrote:I think I may know the answer to these questions. your political views are faith based, not fact based. your political thinkings use the same neurons you pray with--or would pray with if you were religious.

i think one's political leanings and religious leanings are a symptom of one's mind rather than one being the cause of the other.
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Re: your political views are religious aren't they?

Postby ShortFormMike on Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:33 pm

are you just making an observation cuz I wasn't saying otherwise. I was making an analogy between the way people think about politics these days is similar to the way people have thought about religion.
e.g. their response to criticism of their political view is very close to the way people respond to criticism of their religion.

I'm saying people are debating politics with a less pure form of rationality than they would use to debate the merits of a new automobile or house.

this is to our detriment, no?
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Re: your political views are religious aren't they?

Postby Michael on Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:20 pm

Darth Rock&Roll wrote:Religion should be stripped completely out of the equation, especially in America where there is no single religion.

You don't have to get your sense of morality from religion, but many do regardless of it becoming a method for social control. Religion can/does teach principles that help people to see into the higher dimension of time regarding how the consequences of their actions will affect others: spiritual sight, third eye, etc.

There is no room for personal belief systems when it comes to building roads, funding schools, keeping the lights on, etc etc.

People don't have to explicitly invoke their personal belief systems when building roads, but if it isn't their personal belief system telling them not to screw someone out of their land through eminent domain when the secular court system has given them the authority to do so, then where do you expect them to get the notion to voluntarily limit their own power when it may infringe on others?

my political views are based on secular humanistic ethics and applied morals free of religious dogma or doctrine.

Finally, although I take your point here and agree with it, and I would probably describe myself more as you did than a Christian/Muslim/Buddhist would, it sounds like you're declaring your superiority and making a distinction that those you consider religious might not appreciate. To them, "secular humanistic ethics", whatever those are, may appear as a religion. You're really saying their shit is fake when you imply their morals have not been applied and tested like some wannabe tai-cheese newb who thinks he can go from the 24 step and into the UFC.


Re: your political views are religious aren't they?

Postby shock and awe on Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:32 pm

Religion can/does teach principles that help people to see into the higher dimension of time regarding how the consequences of their actions will affect others: spiritual sight, third eye, etc.
thinking about your actions is spiritual sight, third eye?
shock and awe


Re: your political views are religious aren't they?

Postby Michael on Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:56 am

I think so, yes.



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