Xinyidao in Seattle, WA

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Xinyidao in Seattle, WA

Postby xinyidao2008 on Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:18 am

Check this one:
Xinyidao system, disciple of Master Li Tai Liang teaching Shanxi Xingyi and Dai Xinyi in Seattle.
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Re: Seattle, WA

Postby JAB on Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:12 pm

Tom you are too kind (though you really should not shit talk a midwestern boy about his beef ;) ;D )! Your words mean a lot, and I hope to contribute what I can to the community. I cannot speak for how stagnant the community is, but some of the teachers are a little "stiff" in their attitude/thinking. I hope to lead by example and remind all of us that we are all just students learning, and the ego is nothing short of an inhibitor of knowledge.
Case in may want to exercise caution in regards to referring anyone to Frank. Early on when I first started teaching I referred several students, who were looking for Xing Yi instruction, to him purely out of respect of him being another teacher. I had the students best intentions in mind so that they could find the perfect fit, and sent them blindly as I have never met Frank.
After hearing back from a couple of them, all I got was negative feedback regarding his shit talking of me, and my general lack of knowledge / skill in the martial arts! He was so sure of himself that he felt he could shit talk me, with NEVER meeting me let alone touching hands with me, right to prospective students!! Shortly after finding this out I got a message from Frank saying that he "...does not need students." and that he certainly does not want me to be making referal's for students to seek him out! He also was very clear that he has nothing to do with the martial arts community here, nor does he wish to have anything to do with it!
Needless to say.... is this someone you want to be associating with, and telling potential students to visit? Not me. Let them google and find him on their own if they wish. He has nothing to offer anyone seeking good instruction.

As Kurt stated Brian is the top dog around these here parts in BJJ / Submission grappling (just took silver at the World No Gi BB Championships!). His school is top notch, and he is one of the best instructors I have ever had! Check him out at
Lots of good grapplers up here if that is where your interest lays! I thought we were just talking CMA.



Re: Seattle, WA

Postby jack coffee on Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:58 pm

Last edited by jack coffee on Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
jack coffee


Re: Seattle, WA

Postby JAB on Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:05 pm

Opinions vary. I send people to visit various teachers so that the student can find what he/she truly wants/needs.
Thanks for sharing your opinion.


Xinyidao in Seattle

Postby silatboy on Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:17 am

For Seattle, it's not internal martial arts,
but I'd recommend James Ingram,
who is a great Silat teacher.

Does this board, always publicly talk badly about other teachers ?
Seems very low class, and something that should be reserved for private conversations.

Yeah, but hey this is the internet, and you get what you pay for.

Teachers publicly disrespecting other teachers is not cool in my martial arts book.


Re: Seattle, WA

Postby shawnsegler on Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:39 am

Seems very low class

Yup, that's us.

The lowclassiest.

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Re: Seattle, WA

Postby JAB on Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:50 am

Silat boy,
I only repeat what has been told to me. Frank spoke those words to me, I repeated them. If they are negative, it is simply a reflection of him. He publicly ridiculed me, which was unprovoked. So I share his attitude with those looking for an instructor, as a cautionary word of warning. IMO it is time people start calling other on their bullshit. If this offends....too bad.
I have heard only great things about Ingram (plus I have not heard him shit talk anyone). Yet another teacher to check out.


Re: Seattle, WA

Postby silatboy on Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:32 am

JAB wrote:Silat boy,
I only repeat what has been told to me. Frank spoke those words to me, I repeated them. If they are negative, it is simply a reflection of him. He publicly ridiculed me, which was unprovoked. So I share his attitude with those looking for an instructor, as a cautionary word of warning. IMO it is time people start calling other on their bullshit. If this offends....too bad.
I have heard only great things about Ingram (plus I have not heard him shit talk anyone). Yet another teacher to check out.

Well JAB your publlic disrespect is a reflection of yourself,
so I dont see how you can justify it this way.

My opinion, and we are all entitled to an opinion,
is that it's not cool to air your dirty laundry in public.
You should probably take your beef with this guy to private.

The internet is a public forum, and you are publicly trashing someone else.

I just joined this board, so could someone point me to the posts where
there was publlic ridcule of JAB ?

Even if you had a private argument with someone,
or someone said something in private that was not cool,
is it cool to go and post that on the internet ?

Geez, I would expect higher standards from teachers....
Last edited by silatboy on Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:42 am, edited 2 times in total.


Re: Seattle, WA

Postby silatboy on Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:36 am

JAB wrote:Silat boy,
IMO it is time people start calling other on their bullshit. If this offends....too bad.

Ok, I'll bite then.

I think it's bullshit to publicy trash people and repeat private conversations.
I think it's bullshit for students to cause problems between teachers.

I think internet trash talking is bullshit.

If this offends people ... too bad.

Oh, and I am not a teacher, so I dont have to hold myself to higher standards,
but I do .....


Re: Seattle, WA

Postby shawnsegler on Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:44 am

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Xinyidao in Seattle

Postby JAB on Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:44 am

Silat boy - (remind me of your real name?)
Well you are entitled to what you want to think. Personally I care less. But let me ask you this....
Lets say you move to Seattle.... looking for a Silat teacher. Joe Schmoe had a terrible experience with Teacher X. You post on EF that you are looking for a Silat teacher in Seattle, and was wondering what peoples experiences were. Would you be offended if Joe told you his negative experience of Teacher X? Or would you be greatful that you were given a heads up about Teacher X's issue(s)?

Better yet..... you go to a restaurant and have terrible service, get food poisoning, and end up sick for a week. Would you not tell anyone about such an experience?
I live in the west. I grew up with anglo parents, not Chinese / Japanese or any other - ese. When I have a shitty experience at a diner, or with an instructor, or at a mechanic, or...... I let people know. Word of mouth can build or destroy. Why so many douche bags continue to prosper in the martial arts is because too many people (out of respect / tradition / rightiousness or whatever) do not share their experiences when asked (and I was asked boy). If more teachers / schools feared word of mouth, then they most likely change their bullshit (namely not talking shit about others in any context), or would be out of business pretty darn quick!
So I called someone on it, and I am letting someone know what to keep an eye out for with a certain teacher. I expect no less about someone with me. That is why when I talk shit not only can I back it, but also I make sure I am in the right for doing it. It is not as if I got on and started a thread talking shit about someone.

Once again you can think what you wish. It is not important to me to please you, or anyone on this board. If you do not like it, okay. Don't read my posts. I am the way I am. I have actually gained several students because of my forthright attitude and no nonsense approach to what I do. Some do not like it. So they do not train with me. Okay. Every student has his own journey. All the best to you boy.



Re: Xinyidao in Seattle, WA

Postby silatboy on Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:19 pm

Well the attitude on this board is really something.

Silat at least is about respect.

It sounds like that's something that is missing here on the internet.

Things can be justified in many ways.

If I was a new Silat guy, and I saw a Silat teacher on the internet trashing another silat teacher,
I would think twice about studying with either guys.

Things are not always clear cut on the internet.
Who knows what the truth is, unless you go research it yourself.

So people are all ready to get into fights and name calling here.
It's like a school yard mentality.
Is everyone a 12year old kid here ?

He said something bad about me, so I'm going to say something bad about him,
and if you don't like it, tough.

Shouldn't martial artists be in control of themselves ?

Where is the voice of reason here ?

Or do internet bullies, and internet credibility count for more.

My mistake, I think I better go find a Silat board,
it seems like the Xing Yi guys on this board have way too fragile egos.


Re: Xinyidao in Seattle, WA

Postby JAB on Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:20 pm

Good. Bye bye!


Re: Xinyidao in Seattle, WA

Postby jack coffee on Sat Sep 13, 2008 3:12 pm

Last edited by jack coffee on Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
jack coffee


Re: Xinyidao in Seattle, WA

Postby Finny on Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:55 pm


The title of the thread is "Xinyidao in Seattle"

Jake was invited to comment as an eF resource in Seattle.

And now you guys lambast him for sharing his experiences?

Just wanted to say I agree with Jake's position entirely. What? it's wrong to point and laugh or point out the ridiculous or stupid or generally shitty aspects of certain MA arts/teachers?

So if someone were to ask me my opinion about say, Ashida Kim or Shaolin-Do, I'd be honor bound to say "Daddy told me if I don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all...."

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