New private sub-section for internal power discussions

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Re: New private sub-section for internal power discussions

Postby D_Glenn on Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:48 pm

DancingDragon wrote:Also, another suggestion is to add Google search to the forum or replace the forum search with Google search. That might eliminate some repetitive posts. (I wouldn't have needed to post my shoe question if I had used Google search first.) The search function that comes with the forum software sucks. It's probably like some SQL LIKE query.

Nothing wrong with starting a new Shoe thread. I'm glad you did it.

For years we have always been starting new shoe threads. Shoes are always changing.

In lieu of a private sub-section for internal power discussions I propose the admins make a Public Sub-Section just for Shoes.

Discussing shoes, posting images and videos of shoes, etc.

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Re: New private sub-section for internal power discussions

Postby taijidude on Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:57 pm

Mods, respectfully, these last two posts are off-topic. Please move them.

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Re: New private sub-section for internal power discussions

Postby Iskendar on Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:37 am

Personally, I think this is a very, very bad idea, and I would be very disappointed if this happens. Invite-only fora are cool for training groups and such, but beyond that...not much. This is the internet, warts and all. It's noisy, it's confusing, it's irreverent, and it's probably one of the most powerful tools ever devised by man, for exactly those reasons. To harness its power, just dial up your noise-filter a notch or two (or twenty if necessary ;) ) and just get out there and lead by example: post meaningful stuff, debate with the interesting commenters, ignore the peanut gallery, and most of all, don't expect anything like gratitude or respect. Then to your own surprise you may be getting it anyway. Hell, I remember some very interesting debates on that cess-pool rec.martial-arts, of all places!

Leaderless communities do work (for a cool book on this, check "The starfish and the spider"), but it seems very hard to people to get that, there's always this nagging feeling that someone should step in and do something about whatever bee they have in their bonnet, and then they demand for some sort of hierarchy or authority to be installed, and then they're surprised the entire thing falls apart or devolves into a dictatorship populated by yes-men (what qijin sounds like to me). So I vote against. Not that there is a vote, or anyone's listening to me, but I'm voting anyway! There.

Bodywork wrote:Every Tom, Dick, and Harry on the net thinks they magically earned the right to debate things that they are totally clueless about because they own a computer and a pair of boxing gloves.

And they would be exactly right in that belief. And then you have the right AND THE MEANS to downright ignore them, and continue debating with knowledgable people instead. You don't have to fight all the battles, just the ones that count. Hell, dude, for people who haven't met you, you're just some guy on the internet as well, you know? I was never all that impressed with your mad posting skills either, I thought the stuff you wrote online on IS was pretty vague and not all that informative (you've gotten better though ;D ). Then someone on here whose posting history I respected (Tom) wrote here that you were as skilled as someone I've met and respect (Ark), but a better teacher. So I went to your seminar anyway and found out that you were the real deal after all, and now I'm sold. I met Ark because of Rob's posts (now there's a good writer!), same with Alex Kostic. And now people who respect my opinion (*ahem*...come on guys, don't be shy...anyone?) read my posts and may get interested in what all of you guys have to say. That's how this works, and it does work, if you let it.
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Re: New private sub-section for internal power discussions

Postby Daniel on Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:55 am

"We apologize for the fact that the word "MMA" has been so underused on this thread on an Internal Arts Forum. Thank you for your cooperation." *


*We apologize again for not using the word "MMA" enough on this thread on an Internal Arts Forum, but include it in this apology again by way of apology. Thank you.

Sarcasm. Oh yeah, like that´ll work.
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Re: New private sub-section for internal power discussions

Postby nianfong on Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:59 am

For the record, Felipe, Tom, and I all agree that we are against any private subforum for "elite martial artists" to talk behind each others' backs.

Any new, "filtered" subforum would have to be available for everyone to see everyone's posts.

How we choose who can post in such a subforum is the only thing that I think can be debated. In fact, my guess is Felipe would be against that even.

Qualification to post in that subforum must be a relatively arbitrary means. We can't have people running around feeling slighted because their application was rejected. I don't want that onus on me or any admin/moderator. Post count is the most straightforward way I can think of that would be completely fair, and would weed out a lot of the less serious forum members. Any such subforum, since it would consist of mostly long-time members, would have a higher bar of decorum to meet, so would have to be moderated more closely. I think that Dan and Chris, your worries about the "background noise" would be alleviated by that, no? Yes, we would even moderate John Wang more in such a subforum.

Regarding people posting "shoe" questions, rsf (and eF to begin with) has always tried to help noobs about the basics. That's one of the things I like most about this forum to begin with. BTDT questions (if they are really really BTDT) will get sent there. but they will still get answered, probably. Many times, we have allowed dead horses back into the main forum, simply because we haven't beaten them in a while.
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Re: New private sub-section for internal power discussions

Postby Iskendar on Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:07 am

Adding a "like" button to weigh the post count could be a useful modification of that concept.
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Re: New private sub-section for internal power discussions

Postby internalenthusiast on Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:46 am

nianfong wrote:For the record, Felipe, Tom, and I all agree that we are against any private subforum for "elite martial artists" to talk behind each others' backs.

fwiw, i agree completely.

i would be disappointed if RSF evolved this way.

my present understanding: i do feel such a thing as IP/IS "exists" and can certainly be trained. i don't think in the real world it exists in isolation. more a continuum. and in relation to other skills.

it would strike me as very strange if, for example, sifu wang would be excluded from discussion of "internal power" because of his expressed opinions. that just strikes me as silly. and RSF cutting off it's nose to spite its face.

IMA is a mix of gong li, and technique. one needs both, and arrives at them in varying measure, at different times in ones development.

granted, a person may work on one or the other at a given time. but they are both necessary, IMO, and inter-relate.

differences among skilled individuals are not bad. they highlight what one needs to learn, and point to the specifics that these individuals feel are important.

that's a good thing, IMO.

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Re: New private sub-section for internal power discussions

Postby gzregorz on Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:49 am

Sean wrote:I think the proposal can do more harm than good. Something like that will just divide people even more....
Isn't the point of this forum to educate people about internal martial arts? How can you educate people who don't know what "internal power" is by excluding them from a special sub-forum on the subject?

I agree. Then again to me internal discussions are best when they are between a student and a teacher. I don't see any point in bringing them up on an internet forum unless it is a teaching situation.

Maybe we just need one rule:

1. Don't be a jerk!

That seems to solve everything in my book.
Last edited by gzregorz on Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New private sub-section for internal power discussions

Postby FirmlyRootedFist on Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:57 am

I like that point gzregorz, I feel that as long as you are able to respectfully post your opinion, and people are able to respectfully post alternate opinions, then it shouldn't be a problem. Just ignore it if you don't like it. And really, I think there is no excuse for the foul language that can be thrown around.
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Re: New private sub-section for internal power discussions

Postby TrainingDummy on Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:59 am

I think a private forum is an excellent idea to keep out all the scrubs and wannabes!

Unless of course, I get put into the scrubs and wannabes group, in which case I think its a very BAD idea!
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Re: New private sub-section for internal power discussions

Postby Steve Rowe on Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:01 am

This 'serious' thread is one of the funniest I've read on here for ages. If you post on a forum you have to take all the different kinds of remarks that others will give, you sift through the sillier ones to find those that are useful. I guess like most I cherry pick the threads I read but there are a lot of good (and funny) guys on this Forum with a lot of good info. I think it's a healthy and sometimes a mad mix. This the only Forum I read every day. If you only want a certain few to comment - go to PM's.

IP is not exclusive, all other aspects of training are interlaced with it, it would be a strange forum where you try to separate them and make one part exclusive.
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Re: New private sub-section for internal power discussions

Postby internalenthusiast on Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:15 am

Steve Rowe wrote:

IP is not exclusive, all other aspects of training are interlaced with it, it would be a strange forum where you try to separate them and make one part exclusive.

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Re: New private sub-section for internal power discussions

Postby GrahamB on Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:34 am

One does not simply post on RSF.
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Re: New private sub-section for internal power discussions

Postby middleway on Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:53 am

If they are unsure, they want everyone else to be unsure so they it through. All of these western based forums have not changed one freaking thing about attaining power with internals. Not one. The Asians knew what they were talking about.

Not directed at you necessarily Dan but at this whole idea.

Is there the possibility that these forums, and forums like this are NOT for gaining internal power, not for changing anything about gaining IP, not for justifying our individual positions on ourselves, not for gaining external strength fitness or ability either. But simply for fun?

Why cant a discussion be for fun and enjoyment of the subject matter? When you look at it like that ... everyone discussing for the enjoyment of discussion of their favorite topic ... even if they are wrong ... its actually ok!! :D

Maybe i am being too Hippy about it? I dont know but ... there is one thing that is an absolute fact that i hope and really believe everyone here KNOWS ... and that is posting on a forum is NOT training. It is not even close to training ... it may give you hints, tips and thoughts ... but to train you have to train. So ultimately talking about it is just fine ... cause it changes nothing ... but thats ok! :D

Just sayin.

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Re: New private sub-section for internal power discussions

Postby WingTsunChap on Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:56 am

Dan, I read your posts. I was referring to this comment from you, which is clearly about you making this discussion about you.

Bodywork wrote:
WingTsunChap wrote:
Many, oh hell I'd bet most of you, will never know.

Apparently people have trouble porcessing, so I suggest reading it three or four times.

Like I said, I have read and liked some of your posts (here and elsewhere). But with comments like the above, you show that you are really up your own ass. ::)
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