Rand Paul End the TSA Bill

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Rand Paul End the TSA Bill

Postby DeusTrismegistus on Wed May 02, 2012 9:08 am

I think the links are broken because this is copied from an email I got. Lets get rid of these bastards!

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Justin,

Sometimes our liberty slips away silently, and it is almost hard to notice what went wrong and where. The one fortunate thing about the TSA is that they certainly don’t fit that definition.

The American people shouldn’t be subjected to harassment, groping, and other public humiliation simply to board an airplane. As you may have heard, I have some personal experience with this, and I’ve vowed to lead the charge to fight back.

Please read the email below from my friend Matt Hawes at Campaign for Liberty. Campaign for Liberty is leading the fight to pressure Congress to act now and restore our liberty. It’s time to END the TSA and get the government’s hands back to only stealing our wallets instead of groping toddlers and grandmothers.

I hope you will join Campaign for Liberty in this fight.

In Liberty,

Campaign for Liberty
Senator Rand Paul

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Justin,

The government literally has its hands in our pants.

Everyone knows they've done it for years - reaching in and grabbing our wallets while forcing huge tax bills and piles of debt on us.

But now they've gone too far.

Every inch of our person has become fair game for government thugs posing as "security" as we travel around the country.

The TSA simply must be stopped.

It is out of control, and it gets worse every day.

And it's not even useful in protecting our nation from terrorism.

The TSA tells us that being harassed at the airport "makes us safer," but, time and again, only quick-thinking actions by passengers have stopped dangerous situations on airplanes - from people the TSA let right through security.

One Israeli security expert, who certainly knows a thing or two about how to guard against constant threats, referred to the full-body scanners as "useless."

And just recently, an activist exposed a critical flaw in the TSA's body scanners when he repeatedly got through them just by putting a metal object in a pocket he had sewn on the side of his shirt. Because the scanner uses a dark background, the item blended right in.

These are the kind of results you get when you leave security up to bureaucrats.

Senator Rand Paul has a plan to do away with the TSA for good, but he needs our help.

Click to sign

Will you fill out your petition urging your representative to support - and your senators to co-sponsor - Senator Paul's END THE TSA bill?

Senator Paul got a lot of attention recently for his own encounter with the TSA, where he was detained, harassed, and missed his flight before ultimately being "allowed" to continue his journey. If that is what happens to a U.S. senator at an airport, imagine what is happening to people across the country.

Actually, you don't have to imagine.

More and more Americans are coming forward to tell their stories of the abusive TSA.

The TSA has declared war. I think everyone from Janet Napolitano to Alex Jones would agree with that. What we don't agree on is on whom they have declared war.

Toddlers in wheelchairs. Mothers with babies. 94-year-old grandmothers. Well-known United States senators.

Do any of those sound like potential terrorist threats?

They do if you are the TSA.

Just recently, we heard about how a young mother was stopped and forced through some very extra-thorough screening. Her crime?

She was attempting to board the plane with a breast pump to provide milk during the trip for her infant. The distraught mom was forced to pump the milk in a public restroom to satisfy the TSA's demands.

In 2010, a three-year-old boy in a wheelchair was subjected to intensive screening and a thorough pat-down.

The parents were forced to stand by helplessly - not even allowed to touch their child to reassure him everything would be ok.

But everything is not ok.

The TSA is part of a growing problem in our government - where it now has the power to do whatever it wants without any regard to our rights:
*** The so-called "Patriot" Act allows for warrantless searches and wiretaps, government snooping through your bank records, and the issuing of blatantly unconstitutional National Security Letters (NSLs);
*** The recently passed National Defense Authorization Act codifies into law the idea that the government could indefinitely detain a U.S. citizen without trial;
*** The National Counterterrorism Center is now authorized to store your personal information - even with no suspicion of terrorist activity - for up to 5 years.
Our rights aren't simply eroding.

They are being taken out to sea in the wake of a tsunami from our government.

Now, the TSA is working on assaulting Americans outside of the airport, too.

With its "VIPR" program, the TSA is expanding to train stations, bus terminals, and even checking vehicles on public roads.

Soon, we won't be safe from their grabbing hands anywhere.

And as the TSA keeps harassing more customers out of the airports, an already hurting airline industry will continue to struggle - ultimately costing jobs, further driving up the costs of travel, and creating calls from politicians for yet another government bailout to "save" an industry their TSA is helping to destroy.

So will you join Senator Rand Paul and Campaign for Liberty in fighting back?

Click to sign

For over 10 years, the TSA has increasingly become the most visible and harassing arm of the new police state. There are countless more examples of abuse from the TSA:
*** A TSA agent patting down a young girl at New Orleans' Louis Armstrong International Airport in 2011. The video shows a cooperative family, and when the girl's mother asks, "Can't you just re-scan her?" the agent replies, "No" and proceeds to grope the poor child;
*** A cancer survivor in Charlotte was forced to remove a prosthetic breast;
*** A young mother of a two-week-old infant in Florida was harassed to open the bottles of baby formula she was traveling with on her flight, which would have spoiled the only food available to the infant;
*** Detroit TSA officers ignored a man's warning about a colostomy bag, breaking it and forcing him to board a plane covered in urine.
The only limit to the stories of abuse that I could tell you in this letter is space. There is no shortage of stories. There are more every day.

It is time you and I stood up and said "ENOUGH."

Senator Rand Paul has a plan to get the government out of your pants and the TSA out of your life.

His END THE TSA bill will fully privatize the TSA, getting the government out of the airport entirely.

And Campaign for Liberty has a plan to force action on this bill in the coming months, but to make this happen, we must have your support today.

First, please complete your END THE TSA petition.

Campaign for Liberty will deliver it, along with hundreds of thousands of others from outraged Americans.

If we can raise the necessary funds, Campaign for Liberty will also run a full, targeted media campaign to convince representatives and senators to either get on board or be held responsible for this continuing outrage.

But carrying out these plans requires you to chip in a contribution of $10 - or whatever you can afford - today.

Campaign for Liberty has certainly had our hands full this year with multiple battles on a variety of fronts. So we simply cannot take on this battle without your support.

Whatever you can chip in would go a long way toward fighting back against the out-of-control TSA.

So please, fill out your petition and chip in a contribution to Campaign for Liberty today.

As always, thank you for all you do for the cause of Liberty.

In Liberty,

Campaign for Liberty

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. The TSA grows more and more out of control every day. Far from protecting us from terrorists, they are instead setting their sights on small children, mothers with infants, the elderly, and the disabled.

You and I must stop these abuses once and for all and take back our rights.

Please complete your petition in support of Senator Paul's END THE TSA bill, and chip in contribution of $10 to C4L right away.
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Re: Rand Paul End the TSA Bill

Postby DeusTrismegistus on Wed May 02, 2012 9:08 am


Above site has the petition for supporting Rand Paul's end the TSA bill.
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Re: Rand Paul End the TSA Bill

Postby Dmitri on Wed May 02, 2012 9:19 am

Signed and will continue to hope...
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Re: Rand Paul End the TSA Bill

Postby vadaga on Wed May 02, 2012 9:36 am

signed it. Enough with the Security Theater already...
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Re: Rand Paul End the TSA Bill

Postby gzregorz on Wed May 02, 2012 9:40 am

Funny how the Republicans gave us the TSA and all they do is complain about it.

I mention that only because the TSA has been the greatest expansion of government we have ever seen in our lifetimes.

Sign away, but I think you're as likely to see the TSA put to an end as you are likely to ever see Glass Steagall re-enacted. Too much money is being made among powerful people...
Last edited by gzregorz on Wed May 02, 2012 10:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Rand Paul End the TSA Bill

Postby Dmitri on Wed May 02, 2012 10:09 am

gzregorz wrote:Funny how the Republicans gave us the TSA and all they do is complain about it.

Oh come on man; they are ALL THE SAME. Do you really think, that if Obama or Clinton were in the office during and past 9/11, they wouldn't push the Patriot Act, establish all sorts of new govt. departments, etc.?

I see no difference between the two parties anymore, it's all just rhetoric for the electorate, to make it more fun during the national elections farce.
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Re: Rand Paul End the TSA Bill

Postby yeniseri on Wed May 02, 2012 10:22 am

That the problem with alot of these lapdog politicians! WHen this behaviour is used towards certain groups, it is lauded as being for the groups of those people! When politicians have to go through the same thing, is is intrusive and against the Constitution. Overzealousness without lack of discretion is certainly part of this TSA organization but perhaps the Supervisors need to be scholed in using some level of discernment regarding the invalid grandmother in a chair and a loudmouth politician like what's his name! They built it so how come they cannot control it?
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Re: Rand Paul End the TSA Bill

Postby vadaga on Wed May 02, 2012 1:07 pm

Dmitri wrote:
gzregorz wrote:Funny how the Republicans gave us the TSA and all they do is complain about it.

Oh come on man; they are ALL THE SAME. Do you really think, that if Obama or Clinton were in the office during and past 9/11, they wouldn't push the Patriot Act, establish all sorts of new govt. departments, etc.?

along those lines, I just read this today http://www.salon.com/2012/05/01/since_bin_ladens_death/singleton/
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Re: Rand Paul End the TSA Bill

Postby gzregorz on Thu May 03, 2012 1:25 pm

Other than the TSA have the conservatives accomplished anything in the last 20 years?
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Re: Rand Paul End the TSA Bill

Postby Dmitri on Thu May 03, 2012 2:36 pm

So the obvious equivalent of that presumably-rhetorical question would be, "Everything that this country accomplished in the last 20 years, except for TSA, was done by 'non-conservatives'." ? :)

In any case, IMO to say "the conservatives" is to be as ridiculously (and unusably) vague as if you were to say "the liberals".
These terms mean very little to me personally, simply because of how insanely wide the range of their interpretations/definitions is, for all practical purposes. And also because of the sheer diversity and strength of various emotions and passion that are connected to them in some (many) people's minds.
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Re: Rand Paul End the TSA Bill

Postby yieldingxxx on Fri May 04, 2012 8:32 am

Here's an interesting quick article on the subject:

http://www.cleveland.com/world/index.ss ... airpo.html


WASHINGTON — Amid the uproar that airport screenings have become too intrusive, some Americans are now asking why the United States cannot do it like the Israelis.

Rep. John L. Mica, R-Fla., a critic of the Obama administration’s new screening methods, says the Transportation Security Administration should look at the process in Israel, which uses early detection techniques at airports. An editorial in The Washington Times last week praised El Al, the Israeli national airline, as employing the “smarter approach” of using “sophisticated intelligence analysis which allows them to predict which travelers constitute a possible threat and which do not.”

As it turns out, the security methods employed by Israel’s Shin Bet security service at Ben-Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv are frequently stricter and more intrusive than the full-body scanners and pat-downs that U.S. officials put into place Nov. 1, said security analysts and the travelers who regularly show up at the Ben-Gurion four hours before their flights for screening.

At Ben-Gurion, some passengers have been searched so thoroughly that they have had to walk through the terminals, the gates and up to the doors of their planes with no handbags, wallets or even shoes.

The Israeli approach highlights the difficult balance faced by the Obama administration as it tries to address terror threats without unduly alienating the people it is trying to protect. The Israeli system relies on steps that would be likely to provoke U.S. opposition on civil liberties grounds: collecting detailed information about passengers before they fly. Besides, Israel has only two airports and 50 flights a day, compared with 450 airports and thousands of daily flights in the United States.

The administration argues that by focusing on the search for weapons — in contrast to the Israelis, who focus on finding terrorists — the United States is mounting a valuable and necessary last line of defense without undermining civil liberties. The multiethnic U.S. population makes it more difficult here than in Israel to profile possible terrorists, experts say, leaving officials with little choice but to screen passengers carefully for illicit items.

“If you say at the highest level of generality that the American system is looking for weapons and the Israelis are looking for terrorists, obviously we would be better off looking for terrorists, because then we would spare ourselves the silly indignities we imposed on ourselves because of our civil liberties laws,” said Stewart Baker, a former official with the Department of Homeland Security and the author of “Skating on Stilts: Why We Aren’t Stopping Tomorrow’s Terrorism.”

“But we tried that, tried doing security checks on passengers, and a left-right coalition said ‘You can’t trust the government with this.’”

Baker was referring to several proposals for advanced screening that were scrapped during the Bush administration after travel industry and civil liberties groups objected. One plan would have involved checking credit records and criminal histories, along with checking whether passengers were on terrorism watch lists. Based on results, each traveler would have been assigned a risk level. Those deemed dangerous would have been barred from flights.

Critics contended it was an invasion of privacy. The TSA eventually found its way to the screening system it is using now, which searches for weapons instead of relying primarily on profiling people.

On Monday, administration officials said that they would try to iron out the kinks in the system in response to public concerns, but they maintained that the new system would be around as long as there were people seeking to blow up planes.

The White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, said the government was “desperately” trying to balance privacy and security.

The TSA administrator, John S. Pistole, released a public service announcement and video describing the new procedures in advance of the Thanksgiving travel week. Administration officials say that fewer than 3 percent of passengers are receiving pat-downs; people get them if their screening raises an alarm, or if they refuse the body scan.

Mica said that the Israeli model worked because Israeli agents “try to detect behavior or people’s patterns” by asking them questions.

Israeli officials say that any passenger trying to board El Al is subject to questions from security agents.

“Everybody gets asked, who you are, where are you traveling to,” one Israeli official said, speaking on grounds of anonymity because he did not want to speak publicly about the security measures. The agents asking the questions, he said, “are very well trained. Depending on what you say, they will put you through an additional screening.”

Baker said: “Israeli agents focus on the traveler’s country of origin, their profession, visas that are stamped in their passports, places they have visited, people they know and the color of their skin. If you say you’re a Renaissance art scholar, they’ll ask you if you know who Titian is.” Mica maintained that the Israeli system was not profiling. “Someone is trained to do it with people who warrant further scrutiny,” he said.

Some travelers say they would rather go through a full body scan than the system at Ben-Gurion airport.

“My experience leaving Tel Aviv was by far and away the most unpleasant encounter I’ve ever had with airport security officials in the decade,” said Matthew Yglesias, a blogger with the Center for American Progress who said it took three hours last month for him to get from the initial security check at Ben-Gurion to the food court. “As best I could tell, things went pretty smoothly as long as you were Israeli, traveling with an Israeli or traveling with some kind of well-established tour group.”

Yglesias was traveling with a group of journalists.

“The African-American woman in our group was taken off to be questioned. A bunch of us were told we couldn’t bring iPads on the plane,” he said. He said that the Jewish member of his group “had the easiest time; the black woman had the hardest time.”
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Re: Rand Paul End the TSA Bill

Postby Dmitri on Fri May 04, 2012 8:57 am

Biggest difference is that Israel IS at war, and has been at it for many many years now, whereas the US is PRETENDING that it is at war. :-X

I hate this country's foreign policy. Fuckin' HATE it.

THIS is why the whole goddamn thing is even an issue -- WE have been stirring all this shit with our own giant over-militarized ladel for many decades now.

Links from the video description section:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blowback_% ... ligence%29

The Iranian Hostage Crisis, November 1979 - January 1981
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/carter/peo ... stage.html

New York Times Special Report: The C.I.A. in Iran
http://www.nytimes.com/library/world/mi ... index.html

The Secret CIA History of the Iran Coup

All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror (go to the C.I.A.'s website and paste the headline in the search engine)
https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for- ... publicat...

The spectre of Operation Ajax
http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2003 ... olicy.iran

A Very Elegant Coup - "All The Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror" - Book Review (National Review)
http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m ... _107223571

Mohammad Mosaddeq and the 1953 Coup in Iran

This video was posted by bryanxt.

If a link doesn't work copy and paste the headline in Google or on the site it's supposed to be on.

What pisses me off the most is that they're looking at how to improve TSA's operations, instead of realizing that we shouldn't NEED the goddamn TSA, DHL, etc. in the first place, if only Pentagon wasn't sticking its paranoid high-tech dick into everything around it that doesn't speak English and drink Coca Cola and plays baseball.

-nuke- -nuke- -nuke-
Last edited by Dmitri on Fri May 04, 2012 9:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rand Paul End the TSA Bill

Postby gzregorz on Fri May 04, 2012 9:05 am

Dmitri wrote:So the obvious equivalent of that presumably-rhetorical question would be, "Everything that this country accomplished in the last 20 years, except for TSA, was done by 'non-conservatives'." ? :)

In any case, IMO to say "the conservatives" is to be as ridiculously (and unusably) vague as if you were to say "the liberals".
These terms mean very little to me personally, simply because of how insanely wide the range of their interpretations/definitions is, for all practical purposes. And also because of the sheer diversity and strength of various emotions and passion that are connected to them in some (many) people's minds.

True that.

Classical liberalism is the philosophy committed to the ideal of limited government, constitutionalism, rule of law, due process, and liberty of individuals including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets.

The labels don't help. Because I'm actually more conservative than the so called conservatives who want to take away a women's right to choice.

But for some reason the right in this country is out to steal my label and launch illegal wars and illegal search and siezures. The way I see it is my idea is actually very right wing. The right is all about personal responsibility so let's make them responsible for this phoney war on terror and put them on trial. Starting with Dick.

But no, not going to happen. Much easier to click a link on the internet and go back to watching TV. Which is exactly why the TSA will not come to an end.
Last edited by gzregorz on Fri May 04, 2012 9:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Rand Paul End the TSA Bill

Postby vadaga on Fri May 04, 2012 9:45 am

Dmitri wrote:Biggest difference is that Israel IS at war, and has been at it for many many years now, whereas the US is PRETENDING that it is at war. :-X

I hate this country's foreign policy. Fuckin' HATE it.

THIS is why the whole goddamn thing is even an issue -- WE have been stirring all this shit with our own giant over-militarized ladel for many decades now.

What pisses me off the most is that they're looking at how to improve TSA's operations, instead of realizing that we shouldn't NEED the goddamn TSA, DHL, etc. in the first place, if only Pentagon wasn't sticking its paranoid high-tech dick into everything around it that doesn't speak English and drink Coca Cola and plays baseball.

I blame a combination of mission creep and the country's demand for cheap and assured oil supplies.
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Re: Rand Paul End the TSA Bill

Postby yieldingxxx on Fri May 04, 2012 10:13 am

I blame a combination of mission creep and the country's demand for cheap and assured oil supplies.

I agree with that for sure. And yet, there's a large majority of politicians and people in "power" who have absolutely no interest in pursuing alternative energy sources; some, even make fun of the entire concept.

Big Oil runs the USA, that's just how it is. The lobby they have, the political influence, and most importantly, THE MONEY. But yet, I keep seeing Oil commercials every hour on the hour telling us how wonderful they are for our society, and what "advances" they've been making all these years. I guess "advances" means "profit" considering that last oil spill was being handled the exact same way they handled it the 70's (not very well at all). ???
Last edited by yieldingxxx on Fri May 04, 2012 10:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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