The Cult of Saturn

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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby meeks on Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:39 am

fwiw - the pentagram is actually a symbol for protection from evil. But it's not a Christian thing, therefore they go running around yelling "satanic! baby eaters! he has a pentagram!" to cause fear in people rather than letting them to a little reading or learning about their own culture and what it really means.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby meeks on Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:01 am

kreese wrote:Right, the point is the Star of David thing is bogus. Just that is suspect. So then why is it the symbol of Judaism? Well it's not a symbol of judaism, it is more a symbol of zionism, which seems to be an agenda plotted by men who who are deeply embedded within the highest levels of the US Government, especially departments dealing with war.

So knowing the true origin of the symbol is important. Symbology is everywhere, but we are blind unless we learn just what the symbols mean.

Again, it's not what you believe. It's what the people with the money and the power believe, and they are unanimously united in all their power pyramids ending in what they call Lucifer.

You have to study history, the secret societies, the church itself and what it really is, has done, and does today. Churches, religions are all filled with symbols and mysteries.

Yet there isn't a spiritual person in a church, is there? Spirituality is not taught in churches or temples or whatever. Maybe it is, but if it were, the majority of people would not be slaves to the international banking cartel.

I am not mincing words, when I say cartel, imagine gangsters, mafia, and how they do their business.

These guys don't give a damn about you or me, and they are so into symbology and the hidden messages of the ages, that they embed it into rap, music, movies, clothing, anything, you name it. Children's cartoons.

There are literally hundreds if not thousands of instances of this you can call up, and it is the sum of these recurring themes in our media, which is our new virtual reality.

Words, symbols, gestures, everything matters. It is a lie to take away the inherent miracle in everything you do, because you were created in the image of God, or gods, all religions keep telling us the same basic messages.

The goal is to turn you into a machine, a new evolution, with enhancements, tracking, even control. The technology is there, and it is coming faster than ever.

They have already hijacked history and the truth, so that we believe whatever is in the media. Just think of the kids today who were born texting. The more dependent we are on these technologies, the more they have us. They already have us. We believe in a false history, even though you can poke holes in what we are taught...we continue to live in darkness and ignorance, and look at the world, is it getting better?

Question your education. Find out what the real goals of the system are, and if they teach you the whole Truth, or bits and pieces of truth peppered into a huge lie.

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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby I-mon on Mon Sep 24, 2012 1:37 pm

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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby qiphlow on Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:43 pm

read this:


then examine what you believe and why you believe it.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby cerebus on Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:18 pm

qiphlow wrote:read this:


then examine what you believe and why you believe it.

Excellent suggestion! And an excellent book! An all-time favorite of mine...
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Wed Sep 26, 2012 7:13 am

It's very easy to tell a real Christian from a social Christian or a power hungry Christian.

Jesus (and Buddha and many others) said to give up your possessions and seek to open your eyes to reality, as all suffering is seated in the mind, which can be easily confused and just plain wrong about things (Derren Brown, people, or any illusionist that can fool you).

It's that simple...misdirection, I tell you one thing or make noise in the West, but I really do something else (every president, our govt) in the East or shiv you instead.

Crime is crime, gangsters are gangsters, and people hijack religions just like they hijack any institution. Perhaps institutions are designed to be easily hijacked from the top. The key stone, if you will, the all seeing eye (of horus, or lucifer).

See people get in a tizzy over religion because the religions we are sold don't make sense. IF they did, we wouldn't be the slow train wreck we are now.|

And that's good for the elite, people not knowing up from down, right from wrong, who to trust, etc. That instills anxiety and fear of a chronic sort, which stresses some of us, all of us on average, to the point where we act on very primitive drives. That sets the conditions for confusing us with carefully designed media to get us to buy stupid shit and to believe whatever fits in a tweet.

That's about all we can handle now, and I pray for today's children, I want to kick every one in the face walking slowly holding an iphone. These guys will be in charge when we are old. They live in a completely virtual world, the concept of virtual = real is all they know...and movies and games and whatnot further the illusion through hyper realism and blurring of the line between fiction and fact.

Truth is stranger than fiction they say, and much fiction is based on truth, which is why it can make a great story and therefore profits at the end of the day.

People are a lot more pliable when they are scared all the time (economy, health care, war, etc.) and will lost all creativity and insight. It happens to us all, and it's a hard cycle to break...with the carefully designed health care disaster.

How convenient.

The answer is all of the above, of course. Republican or Democrat, division is an age old strategy for complete victory over your enemy.

It's not the fault of the scapegoat of the hour, it's the whole system that's rigged. A con. Criminals are bad, but the best ones are brilliant. Money attracts talent as we all know.

Study war, people. Psychological warfare is a key component of any war, otherwise they wouldn't devote so much money to it and allow intelligence agencies to do whatever they want, including taking away our right one by one.

You guys say people like bouncers and whatnot are tough, well they tell us that to win a contest you work hard and try your best, but to win when life is on the line, be sneaky as hell and never let 'em see what him 'em.

If one is not even clear who the enemy is, the war is won. Game over, nothing will stop it, and isn't that what we are all getting our panties in a twist about? Occupy? Tea baggers? We have no power anymore, the system has become a monster and that monster set it up so they could do it "legally".

Don't confuse religion with what it is supposed to do, to yield. religion is the finger pointing to the moon, and all you have to do is point to your asshole and say it's the moon. Most people never even question the finger, and march straight into...well, I'm sure Paris Hilton is there...

Everybody has a sense of right and wrong, it's the only reason we have any laws. If we were truly free, I'd rape your wife and eat your children just because I could, bitch. Of course I wouldn't, but actually people do these things anyway, but at least we all agree we should lock them up.

How many executive heads have rolled since the bank scandals? How many top people ever even spend a day in jail? Hmmm?

You're protected at the top, just watch any gangster flick. Your goombahs take the fall and you pay a small tax on your profits.

So who are these evil elite?

Well, can you tell me who signs Oprah's checks? Does that person have a boss? You have no clue, and these people have the money influence to do big things that you don't even know about.

Conspiracy just means secret plan. Every day our military or any corporation participates in conspiracies, because some things we understand should be secret. A surprise party is a conspiracy. So conspiracy is a word that has become twisted, apparently.

Occult just means hidden. But now it means witches and a goofy version of voodoo and whatnot, Sabrina the Witch or The Da Vinci Code.

What a trick that these words now mean something else to most people, thinking they somehow have the word bogus somewhere in their definition. Last time I checked, they don't.

Discrediting people by calling them crazy or on drugs is an age old trick to destroy image, and image is everything and can easily be manipulated. We are satisfied with pat answers that allow us to go about our lives, naive and innocent, like you tell your little kids.

Now that the mainstream media is completely under corporate control, like 2 or 3 companies, of course the truth has to compete with millions of dollars of advertising and PR budgets. It is not reported on the news. The news is a show, like watching Saturday Night Live. They read scripts. Do you think they won't read the script? OK, you're fired. It's that simple.

Because everybody has to feed and take care of their family, right? There's no choice, right? Why is it so damn hard for us to feed our families with all our technology and knowledge? Why are we basically making less and less each year due to inflation, a bad economy, perpetual rhetorical wars (War on Drugs! War on Terror! War on Shyness! War on Bad!) and are being bled dry out of what's left.

Does the US have a shortage of people that want to be famous? Do you think reality TV is an accident? Blurring the line between real and fake, maybe?

How convenient of a coincidence that good TV is all like this. Good TV? I mean bloody diarrhea, and 20 new shows premiere every season to replace the ones that were not to our standard of poop.

It's quite transparent that they are trying to push the boundary of what people will do for money and fame. Maybe they will just eat poop on camera in 5 years. Jackass Season 23, I can see it now.
Last edited by kreese on Wed Sep 26, 2012 7:46 am, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby meeks on Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:31 am

Ok... I know about the eye of Horus ...

The eye of lucifer googles around as being seemingly anything with an eye in it whether it's the US currency or anywhere else (which I figure is simply Christians and their if it's not Yahweh then they're all 'Lucifer' despite being representative of completely different faiths, meanings, or categories...)

Since Horus is an Egyptian deity that was a great protector, this further supports my "how can Christians label EVERYTHING not under their umbrella as Lucifer/Satan (who are in fact 2 completely different entities as well...)
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Michael on Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:11 am


The ancient Egyptians had a very extensive understanding and mapping of the stars as they "move" during this 26,000 year period of the precession of the equinoxes, which they divide into 12 ages or houses, and can be called the big zodiac since it uses the same names as the zodiac of a single solar year.
Last edited by Michael on Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby David Boxen on Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:57 am

So if any of that were true, why go through the hassle of creating and destroying religions every 2,160 years?
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Ralteria on Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:56 am

meeks wrote:Ok... I know about the eye of Horus ...

The eye of lucifer googles around as being seemingly anything with an eye in it whether it's the US currency or anywhere else (which I figure is simply Christians and their if it's not Yahweh then they're all 'Lucifer' despite being representative of completely different faiths, meanings, or categories...)

Since Horus is an Egyptian deity that was a great protector, this further supports my "how can Christians label EVERYTHING not under their umbrella as Lucifer/Satan (who are in fact 2 completely different entities as well...)

It seriously has less to do with Christianity than it has do with cultural bias. I've had exposure to Christianity all up and down the U.S. East coast and the majority of people who I've met who hold that general bias generally are confined to smaller and insular church communities. The church communities themselves are as much a social institution as they are a religious one. The social interactions in many (not all) have a tendency to reinforce dogma as a means of forming hierarchy inside the church. The social hierarchy formed has more to do with reinforcing the social standard than it is concerned with the spiritual sanctity of it's members.

With social standards being set by dogma, the problem that outliers in these communities run into is that they aren't just labeled as outliers, they are labeled as being evil as their behavior goes against the dogma. It's a paradigm of social interaction that is reinforced by doctrine. "If you don't act like X you are wrong" turns into "if you don't act like X you are going to hell." Since the groups are fairly small, it allows them to police themselves. When the groups get too big, they will often split into two smaller churches, often in a dispute over something that has little bearing on the spiritual sanctity of the group and more to do with social standing and social disagreements. Smaller groups mean more intimate social interaction. More intimate social interaction allows for easier social regulation.

The real issue with all this is that none of this is done on purpose. It's just reinforced through each generation due to continued cultural isolation. So when something from the outside comes in (insert non-dogmatic idea/other religion/outlier behaviour) the natural fear response to these situations kicks in. This fear response is still governed by social interaction though, so when a few people start turning up their noses...everyone does. Oh,'s evil now also since the social interaction is governed by doctrine.

This isn't every smaller church or isolated spiritual community, but I've seen it a lot over the years. There are plenty of churches that are primarily concerned with the well being of it's membership. But they don't get news coverage do they ;)
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Michael on Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:01 am

David Boxen wrote:So if any of that were true, why go through the hassle of creating and destroying religions every 2,160 years?

Writing response that I'm trying to keep brief, but it's a big topic. Will post tomorrow.


Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Mr_Wood on Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:43 pm

It's quite transparent that they are trying to push the boundary of what people will do for money and fame. Maybe they will just eat poop on camera in 5 years. Jackass Season 23, I can see it now.

hahaha quality rant :D
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Patrick on Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:29 am

It all makes peferct sense. The philosophy and practice of a healthy life
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Dmitri on Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:07 am

^^ That whole album (at least the lyrics) should be a mandatory subject/study in our public education system. 8-)
('The Final Cut' was pretty good too.)
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:43 am

David Boxen wrote:So if any of that were true, why go through the hassle of creating and destroying religions every 2,160 years?

Why do they keep coming out with new iPods?

Because you just do a wardrobe change the sheeple think it is new. That's why Satan has had so many names throughout history, Saturn, El, Baal, does it really matter?

People get caught up in trivial bullshit because that way they are basically powerless. Distracted people are marks for the taking, and especially if they are so sure they are the smart ones, that much easier to use their pride to hit them.

So the next time you're too busy to do something important, know that that is just a fantasy in your mind that controls your entire life. And that my friends, is how war is fought. You guys are waiting for the tanks and the footsoldiers. Well keep waiting, in the mean time a metaphorical drone will just end you while you are busy with the trivial bullshit that we're taught is "life". Or are we waiting to retire to start living?

Paris Hilton, y'all.
Last edited by kreese on Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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