The Cult of Saturn

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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby meeks on Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:32 pm

That's why Satan has had so many names throughout history, Saturn, El, Baal, does it really matter?

ah, yes.. Satan is the name of 1 deity. Saturn is the name of a different deity. El was the 'father of all gods', Baal is yet another... church leaders and Hollywood like to add Beelzebuth and Asmoday (for example) to the "other names Satan calls himself" ... the christian version of "if you're not with Jahweh your with the terrorists"..

I can say that now in relative safety because apparently christians have reduced the number of people they kill for not worshipping their brand of religion in the last 200 years. I just can't buy into any group that says "(our) God loves you" when (historically) there's a butcher in the back room cleaning the blood off his cleaver from victims that didn't bow down to him.
before you get upset, read about the christian crusades. read about the ravaging of first nations when europeans first settled in north america. read about what saint patrick did by wiping out the non-christian religions in Ireland (ie paganism - anything not christian).
read about how christians would raze temples of other deities and build their church on top of it to hide them and prevent others from picking up where things left off (also a HUGE slap in the face of the deity that ground was dedicated to).

But they've won the war... and with no one to fight, it all looks so ... so.. 'peaceful' but beneath that green pasture is a mass grave of skulls (metaphorically speaking).
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby chud on Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:00 pm

meeks wrote:
I can say that now in relative safety because apparently christians have reduced the number of people they kill for not worshipping their brand of religion in the last 200 years. I just can't buy into any group that says "(our) God loves you" when (historically) there's a butcher in the back room cleaning the blood off his cleaver from victims that didn't bow down to him.
before you get upset, read about the christian crusades. read about the ravaging of first nations when europeans first settled in north america. read about what saint patrick did by wiping out the non-christian religions in Ireland (ie paganism - anything not christian).
read about how christians would raze temples of other deities and build their church on top of it to hide them and prevent others from picking up where things left off (also a HUGE slap in the face of the deity that ground was dedicated to).

But they've won the war... and with no one to fight, it all looks so ... so.. 'peaceful' but beneath that green pasture is a mass grave of skulls (metaphorically speaking).

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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:58 am

Those who worship Baal/El/Lucifer/Satan/etc are involved in sex slavery, child porn, snuff films, and ritual sacrifice. They exist in all religions, as if you want to destroy a religion you infiltrate and corrupt it.

Roman Catholicism is so blatantly Satanic that it really proves the Illiminati maxim that people are just animals, sheeple, cows, and really have no qualms about raping 3 year olds and then murdering them in a blood sacrifice, because human sacrifice is humanities dark secret, it has existed for thousands of years, as Satan will do anything he can do destroy and mock God's creation.

And the Catholics still do nothing about the rampant sexual abuse of children and the protecting of pedophiles, something this big is bound to crack, yet we still fail to put the pieces together!

Radial Jewish occultists would kill very young children by pricking them over and over and the blood was collected for use in ritual magick. There are accounts going back to the Middle Ages, when you can imagine it would have been pretty easy to murder a child as there was no Neighborhood watch, America's most wanted, etc. No fingerprints or DNA. Imagine how many people just disappeared to appease the bloodthirsty cult of Saturn/Satan.

The US Govt is involved because the CIA researched mind control, which they call Monarch Mind Control (you just see how many models/actresses/celebrities have butterfly tattoes and/or wear butterfly themed clothing), which is used to create entertainers (prostitutes), sex slaves, and unwilling participants in child porn, snuff films, and other disgusting shit.

Here is Cathy O'Brien, co-auther of The Illuminati Formula to Create a Total Mind Controlled Slave, who went through the process of being brutally traumatized in order to compartmentalize her brain (dissociative identity disorder, formerly known as multiple personality disordor).

This compartmentalization means they are programmed not to remember the abuse, and codes and various triggers are implanted along with themed programming using the Wizard of Oz, Marilyn Monroe, Disney films, and other symbols with hidden occult meaning embedded in them.

The ideal age to start is 3, and the nature of the abuse is sexual ritualistic--involving all sorts of blood sacrifices, animal sacrifice, being raped on an alter, being raped by an animal, tortured, etc, there are no bounds to true evil.

People have been rescued, like Cathy O'Brien, and through therapy have remembered the horrors they endured. If you think these people are faking it, you are a moron. Why would anyone claim to have been raped by a dog or that they had to kill a child in a ritual? Use your brains, people. You have been trained yourself to just think anything on a screen is fluff and that you are smart because you went to school...?

Britney Spears has a legal handler now, because pop stars who start to fall apart need to be constantly monitored and their alter identities managed to be able to get what they want from this broken psyche.

Watch her switch to an alter when the subject of conversation starts getting heavy, she suddenly becomes a perky, bubbly kind of girl, who seems younger and just fun, then switches back and breaks down.

Explain this, skeptics, and I will assume you have read up on DID and how it is the result of high-tech programming methods used by US intelligence, the spooks, otherwise you will be wasting your breath:

You ask yourself why the courts won't say what illness she has. Because it's DID from trauma, this girls started out in the Mickey Mouse club at a young age, just like Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera, etc.

Disney is a pedophile's dream, you just have to look at the cock painted onto the cover of The Little Mermaid.

Those with daughters who want to be princesses should think twice about what is really going on.

It is said that people around Britney know very well that she has other personalities with different names, one is british with a british accent, etc,. Lindsay Lohan too, I mean really, this girl obviously looks like she's possessed by the worst of spirits, she looks like a walking dead person, I really feel bad for her.

The proof is out there, just not told by the media. We are spoon fed information which shapes our reality. As if stuff not on TV is not true. The internet is so easy, yet people are in a trance themselves, buying whatever they are told to buy, living like they are told to live. I just like everyone else was living in a dream.

Do you think N Korea is any different? Do you think N Korea is somehow capable of more evil than the US? Do any of us really know what the ultra rich and powerful do? OF course not, we just think we know from watching TV and movies, which are basically entertaining stories to make us think that if it is in a movie, it can't be real as well. As if one logically follows the other, which is ludicrous.

It's time to wake up.

Nick Begich presents the solid science on mind control. It's academic, military and intelligence history as well as a workshop type presentation on the mind control devices available today for psychological and physiological health. A well researched, very informative presentation

Last edited by kreese on Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:38 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:30 am

Part 3 is interesting because she talks about using the technology for good, and how this technology is hidden from us, knowing how the mind really works. She claims mind control allows Special Ops to perform at high levels, feeling no pain, having super endurance, much like a hypnotized person can block pain, it is really his subconscious that is highly suggestable and does not critically ask if it is even possible, thus we also get to glimpse the true power that we have inside.

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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:13 am

This is an intersting quote from an article written in 2002 by Henry Makow Ph.D:

"These people love the game of chess, and see warfare between nations as creating an order out of chaos. The USSR is going to get stronger again. It has too strong a military both openly, and covertly (ALL Illuminati military trainers have visited Russia to learn from them) to sit quietly and quiesciently to the side. In the NWO, they will be stronger than us."

I have also come to the conclusion that if you really want to learn the most advanced levels of various martial art skills for professional application, Russia is the place to go. They are just too brutal by default, speaking of the military that kills its own soldiers via hazing, for their special forces martial arts to be bullshit. It's bad martial artists that make any art look like bullshit.
Last edited by kreese on Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Michael on Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:29 am

There are a lot of good people who find the good in their religions and use it every day. Telling them their shit is fake doesn't help anything.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Patrick on Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:52 am

Telling them their shit is fake doesn't help anything.

Maybe one could try? Kreese, your [conspiracy] shit is fake. The philosophy and practice of a healthy life
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:28 am

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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:28 am

Oh I know it's fake. Duh.

You think like a mark, which is why you will always be one. It's like you just got your wallet stolen and are too embarrassed to admit it.

It doesn't matter in the end, as those with no principles in life for which they are willing to die for are of no consequence to anyone.

You are the new castrati, a joke who really doesn't influence anything of importance. Because you can't think of one thing you actually control in your life, can you? And that's exactly the way things have been planned, in written documentation for far longer than you would imagine, but I suppose if you are snarky that is more real than all the information you can easily find yourself.

It doesn't matter, that snarkiness is exactly how you've been trained to be, like a sitcom character, you're fake. Nobody has a real personality like that, it's only in the past few decades isn't it. You are the third guy on Will and Grace, the snarky guy. Hahaha.

Now go to work and buy shit like a good boy.
Last edited by kreese on Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Patrick on Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:54 am

I am glad, you got so much of my personality out my post, impressive. Off to work to meet with my italian bff Huberto di capitalisto.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:03 am

Oh what's this, another unaired documentary confirming what Cathy O'Brien and many others have said about the CIA bringing coke into the US, with Clinton heading up operations out of Mena, AK.

Why else do you think we fight a rhetorical war with tax dollars, whereas the US is the largest consumer of drugs in the world.

This is how you make money for black ops, welcome to the big boy world where things are not all black and white so you can sleep well at night.

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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby meeks on Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:48 pm

Those who worship Baal/El/Lucifer/Satan/etc are involved in sex slavery, child porn, snuff films, and ritual sacrifice. They exist in all religions, as if you want to destroy a religion you infiltrate and corrupt it

Seriously? I know of more than a few members on this board that are polytheistic that you are now accusing of being sex slavers based on your ignorance of upbringing. That's what it is.. Pure, unadulterated ignorance. You should bottle it and sell it next to the Evian dispensers. Stop watching hollywood movies where uninformed writers select random names and convert deities to demons. And if you go to a Christian church that uses GW Bush type influences "they bombed us because they were jealous of our freedom" (absolutely nothing to do with foreign policy and oil, right?) to ensure you only bow to their god (remember, they used to kill you if you didn't my.. Such a peaceful, loving god, right...? #scoff..) then stop spouting your rhetoric here to people that might scrutinize what you say and call you out on it.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Sun Oct 28, 2012 5:25 am

This is all over the place, but it's really hard to write cohesively about something that is so big, with so many instances of deception at levels that we really were taught to never suspect. Really, that's why it's hard for all of us to grasp that something like this is even possible. That's the main trick, the main lie. The good criminals never get caught. We have no idea who they are for that reason!

Take it from this 10 year Navy SEAL veteran, he's saying the exact same thing I'm saying, nothing new or revolutionary here:

"All warfare is based on deception."

"Magic itself if based on misdirection."

That about sums up martial arts, and yet we don't even recognize our enemies. Not everyone loves us and wants the best for us. Christmas and Easter are pagan holidays. Hollywood is 'holly wood', the material used for magic wands. For casting spells and creating Magick, which could be bullshit, but we eat it up with a spoon, the more stressful life gets, the more release we need, the more extreme the stimulation, the more extreme the crimes, what will top the Face Eater and the Gay Canadian Necropheliac Cannibal?

These are not assertions, these are facts. Once you educate yourself and get some background, you will understand the coded messages in everything.

You will see how all your TV, even your favorite show or your trusted news program, can't help but push background ideas into your mind.

It is fact that people fall into a trance state within minutes of watching a TV program. This is why it is relaxing, our conscious mind takes a rest. But the subconscious mind is very suggestable, especially when we are in what is exactly the same as a light hypnotic trance. This is all mind technology that has been around for a long time, but kept hidden by those that sought to control everyone else.

This is how religious zealots in Asia drive crazy object through their flesh, because anesthesia is a key sign of having reached a sufficient level of trance. Now imagine that our conscious minds are so distracted all the time that all the corporate and more subtle images, all of them, are trying to sell you on something. Millions upon millions of dollars are spent to this end, the most well off people I know are in the marketing business or cut their teeth and really went from Drone to Director.

Remember that all entertainment is well planned and marketed using the expertise of people like Edward Bernays, Freud's nephew (some direct relation) and invented the art of PR to sell stuff to people even though most people were happy just having enough. 100 years ago people didn't waste a second thinking about useless shit.

This is all tastefully documented in the series Century of the Self. Facts are truly more interesting than fiction, and you will find that facts are the basis for lots of our fiction, the best lies are 99% truth and 1% false. Or better yet, if you're a dick, you tell the truth to the public because you really couldn't care less what they think, you are going to push your world agendas forward just like we have no power over our country anymore, no power over our money, no power over our health, no power over our food, no power over our military, no power over our schools, no power over our religious freedoms, no power over our own thoughts and ideas, no power over our bodies and fertility rates, no power over how we derive energy, no power over what we are allowed to say, because we have to lie every day just to keep our jobs, unless you are your own boss and somehow don't have any customers. I guess that's why getting rich is the American Dream. As in, keep dreamin' baby, don't stop now! Whatever you do, don't stop now!!! Yessss....that's right....isn't that better. Go to sleep....

Subliminal ideas are just like extras on your TV show, you don't notice them or remember them, they are just in the background, right?

Well since I told you what this video is about, and maybe you've seen it, show it to 5 people that haven't seen it and don't really say what it is. See what happens. This is just one tiny video done on a low budget. Now imagine you have basically an unlimited budget and no would you use knowledge like this?

We are trained to become specialists, which makes us feel accomplished and smart, but we are not taught how to take a big picture view, to see things holistically and to see the inter-relationships between everything. We really can't possibly keep up with what's really going on, everyone is trying to do more and more, yet happiness, marriages, and lives are being destroyed more and more.

How do you hide something from the public? I don't know about you, but this was one of my major *mental hangups* to believing any of these things. My mind literally could not believe it, which is called cognitive dissonance. You can create beliefs in people pretty easily, again this is hypnosis but it is really a sophisticated technology that has an ancient occult as well as modern scientific basis. You can study these things, really you can. I welcome you to learn about it, it is fascinating, enlightening, and ultimately horrifying.

So you just say that something you want to keep people in the dark about is pseudo-science (which just means science has no clue, so it must be the phenomenon's fault.

But science is a business, and education is a an ever more difficult and longer process of initiation marked by rituals involving wearing black robes and shit. Oh, that's just tradition. Don't mess with tradition. Bam, people don't question what is truly bizarre and unconnected behavior. No black robes in the classroom at my schools.

Or say someone that says something that might expose the Truth is on drugs. Or say she has mental illness. Or say she is a whore. Or say that black guy stole money or had a gun. You could even use your control of the media to create a gangsta rap culture that ultimately just gets lots of black folks and others killed, in jail, on drugs, it doesn't matter, you can tally them off as one more person whose life has been wasted, and a maximum of suffering was all that he ever knew. You might say if there was a Satan, that'd be his objective, to destroy God's special creation, namely us. Or say he had some weed on him, because I don't know about you, but I go to bed scared that some hippy is going to break into my house and force me to smoke some sticky ass OG Kush out of a beautiful glass pipe that changes colors. Changes colors! The horror!

That's how you keep people in line, threaten their livelihood, their reputation, their money, their physical health, their mental health, etc. and you will have exactly 0% resistance from 99.99% of the population.

And the prison system is becoming a BOOMING business, the business of imprisoning citizens on the tax dollar, creating an industry for sadistic enforcers and killers much like military contractors have absolute carte blanche as long as people think they are just taking care of brown people far away. But why wouldn't these same people work within our own nation?

If you were truly evil, would you give a crap? No. As if we have rights anymore. No, 9/11 got us all worked up, we witness a traumatic moment, and from there on we were so distracted that we all gave the country away to the people that orchestrated the entire thing, it really isn't that hard if you look at the footage, the discrepancies, the material evidence, the destruction of evidence, all the architects and engineers and families of the victims demanding a real there justice for them? For our soldiers, who statistics say between 7-17% are on serious psychotropic medications for the emotional and psychic toll that modern, IED laden urban warfare seems to bring about very reliably.

The number of suicides and murder/manslaughters committed by vets is absolutely shameful. And how big was our defense budget this year? I mean, the one we know about. It's not like we can audit the White House, the CIA, the pentagon, even though that was the whole damn point of this country.
Last edited by kreese on Sun Oct 28, 2012 6:00 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby chud on Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:23 am

Kreese, you have been all over the map in this thread, so it's hard to even know where to start in picking apart what you're saying.

For the record I actually agree with your general theory about evil and abusive people infiltrating ordinary organizations, and I believe that many of them do gather especially in political circles, to gain power over others.

You say as much in the first sentence below.

kreese wrote:Those who worship Baal/El/Lucifer/Satan/etc are involved in sex slavery, child porn, snuff films, and ritual sacrifice. They exist in all religions, as if you want to destroy a religion you infiltrate and corrupt it.

But then you contradict yourself by letting your prejudice against Roman Catholicism cloud your reasoning when you state that the church is inherently evil (and not just one of the many religions which has been infiltrated, which it is).

kreese wrote:Roman Catholicism is so blatantly Satanic that it really proves the Illiminati maxim that people are just animals, sheeple, cows, and really have no qualms about raping 3 year olds and then murdering them in a blood sacrifice, because human sacrifice is humanities dark secret, it has existed for thousands of years, as Satan will do anything he can do destroy and mock God's creation.

And the Catholics still do nothing about the rampant sexual abuse of children and the protecting of pedophiles, something this big is bound to crack, yet we still fail to put the pieces together!

I could show you news stories just from my local news about child sexual abuse in any number of protestant, evangelical, and non-denominational "bible" churches. And in jewish circles too (no one is immune). And yes, pedophiles infiltrate non-religious organizations like the Boy Scouts, day cares, schools, etc looking for prey to victimize.

Bottom line: Evil people who seek power over others will infiltrate politics and major religions.
Evil predators who seek innocent prey will infiltrate organizations where children are.
Blaming the organizations that they've infiltrated, rather than the evil pedophiles themselves, doesn't make sense.
Use your head man.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:29 am

Of course not everyone is behind anything, the majority are just duped. But when evidence starts to come to light and we still choose to be duped, then that is simply unacceptable to anyone who claims to want freedom.

Here's today's "Something to Consider", but first ask yourself, 'what happened to the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) or Star Wars program hyped by Readan and Bush Sr? How much money went into that? Can you give an account? No, so then you must consider that all that money, probably trillions, for 'national defense', and research has been going on for 20 years.

Those are the facts of money and intent, so please consider:


Here's a referenced article about HAARP. Take from it what you will. ... haarp.html

Here is footage of strange lights and colors in the sky before major earthquakes in Chile and Japan. You know, the one with the nuclear reactors.

There is also footage of similar lights in Sichuan ~400km from the epicenter of their terrible earthquake.

Now the point of this video is highlighted by the poster: why does the host ignore what the journalist said about colors in the sky and an apocalyptic feel to the whole thing? Wouldn't that make headline news, especially since it preceded a major quake?

So that's worth it for the Chilean journalist, whose eyewitness testimony, which could put a man to death according to our beliefs, was that she saw strange colors and lights in the sky, and it's happened many times and has been documented. So when you ask for documentation, it is a moot point. It's out there, you are just choosing to ignore it. Ignore - > Ignorant -> Ignoramus. I didn't make that up.

A proper documentary on HAARP - go to ~8:00 and turn your BS Detector on. Tell me that the way this guy speaks about the alleged purpose of HAARP does not betray his lie for all to see. I think any cop would instantly say this guy is hiding something, he's obviously uncomfortable. I pick up on this stuff instinctually, not everyone will see it, but I ask you to tell me what your gut says, your own instinct. I count five awkward "uh"s, they get worse toward the end. I truly doubt he's that nervous just talking about his supposedly benign work.

Again at 14:40 when confronted with a 600 page leaked memorandum referencing 100 Billion Watts of power as the goal for this system, which has been denied by the militaryindustrialpolitical complex, you can see he lies again. Right to her face. Right to our faces. This guy has sold his soul and has sold us out and I have no doubt he knows exactly what he's involved with.

These are just examples I found, you can see there are many other people saying the same thing, so you can cross reference and fact check on your own.

I know two respected research scientists who at least in the past used to go to Puerto Rico all the time to work on the radio satellite featured in Goldeneye to study the ionosphere, exactly the area that HAARP is currently targeting. I even received a bottle of Puerto Rico's finest as a gift from one of these trips.

Further fact checking shows that indeed the radio sattelite in Puerto Rico is part of HAARP. Damnit. That means these guys are very close to it and asking them would be dangerous.

Perhaps they unwittingly used their brilliance to provide data to this project, as if your work is compartmentalized, you will never know what happens to your work.

I could ask them, but I'd rather do that in person (see above). One of them, a post-doc, was already talking about this stuff 5 years ago, and I thought she was crazy. She is way smarter than most of the people in this room, I know her well and the other is a tenured professor at a major engineering university, two of many PhDs I know because I am not an idiot.

There are so many gaps in the 'official story' we've been sold for decades, and every man and woman has a choice to keep eating the crap or to start questioning without jumping to conclusions without any research.
Last edited by kreese on Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:42 am, edited 8 times in total.
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