Teaching Women's Self Defense Through Ninjutsu

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Re: Teaching Women's Self Defense Through Ninjutsu

Postby Cavin_M on Fri Sep 20, 2013 7:04 am

wiz cool c wrote:a pen in the eye works great,that is the first thing i tell any girl i teach,always carry a pen. if you go int any dark places ,or anypleaace alone,or even fell te slightet thing strange,take it out and carry it in your had, if a guy grabs you stab him in the eye.

Yeah, cos it's just that easy to stab the eye of a moving target, in the dark, when grabbed from behind. :-\

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Re: Teaching Women's Self Defense Through Ninjutsu

Postby Steve James on Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:59 am

I seem to recall a case in London quite recently where a teenage girl killed another girl with a metal afro comb- so I guess that does the job.

Back in the 70s, "we" used to have classes on how to use the objects that we carried as weapons. Typically these were keys, combs, pencils, shoes, newspapers (you probably know all the tricks). There were lots of different uses for combs because there were so many types.

Yeah, the multi-colored rattail combs are usually plastic. The better ones are stiff, though. As you pointed out, all of these would be relatively useless in a blindside blitz attack. My point was that confidence comes from not feeling helpless. Having the weapon, however, doesn't imply the ability to use it --either physically or mentally.

Anyway, a frontside blitz is completely different from a blindside, especially in terms of "freeze" responses. I agree the the guy in the vid that it is necessary to go "from 0 to 100" instantly. The question is "when." For a blindside, the answer is "immediately." Go absolutely buck wild crazy. Yell, scream "fire", punch, kick, bite, scratch, anything and everything possible. Sure, if you're strong, have endurance and have training, your chances are better. If not, though, there's nothing to lose. You've no idea why you're being attacked, so the assumption should be that it's life or death.

A frontside blitz is a different type of ambush. You see it coming. So, there is time to prepare ... and to freeze from uncertainty, if not from fear. Imo, it's a more difficult decision because it is a choice. Going from 0 to 100 at the wrong time could be a disaster. This is where having a plan, or plans, is vital. Otherwise, you're just a time bomb. I shouldn't say "just".

Anyway, we can talk about that period when the words have started flowing, but the fists haven't. Note how the big guy starts to play with his prey's head. Clue one: he repeats himself. Tip: he's doing that because something else is on his mind. Imagine if he had a gun in his hand, would you still just stand there? Clue two: watch for something that can hurt you, and try to protect what it can hurt most. As I've argued before, people don't usually just walk up to you with a knife while striking up a conversation. The latter happens in the school yard or among males who like the same female, usually without the knife. That's why the situation is a bit contrived. The other guy "could" have attacked or run away or even just put his hands up, which he just might have done in another circumstance.
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Re: Teaching Women's Self Defense Through Ninjutsu

Postby Mr_Wood on Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:00 am

I seem to recall a case in London quite recently where a teenage girl killed another girl with a metal afro comb- so I guess that does the job.

Well remembered Cavin, what a nasty attack that was

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Re: Teaching Women's Self Defense Through Ninjutsu

Postby Mr_Wood on Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:10 am

Going from 0 to 100 at the wrong time could be a disaster

Or you could read the signs wrong and attack someone who isn't actually going to physically hurt you. I was chatting with a friend of mine who has been training a lot of knife work recently. he told me how he enjoyed it but he had recently found his reactions being triggered by things like a friend putting a hand on his shoulder or someones arm passing nearby, we had a laugh about it at the time but this sort of bad reaction could also have terrible consequences.

Personally when travelling the tube in London or in crowded places im usually aware when somebody isn't looking where they are going and about to bump me or a stray arm whipped out into your face so i find it good practice to be 'casually' on guard from these type of things, which generally keeps you more aware of your surroundings.
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Re: Teaching Women's Self Defense Through Ninjutsu

Postby Steve James on Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:44 am

Or you could read the signs wrong and attack someone who isn't actually going to physically hurt you.

That would be the disaster ;) Well, okay, catastrophe is more precise. Having a weapon is only half the battle; knowing the right time to use it is the other 90%.

Anyway, re: women, Texas woman fatally stabs man with a stiletto heel, police say
http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/06 ... e-say?lite

Testicle Squeezing In Street Fight Causes Man's Death
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/2 ... 57487.html
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Re: Teaching Women's Self Defense Through Ninjutsu

Postby Cavin_M on Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:34 pm

Testicle Squeezing In Street Fight Causes Man's Death
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Re: Teaching Women's Self Defense Through Ninjutsu

Postby Cavin_M on Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:43 pm

Surprised no one else has addressed the drinking issue and it's effect on our faculties yet.. pretty big with regards to reports of violence.

Lets take this self protection issue deeper...

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Re: Teaching Women's Self Defense Through Ninjutsu

Postby Mr_Wood on Fri Sep 20, 2013 5:28 pm

Lets take this self protection issue deeper..

How so ? Tapping into this go berserk survival mode we have deep down inside and trying to use this in a controlled way ? I don't this would be possible would it ?

Like I mentioned earlier. You can try to reenact these scenarios of being attacked by some crazy nut job who wants to slice your throat and murder your family but your never going to get the same feeling and sense of emergency in any lesson or class, so its very difficult to work with a 'true' response unless your are confronted with these things day in day out. I would have thought yourself having been a police officer would be able to give a little more insight into this or perhaps some one who's been in a war zone.

The first and last time I was ever mugged was at knife point I was shitting myself but i remember thinking I could have this lad but common sense and the possibility of having a blade run through me, made me see sense. Still I felt the urge to have a go but didn't bother as I had very little to lose other than a crappy cell phone and even less to gain other than for ego sake of battering this scally. Dunno, it all passed fairly well, he got a shity cell phone worth £5 and i walked away, a little shaken but no real bother. On the flip side, if I had gone beserk and kicked the living shit out of him, i may have well faced a jail sentence and the lad possibly in a coma or worse..

saw this today which i thought was a pretty good ad

Last edited by Mr_Wood on Fri Sep 20, 2013 5:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Teaching Women's Self Defense Through Ninjutsu

Postby Mr_Wood on Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:43 pm

In fact, now thinking back, he didnt even take the cell phone because it was that shit lol, he was just annoyed that i didn't have anything of value. I kept him talking for a few minutes (weighing up my options) until he actually threatened to stab me, at that point I showed him what little I had and then he buggered off. Not sure if I can class that as a mugging, attempted mugging perhaps .. anyway I had enough presence of mind back then to look at my options and decide how best to handle the situation ( I was 18 at the time with little more than few years kickboxing and Judo experience ), so these things don't always have to end with a critical situation and I guess the same should be said for women. If you can keep your head, then you might be able to get by without having to come to blows.
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Re: Teaching Women's Self Defense Through Ninjutsu

Postby wiz cool c on Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:46 pm

if martial arts doesn't help women defend themselves,then why do all the women correctional officer strain in them? i have heard a few stories. had a student back in the day,he was an officer in prison,a female office study karate and used it often. And i mentioned before that i had a student a beautiful girl a green belt in ninjutsu at the time defended herself against 3 guys successfully.

nothing in life is guaranteed,specially self defense. if you watched the video i mentioned ,this is a beginner lesson, this is not a crash course, in ninjutsu you learn how to use everyday tools as weapons,how to attack vulnerable targets. you have no idea what takes place in ninjutsu training, you saw one basic lesson. you always use different partners in training,different shapes and sizes attitudes. this helps a women deal with adrenaline. a normal women with no training doesn't have men sitting on her chest,grabbing her ,throwing punches at her. if you do this regularly of course it will give you an advantage. and ninjutsu training is tough,you haven't seen shit, you get hit thrown locked choked,a lot, so you get accustomed to contact and some violence.
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Re: Teaching Women's Self Defense Through Ninjutsu

Postby Cavin_M on Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:57 pm

Mr Wood

If you really want me to expound upon this subject maybe it should be a new thread judging by a recent comment. ???

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Re: Teaching Women's Self Defense Through Ninjutsu

Postby Patrick on Sat Sep 21, 2013 12:40 am

I have fortunately met a few women who are very strong and put in a lot of work. Maybe its not so good to view women from the perspective that they have
to stay weak.
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Re: Teaching Women's Self Defense Through Ninjutsu

Postby Mr_Wood on Sat Sep 21, 2013 2:47 am

Cavin_M wrote:Mr Wood

If you really want me to expound upon this subject maybe it should be a new thread judging by a recent comment. ???


I wasn't having a pop mate, just that with your past work experience maybe you could offer some more perspective on the whole women's self defense front, in terms of what you have come across whilst on and off duty ( already with the thailand one was interesting ). Dunno, there may not have been that much of this during your time, just a thought. I don't want to pressure you into discussing matters which you may not want to discus. Anyway, it is quite relevant to this particular topic but I will leave it up to you seeing as you were the one who wanted to delve a little deeper into all of this. I have a topic which I want to start myself today which is quite different. Cheers.
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Re: Teaching Women's Self Defense Through Ninjutsu

Postby Mr_Wood on Sat Sep 21, 2013 3:16 am

you have no idea what takes place in ninjutsu training,

Yes I do

how to use everyday tools as weapons,how to attack vulnerable targets

So why don't you focus on what actually works and will be of some immediate benefit ? Why do you have to stick to the lesson 1 taijutsu ichi mon bla bla you seem to be caught up in the whole of idea of teaching 'ninja stuff' I think what you want to teach is Taijutsu ? this is a lot different from Ninjutsu are you aware of that ? ( are you going to teach these women how to make a lantern in the rain or how to make food pills ? or picking locks ? will this help for sd ? ) and like I said in one of my original posts, just take what works from what you know and perhaps start to introduce some of the ideas that have been mentioned throughout this topic, have you taken any of these on board ? Or are you not interested in listening to other peoples opinions ? If not , why come here and post on this video ? This board is for discussion not like some seem to think 'self praise' If you can't take constructive criticism and perhaps learn to adapt what you already know, then you haven't got much chance of being a good teacher or even a good martial artist. Im sure that's not the case because as Andy pointed out there is some good stuff in some of your videos and you must have been exposed to some decent teachers in all this time of being in Asia, why on earth you would think the internal arts are all just standing meditation and soft training is beyond me, perhaps you haven't found the right teachers in these arts yet.
Last edited by Mr_Wood on Sat Sep 21, 2013 3:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Teaching Women's Self Defense Through Ninjutsu

Postby Michael Babin on Sat Sep 21, 2013 12:15 pm

Perhaps Mr. Wiz had the same experience that others of us have had... you put in lots of time and effort learning an internal system only to have your ass handed to you the first time you get in a real scrap. I have known a number of committed practitioners who experienced that who subsequently give up on their taiji or bagua training as it is easier to do that and switch to a hard style than to find those relatively few internal instructors that still provide effective foundational training, forms and qigong as well as more "effective" fighting training.

P.S. I'm not a fan of ninjitsu and don't think short-term self-defense courses are of much use to anyone; but, to be fair to Mr. Wiz, the techniques shown at the end of his original video are no worse than many I have seen posted and accepted in other threads by taiji and bagua practitioners in this forum.
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