Rip Eric Garner

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Rip Eric Garner

Postby GrahamB on Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:44 pm

Killed by police in NY in broad daylight: ... -1.1871486
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Re: Rip Eric Garner

Postby Andy_S on Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:57 am

As it happens, I was in Noo Yoik last year and was impressed by everyone I met - very friendly peeps, from a lass I chatted with on the bus from the airport to the panhandlers on 7th Av who were a great chuckle.

The one thing that did not impress were the Plod. The proud officers of the NYPD - who are everywhere around 7th Ave/Times Square - looked to a man/woman like a sack of shite: Sloppy, slovenly, out of shape. Seriously, it was almost a joke. Compared to this crew, Sensei Seagull of the Louisiana PD is a model of svelte fitness.

Of course, high copper visibility and large numbers is a good deterrent, but my sense was that if you were a crim in this city, all you would need to do would be to practice a bit of running and you would be free to follow your chosen profession with minimal risk of capture, prosecution and pokey.
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Re: Rip Eric Garner

Postby allen2saint on Tue Jul 22, 2014 5:56 am

May God and the community comfort his family and justly deal with those who killed him.

I've always questioned the morality of any civilian being choked out. And that he was African American speaks volumes, yet again, of the situation here in the US, of who gets treated how.
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Re: Rip Eric Garner

Postby Steve James on Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:33 am

The choke hold may have precipitated Garner's cardiac arrest. But, the fact that he did not receive any medical care while he was disabled is unconscionable.
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Re: Rip Eric Garner

Postby allen2saint on Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:52 am

Yeah, I am reading all this now. I've been in the ER with many an NYC EMT and even the most burned out, cynical MF never expressed this level of disdain for human life.
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Re: Rip Eric Garner

Postby Michael on Fri Jul 25, 2014 3:30 am

Many in the USA are not aware of the endless cycle of harassment by the police against young men, especially blacks, such that once you get arrested for a crime, even misdemeanors, you are a perpetual target for the police and the courts, who put you into a catch-22 of paying court costs or having arrest warrants issued for you, but also being turned down for jobs due to an arrest record so that it's impossible to comply with the financial aspect of the legal system's punishment.

I don't know specifically about Garner, but a lot of normal American young men are in this predicament and it seems from the initial reports that Garner, whether deserving or not, was pushed pretty hard by the police. The man who took the video said the cops cared nothing for the circumstances and just targeted Garner and demanded his immediate compliance to their commands, even though he was unarmed and witnesses say he was breaking up a fight and was the good guy in that situation, meaning the police attitude toward him was completely incorrect and biased from him having been "captured" by the system already and essentially put into a treadmill of debt servitude to the courts and their enforcers, the uniformed police, who seem quite willing to use extreme violence without much provocation at all. :-\


Re: Rip Eric Garner

Postby Dajenarit on Fri Jul 25, 2014 5:36 am

So if you haven't seen the video I have to warn you it's very rage inducing. So you can hear the guy having an asthma attack while wheezing "I can't breathe " as more pigs pile on top of him. They don't even have the decency to un handcuff the man as he's laying on the ground presumably unconscious but looking at the video he doesn't appear to be alive even at this point. That's at least what the pigs on the scene tried to tell the crowd but I don't think they were buying it either. The guy is lying on the ground unmoving with his eyes wide open but "he's responsive". I guess knowing when someone is in real medical distress is not in their training either. Not that they would change tactics out of concern for your health anyway. Seems like if you complain that your being hurt during an arrest they press the boot harder on your neck and tighten the cuffs even more. You get more roughed up the more you complain. What do you do in that situation? Now if people rightfully claim they fear for their lives and start trying to defend themselves against this shit the government would lose their collective minds but maybe these PDs would think twice about cold blooded murdering people in the streets with impunity.
Last edited by Dajenarit on Fri Jul 25, 2014 5:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Rip Eric Garner

Postby Michael on Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:08 am

No Daj, those are all good cops. You just don't hang out with them enough to understand their point of view.


Re: Rip Eric Garner

Postby Michael on Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:09 am

Oh and trust me, they (not necessarily the cops) definitely want these videos out there to be seen by as many as possible and induce as much rage as possible. They want a pretext to press the boot harder, so to speak.


Re: Rip Eric Garner

Postby Dajenarit on Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:47 am

I can't understand how people just stand by while shit like this happens every day without not necessarily attacking the cops but atleast causing near riot levels of pissed off commotion. A crowd of people can at least put the fear of god into these pigs so they have to reevaluate what their doing in that moment.

This is how you gotta handle shit sometimes though America. Sorry to say. I couldn't stand by and watch something like that. I might have to jump on somebody and risk jail. Just to call myself a decent human being the next day.

Last edited by Dajenarit on Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Rip Eric Garner

Postby Michael on Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:10 am

Hahahahahahaha. In my wildest dreams I can not imagine that happening in the freedom loving USA at this time. The hedonism training is too strong. There's less than 1 in 100 that will take a risk to help someone else, although you get concentrations among people with strong sub-cultures who make some kind of attempt to practice what they preach.


Re: Rip Eric Garner

Postby GrahamB on Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:51 am

Gracie Brothers did a breakdown on the Eric Garner. Haven't watched it yet, but some people haven't agreed with their conclusions.

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Re: Rip Eric Garner

Postby Steve James on Fri Jul 25, 2014 9:20 am

I think the concern about the use of chokes (or vascular constrictions) has been highlighted because it goes with the issue of police brutality (in particular toward Black people). The Garner incident is seen as a symptom of a larger problem --that has existed for a long time. If Garner had been beaten and died or shot, that reaction would be the same. It's slightly different today simply because the police have not immediately stepped up to say that what the officer did was justified. They still might; and the argument will be that the choke did not cause the man's death.

However, the man died while the officers were standing around him after they had put him down and he was under their control. That also means that he was their responsibility.

Anyway, I can understand why there's a desire to assure people that chokes ("when properly applied") are safe.
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Re: Rip Eric Garner

Postby Dajenarit on Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:17 pm

Same shit different day?

this is the plain video without the cuts
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