The Russians are coming.

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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby Michael on Thu Jul 31, 2014 9:37 pm

If Psaki is good for comedy, that's the only thing I can imagine she is good for, professionally.

Why is it that such an obviously spineless presstitute as "Matt" whoever he is, is the only one I ever see lamely attempting to get a few of the basic questions into the official record? I can imagine "Matt" at the gates of Auschwitz asking something like, "Uhm, ah, Miss Psaki, uh, well, do you, ah, think maybe, just perhaps, do you feel that, if work is good for the soul, that perhaps, then maybe, uh, are you comfortable with, that statement, in the, uhm, ah context, of, ah, maybe, like, did you think that too much work, might ah, maybe, not be as good as, uhm, less, ahhh, uhm, stuff? But, ah, don't feel that, uhm, my question, ahh, should be answered, like, ah...Yes, mistress."

The boot looked to me like something for an ankle or foot injury, but I'm sure it won't interfere with the goose stepping too, too much in the long run.


Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby Azer on Fri Aug 01, 2014 2:47 am

You know every time I watch one of those state department things I start getting images of 'Idiocracy' popping in to my head. It just bizarre really, I don't know what sort of audience they are for for or who watches them with any seriousness.

Yeah, I figured Psaki injured her foot or something. They were having fun with the 'boot' thing on some Russian social media sites. Its probably not as funny in English, but one of the posts was something like:

Matt: Jen, did you lose one of your boots?
Psaki: Fuck no, I just found one!

It's insinuating that she is basically a peasant, as in didn't have a any shoes before, but now she's got one and she's proud sorta thing.
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby Michael on Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:54 am

I can't even watch stuff like that unless, while I'm viewing it, I overlay a scene from Idiocracy or the War Room scene from Dr. Strangelove. Otherwise, I get really friggin' tense.


Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby Azer on Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:21 am

Yep, its certainly understandable, how else can one cope with such absurdity. :)

Another example of absurdity I came across today. I'm not sure if your familiar with the journalist John Pilger, a few of his topical articles from recent times: ... ohn-pilger ... ra-to-kiev ... and-truth/

Now this John Piliger has won a lot of awards and praise over the years, a very well respected journalist:

John Pilger, renowned investigative journalist and documentary film-maker, is one of only two to have twice won British journalism's top award; his documentaries have won academy awards in both the UK and the US. In a New Statesman survey of the 50 heroes of our time, Pilger came fourth behind Aung San Suu Kyi and Nelson Mandela. "John Pilger," wrote Harold Pinter, "unearths, with steely attention facts, the filthy truth. I salute him."

Yet, there are mindless folk like this, attempting to discredit him using information gleamed from NATO propaganda: ... t_and_left

The sad thing is, a lot of mindless morons believe the later without questioning a single statement. Perhaps a nuclear war is not such a bad idea, who needs a reset, lets just get to 'game over' already.

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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby Michael on Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:30 am

Yes, I've seen Pilger for years. He does a lot of good journalism.


Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby wiesiek on Tue Aug 12, 2014 5:05 am

laowai aikido master, our favorite S. Segal plays concert for the Putins freedom fighter /last weekend/.
didn` know untill today, that some kind of MA makes you body big and brain flat...
he didn`t consider to became R-citisen like Depardieu........................................................................... yet :-\ >:(
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby Azer on Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:44 am

So Wiesiek, because someone doesn't agree with your russophobic bias means that their brains are flat?

I guess that means my brain is also flat, so is that of the several million people who are being murdered with military hardware by the Kiev government, and hey, if their brains are not flat yet, they certainly will be when the indiscriminate Kiev shelling flattens their homes and crushes their skulls. I'm sure you will be happy to celebrate such events with some apple pie, American recipe of course.

I guess you would prefer Mr. Segal was serenading the Ukrainian neo-Nazi brigade instead:

Ukraine crisis: the neo-Nazi brigade fighting pro-Russian separatists ... tists.html

Maybe you boys should start tucking in to that apple surplus you have over there, at least that may get the taste of Obama's cock out of your mouths:

Radosław Sikorski - Polish Foreign Minister wrote:“Complete bullshit. We'll get in conflict with the Germans, Russians, and we'll think that everything is super because we gave the Americans a blow job ... -worthless

Perhaps you should consider why your highly educated foreign minister holds such opinions. Some more info in case your "free press" has been censoring this:

“Blowjobs,” “F***-Ups” and the “Negro Mentality”: Polish Politics Behind the Curtain ... e-curtain/

In other news:


I guess he must also have a "flat brain" from too many hits to the head... :P
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby wiesiek on Wed Aug 13, 2014 10:16 am

so far Russia is the only one A-nation, were some of their representatives are speakin` about nuclear strike to my country,
" ...if we first nuke the West , they shut up, and woudn`t dare to answer..."
I`m not Russophobic at all,
I speak russian language and had close encounter with russian womens too :)
I even not Azerbejdanphobic nor Ukrainianophobic
maybe I should be...
`cause Azers/Ukrainian troops are famous here from killing civilians, wounded in hospitals, and cruel raping /killing nurses
during 1944 fights in Warsaw.
They was so cruel, that couple of them was killed by Gestapo /sic!/ due their "unspeakable cruelty"
shortly I`m not Nation-phobic at all,
I can understand, that Gerard D. doesn`t like to pay high French taxes / who like it?/ ,
simply disagree with him in this point,

White shifu signed that his Aikido is fake, and have learn some Systema shit!

Funny, that you quote Sikorski .
..."We'll get in conflict with the Germans, Russians, and we'll think that everything is super because we gave the Americans a blow job”...
1st.- there was more than one Eu country cited in his word :D ,
2nd - It was recorded during private dinner
in fact, it is exact truthful description of our politic from this time, not in diplomatic way, dough :P
I like apples :-*
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby Azer on Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:59 am

wiesiek wrote:well,
so far Russia is the only one A-nation, were some of their representatives are speakin` about nuclear strike to my country,
" ...if we first nuke the West , they shut up, and woudn`t dare to answer..."

I assume you are talking about this:

The Polish Foreign Ministry on August 13 summoned the Russian ambassador to protest remarks by Russian nationalist politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky ... 28748.html

Firstly, Zhirinovsky has been saying all sorts of provocative things for over 20 years and most importantly, he’s not in the Russian government, so really what’s the fuss?

However, if US/NATO do really think that they can initiate yet another regime change, this time in Russia as the propaganda narrative in western MSM suggests, I wouldn't be surprised if Zhirinovsky managed to get in to power. Prior to this Ukrainian mess, most normal people dismissed him as ‘crazy’, however much of his paranoia and related ranting has now been proven to be somewhat accurate and as a result his popularity and that of his opposition party has grown. Frankly, I think that if US/NATO are stupid enough to do put through a regime change in Russia, they fully deserve Zhirinovsky. After all, every other regime change they have carried out has been a complete disaster and resulted in the death of millions of innocent civilians, I don’t see why another one would be any different.

Now let’s have a look at the reality of the situation with Poland and NATO. The Polish government has, for some time now been aligned with NATO. Is this a clever thing to do when US/NATO is clearly an aggressive entity which threatens your close eastern neighbour, Russia?

As you know, the US has some time ago unilaterally withdrawn from the ABM treaty:

The United States withdrew from the landmark 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty on June 13. Little pageantry or protest marked the U.S. move abrogating the treaty and its prohibition against nationwide missile defenses, despite often fierce debate on the accord within Washington and around the world.

Here is some brief analyses of the implications of US withdrawal from this treaty:

Despite the ongoing discussions between the two nations, the Russians
remain deeply suspicious of the US plans to develop and deploy ABM systems and
has threatened to target those nations which would site some of the US missile
system architectural elements. Russia has a strong case. The ground based
interceptors, which were destined for Eastern Europe, would be used to kill ballistic
missiles launched from countries like Iran. The Russian concern is that these systems
could be used to counter Russian missiles. In addition, they could set a precedence
for sighting even more sophisticated ballistic missile interceptor systems in the

The Russians recognize the strategic advantages offered by ABM systems
which in extremis could become a battle winning asset in a world where the nuclear
arsenals of the super powers are measured in tens rather than hundreds of ballistic
missile delivery systems. This is especially true if the ABM systems are not

The specifics of this threat to Russia is the fielding in Poland and other Eastern European states of the US SM-3 missile which is used to intercept all manner of ballistic, cruise and other type of missiles. The main issues with the effectiveness of this weapon is the proximity of this weapon and its targeting/radar systems to that of the perceived threat.This interceptor missile can nullify a large amount of Russian missile arsenal, except for the newer and not significantly fielded Yars (RS-24) ICBM and the more largely fielded Iskander (SS-26) missile.

Now consider this, a hypothetical example. There are two large well-armed people standing in a room, let’s call them US and Russia. Both sides are pointing their guns at each other and they know that they are both as quick and as deadly as themselves, so if one shoots, then they both shoot and they both end up dead. Now, a new player appears, let’s call this player Poland, this smaller unarmed person is of themselves no threat to either of the big, well-armed guys, US and Russia. However, the US has given Poland a shield with which Poland can protect the US from Russia’s guns. Do you expect that the smaller guy with the shield protecting the US wouldn’t get attacked? I assume you don’t.

If Poland willingly makes an enemy of its neighbour (Russia) and in essence makes itself a pawn in the US/Russia chess game, then Poland and its leaders must accept the consequences and the responsibility for such aggressive and provocative action which may result in the destruction of your people and country and the blame for this lies solely with the Poles and their elected leadership.

Now personally, I don’t think Russia would nuke Poland even in the case of such a provocation, it much more likely that only ABM weapons would be targeted with Iskander missiles, which if I am not mistake are already stationed in Russia’s enclave of Kaliningrad.

Luckily for Poland, it seems that your politicians, despite their aggressive rhetoric and parroting the NATO war monger Rasmussen’s bullshit about the ‘imminent Russian invasion’ which has been imminent since March 2014, and only server to prove the idiocy of such statement and of those who make it, have so far seen the bright side and not fielded these US weapons.

US scraps SM-3 IIB missile interceptors plan in Poland ... -in-Poland

However, since this mess in Ukraine, I understand that this may be reversed and Poland may indeed make itself a US pawn. If you play chess, you probably know the value of such a chess piece and the implications of being a pawn. So perhaps, if you are a patriot and care about your country and people, you should consider who you vote for and what these people are doing to the security of your country by aligning with the most aggressive and murderous entity in recent history.

I`m not Russophobic at all,
I speak russian language and had close encounter with russian womens too :)
I even not Azerbejdanphobic nor Ukrainianophobic

maybe I should be...
`cause Azers/Ukrainian troops are famous here from killing civilians, wounded in hospitals, and cruel raping /killing nurses
during 1944 fights in Warsaw.
They was so cruel, that couple of them was killed by Gestapo /sic!/ due their "unspeakable cruelty"
shortly I`m not Nation-phobic at all,
I can understand, that Gerard D. doesn`t like to pay high French taxes / who like it?/ ,
simply disagree with him in this point,
White shifu signed that his Aikido is fake, and have learn some Systema shit!

Well, as I have previously asked of you, if you make a claim you need to provide evidence to support your claim, until such point, your claims are just that ‘claims’.

Personally, I have seen no evidence to make a judgement on either the accuracy or the falsehood of your claim. I do however know for a fact that both my grandfather and my grandmother on my father’s side of the family were in Warsaw in 1944, in fact my father’s sister, my aunt, was born in Warsaw in 1944. In fact, the Soviet army was quite mixed with both males and females, so your claims seems quite unrealistic to me and likely fuelled by a phobia of sorts.

Can you provide some evidence? In fact, how do you know anything that you believe in this regard is true? Have you seen anything to support this? If not, then why would you believe something without evidence? If this is in fact what you do believe, and it seems likely to me, then you are specific nation-phobic by holding such a unsupported view. If you want to prove otherwise, then you need to show credible evidence to support your claims and until you do, you are stuck with this label which you have in effect applied to yourself.

Funny, that you quote Sikorski .
..."We'll get in conflict with the Germans, Russians, and we'll think that everything is super because we gave the Americans a blow job”...
1st.- there was more than one Eu country cited in his word :D ,
2nd - It was recorded during private dinner
in fact, it is exact truthful description of our politic from this time, not in diplomatic way, dough :P

So do you agree with Sikorski’s private musings?

Here is a question I would like to ask you? Do you, as your government, support the murder, or more accurately, ethnic cleansing of ethnic Russians in Ukraine?
Last edited by Azer on Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby wiesiek on Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:47 am

_ Zhirinovsky ? noisy fool,
may became useful :)
- I`m worry about red button access and war doctrines , old farts with big heats etc.
- from the another hand, I don`t give shit about all of this,
`cause one small Russian nuke covers 500 km circle :D, not very high tech., but quite strong

_Old doctrine was: line of the resistance - on Wisła river line, done by tactical nuclear strike,
New one doesn`t fly away from the old one, Me thinking :-*

Unspeakable things done by scumbags collected from cited country are well documented and described, not only by Polish historians , evidence?
- forgive me , I will not give the lectures from the history,
You don`t believe my words? From your post , is clear, that You like to dig and read - find it ,no hard task, really.
A., - read carefully my posts , I`ve been writing about Azer/Ukr. division under Germany Wermacht.
Soviet army was standing on east bank of the Wisła river during this time.
Part of your family was standing on the east bank of the river, and simply didn`t give the fuck about all those peps from the west side.
Polish AK troops and mostly civilians engaged in the fight, has to wait for the weapon and ammo supply from the London!
Polish and British pilots have to fly over whole Germany to deliver it.
Your Granddad was sitting and smoking "machorka" rolled in "PRAWDA" , had the fun with Grandma and patiently wait ,
while my Granddad was butchered .

Your Granddad was 300 maybe 500 meters from him.
I don`t blame of Yours, He was simply part of the Soviet Army directed by Stalin, had to obey orders.:
those on the west bank are" bad guys"
We , Polish and Russian Nations., has to be friends officially now ,/when war come to the end/,
Raping is allowed when we will pass the Odra river /west Polish border/

Don`t ask about evidence, Azer, I`m really didn`t made` it up.

Poland was 200 years under Russia boot.
After 20 years of freedom -, Attacked in 1939, - left alone by western allays,
killed from the back by Russians and tied for another 60 years or so.
I`m not a big fan of the Sikosky,
however he is not the bad guy, and our politics has to zigzag between big guys.
really strange , that we need Patriot missile.
anyway US don`t really care about us... ,/unofficially/
We have a lot humans Patriots , don`t need thin , artificial ones >:(
finally to answer you last question.:
I`m not
But, You do?
Seems to me , that you forget... Władimir Władimirowich started all that jazz, unfortunately, not the Buddy Rich -sumo-
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby wiesiek on Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:01 am

well, well, welll
last news:
Władimir Władimirowich will do everything to ends the Ukrainian conflict

officially, of course
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby Azer on Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:52 am

Wiesiek, I would appreciate, as I am sure any other reader would, that you at least use spell check, it’s not easy to read and understand what you write and the format is also very odd and hard to read.

wiesiek wrote:_ Zhirinovsky ? noisy fool,
may became useful :)
- I`m worry about red button access and war doctrines , old farts with big heats etc.
- from the another hand, I don`t give shit about all of this,
`cause one small Russian nuke covers 500 km circle :D, not very high tech., but quite strong
_Old doctrine was: line of the resistance - on Wisła river line, done by tactical nuclear strike,
New one doesn`t fly away from the old one, Me thinking :-*

Actually Russian missile technology is very high tech, particularly the newer type I mentioned earlier, no analogous weapons exist in the West’s arsenal.

wiesiek wrote:_Old doctrine was: line of the resistance - on Wisła river line, done by tactical nuclear strike,
New one doesn`t fly away from the old one, Me thinking :-*

Unspeakable things done by scumbags collected from cited country are well documented and described, not only by Polish historians , evidence?
- forgive me , I will not give the lectures from the history,
You don`t believe my words? From your post , is clear, that You like to dig and read - find it ,no hard task, really.
A., - read carefully my posts , I`ve been writing about Azer/Ukr. division under Germany Wermacht.
Soviet army was standing on east bank of the Wisła river during this time.
Part of your family was standing on the east bank of the river, and simply didn`t give the fuck about all those peps from the west side.
Polish AK troops and mostly civilians engaged in the fight, has to wait for the weapon and ammo supply from the London!
Polish and British pilots have to fly over whole Germany to deliver it.
Your Granddad was sitting and smoking "machorka" rolled in "PRAWDA" , had the fun with Grandma and patiently wait ,
while my Granddad was butchered .

Your Granddad was 300 maybe 500 meters from him.
I don`t blame of Yours, He was simply part of the Soviet Army directed by Stalin, had to obey orders.:
those on the west bank are" bad guys"
We , Polish and Russian Nations., has to be friends officially now ,/when war come to the end/,
Raping is allowed when we will pass the Odra river /west Polish border/

Don`t ask about evidence, Azer, I`m really didn`t made` it up.

Yep, I had a dig around, there are conflicting reports from several sides. Seems likely it did happen, as to the scale of such atrocities, it’s debatable due to the conflicting reports/claims, unless of course you have some definitive source that I am not aware of.

wiesiek wrote:Poland was 200 years under Russia boot.
After 20 years of freedom -, Attacked in 1939, - left alone by western allays,
killed from the back by Russians and tied for another 60 years or so.
I`m not a big fan of the Sikosky,
however he is not the bad guy, and our politics has to zigzag between big guys.
really strange , that we need Patriot missile.
anyway US don`t really care about us... ,/unofficially/
We have a lot humans Patriots , don`t need thin , artificial ones >:(

Well I am no expert on Polish-Russian history, but I am aware of conflicts between the two countries for the past hundreds of years, including of course attempts to invade Russia and vice versa.

wiesiek wrote:and
finally to answer you last question.:
I`m not
But, You do?

LOL… have you not see the other 74 pages of this thread, I think I made my position very clear from the outset and have presented vast amounts of evidence to support my case.

Seems to me , that you forget... Władimir Władimirowich started all that jazz, unfortunately, not the Buddy Rich -sumo-


I don’t see how one can forget something that hasn’t taken place.

All that jazz as you call it was started by the US and EU as yet another very badly planned regime change with zero understanding of subtleties or foresight, if you have any doubts, I have posted evidence in my 180+ post in this thread. Feel free to refresh your memory and of course as always, if you make a claim as you have here, do provide some evidence.

wiesiek wrote:well, well, welll
last news:
Władimir Władimirowich will do everything to ends the Ukrainian conflict

officially, of course

Well, unlike the West and their proxy in Kiev, he has been calling for ceasefire for a few month now. Kiev, under order of their puppet master of course, even continued shelling the MH17 crash site when international investigators were there. And of course to this day continues shelling civilian populations, including using phosphorus and fragmentation munitions and sending in extremist militias to ‘mop up’ the civilians after the town have been ‘softened up’.

Here is some more examples for you: ... 1407960359
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby wiesiek on Thu Aug 14, 2014 1:10 pm

I love to believe in Putins honesty,
if it is for real -
- conflict will fade out in mater of hours,... days - if he is semi -honest .;)
Lets be honest, at list here, between us ;
no Russia support - any freedom West Ukrainian fighter will dare to lift the head over the ground.
Ukrainians has to chose their way independently
and they did,
Putin simply didn`t liked it, he is the child of the KGB, like Lenin - always live ::) , with steady way of doing world politics.
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby Azer on Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:14 pm

Belief is for religious pursuits. There is plenty of evidence, if you chose not to see it even though it is well documented, then this is your choice. However, you won't have much luck convincing me without presenting some facts to back your argument. If you did have credible evidence, which refuted that which I have seen and posted in this thread so far, then I would have no problem accepting your opinion, but this is not the case and you make no effort to back up your opinion.
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby wiesiek on Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:50 am

i`m kinda lazy here, dip digging done in another galaxy ,
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