The Russians are coming.

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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby Azer on Tue Aug 26, 2014 3:44 am

LOL... It may as well be, no one listens to it anyway, particularly women :)
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby Dajenarit on Tue Aug 26, 2014 10:44 am

Whether Putin or Schmutin, that's damn good quotage.
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby Azer on Tue Aug 26, 2014 11:00 am

Yeah, it's pretty spot on I find. The source is Confucius. :)
"All around, dude, try to imagine cold, cause the van is kinda hot, wrap the rat in tacky coat" - Duke Duke
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby wiesiek on Tue Aug 26, 2014 11:08 am

quote shmote :)
ha, I was as straight as possible...
sorry if you fill confused .Azer,
then straight up fronT:
1. truth is always one, but has many facets , usually
2. war tactic is the war tactic
3.What Shmutin is up to, was clear from the very beginning, not for everyone ,dough -oldman-
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby Azer on Tue Aug 26, 2014 11:32 am

That is easier to understand Wiesiek, thanks for your effort. However, as previously, you have failed to provide any rationale or facts to back up your opinion. I'm not really sure what you expect to achieve with it. If I told you the moon was made of cheese would you accept it as fact? Probably not, right?
Last edited by Azer on Tue Aug 26, 2014 11:36 am, edited 3 times in total.
"All around, dude, try to imagine cold, cause the van is kinda hot, wrap the rat in tacky coat" - Duke Duke
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby wiesiek on Tue Aug 26, 2014 12:45 pm

I don`t need to provide any fact here, `cause :
a/i don`t try to POOF anything,
b/ facts are available w/o permission
to tell u more , i don`t even care who will win /but i`m takin` Ukrainian side as the enigmatic sex preference/.
Posts here are just my opinions, based on history and experience,
i`m closer to the theatrum than ur at the present, + more involved anyway,
I`m also honest and truthful for very simple reason - i don`t invest anything there :)
but u don`t have to take my word as the granted - internet is still free, isn`t it?

mooncheese... -i will buy it, yes if i can taste it 1st,
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby wiesiek on Tue Aug 26, 2014 12:54 pm

this was the young Władimir Władimirowicz words :
..." disintegration of the USSR was the bigger catastrophe of the XXc"...
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby Azer on Tue Aug 26, 2014 1:45 pm

Fair enough Wiesiek, thanks for explaining your position.
"All around, dude, try to imagine cold, cause the van is kinda hot, wrap the rat in tacky coat" - Duke Duke
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby wiesiek on Tue Aug 26, 2014 2:53 pm

you welcome Azer,
`cause net is open and free it is mandatory to be free and open here, or err...well, something like this 8-)
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby Michael on Thu Aug 28, 2014 11:07 pm

Wiesek, intelligent people usually have a premise and a logic to what they say and since you are intelligent, meant sincerely, then don't need to prove, just discuss, otherwise it becomes unintelligible ejaculations because you're not responsive to clarify what you mean.

You said Putin is pulling all the strings. Does this mean he caused the USA to spend $5 BILLION to destabilize Ukraine since 2004 as Victoria Nuland said, and then Putin also manipulated her to make this public disclosure, which seems to benefit the position that NATO is the aggressor with its color revolutions?


Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby Michael on Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:35 am

This is already a week old, but it's a 30 minute press conference by Alexander V. Zakharchenko, Chairman of The Council of Ministers of The Donetsk National Republic. It does cover several of the major points about the conflict between West and East Ukraine. Subtitles available in several languages.

Apparently the subtitles are the efforts of this blogger. ... y-top.html


Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby wiesiek on Mon Sep 01, 2014 1:00 pm

You know Michael, I don`t spend my time in the "news rooms" recently.
My free time is split between RSF and sword practise,
and, `cause I`m honest, I can add-
I really don`t care about politics news
this is just free internet discussion and "points of v." presentations.

Poland is in the situation of the "border wall",- our ass will get the nuke from the both sides.
Whatever will happen I will be vaporised in flash of the bright light /if I get some luck on the end/.

To continue my honesty I have to tell you , that after my long stay in the US, I put "=" between them /USSR/,
only the word -democracy - make small difference. /almost kinda of the useful, very, very specific "brainwashing"/
but it makes difference for inhabitants :)
US is spending much more than $5 witch plenty of zeros to support their supremacy , that`s all.
I`m not trying to dig in international politics. Main direction is what`s counts.
Putin is going by simple way - U don~t have enemy? - make one...
with the smile and innocent look.
Obama has the harder work to do, due to democratic society...
what i try to communicate all way long thru this threat is :
1.Ukraine was and IS the Russian state ,/ main Putin`s politics point/,
2.In my opinion, they /Ukrainians/ have rights to direct their country.
3.If the West try to seriously move his ass - will get nuke / it Poland, exactly, will get the 1st punch/.
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby wiesiek on Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:31 am

historicaly speakin` :
today Ukaraine affair strangely reassembing 1939
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Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby Michael on Tue Sep 02, 2014 2:09 am

In what way do you mean?


Re: The Russians are coming.

Postby wiesiek on Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:48 am

Hitler was taking Austria and Czechoslovakia without any significant reaction from the "West".
Not nice part of Polish history - we used his move to took Zaolzie /part of the Cz. /,
Crimea is Russian,
and half of the Ukraine soon will be Russian too,
Maybe we should take another half to fulfil prophecy? ;)

Later, when Hitler attack Poland it was the same,/ Russian attacked us from the East in the mid of September, and nobody still think it was serious ::) / until Hitler started with French an Brit.
my shot is that now, - will be the same with light variation/s/:
- nobody moves his ass until he start to help Russian minority in Baltic country's "always" Russian, now in UE ,
- anyway it will be sloppy, and weak
- when he nuke us, somebody will press the ring, but it will be to late for you - He get the nuke too, however nuclear winter is not the nice place to live.
Poles will win this time, at last , `cause we going to Heaven in 1st place!
I`m winner to, `cause I have nothing to do, just wait, while doing sword practise :D
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