Obama on redistribution of wealth (2001 interview)

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Obama on redistribution of wealth (2001 interview)

Postby chud on Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:52 pm

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Re: Obama on redistribution of wealth (2001 interview)

Postby Dmitri on Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:14 am

Oh come on man, nobody gives a shit. They will vote for charisma and rhetoric. He says what the (tired of Bush) masses want to hear.

The herd has been prepped well, they will vote like the good sheep should.

I love that awesome sound-wave visual effect though. 8-)

P.S. I bet there won't be many replies to this thread. The argumentation from the supporters (those without definitive socialist inclination) will be "he's still much better than McCain". Of course, the other 4 candidates legitimately running for president of this country aren't good enough to even consider, because they haven't been "fed" to the public through proper media channels.

This two one-party system is utterly disgusting, reminds me of Soviet Union. :-X
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Re: Obama on redistribution of wealth (2001 interview)

Postby Bär on Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:57 am

Some of us have actually arrived at our conclusions on our own and support our candidates for our reasons. I am not a sheep, and that kind of often-repeated rhetoric is one of the many things that turns me off of the current batch of lesser known candidates and their constituents. If it's a lack of a politically sophisticated, engaged electorate that bothers you (as it does me), start with improving education. Most of the current political rhetoric only works well on people without critical thinking skills and all parties bank on that.

Until there are more local and state level candidates, elected officials and growth of these "3rd parties" I don't believe any of their presidential candidates would be able to do much...no support/lame duck. Try building up rather than shooting for just the highest office (and precious few other offices) and prove your ideas on a smaller scale.

For a truly pluralistic US government to exist there would need to be a fundamental change to allow for these parties to be represented in the houses and senates of all of the states and Washington, take Germany's system for instance where representation is tied to vote percentages (I'm simplifying here, but you get the point). But the system as it stands is pretty hard-wired for 2 parties.

Do I like that? No. I wish I had more options of politicians who reflect my views and I try to vote for qualified 3rd party candidates for local gov when I have that choice, which is pretty much never.
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Re: Obama on redistribution of wealth (2001 interview)

Postby Dmitri on Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:27 am

Cool, a serious post from Bär! I'm betting the sun's about to go supernova or something. ;D

Well, re. "try building up" and "I wish I had more options of politicians who reflect my views" -- I agree, that's why I've contributed to campaigns of a couple of people who I believe would be great to have in congress and senate (and some of them aren't even from my state), and I talk to people, and post these annoying things here about Ron Paul and such, etc., etc. But I have to ask, are you actually doing something about that, yourself, or are you just wishing it was all different/better?
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Re: Obama on redistribution of wealth (2001 interview)

Postby Bär on Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:52 am

I know, I know. This is part of the 30 minutes of 'serious' I have in me for the day. Now I'm going to be useless at work. :D

As for doing anything real - oh hell no. ;D

I work my conscience - I currently work in conservation and come from a background of higher ed and civil rights work. When I taught college I'd try to sneak in critical thinking skills stuff when appropriate, because damn they needed it. My wife and I have done a little bit of volunteer work for Obama recently...by cooking for the phone bank and canvassing volunteers.

But real-deal political engagement as in actually being a politician or party official - there's not enough money in the world.

I also vote my conscience and do not to believe in political fairy tales like the idea of an ideal, uncompromised candidate who is purer than Snow-freaking-White and shares all of my views.
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Re: Obama on redistribution of wealth (2001 interview)

Postby count on Tue Oct 28, 2008 2:17 pm

Under Obama, I get an additional $1800 off my taxes. Under McCain, I get an extra $100 off. They are both redistributing the wealth. I like Obama's plan more than McCain's.

But this notion that Obama is a commie and McCain is not is silly.

David Gergan, who is Republican and has worked for Democrat presidents as well, rightly points out that Ronal Regan redistributed wealth. I doubt even John McCain would call him a commie.

Gergen: Reagan administration enacted 'redistribution' of wealth
David Edwards and Muriel Kane
Published: Tuesday October 28, 2008

Senator John McCain has been attempting to appeal to voters lately by attacking Barack Obama over his plans to reduce taxes for the middle class while increasing them on the wealthiest Americans.

Political analyst David Gergen believes the Democrats ought to fight back harder than they have against these claims that Obama is a "socialist" and suggests they start by pointing out that the most esteemed Republican presidents, such as Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan, were also supporters of what McCain decries as "income redistribution."

In a speech set for Monday, McCain asserts, "Senator Obama is running to be Redistributionist in Chief. I'm running to be Commander in Chief. Senator Obama is running to spread the wealth. I'm running to create more wealth. Senator Obama is running to punish the successful. I'm running to make everyone successful."

When asked by CNN's Anderson Cooper whether McCain's attacks are working, Gergen replied, "They may be making some modest progress with it. We do see some evidence of McCain coming up a point or two here and there. I don't think it's anywhere near close enough to win an election."

However, Gergen added that "more importantly, I don't think the Democrats have really answered it appropriately."

Gergen suggested that the Democrats should invoke the example of Teddy Roosevelt, who was both a Republican and one of the greatest advocates of progressive taxation in the years immediately preceding the enactment of the current income tax.

Gergen also noted that the Reagan administration was responsible for enacting the Earned Income Tax Credit, an extremely successful redistribution program which returns money to the working poor.

"Sometimes they get so carried away that they don't realize the realities of what we've been going through," Gergen added. Apparently referring to McCain's promises to "create more wealth," he explained that "the wealth over the last 30 years has been redistributed -- it's been redistributed upwards. As we grow, the top one percent's getting a disproportionate share."

"Everything McCain does seems scattershot," concluded correspondent John King. "You needed to start a long time ago and build your case, not just throw these things out."

CNN has a complete transcript.
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Re: Obama on redistribution of wealth (2001 interview)

Postby I-mon on Tue Oct 28, 2008 5:43 pm

what's wrong with redistributing wealth? where do people get this idea that the rich are rich through their honest hard work? how can people so easily forget the past? the concentration of immense wealth in the hands of a select few has always been through lies, theft, murder, slavery, and genocide. who owns the land? since when? how did they get it?

but everyone's just supposed to forget all about that and get on with it, right? everyone's got an equal opportunity in our (Australia is no better, as far as I can tell) wonderful democratic free societies, right? graded taxation, funding for public health and education are somehow UN-AMERICAN, SOCIALIST, etc.......fucking pathetic.
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Re: Obama on redistribution of wealth (2001 interview)

Postby chud on Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:06 pm

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