Looking for Bagua Zhang teacher in Xian

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Looking for Bagua Zhang teacher in Xian

Postby nickp on Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:52 pm

A big hello to the community here!

My name is Nick. I've just moved to Xi'an, China for work teaching English. Though my schedule is still being sorted out, I know that I have off on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
I have practiced the linked palms, and though I can do the whole set, I know there is much to learn. I have not studied much application, nor have I studied the 64 forms.
I have, however, done two of the standing meditations countless times.

I went to college in Tallahassee, Florida, and while there, I met Jerry Hill, who offered to teach me Bagua Zhang. This was about a year and a half ago, and sadly, just recently, Jerry Hill passed on.
He was a great and knowledgeable teacher. If I were to find a new teacher, I would hope to still follow Jerry's custom of non-action.
He was able to teach me the single palm change (amongst other things), which he practiced for a looong time, but we turned to Kent Howard's DVD and books for further forms within the linked palm set.
Kent Howard's style is supposed to be what Wang Shujin practiced.

I would be interested in learning other internal arts, or perhaps from a teacher who does a combination of hsingyi and bagua.
If I cannot find a teacher of Bagua, though, I will turn to Taichi chuan. A friend sent me a link (http://www.china-taichi-guide.com/China ... achers.php)
and he recommended Zhao Youbin.

I suppose another detail that may be important is where I'm living, but I think I would accept any advice or recommendations, anyhow.

Thank you all for the help!
-Nick P. :)

P.S. I do not speak Chinese! but I plan to learn while I am here.
Last edited by nickp on Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Looking for Bagua Zhang teacher in Xian

Postby nicklinjm on Tue Jun 09, 2015 6:40 pm

First thing you need to do is to contact Omar who posts on this board as bailewen (IIRC). He has been studying bajiquan and taijiquan under Master Li Suiyin there for close to a decade I think. Even if you are not interested in baji / taiji, you should meet M Li, as he is, in the words of this board, a badass. Also Omar is very familiar with the kungfu scene in Xi'an, sure he will be familiar with any bagua teachers there.

Second, you could try and look for Gu Jianqiang (顾建强). Think he is head of the Xi'an bagua association and teaches (AFAIK) a mix of Cheng and Liang style bagua.

Good luck with learning Chinese!
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Re: Looking for Bagua Zhang teacher in Xian

Postby edededed on Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:55 am

I didn't know about Gu Jianqiang - Google tells me that he learned from Li Ziming (Liang style) after following other teachers of Cheng Tinghua and Liu Fengchun lines. (Googling the Chinese name there leads to a few YouTube videos of a student of Gu's demonstrating what is said to be Liang style - the longer video is the old 8 palms, but I never saw what is being performed in the second - perhaps that is actually from Liu style, I dunno.)

I also read of a rare branch of Liang style from Liang's disciple Tian Jinfeng (田金峰), who during times of strife had moved to Luoyang, and then later to Xi'an, where he unfortunately passed away fairly early; however, he did teach some students for some time before passing.

Also, Omar's teacher also practices/teaches a rare kind of baguazhang, if I remember correctly...
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Re: Looking for Bagua Zhang teacher in Xian

Postby nickp on Wed Jun 10, 2015 5:14 am

Hey, thanks for the replies and information :D

Now I am one step closer! haha. I have messaged Omar.
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