advanced budo

The following typical threads that plague martial arts sites will get moved here if not just deleted: 1 - My style is better than Your style" - 2 - "Internal & External" - 3 - Personal attacks - 4 - Threads that start well, but degenerate into a spiral of nonsense.

advanced budo

Postby emptycloud on Tue Dec 15, 2015 9:57 am



Re: advanced budo

Postby Bodywork on Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:02 am

The words: Tony Annesi and advanced budo should never appear in the same sentence.


Re: advanced budo

Postby Bhassler on Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:13 pm

Gee, Danny, why don't you show us all how it should be done? Oh, right, now I remember, you like to talk shit, but you don't ever actually *do* shit. Carry on...
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Re: advanced budo

Postby Bodywork on Mon Dec 21, 2015 3:35 pm

Tony is well known. I know of no serious people who take him or his work seriously. Not a one. Which should be rather obvious by watching him. If it isn't obvious to you... well...

I don't do shit?
You know this how?
I've trained thousands of people
Oh... wait, its not on you tube. I see now. You're right!
The internet, the best place to find budo iddn't?


Re: advanced budo

Postby Ba-men on Mon Dec 21, 2015 4:37 pm

I had to stop halfway through. His principles were solid as so many are... HOWEVER! where is the practical?

Conflict 99% of the time really kicks off with serious violence. Striking, grabbing/clinching more striking some kicking.... Getting pinned up against a wall or on the ground more strikes, getting knocked down & kicked etc...

I see so many with solid principles... yet see so few with the ability to adapt these "principles" to reality.
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Re: advanced budo

Postby willywrong on Mon Dec 21, 2015 6:17 pm

emptycloud wrote:

You know when he said he's empty well I agree with him he really yells a lot but he's empty. Have a good holiday. ::) ;D


Re: advanced budo

Postby Bodywork on Mon Dec 21, 2015 6:38 pm

I can give you twenty five years of history with the guy with a veritable who's who of Japanese senior practitioners. But what is the point?
You watched it, you think its advanced budo.
But that doesn't make it advanced budo now does it?


Re: advanced budo

Postby Bhassler on Mon Dec 21, 2015 7:39 pm

Bodywork wrote:Tony is well known. I know of no serious people who take him or his work seriously. Not a one. Which should be rather obvious by watching him. If it isn't obvious to you... well...

I don't do shit?
You know this how?
I've trained thousands of people
Oh... wait, its not on you tube. I see now. You're right!
The internet, the best place to find budo iddn't?

You talk shit about other people's work but don't have the guts to put your own out for comparison. If you don't want to post your shit online, fine- I don't either. At least have the decency not to talk crap about other people's work. If you want to talk shit, earn the right by putting your own up in a similar medium. Or even make substative comments other than saying other people suck and implying that anyone who doesn't agree with you also sucks.
Last edited by Bhassler on Mon Dec 21, 2015 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
What I'm after isn't flexible bodies, but flexible brains.
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Re: advanced budo

Postby Bodywork on Mon Dec 21, 2015 8:37 pm

Shit, is shit. And it needs, he'll it requires, to be called on.
Put up vid's of internal guys. Then, I have nothing but good to say as I have in the past.
Some videos have decent material that never the less isn't internal.
But... Shit, is shit and not worth the analysis. AND RICH JUST KEEPS PUTTIN' UP HERE

The header of the RSF video section says this is for videos of internal arts.
How does the recent string of japanese schlock meet that standard in any way?

I don't need to discuss you or myself or any other reader. What's the point?
I don't know how to respond to your sophomoric comments about having the guts (good grief ) to do something. I've had far too many tests resulting in people being hospitalized to have to prove something by YouTube. With hundreds of people on the net watching it happen.

FWIW, high level principles don't require fighting to justify themselves, they stand for what they are and are NOT.
I am on a plane back from a room full of shihan. They were not so stupid to have had to see it on video or fight me.
In fact, they spent a portion of sat. night laughing at and discussing this type of comment with a moderator from RSF and two senior teachers who are close friendsof the owner of aiki Web.
Get a grip and talk like an adult. If you are annoyed say it intelligently, not like a high school kid. Gees
Last edited by Bodywork on Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:19 pm, edited 4 times in total.


Re: advanced budo

Postby Bhassler on Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:23 pm

Bodywork wrote:Shit, is shit. And it needs, he'll it requires, to be called on.

I'm glad you agree, and I'm calling you on your bullshit. You constantly criticize other people's work without providing anything constructive to make it anything other than trolling. When someone calls you on it, you say you're not being personal and act like you're doing everyone a favor by posting, as if you had actually said something insightful, and still manage to stick a barb in against whoever you happen to feel like going after on that day. Then you make vague comments about high level people who think you're so great and accuse others of avoiding the issue. It's a pattern that repeats many times. Not coincidentally, perhaps, the cycle usually starts about the same time you have seminars coming up that you need to promote.

Everyone has their own approach to the work, and I'm not really interested in discussing yours with you, as I have better ways to waste my time. What I am interested in is having a community here on RSF that's actually interested in sharing thoughts and opinions without needing to disparage what other people are doing. You contribute nothing in terms of creating a positive environment on RSF, and I presume the only reason you have not been banned in the same way that Sigman and many others were is your professed friendship with whichever moderator you seem to have impressed so much. The mods do a great job of providing this great space for free and I believe most of us are and should be greatful for all they do. However, there's nothing wrong with the community policing itself, and if someone wants to pop in and create unproductive conflict all the time, maybe members of the community should speak up and say it's not appreciated. I, for one, do not appreciate your negativity and superior attitude when you have done nothing on the forum to justify any of it. Write a cogent argument, or post a video, or do something that contributes to the appreciation of IMA as it is expressed on the forum. This is a discussion forum, and if your legendary exploits on the streets or on the mats don't contribute to the discussion, they're meaningless here.

Clear enough for you?
What I'm after isn't flexible bodies, but flexible brains.
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Re: advanced budo

Postby allen2saint on Mon Dec 21, 2015 10:25 pm

Some people here have become "sweethearts" of the group and never get the same level of scrutiny or criticism that others do and its unfair.

Dan, you are very critical of others, but you never show your stuff. If you insist on keeping it that way on both ends, then the criticisms are valid. I'm not a big empty cloud fan, I just think we need to try to be fair.
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Re: advanced budo

Postby Bodywork on Tue Dec 22, 2015 12:42 am

Bhassler wrote:
Bodywork wrote:Shit, is shit. And it needs, he'll it requires, to be called on.

I'm glad you agree, and I'm calling you on your bullshit. You constantly criticize other people's work without providing anything constructive to make it anything other than trolling. When someone calls you on it, you say you're not being personal and act like you're doing everyone a favor by posting, as if you had actually said something insightful, and still manage to stick a barb in against whoever you happen to feel like going after on that day. Then you make vague comments about high level people who think you're so great and accuse others of avoiding the issue. It's a pattern that repeats many times. Not coincidentally, perhaps, the cycle usually starts about the same time you have seminars coming up that you need to promote.

Everyone has their own approach to the work, and I'm not really interested in discussing yours with you, as I have better ways to waste my time. What I am interested in is having a community here on RSF that's actually interested in sharing thoughts and opinions without needing to disparage what other people are doing. You contribute nothing in terms of creating a positive environment on RSF, and I presume the only reason you have not been banned in the same way that Sigman and many others were is your professed friendship with whichever moderator you seem to have impressed so much. The mods do a great job of providing this great space for free and I believe most of us are and should be greatful for all they do. However, there's nothing wrong with the community policing itself, and if someone wants to pop in and create unproductive conflict all the time, maybe members of the community should speak up and say it's not appreciated. I, for one, do not appreciate your negativity and superior attitude when you have done nothing on the forum to justify any of it. Write a cogent argument, or post a video, or do something that contributes to the appreciation of IMA as it is expressed on the forum. This is a discussion forum, and if your legendary exploits on the streets or on the mats don't contribute to the discussion, they're meaningless here.

Clear enough for you?

You haven't made any case at all. I've made positive commentary on work deserving of it and will do so again.
Post a video of Feng, or Chen Yu, dear God SOMEBODY with serious shit!
Let's see, just a while back I challenged folks about not really understanding kua. I said to find teachers explaining that it is rotation, not folding. Of the five Chinese teachers videos offered? ALL agreed with each other, and me.
I made the same positive commentary for Li ChuGong and Liu Cheng De's videos

However, I can't offer the same positive commentary for crap.
This guy presents others work, not his own, as his. He has gotten several national and international organizations extremely upset for ripping them off and they walked away from him. His aiki jujutsu is fraudulent and I know the people personally.
You want to argue, or make a case over somebody? Pick someone else. You're picking someone who is indefensible on any level:credibility, professionalism, and skill.
Do it for someone worth defending.
When Rich continues to post videos of the seriously marginalized Japanese budo world, rather than credible people, then YES! I and others in those threads are always going to speak up. And No, I would not offer any analysis good or bad on the skills. It isn't relevant. And in this case the man doesn't deserve it. Many of us in the Japanese budo community could recite chapter and verse of what he has done and to whom. But I didn't do that did I.
All I said was it wasn't advanced budo. And that was charitable.
Mark and Chris and I made our cases known on other videos with teachers butchering Japanese reference material regarding the founder. Their references are inaccurate, their translations incorrect, and the commensurate skill level I never even addressed. I stated I was ONLY addressing the MISINFORMATION in the verbal presentation.

I don't much care if you approve. I don't have to show a video of me to validate my criticism of someone else butchering Japanese and then it's related concepts. Much less someone who ripped off established teachers who happen to be friends of mine.
Last edited by Bodywork on Tue Dec 22, 2015 1:20 am, edited 3 times in total.


Re: advanced budo

Postby Bodywork on Tue Dec 22, 2015 1:10 am

A side issue might be the incredible coincidence of Rich seeming to always pick these marginalized figures. Why is Rich not picking some heavy hitters in the Japanese koryu community who at least:
a. Actually know what the fuck they are talking about IN JAPANESE.
b. Can display real skills based on those Concepts
c. There are hundreds to choose from if he wanted to talk serious Japanese budo

Why does he always pick those that are just so consistently wrong and that no one we know in the Japanese community supports?
What a weird coincidence.
Last edited by Bodywork on Tue Dec 22, 2015 1:11 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: advanced budo

Postby Patrick on Tue Dec 22, 2015 1:37 am

+1 Bhassler

Some people get a free pass for their trolling.
Last edited by Patrick on Tue Dec 22, 2015 1:39 am, edited 1 time in total. The philosophy and practice of a healthy life
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Re: advanced budo

Postby emptycloud on Tue Dec 22, 2015 2:06 am

For the record..

I generally post vids to see what people think, if anything. Many just slide down the list.

Hey, its fighting we are talking about, not exactly a great life skill to aspire to in very short life.

As for Toni Anassi... I new nothing about him, now I do because of the vid I posted. I have a kind of ramshackle research going on.

To make Dan happy I will post stuff I think to be the dogs bollocks as they say round here...and probably everywhere..
Last edited by emptycloud on Tue Dec 22, 2015 2:17 am, edited 1 time in total.



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