Executed for Drug Trafficking

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Re: Executed for Drug Trafficking

Postby junglist on Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:21 am

grzegorz wrote:

By JIM GOMEZ and TERESA CEROJANO , Associated Press

Sep. 15, 2016 2:44 AM ET

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A former Filipino militiaman testified before the country's Senate on Thursday that President Rodrigo Duterte, when he was still a city mayor, ordered him and other members of a liquidation squad to kill criminals and opponents in gangland-style assaults that left about 1,000 dead.

Edgar Matobato, 57, told the nationally televised Senate committee hearing that he heard Duterte order some of the killings and acknowledged he himself carried out about 50 of the abductions and deadly assaults, including a suspected kidnapper who they fed to a crocodile in 2007 in southern Davao del Sur province.
The Senate committee inquiry was being led by Sen. Leila de Lima, a staunch critic of Duterte's anti-drug campaign that has left more than 3,000 suspected drug users and dealers dead since he assumed the presidency in June. Duterte has accused de Lima of involvement in illegal drugs, alleging that she used to have a driver who took money from detained drug lords. She has denied the allegations.

The killings of the suspected drug dealers have sparked concerns in the Philippines and among U.N. and U.S. officials, including President Barack Obama, who have urged Duterte's government to stop the killings and ensure his anti-drug war complies with human rights laws and the rule of law.

Duterte has rejected the criticisms, questioning the right of the U.N., the U.S. and Obama to raise human rights issues, when U.S. forces, for example, had massacred Muslims in the country's south in the early 1900s as part of a pacification campaign.

"Our job was to kill criminals like drug pushers, rapists, snatchers," Matobato said under oath, adding some of the targets were not criminals but opponents of Duterte and one of his sons in Davao city.

The killings he said he has knowledge of happened starting in 1988, when Duterte first became mayor, to 2013, when he expressed his desire to leave the death squad, prompting his colleagues to implicate him criminally in one killing.

Presidential spokesman Martin Andanar rejected the allegations, saying government investigations into Duterte's time as mayor of Davao had already gone nowhere because of a lack of real evidence and witnesses.

De Lima and Philippine human rights officials and advocates have previously said that potential witnesses refused to testify against Duterte when he was still mayor because they were afraid they would be killed.
There was no immediate reaction from Duterte, who has denied any role in extra-judicial killings when he was the longtime mayor of Davao and after he assumed the presidency in June.

Matobato said the victims in Davao allegedly ranged from petty criminals to people associated with Duterte's opponents, including a wealthy businessman from central Cebu province who was killed in 2014 by a gunman in his office in Davao city allegedly because of a feud with Duterte's son over a woman.

Other victims were a suspected foreign terrorist, who Matobato said he strangled then chopped into pieces and buried in a quarry in 2002. Another was a radio commentator, Jun Pala, who was critical of Duterte and was killed by motorcycle-riding gunmen while walking home in 2003.

After a 1993 bombing of a Roman Catholic cathedral, Matobato said Duterte ordered him and his colleagues to launch attacks on mosques in Davao city. He testified he hurled a grenade at one mosque but there were no casualties because the attacks were carried out when no one was praying.

Some of the victims were shot and dumped on Davao streets or buried in three unmarked graves, he said, adding some were disposed of in the sea with their stomachs cut open and their bodies tied to concrete blocks so they would not float.

"They were killed like chickens," said Matobato, who added he backed away from the killings after feeling guilty and entered a government witness-protection program.

He left the protection program when Duterte became president, fearing he would be killed. He said he decided to surface now because "I wanted the people to know so the killings will stop."

Matobato's testimony set off a tense exchange between senators allied with Duterte and those critical of him.
Senator Alan Peter Cayetano, who ran unsuccessfully for vice president in May's elections, accused Matobato of being part of a plot to unseat Duterte.

"I'm testing to see if you were brought here to bring down this government," Cayetano said.

De Lima eventually declared Cayetano, who was not a member of the committee, "out of order" and ordered Senate security personnel to restrain him.

Another senator, former national police chief Panfilo Lacson, warned Matobato that his admissions that he was involved in killings could land him in jail.

"You can be jailed with your revelations," Lacson said. "You have no immunity."

http://www.apnewsarchive.com/2016/A-for ... f68e28ea84

lol! That guy is a joke. A lying pawn in a political chess game between De Lima (one of the many that D30 is exposing) and Duterte. Duterte is exposing her so she's doing what she can to prevent that from happening.

http://www.tahonews.com/17-evidences-pr ... e-hearing/
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Re: Executed for Drug Trafficking

Postby grzegorz on Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:58 am

Dude! I believe in laws no matter how Filipinos don't.

It's as simple as that.

Who cares if every single person on the islands supports him.

The fact is the reason why the Philippines is full of corruption because people aren't following the rule of law including Duterte. How hard is it to arrest somebody?

If you obviously don't believe any other narrative so this conversation is pointless.

Just give it time. When the tide turns against him you can pretend to be one of the first.

Filipinos are too smart to be hoodwinked for long.
Last edited by grzegorz on Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Executed for Drug Trafficking

Postby junglist on Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:12 am

grzegorz wrote:Dude! I believe in laws no matter how Filipinos don't.

It's as simple as that.

Who cares if every single person on the islands supports him.

The fact is the reason why the Philippines is full of corruption because people aren't following the rule of law including Duterte. How hard is it to arrest somebody?

If you obviously don't believe any other narrative so this conversation is pointless.

Just give it time. When the public turns against him you can pretend to be one of the first.

Good grief dude.

1) who cares? I do. My fellow Filipinos have been living under corrupt leaders did such a long time that they know what's up. More than you. They like Duterte in a way they didn't the other presidents. I wanted to know why and got some answers from them. The fact that you suggest Filipinos are anarchic shows how ignorant you are. The reason why they want Duterte in the first place is so that he can restore law and order--something that didn't happen before because of corruption in high places. If corruption prevented law and order and Filipinos want corruption to be cleansed from the government, then how can you say that they don't appreciate and follow rule of law? How can they follow rule of law if the government is preventing that from happening?

2). You keep insisting that Duterte is responsible for something. You NEED to claim what he is responsible for and PROVE it. Stop dancing around. I did this with a friend today on Facebook and the dude had nothing. And he's a Filipino living in the PI. What law is Duterte violating? And can you prove it please?

3) believe what other narrative? I'm asking you to frigging prove your claims and back up your "facts". I requested you multiple times to do this. A person who is not interested in other "narratives" will not do that. If Duterte is the evil man that you purport him to be, PROVE it. If you can I'll tell the other Duterte supporters and prove to them with facts as well.

4) I am willing to be wrong. I have no stake in this. I'm just asking you for the umpteenth time to prove your gat damn case. I'm waiting.
Last edited by junglist on Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Executed for Drug Trafficking

Postby grzegorz on Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:31 am

So basically you don't think Duterte has anything to do with two thousand people executed on the streets of the Philippines despite himself telling the public to carry out these executions, yes?

And any evidence is coming from the enemies of Duterte, yes?

Sure thing and Putin has nothing to do the what's happening in Eastern Ukraine.

Don't worry my friend the proof will come out. Even if the Philippines pulls of the UN and it takes decades, it will happen.
Last edited by grzegorz on Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:40 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Executed for Drug Trafficking

Postby grzegorz on Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:43 am

By the way, I am not surprised your friend on Facebook dropped the debate. Originally you supported these executions and now you say Duterte is not responsible for these executions. Like me your friend probably realized that he has a life and there are much better ways to spend his time than with an apologist and a denier.
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Re: Executed for Drug Trafficking

Postby junglist on Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:56 am

grzegorz wrote:So basically you don't think Duterte has anything to do with two thousand people executed on the streets of the Philippines despite himself telling the public to carry out these executions, yes?

And any evidence is coming from the enemies of Duterte, yes?

Sure thing and Putin has nothing to do the what's happening in Eastern Ukraine.

Don't worry my friend the proof will come out. Even if the Philippines pulls of the UN and it takes decades, it will happen.

1. The burden of proof is ON YOU that he is reponsible. That IS your claim. If you wanna convince me, prove it with facts.

2. Tell me where Duterte tells the public to be vigilantes and take the law into their own hands. Show me please.

3. "The proof will come out" is your argument? Lol. Duterte is under fire right now and if it was so true that he was responsible for extra-judicial executions why are they using an awful liar to botch up their case against Duterte? If it was so true, they could gather all the evidence and take the man into an international court instead of using an incompetent liar to testify against Duterte.
Last edited by junglist on Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Executed for Drug Trafficking

Postby junglist on Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:03 pm

grzegorz wrote:By the way, I am not surprised your friend on Facebook dropped the debate. Originally you supported these executions and now you say Duterte is not responsible for these executions. Like me your friend probably realized that he has a life and there are much better ways to spend his time than with an apologist and a denier.

1) I never said I supported these executions. Show me where I said that. I value the sanctity of life.

2) The reason he dropped it is because he had nothing to prove like yourself. Interesting how you became a mind reader as well lol. Or maybe you're trying to fit me into your narrative and categorizing me as someone who is in denial in order to feel good about yourself after not being able to prove claims that you are passionate in defending? And in actuality, it was my friend who messaged me about Duterte. So if there were better ways to spend time with an apologist or denier, why did he message me first? Lol

3). How can I deny what you can't even prove? How am I being an apologist when I don't really care whether this man is a criminal or not and I have no stake in this debate and Im asking you over and over to prove that he is a criminal and evil? Kinda convenient for you to say that after not being able to prove your case huh? lol. This is how the "discussion" is going:

You: Duterte is evil and a murderer?
me: really? Prove it.
You: blah blah blah blah I don't care about what Filipinos think blah blah blah they are anarchic blah blah blah Duterte is evil!
Me: prove it.
you: you are an apologist and in denial! Watch you'll see proof in the future!

Maybe it's me that's wasting time taking to someone who has zilch to offer me other than hot air.
Last edited by junglist on Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:15 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Executed for Drug Trafficking

Postby grzegorz on Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:14 pm

Wrong! Correction, I haven't dropped it. I have a job, a family and other responsibilities.

I can't just debate my day away like some people.

I am not done with this topic by any means. I posted about his former hit man and you put your hands over your ears, closed your eyes and said it's all lies.

Do as you wish but I am certainly not going to waste any more time on you at least not today.

Trust me, I'll be back to hold your feet to the fire. In fact I'm looking forward to it.
Last edited by grzegorz on Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:18 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Executed for Drug Trafficking

Postby junglist on Fri Sep 16, 2016 9:29 pm

1. No I didn't. I proved that the hit man you showed was a liar. I even posted up a site that demonstrates so. Did you even read the site? Maybe it's you that's plugging his ears and closing his eyes? Good grief would you make an awful lawyer/debater. You would crumble at the cross-examination.

2. You've dropped the ball from day one. You haven't proven jack.

2. Hold my feet to the fire? Wow, some fighting words huh? This is the same guy that said "First of all I am not debating anything or anyone.

Therefore there is no point in me trying to prove anything. If anything the ball is your court to disprove what is being reported."

A man of contradictions you are! lol
Last edited by junglist on Fri Sep 16, 2016 9:48 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Executed for Drug Trafficking

Postby junglist on Fri Sep 16, 2016 9:39 pm

junglist wrote:
grzegorz wrote:By the way, I am not surprised your friend on Facebook dropped the debate. Originally you supported these executions and now you say Duterte is not responsible for these executions. Like me your friend probably realized that he has a life and there are much better ways to spend his time than with an apologist and a denier.

1) I never said I supported these executions. Show me where I said that. I value the sanctity of life.

2) The reason he dropped it is because he had nothing to prove like yourself. Interesting how you became a mind reader as well lol. Or maybe you're trying to fit me into your narrative and categorizing me as someone who is in denial in order to feel good about yourself after not being able to prove claims that you are passionate in defending? And in actuality, it was my friend who messaged me about Duterte. So if there were better ways to spend time with an apologist or denier, why did he message me first? Lol

3). How can I deny what you can't even prove? How am I being an apologist when I don't really care whether this man is a criminal or not and I have no stake in this debate and Im asking you over and over to prove that he is a criminal and evil? Kinda convenient for you to say that after not being able to prove your case huh? lol. This is how the "discussion" is going:

You: Duterte is evil and a murderer?
me: really? Prove it.
You: blah blah blah blah I don't care about what Filipinos think blah blah blah they are anarchic blah blah blah Duterte is evil!
Me: prove it.
you: you are an apologist and in denial! Watch you'll see proof in the future!

Maybe it's me that's wasting time taking to someone who has zilch to offer me other than hot air.

Btw, I asked you questions here.

Answer them please.
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Re: Executed for Drug Trafficking

Postby Trip on Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:46 pm

Heard this story
Thought you guys might find this story interesting.


Lilibeth Diego, 53, a laundry woman who is married with three children, started using methamphetamine, or shabu, when she was 17. She recently turned herself in to authorities because she feared she could be killed under President Rodrigo Duterte's war on drugs. She says she has been clean for the past several weeks.

At the precinct station, the commander, Chief Inspector Paulito Sabulao, says those who surrender and stay clean are safe.

"But I warn them," he says, "if they continue using — or dealing — they'll be killed."

For all his tough talk, though, Sabulao's cops haven't killed anyone since the war on drugs began 3 1/2 months ago. And that has gotten him in trouble with his bosses.

"My colonel was under pressure from his bosses," he says, "and asked me why we haven't killed anybody. And he told me to start killing people who were known drug personalities. But I told him I didn't want to make any mistakes. I need to make sure that these people are really criminals."

Chief Inspector Sabulao, just up the block, shows me a list with 18 photos and names. These are alleged dealers, he says, from the community — identified by the community — and he's ready to move on them.

"I only need them to resist," he says, grinning broadly. "I encourage them to resist." Because then, he says, "They'll be killed."

You can hear some people tell their stories in their own words (full audio) here:

Alleged drug dealers and addicts surrender to authorities to undergo drug tests at Camp Karingal in Manila in June. Many Filipinos involved with drugs have died since President Rodrigo Duterte won a landslide election in May, promising to rid society of drugs and crime in six months by killing tens of thousands of criminals.
Last edited by Trip on Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Executed for Drug Trafficking

Postby grzegorz on Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:23 pm

Thanks for sharing that Trip.

It's obvious that some authorities do value human life, which is why I know that will come to pass.
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Re: Executed for Drug Trafficking

Postby junglist on Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:45 pm

Proves only that there are only corrupt cops.

People still need to prove that Duterte is responsible for all this. Show me his policies that show that it's okay for cops to kill drug dealers without resistance. Show me where he says it's okay to be a vigilante and take the law into your own hands.

Again, I have no stake in this. If you can prove Duterte is a criminal, then I will accept it. His criminality doesn't affect my life.
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Re: Executed for Drug Trafficking

Postby grzegorz on Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:59 pm

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte 'could face international court'

Bangkok: Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte could face international criminal charges as the death count in his relentless war on drugs tops almost 2000, human rights advocates say.

Comments by the tough-talking former provincial mayor such as "all of you are into drugs, you sons of bitches … I will kill you" could be used as evidence to prosecute him, they say.

http://www.smh.com.au/world/philippine- ... r6an0.html
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Re: Executed for Drug Trafficking

Postby grzegorz on Sat Sep 17, 2016 12:02 am

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's 3426 killed numbers only the start

http://www.smh.com.au/world/philippine- ... rfy2d.html
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