Sun style Taiji driveable from N. Alabama?

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Sun style Taiji driveable from N. Alabama?

Postby slowmaker on Sun Oct 16, 2016 5:12 pm

Can anyone recommend a traditional Sun Style Taijiquan teacher within [reasonable] driving distance of Huntsville, Alabama, USA? Initial definition of reasonable might be 1-2 hours, but could stretch a bit. I really want to learn more about this style.

If absolutely necessary, farther south in Alabama, or NW Mississippi, Southern Tennessee, NE Georgia might also work; reasonable driving distance can be extended to include the notion of someone I could drive to have a session with once a month or every couple of months for in-person reality check while I muddle along best I can from Tim Cartmell's DVD set (muddle here refers to my bumbling, not to Tim Cartmell's excellent work).

I've found a few tentative hits in search results, but so far they keep turning out to be Paul Lam certified health-orientation-only teachers. I have respect for their path, but that's not the direction I want to go.

If possible, I want to find a Sun style teacher who still actively trains the self defense aspect also, ideally with plenty of 2-person work in the class/session (with most of the solo work left for me to do on my own time; I don't want to drive 2 hours to spend 30 minutes standing post, I can do that at home).

Anybody know anybody?

(will try to accumulate suggestions in ongoing edits below)
Cheng Yee (Righteous) Kung Fu School - Gales Ferry, CT, USA(Southeastern CT) [sifu is Subitai on this board]
Lam Tang Kung Fu Academy - Lexington, SC, USA [Sifu Saleem Alamudeen]
Last edited by slowmaker on Thu Oct 27, 2016 4:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:42 pm

Re: Sun style Taiji driveable from N. Alabama?

Postby Fa Xing on Sun Oct 23, 2016 7:34 pm

Tom wrote:Sun styletaijiquan iis comparatively rare, even in China. I don't know any active instructor of Sun taiji within the parameters you gave. Consider this as an alternative: get Tim Cartmell's DVDs and book, spend some serious time every day on his basics, and find a friend willing to indulge you with the structural push tests for each endpoint posture. With dedication you can learn the sequence to a reasonable beginner's level within 3 months. Film short sequences and email or Dropbox or Youtube them to Tim and pay him to offer video coaching and critique (obviously clear this with Tim first). Locally, find a push-hands-in-the-park group, or start one yourself via MeetUp etc. Push hands provides a moving test and validation of uour basics and solo form practice. Then, when you've shown yourself you have the initiative and self-discipline required for Sun taiji or any other form of gongfu, take some vacation and head to LA and get some hands-on time with Tim. You can make some real progress this way.

Dr. Troy Schott
Doctor of Chiropractic
Lead Instructor, Ground Dragon Martial Arts
Fa Xing
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Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:11 am

Re: Sun style Taiji driveable from N. Alabama?

Postby slowmaker on Mon Oct 24, 2016 6:24 pm

Thank, you that seems like sound advice.

Given how rare Sun style appears to be, I will continue to trace down leads and post them in edits to my initial post, while I save my pennies for the book and DVDs. Even if the possible teachers aren't in my area, they might be of interest to some who search this board for it later.

One of your members has provided me with a couple already, I just haven't got them typed in (and too sleepy right now).

On that note, does the board software limit how old a post can be and still be edited?
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Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:42 pm

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