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Postby GOLDEN DRAGON Y-Y on Fri Mar 24, 2017 8:34 am

Greetings to the forum.

This is my first post on this forum.

I would like to share with you all this tale of one of the great Tai Chi masters to walk this earth.

In 1983 I found myself in the Boston Common at the WWI Navy commentator valor statue in the Commons.

This is a record of what occurred on that fateful day.



It was 1983 I was living in Boston at the time. One summer day I met some folks who invited me over. It got late so I spent the night. I did not sleep that night for reasons left unexplained. Around sunrise 6:30 I decided to walk to downtown Boston.

I arrived at the Boston Commons around 8 o'clock.

Boston Commons is right next to Chinatown and The heart of Bostons business district. Since its so close to Chinatown many Chinese people come in the park early to do their exercises.

As I made my way into the park I was guided to go to the only hill in the park that has a memorial for World War I Navy veterans. There was only one person up there at the time a short Chinese man with slight balding hair and radiant eyes. My curiosity was quickly aroused as I saw him do the strangest moves that looked like kung fu but with no clear form. I had seen many kung fu movies to that point and knew what kung fu was supposed to look like. But he was doing these odd breath things standing on one leg and using, it appeared to be a crane hand. I realized very quickly I was in the presence of no ordinary man especially when he did his three kicks all with a loud HA that snapped when they hit the encasement walls of the Navy statue. He did a straight on kick where the flat of his foot sent a resounding illustration of power when it hit its mark. His other two kicks were a toe kick and last his heal kick. All three looked deadly to say the least. He then touched the surface of the statue in what I can only describe as a yin-yang motion.

After 30 minutes of this I was convinced this man had extraordinary skills. I was completely blown away.............................................. .......When to the right of me walking up the hill were two dudes, one a skinny blond country bumpkin sort of, the other I call Moe because he had a Moe of the 3 stooges bowl haircut. He wore a black leather vest with no tee shirt underneath and was built like a brick shit house (American slang term that apply applies to Moe). They approached me and Moe asked me where the Greyhound Bus Station was and mentioning they were from South Dakota and just passing through. I quickly turned my attention back after telling them where the bus station was to the strange kung fu master I had encountered making it obvious I was not interested in conversing further.

Moe and his buddy went to the left of me and Master Chan, (whose name I learned of in another visit), and they sat down on the cement bench that was there.

I was back to my observations of Master Chan when i began to hear Moe speaking in a loud voice;

"Look at that stupid gook what does that GD chink thinks he's doing".

Remarks like this were being lodged. When I look over at Moe he saw me looking and I guess got jealous because I had snubbed him for a chink. He got up and started walking towards me as he approached saying;

"You know I don't think I like you. I think i am going to punch you in the mouth, I AM GOING TO PUNCH YOU IN THE MOUTH!"

I stood up and we were face to face no more than a foot apart. The next thing was, somebody was going to hit somebody. It seemed I was going to get pummeled. In that brief moment suddenly, I swear, a huge shiver went through Moe's body, he spit at me as he walked away still shaken. I saw it hit an inch away from my foot. Still discombobulated he walked away saying over and over;

" The next time I see you MF I'll kill you I'll kill you MF I'll kill you!

Stunned by this I looked to see where Master Chan had been during this situation, he was not by the statue, but then i look behind me to find the Master directly behind me. It did not take me long to put two and two together. He had obviously given one hell of a look at Moe saying if you touch him i will kick your ass. It certainly changed Moe's mind. We have all seen in the movies where the master helps someone and uses their body to fight the bad guy. Who knows how this would have finished itself if Moe had not walked away.

Seeing that Moe and his pal were still setting on the bench I thought I better leave just in case. So I proceeded to leave by the same way Moe and his companion arrived. As I was walking down the hill I turned around and saw Master Chan with his hands on his hips watching my exit. I stopped and put my hands in the prayer salute bowing my head with my eyes still on him I nodded a thank you. Master Chan graciously said your welcome by nodding his head too.

That was my introduction to Master Chan of Boston Chinatown.

Chen Man Ching has said when one goes beyond the form in Tai Chi Chuan one is into the profound.

Such is this Master Chan.

He did finally tell me he was a Tai Chi man.

I will in the next email tell you the story's I witnessed of his "supernatural powers of the profound" he exhibited just for me.

But I will leave you today with this story he told me in one of many visits to him after that fateful day.

His English is poor. He said he started his training at ten years of age. And for one year his master made him stand in the horse stance. He said to me, he still feels the anguish of that grueling work out to this day. And he said could you imagine how a ten year old would feel with such regimen. I can not even imagine.

Thus he became rooted to the earth. And his Tai Chi flourished.

Master Chan Part II

After the first meeting i know doubt was curious to see if I could find out more about the kung fu master who protected me on that fateful day.

(The person I sent this story too),,,, you mentioned that you thought we would have become friends. Not quite. Do to Master Chan's limited English and my straight out awe of the man we did not become friend's per say.

After our first meeting I made it a point to get up early go to the Boston Common and see if Master Chan would be out 'playing' his kung fu.

So I made many trips to see him but we rarely spoke I just wanted to observe and see if I could fathom where his kung fu was at.

I told you he told me he was a Tai Chi man but that was several years down the road before he declared that to me. But over the next few-years Master Chan graciously showed me his skills and enormous power in 3 situations that stand out in there uniqueness.

By the way, very few people ever realized they were in the presence of one of the greatest kung fu masters and Tai Chi masters who ever lived. I met maybe one or two regulars in the Boston Common who knew of his stature. So there have been others, but not too many, because Master Chan's moves are very difficult to gauge. I was one of the lucky ones to see him and his lofty kung fu and attempt to understand it.Plus he protected me in that dire situation with Moe.

Three story's of Master Chan's kung fu prowess.

Story I:
The Oak Tree surprise.
There are at least 3 huge oak trees located around the Navy Memorial statue where I first saw Master Chan.

Several times he showed me his great power by this method.

Everyone knows that oak is one of the hardest woods on earth. The same, can know doubt be said, for the huge rivulets of bark that encase these massive trees.

Master Chan would stand next to one of these giant oak's and with a mighty HA! his hand moving so fast, then as if a lighting bolt had struck he ripped a solid handful of bark off that tree, then he would pause holding the chunk of bark he had rendered and gently toss it away with a look and confidence that very few mortals who ever lived could say they could do the same.

Story II:
The trash can kick.
Surrounding our main location in these story's, the Navy statue, were cement cylinders used to encase and chain galvanized trash cans. Obviously to prevent people from dumping the trash cans out.

Galvanized trash cans are hip high, the cement holder would be obvious to imagine. A huge cement cylinder, no doubt weighting several hundred pounds or more.

One morning Master Chan was doing his routine, just me and him, no other observers around, when he approached the trash can cement holder.And with that front full foot kick I described before he stood there did his ONE body wind up in place one body unit motion, and with a mighty HA his foot hit the outer rim of our cylinder. To my astonishment I saw that cylinder raise 8 inches off the ground and come back down slamming to the earth. Master Chan then looked at me and said to me without words: " I could have tipped that cylinder over and very easily at that". I responded with a nod of awe and the good fortune that he allowed me to get a glimpse of his power. I left in wonder once again of this kung fu master.

Story III:
Master Chan's healing touch.
On another early morning visit to the Boston Common I spied Master Chan. As I approached him i saw an old China man slowly walking to Master Chan.His feet were barely shuffling along but he was walking in this condition. He and Master Chan met and began talking. Then Master Chan began doing some hands on touching to this old man.He would blow his breath on the old mans arm. He also would pick new leaves off of the trees nearby and rub the leaves on the old man while blowing his breath on him in that way as well as intermittently talking to the old man. This went on for over 1/2 hour then Master Chan was done and walked away.

The old man also began walking away. I was surprised the see the old mans feet moving much much faster. Concluding Master Chan must have energized him in the methods described. My curiosity got the best of me and I approached the old man and asked what just happened.

To my amusement and wonder he said the following:
"Master Chan greatest kung fu master on face of earth, he can put his finger through park bench if he want, he touch me, he heal me, me barley walk, he touch me, he heal me. He not sleep with his wife for 16 years, he said with great bemusement"!

I walked away and thought to myself OMG that Master Chan is something else again.

Story IV,
On occasion after Master Chan was done with his Tai Chi he would stand, hands on his hips up on the Navy statue hill and begin with his mighty roar going: "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA". We have seen similar laughter in the kung fu movies.

How strangely wonderful all this was for me.

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Postby Bill on Sun Mar 26, 2017 4:14 pm

HA !
It hurts when I Pi
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Postby MaartenSFS on Sun Mar 26, 2017 5:01 pm

Well.. er... Thanks for sharing. :)
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Postby Giles on Mon Mar 27, 2017 12:54 am

Let me guess: We will soon be offered the chance to host a seminar or even a seminar tour with Master Chan, where we as promoter stand to make a considerable amount of monies (possibly certainly up to $ 1,000,000 !!!) by taking 50% of the revenues flooding in unhesitatingly. Lifelong financial security and eternal kungfu fame (also coveted "Great Old One" status for RSF newbies) are ensured for said seminar hosts. As a small initial formality, we just need to transfer $ 850,00 to an honestly reputed bank account in the fabled Kungfu city of Jiuquan, near Lagos, Nigeria.

Count me in !!!!
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Postby Bao on Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:29 am

So he hadn't slept with his wife for 16 years and was so frustrated that he took it out on trees by randomly punching on them? Did I get it right? :/
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Postby I-mon on Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:35 am

By golly it's been a while!
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Postby shawnsegler on Mon Mar 27, 2017 8:06 am

MaartenSFS wrote:Well.. er... Thanks for sharing. :)

That is pretty much verbatim what I was going to post.

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Postby Dmitri on Mon Mar 27, 2017 11:05 am

"U. S. Patent unlocking a series of hidden geometric formulas" sounds fascinating. What's that about, care to elaborate GD Y-Y?
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Postby MaartenSFS on Mon Mar 27, 2017 4:16 pm

So, I take it that this has happened before? :P
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Postby wiesiek on Tue Mar 28, 2017 1:15 am

family fairy tales are quite popular not only in MA world... 8-)
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Postby GOLDEN DRAGON Y-Y on Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:56 am

:) Thanks for the feedback.

Anyone from Boston here who may have wandered in the Boston Common in the early morn will know that there is a group of various Asians doing many forms of movements. And if she or he did I can easily describe Master Chan. I am not sure he is still with us. So if there is anyone in Boston I challenge you to seek out this man and let me know because if this had happened to you, you too would think as highly as I do about the man who helped me in that most tense situation.

There was one gentleman in his 60's who would do arm swinging for more that 45 minutes. A Chi Kung expert no doubt.

As to any skeptics why should I care...............................I don't.

I wish no one any ill will but its par from the course that people react in a dour manor to truth being said.

As to my 2013 I demoed my work to three kung fu instructors one of them from Wudang Temple China. I was validated with high marks from one Tai Chi Chuan and Liu Ho Ba Fa instructor.

Last edited by GOLDEN DRAGON Y-Y on Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby GOLDEN DRAGON Y-Y on Tue Mar 28, 2017 9:23 am

MaartenSFS wrote:Well.. er... Thanks for sharing. :)

Well..... Er..... Your Welcome !

[uh, er]
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Lets hope this is not the case...................................................LOL!

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Postby GOLDEN DRAGON Y-Y on Tue Mar 28, 2017 9:44 am

Dmitri wrote:"U. S. Patent unlocking a series of hidden geometric formulas" sounds fascinating. What's that about, care to elaborate GD Y-Y?

Thanks for asking.

I will hold off for the moment but give you all this footnote to the beginning of my invention.

In 1985 after 3 hour of playing with the yin-yang symbol I found a hidden circle arrangement (CA).

I began following the CA diagram and found myself creating a new form of Tai Chi.

At one point, in the summer of 85, I went to see Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming.

He liked my diagram and I showed him the movements I had created.

He said this to me:
"You have created a new form of Tai CHi and if you have the discipline of the masters you could achieve the same results."

I 'DID NOT' have the discipline as I was alone with this system but I never stopped plugging away at it.

Many years latter I called Dr. Yang but he did not remember our meeting.

Last edited by GOLDEN DRAGON Y-Y on Tue Mar 28, 2017 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby GOLDEN DRAGON Y-Y on Tue Mar 28, 2017 9:59 am

Bao wrote:So he hadn't slept with his wife for 16 years and was so frustrated that he took it out on trees by randomly punching on them? Did I get it right? :/

NOT QUITE my friend.

Good one..............................maybe so............................LOL!

BTW he did 'NOT' punch at the tree, he was even more frustrated..........because as the story says, he grabbed a hand sized chunk and ripped it off of the tree with a the sound of its removal being as if a lightning bolt had done the task.

I witnessed this twice.

My only regret is I did not pick up, the bark chuncky, as a memento.

Last edited by GOLDEN DRAGON Y-Y on Tue Mar 28, 2017 10:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby GOLDEN DRAGON Y-Y on Tue Mar 28, 2017 10:02 am

wiesiek wrote:family fairy tales are quite popular not only in MA world... 8-)

Thanks for the complement. I did not realize I was such a great writer. ::)


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