What bitter sweet revenge...

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What bitter sweet revenge...

Postby Jake on Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:37 pm

This is a video highlighting various clips over the last couple of years where people (the experts who supposedly were supposed to know) were mocking and sometimes actualy laughing at Peter Schiff when he was telling them that the fundamentals were wrong and that the reccession was coming.... Including Ben Stien! ;D LOL!
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Re: What bitter sweet revenge...

Postby Teazer on Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:54 pm

Looks like he predicted the housing market right for all the right reasons. Impressive.
Haven't seen his gold @ $2000 prediction in 2009 happening yet though. We'll see.
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Re: What bitter sweet revenge...

Postby Chris Fleming on Wed Nov 26, 2008 7:55 pm

Those expert kool aide drinkers aren't laughing now. What I don't get is how they get their numbers, if they actually are looking at them. Most likely, they are saying such things to try and keep the ball rolling, because "buy now!" and "the economy is better than ever!" is the only thing they can say. Either that or "now we're at the bottom, the market will only go up".

Look at companies today. They take on debt to buy back their own shares in attempts to create a higher earnings per share number. Many companies also gain much of their inflated value via mergers and acquisitions, not real production or earnings. Accounting tricks and financial engineering is the rule of the day in business, not real business. When someone comes along saying the real situation, their only recourse is to laugh it off and pretend it isn't happening.

As for housing, it isn't really all that impressive that someone noticed that something was wrong despite the popular "wisdom". As someone who invests in real estate, I got to see first hand what silliness was going on. Other investors were doing the flipping game, and able to get the no doc loans (liar loans) all the time. Eventually some got caught with the hot potato and couldn't sell their investment. Others who simply wanted a house were given loans way beyond their incomes and ability to pay. Still more people were using their homes as ATMs, draining the equity out and using the money to buy shit like flat screen TVs. Doesn't take a genius to see that if a country is doing that, it can't last for long and the consequences won't be good.
Last edited by Chris Fleming on Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Chris Fleming


Re: What bitter sweet revenge...

Postby Ian on Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:56 pm

always good to wipe the shite-eating grins off people's faces.

funny how they're so cocksure that they stoop to mocking a person on tv. classy.
Last edited by Ian on Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: What bitter sweet revenge...

Postby Michael on Wed Nov 26, 2008 11:35 pm

Nothing like Peter Schiff, but just by reading alternative news sources, you can see much more clearly than the "experts" on mainstream media.

January 19, 2008
Michael wrote:Guys, we are at least 10 years past bankruptcy. Pres. Bush is merely the auctioneer at the liquidation. The US dollar is in the final stages of being looted...

The banker payoff bill is the final looting and the pardon for the criminal theft of trillions.

September 8, 2008
Michael wrote:Ford and GM are in serious financial trouble, and when they light up the Bat signal, the Federal Govt, using our blood, sweat, and tears in the form of inflated money, will bail them out like Freddie and Fannie, like they did Chrysler.

The reason GM and Ford are in trouble is they decided to shift from being primarily auto manufacturers to primarily finance companies, and GM's response to being bailed out is to invest $1 BILLION in Brazil: not for workers, not for factories, not for R&D, but for financial investment. It's just giving the junkie more heroin.

September 10, 2008
Lindsey Williams predicting the price of oil would drop to $50/barrel.


Re: What bitter sweet revenge...

Postby Darth Rock&Roll on Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:34 am

This entire crisis is brought to you by bank rapers and pillagers and the uber wealthy.

This whole thing is not from regular traders or people who invest in rsps or in teh states, 401ks. This is stemming from predatory lending as allowed by the bush admin economic policies. It has nothing to do with clinton or carter or any of them. It has everything to do with the sub prime mortgage fiasco put into play by the Bush admin and the subsequent artificial growth of the stock markets based on all the artificial new wealth of people who actually didn't have a fucking dime.

Now that the jig is up, the goose is gonna run loose but not before he's stolen every fucking penny he can and leave you, the American taxpayer and the old age pensioners holding the bag.

Yes, he will pardon himself and his cronies, but America, you don't have to let that pardon stand, in fact, it is your duty to impeach and imprison the bush admin as quickly as possible before he can do more damage even in these last couple of months.

2009 will be extremely difficult for everyone as we pick up the burnt remains of the world after the last 8 years of incompetence, negligence and criminal behaviour of the current US administration.
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Re: What bitter sweet revenge...

Postby Jake on Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:48 am

Darth Rock&Roll wrote:Yes, he will pardon himself and his cronies,.

I recently read somewhere that he ALREADY DID pardon himself via some obscure fuckhead law that they passed so he could do just that.... Pre-emptive like, if you will.

Fucking criminal cock-gobling douchebags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At least America true-ly was great for the first half of my life... Before these fuckstick assholes brought her down ::)
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