Before Sanskrit

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Before Sanskrit

Postby Overlord on Sun May 28, 2017 12:56 am



Re: Before Sanskrit

Postby Overlord on Sun May 28, 2017 1:02 am



Re: Before Sanskrit

Postby yeniseri on Sun May 28, 2017 7:40 pm

Strong background!

Tamil language preceded what is known at Sanskrit or better yet, both simultaneously grew but Sanskrit took root due to its political hegemony over the latter based on cultural and historical developments.
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Re: Before Sanskrit

Postby Overlord on Sun May 28, 2017 9:54 pm

This Chinese or Oriental people had always called themselves lineage of Dragon, 龍的傳人~
Legend says Nuwa 女媧 created man, a half snake half man being ( like mermaid).
The Naga serpent god of Africa is called Arwe ( similar to Jewish YHWH).

There must be a reason for all these legends.

The Rise planet of Apes is actually the story about Rome and it's first Emperor Caesar.
Why use Apes as analogy? Because Apes legs are hairy.
Descendent of Naga (Serpent) shouldn't have hairy leg.
But it's just my personal interpretation of the movie and things.


Re: Before Sanskrit

Postby yeniseri on Mon May 29, 2017 5:42 am

From a DNA haplogroup perspective, the branching off of populations created their respective myths and some of those myths persisted with some groups while with others, they either forget it, rejected it, or created their own myths on their group origins. Interestingly, language patterns reflect this pattern and practice and some even go back to sister languages to come up with modern terms used in present communication.

I came across a report some time ago of Hebrew going back to Aramaic sources to find words that reflect a modern reality instead of using 'bastardized' non origin languages that ends up 'debasing' the language base
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Re: Before Sanskrit

Postby Overlord on Mon May 29, 2017 6:04 am

The true Hebrew is in Hieroglyphs for your information.
If the different sources of ancient civilization and cultures all recorded the same thing,
in this instance the Naga God or King, then there must be some truth.

According to Clyde Winter, the Ancient Greek, Homer, Troy and Eutrscan were all black people.
There must be some truth behind the movie Rise Planet of Apes.

Frankly, Chinese is probably the only people hold the true knowledge of what Swastika is all about.
And they give credit to Buddhism passed down from the Naga palace.

When it come to modern days, of course Western mindset is about copyrights.


Re: Before Sanskrit

Postby yeniseri on Mon May 29, 2017 12:23 pm

Coincidentally, I conversed with Mr WInters some years back and he speaks a truth that many hold a deaf ear!
An acquaintance, al Takruri et al put up a strong resistance to the usual lies that abound but it is a tough fight. There are times when absurdity abounds in these circles but each has to be sure that documentation is present and proof for all to see.
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Re: Before Sanskrit

Postby Overlord on Mon May 29, 2017 6:42 pm

Great! I wonder how much you really learn from Mr Winters.

Courtesy of Morgan Mikenas, who stop shaving for one year.

Yesterday I was telling my dad about this, he was totally shocked that a women need to shave leg regularly.
He assume everyone is like him, there is 「no need to shave leg hair」~
The sons and daughters of Naga does not need to shave leg hairs, because you don't ever see snake with hairy tail.

As absurd as it may seem, King Kong movies and Rise Planet of Apes all may have something hidden within the movies.


Re: Before Sanskrit

Postby yeniseri on Mon May 29, 2017 8:33 pm

I love women with hairy legs ;D

I learned a few things from Mr WInters and a few things he had wrong as we all have defects in logic on some topics but as an example, the swastike as a Buddhist symbol, was stolen/misapproriated from its original source and its recent images from memory destroys the original intent of that images and now the negative images of its brutal reign over fellow human beigns has all but mitigated its heritage and culture. Within that same vein, the same propaganda that non Western peoples have no culture comes from that same malevalent premise of historical misappropriation.

Again, we all read and see the propaganda of Cristobal Colon i. Columbus (the converso) discovering the New World as if there was no one there when he arrived but he discovered it, while being met en force by these indigenous peoples ;D
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Re: Before Sanskrit

Postby Overlord on Mon May 29, 2017 9:33 pm
Notice similar helmet are found Italy.
I don't know how one can explain this Greek helmet, got symbols of Lion and Peacock.
AFAIK, peacock is pretty local to South East Asia, South China, and India.
Lion is local in Africa.
The only explanation is, there was a big empire big enough to include both Africa and South East Asia.
It can't be Rome, so it had to be the black people.
If you ask the American natives, don't think they are too happy about Columbus.

Knowledge of Swastika is sacred, you may think you know it~ but not really~ ;D
Last edited by Overlord on Mon May 29, 2017 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Before Sanskrit

Postby Graculus on Mon May 29, 2017 11:28 pm

Sorry, I don't see the logic there. If you were being ironic, my mistake.
Peacocks are native to India, as you said, but they were known in the Persian empire around the same time as that helmet. Lions ranged throughout much of Eurasia and feature in Greek myth. Heracles wore the skin of the Nemean lion, and there are accurate depictions in a lot of art from Greece and western Asia. Of course, lions are also still native to India, and crop up in various guises in Indian culture, too. They made it as far as Japan, symbolically speaking, via Buddhism – no need for an empire spanning the globe when trade and missionaries can carry ideas for you.

Incidentally, my last blog post (and my next one, to follow very shortly) are on almost this very topic.

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Re: Before Sanskrit

Postby Overlord on Tue May 30, 2017 12:26 am


Please refer to the Clyde Winters video.
What ever you can accept is very individual.
It's good that you are looking into Buddhism.

The second or third picture either look like Guangdong 關公 or Zhangfei 張飛. Second picture is also Etruscan.
According to legend, Nagarjuna transcribed Mahayana Sutra from Naga palace龍宮. I guess there is some truth to it.
In Lotus Sutra, Nagakanya Dragon princess 龍女 Sangara was introduced in detail.
Last edited by Overlord on Tue May 30, 2017 7:00 am, edited 7 times in total.


Re: Before Sanskrit

Postby yeniseri on Wed May 31, 2017 6:05 pm

My specific personal research based on peoples displaced are that the people who inhabit the present landmass today were not the same ones who are the original inhabitants of the past!
As an example, take the area known as the Caucasian mountains (despite the hype and the unnatural history associated with it Hitler and his henchmen on the origin ;D of x people), where the original inhabitants (hint like the Tsarniev brothers) were kicked out/displaced/removed) and sent o other area of the former Soviet Empire. They were originally Muslims within the presence of Christian minorities (read Armenians and others) and when the latecomers rewrote history, they left out the original peoples. HINT: it is the winners who write history--The Golden Rule. So when these original inhabitants come back to claim their ancestral home, they are looked upon as usurpers and people who have no history. IT is a pattern that is seen daily.

1, Look at Australia today and people will claim there is no way that the indigenous native people could have owned that based on the present societal indices of social and economic presence
2, Look at the native people of the Americas, Once were Warriors but now relegated to slaving their own land and relying on begging (the rule) just to keep their own land
3, One good thing about Africa is that the people are still there but theft of human resources has been rampant for centuries
4,Even the Sanskrit vs Tamil disparity is present since those 'blue' black people are incapable of a civilization (sound familiar ;D )
5. 500 years is a long time so why should any continent be any different! Cultures change, people take over form their previous geographic location and inherit the culture of their former master or slaves and they carry it forward into the future
6, Trying to keep it short
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Re: Before Sanskrit

Postby yeniseri on Wed May 31, 2017 6:15 pm

I am somewhat familiar with Buddhist prose from the Tibetan perspective and in prayer I remember has 3 levels of understanding:
1, the words, (outer)
2, Meaning (inner)
3. Self understanding (combination of both) or similar understand. There is more to this but someone can look it up, or I will post sometime in future...Just a shapshot!
But it tells of various people by descriptive means and some facials representations in the land of Odiyyana (allegedly NW Frontier Pakistan\) where a diverse and multicultural socisty which when expalined by present geography, it will show itself to be a lie on all accounts.

Fast forward to the caves of Bamiyan which shows original Buddhist Sanskrit depiction where were destroyed by the Taliban and basically destroyed all original presence of a civilization.
This seems to be the path of present society and it will happen in the future with change.
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Re: Before Sanskrit

Postby Overlord on Thu Jun 01, 2017 8:25 pm

For your information, I will let historical documents do the talking.




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