New — Bruce Lee Sparring Breakdown, '67 Longbeach Extended

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New — Bruce Lee Sparring Breakdown, '67 Longbeach Extended

Postby marvin8 on Wed Jun 14, 2017 6:52 am

Published on Jun 14, 2017:

Published on Jun 12, 2017:

Released from the Bruce Lee Foundation.

1967 Long Beach Internationals:
1. Chi Sao (sticky hands) blindfold demo with Taky Kimura
2. One-armed finger and thumb push-ups
3. Closing speed demo with USKA 1966 Karate champ Vic Moore
4. 1-foot punch demo with Bob Baker
5. 1 inch punch demo with ? (anyone know the name of the karateka wearing the gi?)
6. Sparring in protective gear with Dan Inosanto
7. Sparring in protective gear with James Lee

Published on Jun 5, 2017
Footage from the 1967 Long Beach Internationals, featuring Bruce Lee: ...

Interview with Sam Allred from 2004 who took the 8mm footage at the 1967 Long Beach Tournament,
Nick Clarke (Jan 2004) wrote:Sam Allred with Steve McQueen
In Bruce Lee's life, one of the most important and discussed in the world of martial arts, are his legendary martial arts performances at Ed Parker's Longbeach International Karate Championships. Bruce only ever made two appearances, the first in 1964 which helped him land the role of 'Kato' in the 'Green Hornet' US television series, and the second in 1967 where he presented his art of Jeet Kune Do, performed his legendary one inch punch and incorporated full contact sparring for the first time (see pictures to the left). The following interview with Sam Allred was conducted on the 21st January, 2004 (over 35 years later). As you will see, this interview reveals fascinating insight in to Bruce's 1967 Longbeach performance and contains a truly amazing surprise for all fans of Bruce Lee......

1/ Could you please tell me how you got involved in the martial arts?

I joined a judo club that when I was still in high school (1953--ouch!), and continued my practice of judo until I reached 4th dan. During that time I attended a karate tournament in Albuquerque. A wall partition started falling toward the spectators. I put up my hands to stop it but noticed that the man next to me did an upward block to stop it. After visiting with him for awhile, I discovered that he was the Kajukenbo instructor for Kirtland Air Force Base, located in Albuquerque. He permitted me to attend his classes for four years, until I was promoted to 1st degree black belt in Kajukenbo. That instructor was (and is) Don Nahoolewa, a student of Aleju Reyes who was Adriano Emperado’s “right hand man.” Emperado is the founder of Kajukenbo. The Board of Directors of Kajukenbo's governing body, the International Kajukenbo Association, and the Board of Directors of the American Kajukembo Association have since promoted me to higher rank...

2/ Your 8mm film of Bruce Lee's performance at the Longbeach Championships in 1967 is a very rare and historic record of Bruce's life. Could you please describe what the atmosphere was like that day and how was Bruce's performance received by all those attending?

In those days I was a part of the martial arts “inner circle,” so to speak, so I just walked onto the main area with some of my friends and sat on the floor at ringside with my 8mm movie camera. I went specifically to see Bruce, because my esteemed friend, Wally Jay, had spoken so highly of him. In those days, prior to digital and video tape equipment, the best movie film for indoor use was ASA 400 black and white film, so that’s what I purchased for the camera to film Bruce’s demonstration. I was not in the audience, so I can’t remember any audience reaction. Afterward of course, I heard no one speak of the demo who had not been impressed.

3/ If you can remember, could you please describe in detail what Bruce's full performance consisted of that day? (e.g. full contact sparring, blindfold demo, one inch punch etc)

I remember nothing that is not well-documented. As I recall, Bruce did his “one inch punch,” his “unblockable” quick punch, his finger-tip pushups, a bit of close-in Wing Chun sparring, and some full contact sparring with protective gear. Two of his demonstrations that I filmed are on my website -- the fingertip pushups and the “1-inch” power punch.

4/ And finally about that day, what were your first impressions of Bruce Lee as a martial artist?

I had been in hopes of seeing Bruce ever since hearing Wally Jay talk about his virtues, expounding on the small cha cha cha instructor who had such a powerful upper body and was so fast that his kick or punch could lift a man into the air and throw him several feet backwards. Whose punch from only an inch or so could do the same. Wally built Bruce up so much that I really doubted if anyone could be so effective. On the other hand, Wally had been spent a lifetime in the martial arts and had seen it all, so he was never overly impressed with demonstrations of martial arts ability. He definitely was very impressed with this young dance instructor who was also teaching the martial arts. He had told me a great deal about Bruce, who had become his friend. So, seeing the demonstration only reinforced what I had already expected, and validated Wally's comments.

5/ What was his real personality like in your eyes from the occasions that you met him?

I should say that only knew him casually, but we visited personally on quite a few occasions, mostly during Ed Parker’s tournaments and at gatherings before and after the tournaments. I really did like Bruce a lot, and I believe he liked me. He was to me very friendly and energetic, always smiling, loving to be the center of attention, playful, and willing or even eager to show me things I asked to see.

He enjoyed being “Bruce Lee.” Once in conversation, he confided that it irritated him when people would stop him on the street to show him their kata, but I believe he probably got a kick out of even these antics. In 1968 I was asked to present a lecture at the “International Conference of the Martial Arts”, and Bruce took a seat on the back row. He did everything he could to distract me from making my presentation, making faces and gestures, sticking out his tongue...kidding around. Really likable.

When he died, Black Belt Magazine asked me to spend some time in Los Angeles interviewing his friends and students, such as James Coburn, John Saxon, Jim Kelly, Ted Ashley, Stirling Silliphant, Fred Weintraub, Van Williams, Chuck Norris, Mike Stone, Linda Lee, Bob Wall, James Franciscus, and Wally Jay--which I did. Later, also through martial arts circles, I became a good friend of Steve McQueen, and occasionally spoke with him about Bruce. Steve was not a student of Bruce’, but they were very close friends. From all of that, I learned a lot of significant facts and personal things about Bruce, much of which is in the book Bruce Lee 1940-1973, probably still sold by Black Belt Magazine. Mito Uyehara, founder and owner of Black Belt Magazine at the time, gave me permission to use the information to write a book in Spanish -- I now live in Mexico. It has been a popular book, now in its 13th printing I think. It is of interest that after having written about Bruce, I sent information about his birth date and birth place to a well-known astrologer...with no name. Although I still really don’t believe in astrology, the information that came back was almost exactly what I had learned about Bruce by giving all the interviews.

6/ You've had the pleasure to interview a lot of people who knew Bruce including the famous movie actors Steve McQueen & James Coburn. What were their opinions on Bruce as a human being and martial artist please?

I didn’t actually “interview” Steve for the book about Bruce...someone else our conversations were not intended for publication, and usually took place over a beer. Steve never studied with Bruce, but later began Tang Soo Do with fine instructor and movie choreographer Pat Johnson. Steve was a very close personal friend of Bruce’, and a pallbearer at Bruce’s funeral. He thoroughly respected Bruce as a person and as a friend, and correctly considered Bruce to be brilliant. Bruce often shared his theories and philosophies with Steve, and Steve thought of Bruce as the master of life as well as of the martial arts.

I interviewed James Coburn in his beautiful Hollywood home. His interview was the most dramatic of those which I gave. When he talked of such things as Bruce’s hitting power, he would illustrate--and with sound effects...bang, whap! He studied regularly with Bruce for nearly three years, and thought Bruce was the ONLY true martial artist.. He admired Bruce for all the right reasons; Bruce’s martial arts knowledge and skill, his ways of thinking and behaving, his intelligence, his tota l obsession with the martial arts and his ability to relate the martial arts to all other aspects of life, his self esteem. To Coburn, Bruce was lacking in the ability to deal with the incredible successes he had achieved. He said that Bruce was lacking in acting skills, although he recognized Bruce’s performances in movies as genius. He said that Bruce was the Nuyen or Nijinsky of the martial arts because he could, unlike most actors in fight scenes, do the martial arts to perfection, with charisma, and with amazing talent and imagination.

7/ Lastly, do you think that you will ever release your 8mm film of Bruce's performance so that all fans can witness this historic event in all its glory?

Sure. Why not? I turned down a substantial financial offer from a production company that wanted to use the footage as part of a documentary which included things that I don’t believe Bruce would have especially cared to be associated with. If used by others, I would like it to be in an appropriate way. For now, it is readily available to fans of Bruce on my web site. Please click the link provided below.


I would like to thank Sam once again for his wonderful time and effort in regards to this interview. His 8mm film of Bruce Lee's performance at Ed Parker's Longbeach Karate Championships in 1967 is unique, and more importantly, a historic and truthful account of Bruce's real life skills in the world of martial arts. I sincerely hope that this treasure will one day be shared with everyone.
Last edited by marvin8 on Wed Jun 14, 2017 7:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New — Bruce Lee Sparring Breakdown, '67 Longbeach Extended

Postby windwalker on Wed Jun 14, 2017 7:20 am

A friend of mine went to review a movie with his teacher, that will be out in the summer time about the fight between bruce lee, and wong jack man.
My friends teacher, wong jack man, felt that the movie was ok, being a movie my friend mentioned it showed a neutral rendering of the event.
Last edited by windwalker on Sun Jun 18, 2017 7:17 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: New — Bruce Lee Sparring Breakdown, '67 Longbeach Extended

Postby Greg J on Sun Jun 18, 2017 8:41 am

I'm interested in seeing the movie too, although I'm expecting a fictionalized, dramatic and historically inaccurate rendering of the event. It is Hollywood, and it is about Bruce Lee. :D :D :D

Thanks for sharing the sparring footage, Marvin. WOW!



P.S. - One of the links you shared was listed as private. Here is another one, with what I believe is the same footage (based on your notes):
Last edited by Greg J on Sun Jun 18, 2017 8:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New — Bruce Lee Sparring Breakdown, '67 Longbeach Extended

Postby wayne hansen on Sun Jun 18, 2017 12:37 pm

I love all the tricks he uses on the unwitting in the one inch punch
He was a showman
The sparing is fairly pedestrian
The sticking hands a bit clumsy
Don't put power into the form let it naturally arise from the form
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Re: New — Bruce Lee Sparring Breakdown, '67 Longbeach Extended

Postby C.J.W. on Sun Jun 18, 2017 5:55 pm

Never understood why so many people hold Bruce Lee in such high regard as a martial artist and fighter. IMO, he was more or less just a charismatic action movie star who managed to impress Westerners from the Psychedelic Hippie Era with his heavily accented Asian philosophical babble, which happened to be right up their alley at the time. As for his purported fighting prowess, I'd say it was more about athleticism than skill.
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Re: New — Bruce Lee Sparring Breakdown, '67 Longbeach Extended

Postby Overlord on Sun Jun 18, 2017 6:37 pm

C.J.W. wrote:Never understood why so many people hold Bruce Lee in such high regard as a martial artist and fighter. IMO, he was more or less just a charismatic action movie star who managed to impress Westerners from the Psychedelic Hippie Era with his heavily accented Asian philosophical babble, which happened to be right up their alley at the time. As for his purported fighting prowess, I'd say it was more about athleticism than skill.

Ability is the first step to charisma.
The inch punch in this clip is for "show", and a push trying not to injure another person.
In fact, this push need more power exertion and more control.
His method of punch can be referred to John's question between east and west.
His timing, speed, and power is the real deal.
Also keep in mind this was still his early days of JKD.
CJW the best way is humbly asking someone who practices on JKD in Taiwan and what it is all about.


Re: New — Bruce Lee Sparring Breakdown, '67 Longbeach Extended

Postby C.J.W. on Sun Jun 18, 2017 7:17 pm

Overlord wrote:
C.J.W. wrote:Never understood why so many people hold Bruce Lee in such high regard as a martial artist and fighter. IMO, he was more or less just a charismatic action movie star who managed to impress Westerners from the Psychedelic Hippie Era with his heavily accented Asian philosophical babble, which happened to be right up their alley at the time. As for his purported fighting prowess, I'd say it was more about athleticism than skill.

Ability is the first step to charisma.
The inch punch in this clip is for "show", and a push trying not to injure another person.
In fact, this push need more power exertion and more control.
His method of punch can be referred to John's question between east and west.
His timing, speed, and power is the real deal.
Also keep in mind this was still his early days of JKD.
CJW the best way is humbly asking someone who practices on JKD in Taiwan and what it is all about.

Thanks for the advice, but I didn't arrive at that conclusion based on my own ignorance.

I used to be a fan of Bruce back in the day and did a lot of research into WC and JKD.

His punching method -- according to Dan Inosanto -- derived from the fencing forward lunge, which gives it extra reach and speed compared to traditional WC.

Bruce had excellent reflexes, speed, and power for sure, but those attributes came from his grueling athletic conditioning and god-given genetics. Sure, you can call them "skills" if you want, but not in my book.
Last edited by C.J.W. on Sun Jun 18, 2017 7:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: New — Bruce Lee Sparring Breakdown, '67 Longbeach Extended

Postby Overlord on Sun Jun 18, 2017 7:56 pm

Oh well~ it's too bad you think this way~
BTW, Had you actually visited people teaching JKD in Taiwan?
If you do, then JW's question on how WC punch the way it is, is easily answered~
Appeance is fencing, but internal mechanics is very different.


Re: New — Bruce Lee Sparring Breakdown, '67 Longbeach Extended

Postby C.J.W. on Sun Jun 18, 2017 8:07 pm

There are two main JKD organizations in Taiwan, one is legit and the other a joke. The legit one is led by a grand student of Dan Inosanto and based in Taichung. But since I've already met and trained with people from Inosanto's lineage back when I lived in CA, there's really no need to visit them.

Now, may I ask what sort of exposure to JKD have you had since you sound like you know a lot about it and assume that I don't?
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Re: New — Bruce Lee Sparring Breakdown, '67 Longbeach Extended

Postby Overlord on Sun Jun 18, 2017 9:16 pm

CJW, probably the one you call a joke.
Also in Taichung. And I also compared it with a student of Inosanto, specifically on topic of one inch punch.

I don't judge the book by its cover, I try to read this book and compare the flavour with other book.
Like I say, if you know, you can answer JW's question on why WC "back hand is static" when punch.
If you don't know the answer, and really want to know the answer, PM me and I am very happy to explain.
The answer is simple, but hope you don't take it lightly.


Re: New — Bruce Lee Sparring Breakdown, '67 Longbeach Extended

Postby Strange on Tue Jun 20, 2017 7:07 pm

in my limited opinion, it is not just wing chun or jkd that trains "aliveness"
taiji tuishou also is training aliveness
the problem is the word "relax"
ppl take it to also mean that the mind relax
actually this is very incorrect
the opponent hands are on your hands, how you can relax in the mind?
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Re: New — Bruce Lee Sparring Breakdown, '67 Longbeach Extended

Postby everything on Tue Jun 20, 2017 7:35 pm

There is the recent study that showed Neymar Jr. uses less of his brain when doing complex motor movements ( so I assume it's the same thing if you have done a lot of repeated high-level training. Your brain is literally more relaxed than in those of us who can't do the same level of "auto pilot" reactions.
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Re: New — Bruce Lee Sparring Breakdown, '67 Longbeach Extended

Postby Strange on Tue Jun 20, 2017 8:10 pm

martial arts discussion can be complex, protracted and without actionable data/info
because frequently it is done without reference to the practitioner's training/development/understanding stage
it is my understand that without going through and understanding and training the basics correctly
all "talks" are just that - talks
cos one cannot "do" it in a martially effective manner
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