Ghost stories or weird stuff

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Re: Ghost stories or weird stuff

Postby Bill on Wed May 17, 2017 1:35 pm

The Winchester Mystery House
In 1881, Sarah Winchester, the widow of famous gun maker Oliver Winchester, became convinced that she needed protection from the evil spirits of all the people killed by Winchester rifles. A psychic advised her to continually add rooms to her San Jose, California, mansion to confuse any ghosts that may try to find her. (It's not clear why ghosts, which can supposedly move through walls, would be confused by the rooms, but it apparently made sense to Winchester.) She did so for nearly forty years, adding more than 100 rooms and staircases, until her death in 1922. After Sarah's death, her own ghost was said to haunt the halls of her mazelike mansion. Today the building remains a popular tourist attraction, a bizarre monument to superstition and paranoia.

My Story
Back in the early 70's my family took a vacation trip to northern Cal and visited the Winchester House. We all took the tour and it was interesting. After the tour was over I started investigating the house, walking around to different areas. I was on the 2nd fl and really needed to go to the bathroom badly. I walked into a room that appeared to be a very old fashioned office. Quite nice with a homey feel to it. I looked around and then noticed an older woman, dressed in turn of the century clothing. I asked her if she knew where there was a bathroom I could use and she pointed to a door in the office. I opened the door and saw a nice bathroom and asked if she was sure I could use it. She appeared amused and nodded her head in the afirmative. After I came out of the bathroom the woman was no longer there.
I went downstairs to meet back up with my family and I told them the story. Two employees of the House heard me, asked me to repeat the story and then said that they knew of no such employee, an older woman dressed in an old style. They looked at each other with a look of 'Wow' !
So, I think I met with Sarah Winchester.
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Re: Ghost stories or weird stuff

Postby everything on Wed May 17, 2017 1:50 pm

That just gave me a few goosebumps. Did she speak and if so was her manner of speaking different (like an older style of English speech)?

Something that seems common in all these stories is that the ghost or thing seems very tied to a specific building. If they can walk through walls and so on, why do they stay at a specific place? I suppose we can never know but it's entertaining to read and write about. I read a bunch of those nurses' stories and in 1-2 cases a nurse told the thing to move on or some such thing and apparently it worked.
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Re: Ghost stories or weird stuff

Postby JoeWood on Wed May 17, 2017 2:18 pm

Bill wrote:The Winchester Mystery House
In 1881, Sarah Winchester, the widow of famous gun maker Oliver Winchester, became convinced that she needed protection from the evil spirits of all the people killed by Winchester rifles. A psychic advised her to continually add rooms to her San Jose, California, mansion to confuse any ghosts that may try to find her. (It's not clear why ghosts, which can supposedly move through walls, would be confused by the rooms, but it apparently made sense to Winchester.) She did so for nearly forty years, adding more than 100 rooms and staircases, until her death in 1922. After Sarah's death, her own ghost was said to haunt the halls of her mazelike mansion. Today the building remains a popular tourist attraction, a bizarre monument to superstition and paranoia.

My Story
Back in the early 70's my family took a vacation trip to northern Cal and visited the Winchester House. We all took the tour and it was interesting. After the tour was over I started investigating the house, walking around to different areas. I was on the 2nd fl and really needed to go to the bathroom badly. I walked into a room that appeared to be a very old fashioned office. Quite nice with a homey feel to it. I looked around and then noticed an older woman, dressed in turn of the century clothing. I asked her if she knew where there was a bathroom I could use and she pointed to a door in the office. I opened the door and saw a nice bathroom and asked if she was sure I could use it. She appeared amused and nodded her head in the afirmative. After I came out of the bathroom the woman was no longer there.
I went downstairs to meet back up with my family and I told them the story. Two employees of the House heard me, asked me to repeat the story and then said that they knew of no such employee, an older woman dressed in an old style. They looked at each other with a look of 'Wow' !
So, I think I met with Sarah Winchester.

Lucky! My wife & I visited the Winchester house during our honeymoon about 5 years ago. Took the tour and also walked around to explore afterwards. Some of the rooms definitely had a spooky vibe to them but I didn't get to witness anything paranormal.
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Re: Ghost stories or weird stuff

Postby Bill on Wed May 17, 2017 2:58 pm

No, she never said a word, just pointed silently and nodded her head.

Once, at my brothers house in Mexico.....
I was staying there alone and one night while I was in one of the bedrooms I heard noises like there was a party going on in the den room. I heard lots of voices talking back and forth. I got up and as soon as I opened the door all of the noise stopped, not a sound came from the den. Not a soul was in the house. The house is a small 2 bedroom and the bedroom door opened into the den. I found that quite odd at the time.
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Re: Ghost stories or weird stuff

Postby DiaitaDoc on Wed May 17, 2017 5:11 pm

Re ghosts hanging around specific locations - usually this is attributed to the ghost having unfinished business in said location, but regardless of what kind of business, the ghost is said stick around because it doesn't know it's dead.

Sometimes ghosts are not tied to a place but are tied to a person/family. If the person/family moves, the ghost will tag along.

Re getting rid of ghosts:

The most basic way is to find out who the ghost is, and find out their birthday. Erect a small altar with a plaque of the ghost's name, plus the birthday in the form of m/d/y - Offer some water and some food on the altar, and welcome the ghost. Leave the water and food overnight, remove it in the morning and replace it with fresh cut flowers in a vase of fresh water. Keep the flowers and water fresh for one lunar month (replace as needed). After one month, remove the flowers and place a new offering of water and food. Write the date of death on the altar plaque beside the birthday, like on a tombstone (m/d/y - m/d/y) and say goodbye to the ghost. remove the food and water in the morning, burn some incense, say goodbye again, and the ritual is complete.

Or, the Australian way: a dentist was the landlord of a property. He committed suicide. His daughter became the landlord and came by every month to collect the rent. The dentist became a ghost and started poltergeisting the tenant of the property, a man in his 30s. One day, the man was sleeping and the ghost dropped a shoe on him. The man jumped up and shouted "I know I can't hurt you, but if you don't leave me alone, the next time your daughter shows up I'm going to punch her in the face!" The ghost never came back after that.
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Re: Ghost stories or weird stuff

Postby Trick on Wed May 17, 2017 5:15 pm

Bill wrote:The Winchester Mystery House
In 1881, Sarah Winchester, the widow of famous gun maker Oliver Winchester, became convinced that she needed protection from the evil spirits of all the people killed by Winchester rifles. A psychic advised her to continually add rooms to her San Jose, California, mansion to confuse any ghosts that may try to find her. (It's not clear why ghosts, which can supposedly move through walls, would be confused by the rooms, but it apparently made sense to Winchester.) She did so for nearly forty years, adding more than 100 rooms and staircases, until her death in 1922. After Sarah's death, her own ghost was said to haunt the halls of her mazelike mansion. Today the building remains a popular tourist attraction, a bizarre monument to superstition and paranoia.

My Story
Back in the early 70's my family took a vacation trip to northern Cal and visited the Winchester House. We all took the tour and it was interesting. After the tour was over I started investigating the house, walking around to different areas. I was on the 2nd fl and really needed to go to the bathroom badly. I walked into a room that appeared to be a very old fashioned office. Quite nice with a homey feel to it. I looked around and then noticed an older woman, dressed in turn of the century clothing. I asked her if she knew where there was a bathroom I could use and she pointed to a door in the office. I opened the door and saw a nice bathroom and asked if she was sure I could use it. She appeared amused and nodded her head in the afirmative. After I came out of the bathroom the woman was no longer there.
I went downstairs to meet back up with my family and I told them the story. Two employees of the House heard me, asked me to repeat the story and then said that they knew of no such employee, an older woman dressed in an old style. They looked at each other with a look of 'Wow' !
So, I think I met with Sarah Winchester.

About getting ghosts/spirits/demons confused in their path, isn't those Chinese zig zag bridges/walking paths built so to confuse and make it difficult for such entities to follow them through. And as some Chinese courtyard entances have a smaller wall built just inside that one have to go around to really enter the courtyard, but the unwanted entities can't enter About seeing or meeting a 'person' that in the next momen are gone as vanished in thin air. I was fifteen years, me and four friend where out roller skating in a quite desolate area, one of the guys had this music machine(cassette player) with him(remember playing Thin Lizzy) Then just suddenly i see a very tall man 2meters or some more coming toward and up to us, He smile and say hello to us, I look to my friends as in who will first tell the man to mind his own business and go away, but to my surprise my friends even the one hot headed seem not to notice the man. I look back to the man as he comes up right beside us, he show me this big round necklace in the diameter of a coffee cup, it depicted an intricate pattern and he asked if i liked it and that when i'm older he will explain more about it, then he turned and began walking away, i looked at my friends who still did not seem to have noticed him and look back toward the man but he was gone, as just vanished.............Another incident that happened many years later, i must hav been about 32. I was waiting for the bus, i always have the habit to be the last one to get on, in this instance one man seem to feel a little irritated that i wanted to be the last one just behind him but anyway it went to be that way. I had noticed/senced he had some eye contact with two other guys much further away on the pavement maby 5/6 meters away. Then when the guy begin to step on the bus he in a hidingly way put his hand in a bag held by an elderly woman just infront of him. I grabed his arm and stupidly say 'what are you doing?' he begins to yell at me about how bad i am calling him a thief. In the corners of my eyes i see the two other guys on the pavement begin run toward me, and d i am calling him a thief. In the corners of my eyes i see the two other guys on the pavement begin run toward me, and i realise the three of them are together in this. Then suddenly from behind i hear a forcefull voice say, 'don't do that' I look back to the voice and see a must be over two meters tall man, and then quickly look back just to see those two men on the pavement had bagan to run away and the third one tore away and also fled. I turned around to the tall man to thank him but he wasn't there,as just vanished, suddenly appear and suddenly disappear. I went on the bus but it seem that no one else except the older woman that had been just infront of the pickpocket just had noticed how those three people ran away.


Re: Ghost stories or weird stuff

Postby everything on Wed May 17, 2017 7:44 pm

Yow, that is a great story. Very cool ending, too. Could probably make a good short film.

Also, on a tangent, I bet that GG-DD guy would enjoy such a story.
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Re: Ghost stories or weird stuff

Postby Trick on Tue Jun 20, 2017 12:59 am

i have just come back to China after spending a month in Sweden. I stayed at my nephew's house, an old house way out in the countryside. Four month's ago when my nephew and his girlfriend moved in they noticed that the size of their would be bedroom and the dimensions of the outside walls did not fit, there seemed to be an extra room/space inside one of the walls. So when they began to tear down that bedroom wall they found inside a fairly clean space but what creeped them out was the doll that sat there staring at them, an old kind of doll where the face/head is made of porcelain. Well they continued with their house renovation and no other strange things happened, until I moved in. First their cat began to stare at specific areas on the walls for longer periods a behavior he never before had, and their three big dog's also somewhat changed their behavior. And I when inside the house often thought I saw from the corner of my eyes through the windows something/someone move or stand in the garden, but when I turned my head to look clear nothing was there. This began to happen before my nephew told me about the doll story. My nephew and his girlfriend them self did not notice anything strange except for the cat's new behavior. But one day my nephew had been looking for a tool that he really needed for his work, when he was to give up about finding it and we stand in the garden we suddenly hear one of the stationary machines in the small outhouse start up, my nephew rush in there and finds the tool he been looking for the whole day laying just beside that machine, there is no way that machine could start by itself, maybe he got a helping hand from 'something' My nephew has no idea about the history of the house but he will try to find out. If there are some spirits/ghost's lurking around that house they seem to be friendly. About the doll, when it was found it was given to the mother of my nephew's girlfriend who have a keen interest in antiques.


Re: Ghost stories or weird stuff

Postby everything on Tue Jun 20, 2017 10:25 am

That is pretty weird. At least it sounds like no one is scared by it and nothing seems upset or dangerous.
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